2,650 Miles for Mom

2,650 Miles for Mom

Fundraising for those impacted by Alzheimer's while preparing and embarking on my 2,650 mile Thru-Hik

Time to Give Back


Having the Alzheimer’s-Edition of my mom for the past 8 years has been a wild ride full of emotion. While there have been stages of panic, grief, rejection, numbing depression, and anger, those dark emotions also have their illuminated reflections of hopefulness, humor, acceptance, and love. And still, all of these emotions still spiral and create their unique concoction in my everyday emotional life. Overall, regardless of the intense discomfort of integrating Alzheimer’s so intimately in my life, I feel SO grateful for what type of person this trial has helped me become.

I may have anticipated my mother catalyzing my growth in one particular way, but she has done so in such a powerful, alternative way which I could have never previously understood or appreciated as I do now.

In April 2019, I am thru-hiking the 2,650 mile Pacific Crest Trail to celebrate the gratitude I have for this life, and to celebrate the abstract relationship between my mom, myself, and the Alzheimer’s Disease. I want to extend my experience with Alzheimer’s beyond myself. My intention is to make a campaign, through blogging about my connection between nature and emotional processing, that inspires people to see how Alzheimer’s plays a role in so many of our lives and that it no longer needs to be a matter of secretive suffering. We can talk about the things in our life that are difficult, and in this specific case, we can raise funds towards research to minimize its impact on humanity!

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