School of Booze

School of Booze

School of Booze: online Beer, Cider, and Wine education courses, drinks training & drinks consultancy, drinks writing. Founded by Jane Peyton.


Each month on my Substack, I concisely answer a real question searched for on Google. This month's question is:

Where Did The Name Cocktail Come From?

Click here for the answer.

And you can buy a signed copy of my book The Philosophy of Cocktails here:

The history of cider 02/04/2024

I was recently a guest on Food Matters Live podcast and had a fab chat with the host, Stefan Gates from GastronautTV about cider history. Click here to listen.

The history of cider Cider's history is a story of innovation, tradition, and deep connection to the land. What can the drink's past tell us about its future?


I’ll be bigly bigging up cider at HowTheLightGetsIn Festival, the world's largest ideas fest in Hay-on-Wye on May 25th. Plus early signed copies of my new book The Philosophy of Cider (published June 2024).

Festival tickets here:


What do the initials ABV stand for in terms of alcoholic drinks? I answer that question in the latest Drinkipedia post on my Substack.

Click here for the answer - and please subscribe, it's free!

Where Does Cork Come From? 29/02/2024

This week's Drinkipedia is about cork.

Each week on my Substack I briefly answer a real question that people search for on Google. This week’s question is: Where Does Cork Come From?

Here's the answer (and please subscribe - it's free!).

Where Does Cork Come From? Welcome to Drinkipedia! Each week I answer a real question that people search for on Google. This week’s question is: Where Does Cork Come From? That spongy material used for flooring, sound and thermal insulation (including on the nose of the Space Shuttle) and not least, to seal for bottles of a...


Each week on my Drinkipedia Substack I answer a real question people search for on Google. This week's question is: Why Drink An Aperitif? The answer is here:

Please subscribe - it's free!


This week's Drinkipedia is the answer to the question 'What Is Sake Made From?'

Also, please subscribe - it's free!


Each week on Substack I answer a real question that people search for on Google. This week’s question is: What is Brandy Made From? Please click for the answer, and subscribe (it's free!) if you want a weekly email with booze enlightenment.

Is Beer Good For You? 06/02/2024

Each week on my Substack I answer a real question searched for on Google. This week's question is: Is Beer Good For You? Click here for the answer and please subscribe, it's free!

Is Beer Good For You? Welcome to Drinkipedia. Each week I answer a real question that people search for on Google. This week’s question is: Is Beer Good For You? Click to learn the answer and please subscribe for a weekly email containing booze enlightenment.


Each week I answer a real question that people search for on Google. This week it is: What Is Auto Brewery Syndrome? Click below for the answer and please subscribe - it's free!


Hello, I send a weekly Drinkipedia email to subscribers with the answer to a real question people search for on Google. This week's question is: Why Do We Toast With Alcohol? Click below for the answer. And please subscribe - it's free!


Welcome to Drinkipedia! Each week I answer a real question that people search for on Google. This week’s question is: Why Is Rum Called Rum? Answer here:

Thank you to C D-X () for this free image on Unsplash.


Each week on my Substack I answer a real question that people search for on Google.

This week's question is: Does Absinthe Make You Hallucinate? Here is the answer.


I participated in the latest English Heritage podcast titled: 'Mead, Mulsum and Merrymaking: A brief history of Booze' Here's the link, just in time for Christmas.


More apple-y videos. This is the delivery of all the Amanda variety apples I witnessed being harvested from Skittery Farm in Herefordshire. I shot this video at the world's largest cider mill in Ledbury, Herefordshire. It's owned by Bulmer's and these apples will eventually be used to make Strongbow and other Bulmer's brands.


If you saw the previous video of apples being harvested, this one shows what happens once they have fallen to the orchard floor. As they are destined to make cider it does not matter if they are bruised and battered in the harvesting process. The apple variety is a newish one called 'Amanda' and is named for a senior person at Bulmer's cider where the apples are heading. I shot this video at Skittery Farm in Herefordshire.


This video shows how the trees in a large cider apple orchard are harvested. This is Skittery Farm in Herefordshire and it grows cider apples for Bulmer's, the world's largest cider producer.


Memorable encounters with (in my opinion) the world's greatest beer - Vintage Ale from Fuller's Brewery

Here is an essay I wrote about one of my fave beers for my Substack.

With a starring role for


I never not feel excited to see my books out in the wild! Two friends separately sent piccies on Saturday from John Lewis stores
in Oxford Street, London & the city of Oxford where the Philosophies series books were prominently displayed.

If anyone reading this is searching for a pressie for a drinkie friend or fam member, then you have a choice of my three Philosophies titles:

The Philosophy of Gin
The Philosophy of Beer
The Philosophy of Cocktails

(And next year The Philosophy of Cider)

The Gin, Beer & Cocktail titles are available from shops and on-line retailers (including in the USA), plus my sister Helen's shop in Skipton Magpie2 Skipton

Plus signed copies from this website:


Good morning - I have started a Substack to answer real booze questions people search for on Google. It's a Drinkipedia with free subscription!

This week's question is: What Is The Difference Between Mezcal & Tequila. Answer on the link below.


I've started a Substack to answer the booze questions people search for on Google. Free to subscribe! (click the link for the subscribe button).

This week's question is: What Is The Difference Between Whisky And Whiskey?


Good morning, I've started a Substack to answer the booze questions people search for on Google. It's Drinkipedia and you can subscribe for free!

Today's questions is 'When Were Cocktails Invented'?'

School of Booze | Jane Peyton | Substack 09/11/2023

Hello, I have started a School of Booze Substack & will be answering real alcoholic drinks questions that people search for on Google. I'm really enjoying writing the content! Hope you will enjoy reading it.

Subjects will range from Absinthe to Zythos and everything in between. Have a nosy at my site (link below) which will grow over the weeks. Please subscribe to my Drinkipedia - it's free (I also have a paid for option if anyone wants to be a patron).

Cheers, Jane

School of Booze | Jane Peyton | Substack Essential Knowledge To Turn You Into An Alcoholic Drinks Mastermind! Click to read School of Booze, by Jane Peyton, a Substack publication. Launched 3 days ago.


Here's the cocktail book you've been waiting for. From neolithic potions to today's Tik Tok Tiki craze it is brief history of mixed drinks. An excellent gift for you and your drinky loved ones.

Available from book shops and signed copies from my website (School of Booze).

Photos from Brighton Gin's post 11/02/2023

My first novel has been published (under a pen name B.A. Summer).

It is called Sole Brethren: If The Shoe Fits - a magical realism romp & although not about booze, there is plenty in there, including a perfect pub -The Weasel!

Paperback & ebook from the Zon & other retailers. Signed copies from ElfadoIsland (dot) com

The gorgeous cover image was designed by the brilliant Louisa Fitch from an illustration by Alena Arbuz. Hundreds of people have commented about how beautiful the cover art is. Louisa has designed all the creative elements of my businesses including the School of Booze logo.

The Philosophy of Cocktails: 11 (British Library Philosophies) 04/01/2023

Just browsing Amazon and I came across a pre-order page for my next book 'The Philosophy of Cocktails' from
BL Publishing

It is to be published June 15th which also happens to be
Beer Day Britain

I shall be drinking a beer cocktail to celebrate publication day!

The Philosophy of Cocktails: 11 (British Library Philosophies) An early description of a cocktail as ‘a mix of alcoholic drinks with flavouring ingredients’ does nothing to convey the alchemy and speak-easy glamour of these elaborate drinks. The cocktail’s humble beginnings as a medicinal tonic through the inclusion of botanicals into distilled spirits su...


Soho's (London) Thin White Duke cocktail bar has a secret David Bowie shrine and recording studio in the basement, which, if the staff like you, and if you purchase lots of cocktails (Wild Is The Wind mixed with Absinthe especially good) they will let you have a peek.

The piccie of St David is a stained glass window.

How to match cider with your meal - tips from a pommelier 31/05/2022

World Cider Day happens each year on June 3rd so Metro has featured my cider & food matching tips.

What most people think of as cider is made from concentrated apple juice, water, sugar, and additives so ignore any brand you see in supermarkets or corner shops if you are planning to include cider on the dining table because that type of cider is does not have the necessary acidity and/or tannins for a successful food match. Instead seek out real cider sold in 75 cl bottles from independent producers such as Little Pomona, Orchard & Cidery and real cider online shops such as Fine Cider

Think of real cider as akin to apple wine and happy dining!

How to match cider with your meal - tips from a pommelier Yes, cider can be classy too.

Jane Peyton: Sharing the Immense Pleasure of Drinking 16/05/2022

The school that everyone who likes a drink should attend has been featured in an American business magazine. Here's the link:

Jane Peyton: Sharing the Immense Pleasure of Drinking Jane Peyton is the Owner of School of Booze, to be featured as one of The 10 Most Ambitious Women in Business to Follow 2022 by Success Pitchers

Videos (show all)

Love British Food Cheese & Cider Matching
How is cider made