Earthship Alaska (Portal and Gateway)

Earthship Alaska (Portal and Gateway)

Entrance PORTAL to the Earthship communities... and related projects. under construction...
This is another part of the Global Utopia and Earthship projects.

Local groups are encouraged and we have room for many volenteers.. Our collective focus is on complete FREEDOM... and this is but a step in this process. moto=buildaswego... and TRUTHkeys... think Nature think FREE.. The Earthship Biotecture Academy offers an extensive training in Earthship design principles and philosophy. The program consists of sixty two hours of classroom study, two months of field work and an independent study.


is a garden the only way to grow food?


Once you know about the local landscape, there are various tools you can use to help you manage your property. Stewardship activities can include protecting or restoring streams or wetlands, enhancing wildlife habitat by building bird boxes or bat houses, monitoring livestock grazing or simply allowing natural areas to remain undisturbed.


I was in the forest yesterday and I'm stunned at the number of trees literally just falling down, has me wondering .. wtf?

Honoring the Legacy of Jacque Fresco: Transcriptions of His Visionary Lectures Completed 09/02/2024

Honoring the Legacy of Jacque Fresco: Transcriptions of His Visionary Lectures Completed Jacque Fresco was a pioneering designer and futurist whose visionary concepts challenged conventional notions and offered a glimpse into a future characterized by sustainability, resource-based economies, and technological innovation. Jacque […]

Photos from Earthship Biotecture's post 09/02/2024
Food Forest Open Source Hub :: What | Why | How 09/02/2024

Food Forest Open Source Hub :: What | Why | How Growing and maintaining a food forest: Plants | Providers | Canopy | Understory | Vines | Shrubs | Herbs | Groundcover | Root Crops | Edge Plantings


You did not come to the planet to please others at any cost. You came here to be authentically you. That is truly your gift to the world. Shine on!
~ Denise Linn 💚


To put your skills to work for others, be aware that « How can I serve ? How can I help ? » are key questions that should always be your credo.

Just as you have to talk to people if you want them to talk to you, if you want to receive abundantly, you must give abundantly. Knowing how to give without expecting anything in return is indeed part of the path that leads to happiness.

It doesn't matter what you give: time, listening, love, a service, money... as long as you have at heart to serve others, without the slightest expectation, because giving is an act of pure generosity, entirely free of charge.

This gift is like a little seed that you sow. And then, you'll see, all you have to do is let time do the work... you'll soon have to reach out and enjoy the abundance like you would pick the fruit of a prolific tree.

Visit our website and find out how each member of One Small Town gives of themselves to receive in abundance afterwards.


If we are to help heal the world we need to remember that it is a sacred place. Our actions need to be positive statements, reminders that even in the worst times there is a world worth struggling for.

~ Ram Dass 💚


Living off the grid is beautiful.
If you want to try it out we have short-stay nightly rentals or you can rent our student housing during the winter November through March.
Email [email protected] for more info

Global Citizen Festival 2023 24/09/2023

Global Citizen Festival 2023 Global Citizen Festival 2023: Red Hot Chile Peppers, Ms. Lauryn Hill, Jung Kook, Anitta, Stray Kids, and More Live from Central ParkThis year's Global Citize...


This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

~ Rumi 💚


Are you ready for a life in harmony with Nature?
Join the next Online Academy to learn, starting October 1st
Info at [email protected]



Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair. Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the earth gives me daily and I must return the gift.

~ Robin Wall Kimmerer 💚


We live in a consumerist society. And it’s not just people focused on consuming stuff but one where people themselves are consumed in the rat-race. A system where people’s lives are at stake, including the lives of those who believe they run the game. When the basest traits – selfishness, acquisitiveness, dominance – are revered, this game is a downward spiral.
What would life look like if we were not compelled to “earn a living” but simply live? We would be thriving rather than surviving. Many people have been pondering that, and have come up with great visions – The Venus Project, The Zeitgeist Movement, Ubuntu, etc. What all of them lack is a clear roadmap how to make the transition and put the ideas into practice, which is why most activists and followers got disillusioned, left the movement, or just engaged less and less. As much as we all want to, apparently it is not possible to make the change overnight. We can’t simply ignore the momentum built up over thousands of years living in a society based on money, trade, and competition.
The opposite of “to consume” is “to create”. Not just in terms of artistic expression or inventing new stuff but creating opportunities for the best human traits to flourish. So the antithesis of a “consumerist society” would be called “Creative Society”. There is already such a project underway for a couple of years now. It is based on a pragmatic approach, and offers the most comprehensive roadmap that I know of. It is entirely driven by volunteers, ordinary people from all walks of life, building upon values promoted by visionaries and other grass-roots movements. The goal is to unite the entire humanity and to create conditions for active participation of every person, regardless of social status, nationality, religion, etc.; to find unity in diversity by way of peaceful evolution rather than revolution.
Visit this link for more information and how you can contribute.


The Free World Charter We propose ten principles for a better world for all: Read them at

The foundations of the Creative Society and the stages of building it 24/04/2023

The foundations of the Creative Society and the stages of building it How to create favorable conditions for the life of our civilization? If not you, then who can change this vector?! This article is about how to do it


There are many ways in which people can help the environment on Earth Day tomorrow and throughout the year. Here are some ideas: 💡

Reduce, reuse, and recycle: These three actions can significantly reduce the amount of waste we produce. Reduce your consumption of disposable items, reuse items instead of throwing them away, and recycle items that can be recycled. ♻️

Conserve energy: Turn off lights and electronics when you're not using them, use energy-efficient appliances, and consider using renewable energy sources like solar or wind power. ⚡️

Plant trees: Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, which helps clean the air. Consider planting trees in your community, or supporting organizations that do so. 🌳

Use public transportation, bike or walk instead of driving: Vehicles emit greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. By using public transportation, biking, or walking instead of driving, you can reduce your carbon footprint. 🚴‍♀️

Conserve water: Fix leaks, take shorter showers, and don't leave the tap running when you're not using it. Consider harvesting rainwater and utilizing a grey water system to reuse water. 🚰

Support eco-friendly businesses: Look for companies that prioritize sustainability and environmentally-friendly practices. 💸

Spread awareness: Talk to your friends, family, and community about the importance of protecting the environment and the steps we can take to do so. 🗣

Remember, even small actions can make a big difference when it comes to protecting the environment! 🌍

🏡: U2 Earthship


EarthShip Six Nations Earthship Solutions / part of the Eden / Utopia and Harmony projects .. and the Earth Clean Up Crews

Do What Thou Wilt (Magickal Ethics and Philosophy) 24/04/2023

Do What Thou Wilt (Magickal Ethics and Philosophy) Most of us involved in Paganism or Magick have heard of the terms "Do What Thou Wilt" and "Harm None" but what exactly do they mean? What about when we impose our will on others or judge their personal path as unsuitable; is it harm? Is it any of our business? If we are to strive for a sovereign spi...

Earthship Academy Classroom video 24/04/2023

This is what earthship homes all about so students can learn all about inside classroom academy and do great things happening across the world.

Earthship Academy Classroom video Earthship Academy instructor Tom Duke walks you through the Academy classroom at the Greater World Earthship Community and shows...
