Alisa Childers

Alisa Childers

Equipping Christians to discern and to proclaim the gospel with clarity, kindness, and truth Did I have to accept it all on some kind of blind faith?

As a lifelong church-goer, follower of Jesus, and former CCM recording artist, I experienced a period of profound doubt about my faith in my mid-thirties. I felt as though I had been tossed in a stormy ocean of uncertainty with no life jacket or lifeboat in sight. I didn't know where to find answers to my questions, or if answers existed at all. This is my journey from unreasonable doubt into vi


One thing that has alarmed me recently is that there seem to be some unholy alliances, which are increasingly seen within conservatism. So, in this short video, Jon Root addresses this issue and sheds light on why it should be something to watch out for. Don't miss it!


"Most of the time, Christians don't realize the consequences of the ideas they adopt."

-Neil Shenvi.

The Deconstruction of Christianity | w/ Alisa Childers & Tim Barnett 01/12/2023

Hey, friends! Check out this interview that Reasonable Theology organized with Tim Barnett and I! 😃

The Deconstruction of Christianity | w/ Alisa Childers & Tim Barnett Alisa Childers, Tim Barnett, and I discuss the phenomenon of 'deconstruction' and examine what it is, why it’s destructive and how to respond


"While critical social theory doesn't have to operate as a worldview, it's pushing to that." -Pat Sawyer.


Our society today does not believe that men are essential. This is the message that, sadly, many of our young people are receiving today. However, nothing could be further from the truth. As Jon Root addresses in this video, men are essential, but more importantly, godly men are essential. Don't miss out on these five aspects that characterize a godly man.


If we want to save this nation, we need Christ. We must honor him and follow his teachings. As Jon Root explained in our last conversation, we need Christ in every bit of our lives. In our churches, families, relationships, little interactions at the grocery store, gas stations... in everything. If we begin to have a clearer understanding of why we believe these things and how we can do immeasurably more with Christ at the center, we will begin to see things potentially turn around.

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The Bible is sufficient. While it's true that the Bible won't break down every specific detail about every current cultural issue, it gives us the blueprint on how to engage and how to pray as a remnant faithful to Christ and His word.


📣 New Podcast is up! This is the last episode of The Alisa Childers Podcast of the year! In this episode, Alisa answered a claim made by progressive author Brian McLaren in his book, A New Kind of Christianity. McLaren argues that the doctrines of Original Sin, the final judgment of heaven and hell, and what he calls the “biblical storyline” are all products of the Greek and Roman influence on the early Christian culture. He writes, “What we call the biblical storyline isn’t the shape of the story of Adam, Abraham, and their Jewish descendants. It’s the shape of the Greek philosophical narrative that Plato taught! That’s the descent into Plato’s cave of illusion and the ascent into philosophical enlightenment.” Alisa will offer some thoughts regarding this question and took your questions live!

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In any struggle people are going through, we need to be loving and sensitive to really help them.


It is not a sin to be tempted, but there can be sinful desires and attractions. In this video, Dr. Christopher Yuan helps us to analyze the difference between desire, attraction, and temptation. Don't miss this important distinction that will help you to have a proper theology on this subject.


People always ask me how I can communicate the truth without offending people? And ultimately, my answer is, you cannot. Even if you say something most lovingly and charmingly possible, there will still be people who will be offended. Of course, you don't want people to be offended because you are genuinely being unkind or rude, but when we share the truth of Christ, people are going to hate you because they hate God. As Paul said, as you spread the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ to some, you will smell really rotten, but to others, it will be a pleasant smell.

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"Ultimately, conservatism without Christ is built on sand."

-Jon Root


Having lived through one of the most painful losses a parent can experience, Tim Challies talks in this short video about the problem of evil and how the position of our heart plays a vital role in the answers we may receive.


In this mid-week episode, Alisa answered a few frequently asked questions.
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As Christians, our loyalty should always be to Christ alone.


Tim Challies received an unexpected call that, as a parent, he never expected to receive. After the death of his son, Tim entered into a period of mourning in which the Lord would minister to him in a profound way. In this video, Tim talks about it. Don't miss this wonderful conversation about the healing power of God.


Years ago, the message of church growth became popular, which essentially consisted of doing the things that attract people to the church and eliminate the things that repel. However, this approach loses sight of the fact that the Gospel attracts some and repels others. As Tim Challies explains, of course, we don't want to be deliberately offensive, but at the end of the day, we have a message that offends because it portrays each of us as a wretched sinner who rightly brings down upon us the wrath of God. Unfortunately, if we make it our main task not to offend anyone and not to do anything that drives people off, we end up with churches full of unbelievers, people committed to the Church but not committed to Christ.
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Many don't even know where to begin when their children or a church member confides that they struggle with same-sex attraction. How can we productively support them? In this video, Dr. Christopher Yuan shares tips to help you minister biblically and lovingly.


📣New Podcast is up! At 17 years old, Joni Eareckson Tada dove into shallow water and broke her neck, which left her paralyzed from the shoulders down. After 50 years of quadriplegia, Joni’s depth of faith and faithfulness to Jesus has inspired millions of people. She joins the podcast today to talk about how suffering with paralysis and chronic pain has brought her closer to Christ and caused her to continually focus her heart on gratefulness throughout bouts of depression and despair.

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The Daily Citizen Interviews Alisa Childers 11/11/2023

📸 Hey, friends! Check out this interview I had with The Daily Citizen.

The Daily Citizen Interviews Alisa Childers More than 560 people came to Focus on the Family's campus Tuesday to hear from best-selling author, apologist and musician Alisa Childers speak on confronting a confused and relativist culture.


Our culture has made the mistake of confusing personhood with sexuality. However, our identity goes beyond our sexuality. In this video, Dr. Christopher Yuan explains not only how this is a mistake but also where our identity should come from.


Culture wants us to think that our sexuality is our core identity. We need to reject this idea. Our identity is in Christ.


In recent years, many people within the music industry have left their faith in Christ behind. What is happening with many well-known people, leading them to leave Christianity? In this video, John Cooper, Dave Stovall, and I share some thoughts on the subject. Don't miss it!


I have heard of people and even interacted with people who, instead of reading the Bible for their daily devotions, are reading devotional books. Not all devotional books are bad, but It is crucial that, as Christians, we go to God's revealed word to get to know Jesus.

What other practices do you think we should avoid in our devotional times? Let me know in the comment section!

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📣New Podcast is up! Elisabeth Elliot was a young missionary in Ecuador when members of a remote Amazonian indigenous people group killed her husband Jim and his four colleagues. And yet, she stayed in the jungle with her young daughter to minister to the very people who had thrown the spears, demonstrating the power of Christ’s forgiveness. This courageous, no-nonsense Christian went on to write dozens of books, host a long-running radio show, and speak at conferences all over the world. She was a pillar of coherent, committed faith—a beloved and sometimes controversial icon. Author and Elisabeth Elliot biographer Ellen Vaughn joins the podcast to talk about researching Elisabeth’s life and being given access to her personal private journals. Turns out, that while things in the limelight might have looked golden, Elisabeth’s suffering continued refining her in many different and unexpected ways.

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Alisa Childers bringing it at the Nashville conference with Harvest House Publishers


We often hear famous people express their opinions in combination with some Christian words, and we may think, "Great, he's a Christian! He's one of us." However, if we analyze what they are saying more closely, we can identify ideas more aligned with ideologies that have nothing to do with Christianity. In this video, we discuss an example of this. Don't miss it!


"Don't ever lose the gospel. The gospel has the power to change hearts."

-Tim Challies


📣 New episode for the Unshaken Faith Podcast is up! In today’s episode, Alisa and Natasha respond to several questions they’ve encountered lately in both ministry and their personal lives. Instead of focusing on one subject like they usually do, each picked 3 questions that have come up recently. We hope you’ll enjoy the variety of subjects packed into this episode and the “quick hits” answers they provide to these tough questions.
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When we talk to people who struggle with same-sex attraction, it is essential to remind them not to give up on biblical marriage. This is a good desire. However, it's not the ultimate goal in life or the only way to give evidence that you have been transformed. For years, there has been an incorrect impression that marriage is the pinnacle of existence. Our ultimate goal is Jesus Christ. It is to know him and commune with Him.

What do you think of this advice from Dr. Christopher Yuan? How can you apply it even if same-sex attraction is not your struggle? I'll read you in the comments!
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"We Never Outgrow the gospel."
-Tim Challies


The playbook of post-modernism is stories. We constantly hear a narrative that we must listen to specific groups. Storytelling is very compelling and pulls a lot of emotional heartstrings. This is something that has even infiltrated our churches. However, as Christians, if there is one thing we should listen to, it is the Word of God. We listen to people, yes, but more than anything else, we listen to the Word of God.
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📣New Podcast is up! Phoenix Hayes joins the podcast to talk about the cultural movement called “Body Positivity.” Is it really about feeling positive about our bodies or is there more going on? How should Christians approach topics related to food, weight, and eating disorders? What does the Bible say about our bodies?
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We live in a cultural moment when if we do not respond the way the culture expects, we can have serious repercussions. In this video, we talk about some of those situations and how Christians can respond.


😆 What a great time this was!


We are SO excited to bring the Unshaken Conference to Brentwood Baptist in Tennessee on November 4! If you have questions, confusion, or concerns about today’s culture, Unshaken is the place for you. I’ll be sharing at this full-day conference along with Natasha Crain, and Frank Turek, and we are on a mission to equip Christians to stand for God.

Find tickets and more info at

I hope to see you next week!


📣New episode for the Unshaken Faith Podcast is up! Many Christian parents feel the tension between what their kids want out of church vs. what they need. Every once in a while these two goals line up perfectly and the whole family is happy about what church they attend. However, this is not always the case. Should we choose our church based on their kid’s likes and dislikes, and potential social opportunities? In today’s episode, Natasha and Alisa ask the question, should you change churches for your kids?
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We can't assume that everything that's presented to us is truthful, even if that comes from Christian sources.


The word "deconstruction" is used in many ways. However, there is a whole movement behind this word whose aim is to get rid of Christianity in the name of "freedom." In this video, Frank Turek and I give our perspectives on this issue.

Videos (show all)

Understanding what identity is with Dr. Christopher Yuan.
This concept comes right out of pages of scripture. #DrChristopherYuan #AlisaChilders #Christianity #Holiness
Did Jim Carrey affirm Christianity?
It's a different god, it's a different Jesus. And so, it's a different religion. #AlisaChilders #AnotherGospel #Progress...
It's old liberalism, combined with post-modernism, and dropped into the evangelical church.
New to the Bible? Here's how to understand it
The history of theology
Biblical Theology is not a modern discipline, we see it in the Bible itself. #AndreasKostenberger #AlisaChilders
Proverbs 31 Woman: an unrealistic ideal?
When Paul said that no one is righteous, he meant that no one is absolutely free from sin... not that we cannot aspire t...
How to interpret Jephthah's story correctly.