Lady Liberty Pictures inc.

Lady Liberty Pictures inc.

Film production, Publisher, Music production


« View From Our Window in Sassello » by Tristan Tondino


Merci à chacun d'entre vous pour avoir partagé ce moment unique avec l’artiste et les organisateurs. Vos commentaires inspirants et votre passion pour l'art ont rendu l’exposition encore plus spéciale.
Nous tenons à remercier particulièrement François Melançon, Valérie Garcia et Louis Lacerte, ainsi que Pascal Desjardins de Bella Vita International et Alex Amyot. Thank you to each and every one of you for sharing this unique moment with the artist and the organisers. Your inspiring comments and passion for art made this evening even more special. We would like to extend special thanks to François Melançon, Valérie Garcia, and Louis Lacerte, as well as Pascal Desjardins from Bella Vita International and Alex Amyot.

Tristan Tondino 09/11/2023

Escale en Italie - Quick stop in Italy
En cette journée hivernale, pourquoi ne pas faire une escale virtuelle en Italie? Cliquez sur le lien et prenez un bain de soleil en Ligurie !
On this winter day, why not make a virtual quick trip to Italie? Click on the link and enjoy a sunbath in Liguria!

Tristan Tondino Prévisualisez les toiles de l'exposition dans le menu Bella Italia. To preview the paintings see the menu Bella Italia.


La toile "Monterosso Al Mare in Pink" par l'artiste Tristan Tondino, superbement encadrée par Campbell Picture Framing, situé au 4916 rue Sherbrooke O. à Westmount.
Tristan Tondino's painting, "Monterosso Al Mare in Pink",exquisitely framed by Campbell Picture Framing, 4916, Sherbrooke W in Westmount.


Partagez si vous vous sentez Italien dans l'âme.
Share if you feel Italian at heart.
« En ces sphères ombragées de la géopolitique, j’ai toujours besoin de nourrir l’espoir d’un monde meilleur pour tous, de célébrer toute la beauté qui nous entoure, ainsi que la créativité effervescente et les incroyables réalisations humaines. Je souhaite ménager de la place pour le bonheur. Bien que je sois parfaitement conscient des multiples crises auxquelles notre civilisation est confrontée, je veux rester joyeux, et couvrir la morosité générale de couleurs vives. Que l’optimisme l’emporte. Que la lumière triomphe !»
"In these dark geopolitical times, I still need to harbour hope for a better world for everyone, to celebrate all the beauty that surrounds us, and all the amazing human creativity and achievements. I wish to make room for happiness. Although I am acutely aware of the multiple crises our civilization is facing, I want to remain joyful, to paint colour over the general gloom. Let optimism prevail. Let there be light!"


Joyeuse Halloween! Happy Halloween!


Partagez si vous voudriez être en Italie.
Un peu de soleil de la Ligurie après la première neige... Santa Margherita in Rosso de Tristan Tondino. Exposition au 6345, Saint-Laurent, Montréal le 24, 25 et 26 novembre! Venez vous y réchauffer!
Share if you would rather be in Italy.
A bit of Ligurian sunshine after the first snow. Santa Margherita in Rosso by Tristan Tondino. Exhibition, 6345, Saint-Laurent, Montréal on November 24, 25 et 26 ! Come and warm up!


Partagez si vous préfériez être en Italie. Share if you would rather be in Italy.
"Il fait toujours soleil à Monterosso", huile sur toile de Tristan Tondino
"It's Always Sunny in Monterosso, oil on canvas by Tristan Tondino


Dans un monde érodé par l’obsolescence programmée, une œuvre d’art préserve les souvenirs les plus précieux pour toute une vie.
In a world eroded by planned obsolescence, a painting preserves the most treasured memories for a lifetime.
Un après-midi à Portofino - artiste, Tristan Tondino.
A Afternoon in Portofino - Tristan Tondino, artis.


Oeuvre récente nachevée de Tristan Tondino.
Latest work in progress by Tristan Tondino.


Bella Italia, toile de/ works by Tristan Tondino. Dates à retenir! Save the dates!


Sassello, via dei Perrando. 36" x 24" Huile sur toile de Tristan Tondino. Oil on canvas by Tristan Tondino.


“We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” – Bob Ross


“It is not so much where my motivation comes from but rather how it manages to survive.” – Louise Bourgeois


Monterosso Al Mare, painted by Tristan Tondino, June 2023



Date & Location: Arts 260, Wednesday, September 27th from 6:00 to 7:00 PM
Fun Fact: There will be free snacks available!!

The PSA is happy to announce our a very special series of events is back: and that is Thinker Talks! Throughout the next few months, students will receive the opportunity to listen in on incredibly insightful philosophical topics from a range of speakers.

In collaboration with the Student Association of Cognitive Science (CogSci), join us THIS Wednesday, September 27th from 6 to 7 PM EST. Our first talk will be hosted by Tristan Tondino - painter, filmmaker, designer, and PhD Candidate at McGill University.

If interested in learning more in-depthly about Tristan's talk and doing some prep work, you can read a few pages of such - all linked in our linktree:

In Tristan’s upcoming talk called “Meaning in Artistic Practice - The Interconnectedness of Mathematics and Visual Art: A Presentation on Linear Perspective,” he will build off of “Nelson Goodman’s analysis of perspective in Languages of Art, and "our interest here is what may be construed as a Philosophy of Artistic Practice with goals similar to those found in other burgeoning fields i.e., the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice...We will focus on how art changed radically with the development of new lenses and the incorporation of geometry. We will discuss Euclidian and non-Euclidian imagery and spaces. We will tie the sudden transformation of the visual arts to possible solutions to our modern problems."


Toile peinte par Tristan Tondino
16” x 12”.
Ce tableau sera exposé et en prévente à la Campbell Framing cette semaine. This painting will be on display and for presale at Campbell Gallery sometime this week.
Italia Incantevole
L’Italie l’enchanteresse
Italia: the Enchantress
L'exposition aura lieu
Le 24, 25, 26 Novembre 2023
6345 Boulevard Saint-Laurent, Montréal
Vendredi : vernissage 17h – 19h
Samedi : 11h – 17h
Dimanche : 11h – 17h
The show will take place on
November 24, 25, 26, 2023
6345 Boulevard Saint-Laurent, Montréal
Friday : vernissage 17h – 19h
Saturday : 11h – 17h
Sunday : 11h – 17h

When English and French mix in literature 07/02/2023

When English and French mix in literature Do children learning French as a second language see benefits from reading bilingual French-English children's books? 06/12/2022 Frieda, une souris sauvage exubérante et rigolote, s’est réfugiée dans la demeure des humains de Soso, la Chihuahua    « tea cup » esseulée.   Que la fête commence!


Joyeuse Halloween! Happy Halloween!