Learn about Statistics, Probability, Statistical Inference, Design of Experiment, Multivariate Analy

Classifications of Randomized Designs - | Learn Statistics 23/12/2023

Classifications of Randomized Designs - | Learn Statistics The post is about classifications of Randomized Designs. In randomized designs, the treatments are applied randomly to the experimental units.

Multivariate MCQs - 1 - Basic Statistics and Data Analysis | Multivariate Analysis Online Quiz 25/11/2023

Multivariate MCQs - 1 - Basic Statistics and Data Analysis | Multivariate Analysis Online Quiz Multivariate MCQs, Quiz, Multivariate Analysis and theory, Online Quiz with Answers, Statistics MCQs Test with Answers

DOE Terminology - Basic Statistics and Data Analysis | Design of Experiments and Data Analysis 25/11/2023

DOE Terminology - Basic Statistics and Data Analysis | Design of Experiments and Data Analysis Design of Experiments and Data Analysis, DOE Terminology, Definitions, Learn DOE Basics, Experimental Design and Data Analysis

Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test - Basic Statistics and Data Analysis | Non-Parametric Test | Statistics 23/08/2023

Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test - Basic Statistics and Data Analysis | Non-Parametric Test | Statistics The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test assumes that the population of interest is both continuous and symmetric, non-parametric tests

Non-Parametric Tests: Introduction - Basic Statistics and Data Analysis | Statistics Class Lecture Notes 19/08/2023

Non-Parametric Tests: Introduction - Basic Statistics and Data Analysis | Statistics Class Lecture Notes Non-parametric tests are experiments that do not require the underlying population for assumptions. Learn Statistics

MCQs Correlation and Regression 6 09/10/2022

MCQs Correlation and Regression 6

MCQs Correlation and Regression 6 Visit the post for more.

Short Questions: Normal and Standard Normal Distribution 05/09/2022

The following post is about Short Questions related to Normal and Standard Normal Distribution. Q1: What is a standard normal variable? Ans: The variable $Z=\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma}$ which measures the deviations of variable $X$ from the Average in units of Standard Deviation is called the standard normal variable. Q2: Describe the normal distribution and write down its equation. Ans: The normal distribution is a probability distribution of a continuous random variable (say $X$) which ranges from $-\infty$ to $\infty$....

Short Questions: Normal and Standard Normal Distribution The following post is about Short Questions related to Normal and Standard Normal Distribution. Q1: What is a standard normal variable? Ans: The variable $Z=\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma}$ which measures the…

Normality Test for the Error Term 21/08/2022

In this post we will learn about Normality Test for the Error term using (1) Anderson-Darling Test and (2) Shapiro-Wilk test. Normality of error (disturbance) term is a basic assumption for many statistical procedures. For example, In linear regression most of the inferential procedures are based on the assumption of normality of the disturbance term, that is, the disturbance term or error term is assumed to be normally distributed....

Normality Test for the Error Term In this post we will learn about Normality Test for the Error term using (1) Anderson-Darling Test and (2) Shapiro-Wilk test. Normality of error (disturbance) term is a basic assumption for many st…

MCQs Time Series Analysis 5 24/07/2022

MCQs Time Series Analysis 5

MCQs Time Series Analysis 5 Visit the post for more.

An Introduction to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics 14/07/2022

Prepared by: Dr. Abdul Majid, Statistical Officer, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Regional Office Multan. Introduction (Pakistan Bureau of Statistics) Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) is the prime official agency of Pakistan. It is responsible for the collection, compilation, and dissemination of reliable and timely statistical information to policymakers, planners, and researchers. After the independence of Pakistan, the Government of Pakistan established Central Statistical Office (CSO) in 1950 as an attached department of the Economic Affairs Division....

An Introduction to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics Prepared by: Dr. Abdul Majid, Statistical Officer, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Regional Office Multan. Introduction (Pakistan Bureau of Statistics) Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) is the pri…

Multiple Linear Regression Models 04/07/2022

A wide scatter of points around the regression line shows that there is still room for further improvement. Including extra variables in the model will map up some of the residual variability remaining after $X$ has been used, while the precision of prediction will thereby be increased. It leads to the concept of Multiple Linear Regression Models. A multiple regression model is a model in which a response variable $(Y)$ is linked to $(p\ge 1)$ explanatory variables $(X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_p)$ and a random departure (disturbance) term $(\varepsilon_i)$....

Multiple Linear Regression Models A wide scatter of points around the regression line shows that there is still room for further improvement. Including extra variables in the model will map up some of the residual variability remai…

MCQs Estimation 7 29/05/2022

MCQs Estimation 7

MCQs Estimation 7 Visit the post for more.

MCQs Basic Statistics 12 30/01/2022

MCQs Basic Statistics 12

MCQs Basic Statistics 12 Visit the post for more.