Nilka Elisa

Nilka Elisa

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Nilka Elisa, Health/Beauty, .

Timeline photos 25/12/2020

Merry Christmas from my little family to yours. May the birth of baby Jesus fill our hearts with love and hope.


Timeline photos 03/12/2020

You are what you tell yourself every day!
“Dale ver traducción” para ESPAÑOL.

I had heard about the power of affirmations before but had never really practiced them. Now that I do I understand how powerful they are.

We are constantly having a conversation with ourselves. Truth be told, it’s the most important conversation we have. So make sure you are saying positive things to yourself because first, you’ll believe whatever you constantly tell yourself and second, you’ll live up to it.

Some of my daily affirmations are
I am beautiful
I am smart
I am creative
I am blessed
I am strong
I am brave
I am resilient
I am one with my creator
My intentions are pure and good
I am capable of making my dreams come true
I am willing
I am happy
I am successful
I am abundant
I am a great wife
I am a great mother
I am a great daughter

Have you practiced daily affirmations before? What are some of the positive things you are telling yourself?

Photos from Nilka Elisa's post 26/11/2020

This little family I now have is one I prayed for for a long time and for that I’m incredibly grateful.

Happy Thanksgiving Day! May we remember to count our blessings not just today but every day.

@ Promenade On the River Bridal Showcase

Timeline photos 15/11/2020

I remember praying for you for years and now I have you.

Dale “ver traducción” para leerlo en español

I used to look for my “other half” but I’m so glad I found one that is one hundred percent his before he is mine.

Thank you for teaching me so much. You’ve taught me that love is not an emotion but a choice, one you have to make every single day.

I’m so proud of what we have been able to built. We have have our highs and our lows and I’m so glad God has helped us to hold on to each other and push through it all. We are stronger now because of it all.

Yesterday we were celebrating love and it took us both back to our wedding day. Today I keep choosing you and I feel honored you keep choosing me bebe.

May God continue being our solid foundation, our love growing deeper and stronger with every passing year, and our family being our number one priority. I love you always bebecito ❤️

Timeline photos 10/11/2020

Be proud to tell your story, be proud to show your journey!

Dale “Ver traducción” para leerlo en español.

I think that in this era of social media we live in it’s very easy to fall prey to the comparison game. We forget that most, if not all of us, tend to show the highlights of our lives through this platform.

However, I’ve been learning that there’s magic in showing the struggle. The struggle is what makes us real, what makes us relatable.

People can misunderstand you and judge you and I’m learning that is ok as well. The important thing is that you remain true to the vision inside of you. It was given to you for a reason.

Let’s use this platform to build a strong community that celebrates our individuality while connecting us all. Remember that the one super power we all have is that there is absolutely no one exactly like us in this world. So let’s enjoy this, let’s learn from each other.

Let me know in the comments what’s one thing you enjoy about social media. I’ll be reading you!

Timeline photos 29/10/2020

You’re the writer of your story, don’t be scared to surprise them with a plot twist.

Dale a “traducir” para leer en Español.

I used to be terrified of change, anyone who knows me from before knows I would stick to my way of doing things no matter what.

However, life experiences have taught me, that few things, if any, remain truly the same throughout our loves. We change, we evolve, we like new things, we stop liking old things, we meet new people, we learn and hopefully grow into better human beings in the process.

In this chapter of my life I’m learning to embrace change, messy, unplanned, and surprising change. I’m willing to be misunderstood. I’m jumping in trusting that God knows what He is doing and that everything happens in my favor.

At the end no one can write a better story for my life than I can. So I might as well stop tiptoeing around and follow my vision. It was given to me for a reason!

Tag someone 👇🏾 who might need to hear this message today!

Timeline photos 12/09/2020

Life is but a moment.

The last two months have been extremely hard ones for me and my family. We’ve experienced loss, grief, and a lot of changes.

However in the middle of it all, we’ve become stronger, gotten closer and I’ve grown more in this time than I had in almost 30 years of life. That’s the thing about pain, it changes you and makes you grow, whether you are ready for it or not.

However, after some much needed time off, I’m back. I owe it to myself and to those who have kept pushing me to keep going. I’m forever grateful for all your messages and calls, you have no idea how much you’ve helped me.

We must keep going. If we are here it is for a reason and I owe it to myself, my daughter and my family to keep building the best version of myself. I just want to say, thank you all for being part of my journey.

Timeline photos 05/07/2020


These two human beings are my biggest blessing, safe haven, and source of inspiration. I think about them every time I think about becoming a better woman, wife and mother.

I prayed for them for a long time and still I pray for them every single day.

I believe we only give what we have inside of us so I hope they can always feel deeply loved by me. That they always know how blessed I feel by having them.

Knowing we live in a world full of distractions, I have implemented uninterrupted time (even if only 30 minutes) with my daughter and with my husband for a 7 day challenge hoping it can be established as one of our family routines. It means no phones, no distractions. We’re in day 3 and I can already experience enormous gratitude from the results I’m seeing.

I totally recommend trying this out to enhance family relationships. Let me know in the comments what are some things you guys do with your families to spend quality time together?

Timeline photos 27/06/2020

Nothing better than experiencing life with you baby girl.

I feel so blessed to be your mom. You are my biggest source of inspiration, love, and happiness.

Timeline photos 02/06/2020

Let’s use our voices to make a change, let’s take a stand against everything that divides us as human race.

Timeline photos 11/05/2020

Happy Mother’s Day


Motherhood is so beautiful, so powerful, so challenging and so transforming.


I feel so blessed for having as my role model. You have shown me how I want to be as a mother. Thank you for loving us like you do.


And my angel baby, I feel the most blessed woman in the world for being your momma. You make everything better. I have and will always love you.

Timeline photos 01/05/2020

The smile that brightens my life đź’•â €
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I love you so much baby girl, I thank God every for your life and pray that you keep that huge smile on your face all your life.â €
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Thank you for pushing to be better, to dream bigger, and to become my best to give you the absolute best life.

Photos from Nilka Elisa's post 27/04/2020

El 26 de Abril del 2019 a las 9:32 AM marco un cambio drástico en mi vida. Ese dia nació mi princesita alada, 8 libras 12 oz, 21 pulgadas y medias y un amor que nunca podré comprender del todo. Un año después y digo sin duda alguna que ser tu mama es el mejor regalo de mi vida, mi reto más desafiante. A pesar de que yo estoy supuesta a enseñarte a ti, tu me enseñas mas a mi. Amo tu fuerza, tu perseverancia, tu curiosidad infinita. Amo que te das cuenta de todo y aun siendo tan pequeñita estas llena de amor y encuentras tus formas de demostrarlo. Amo tu sonrisa, tus ojos, tus besos. Amo tu energia, tu amor por el agua y por la brisa. Amo como amas la musica, el alimento, y a tus abuelos. Amo que me miras y siento que lo sabes, que sabes que daria mi vida por ti y que no hay nada que no haria por ti. Eres mi esperanza, mi fuerza y mi empuje. Mi amor por ti es para siempre angel mio. Esta es mi declaración de amor para ti. Gracias por elegirme. Que Dios bendiga tu vida siempre. Que Dios nos guie para ser los padres que necesites. Mama te ama con todo su ser, hoy y siempre celebro tu vida. Feliz cumpleaños Natasha Arlet, eres la mayor bendición en mi vida.


In times of uncertainty like the ones we are facing now, there’s always a lesson to be learned. Check out my video to hear what has been going on with me in the last month and a half!

Timeline photos 25/02/2020

I N S P I R A T I O Nâ €
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They say mothers shape children’s lives. I believe our kids reshape our lives.⠀
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Being a mom is my favorite role. It is a challenge and requires a lot of sacrifice but I believe it is an extraordinary adventure. I have learned so much in these last 10 months, much more than I have in my lifetime. Natasha has taught me so much on unconditional love, wonder, tenacity, strength, and determination. This little one is a firecracker and I am forever grateful for it.â €
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She is the reason I have given myself a chance and said yes to an opportunity that has helped me grow and become better. She is the reason I try to learn and improve every day so that I set a good and example and be someone she can always be proud of. In simple terms, she is my biggest inspiration.â €
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Now I ask all my mommy friends, what has been the biggest lesson you have learned as a mom?

Timeline photos 10/02/2020

G R O W T Hâ €
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Remember that growing may feel like breaking at first.â €
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One of the things I have really learned in the past few months is that growth and change involve destruction. You must destruct, get rid of what does not serve you, in order to become who you were born to be.â €
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Every person has the potential to be great. No one is given “more than” the rest. The only difference between excellence and mediocrity is having the commitment to become who you are called to be despite the fear and obstacles you will face.⠀
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One of my favorite quotes from the 5 AM Club is that “all change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end.” I find it to be 100% true. You must keep going no matter what.⠀
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Now the question is, what would you do if you weren’t afraid?⠀

Timeline photos 29/01/2020


Knowing where you’re going is the first step to get there.

Having a clear vision about what you want, why you want it, what you are willing to do to accomplish it and actually taking action will help you accomplish every single one of your goals.

It does not matter if others cannot see it, it Is YOUR vision for a reason. Work hard every day, every single little improvement counts and will move you forward. And persevere until you get what you want. As the famous saying goes, winners never quit and quitters never win.

Keep pushing and hold on to your vision, you’ll make it happen.

Timeline photos 24/01/2020


In this special day I celebrate you a little extra. Thank you for blessing my life. You are my best friend, my partner in crime, my lover, my family. You are my person. You embody everything I asked God for in a man. Always my answered prayer.

Thank you for loving me the way you do and for always supporting me in everything. Especially my vision and my business. Thank you for being such an amazing father to our daughter. May God continue blessing you with good health, that kind heart, and the determination to grow and improve every single day. May we spend all our birthdays together for the rest of our lives. We are blessed to have you baby.

Timeline photos 17/10/2019

Be a woman on a mission. Have a vision so clear you experience the joy of having achieved your goal even when you are still working on it.

Out of all the things I love about my company, the one I love the most is the clarity it has provided me with. I have learned so much in this last year. I have grown, changed my mindset, surrounded myself with people who inspire me to go for more and to dream bigger. It has provided me with the tools to work on achieving my goals and making an impact.

Personal development is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. Growing our minds, learning to love ourselves, and building a strong sense of community are the cornerstones of Modern Nature.

I will be forever grateful for this amazing opportunity and all it has taught me. Who would have known that I was the only person stopping myself from becoming who I wanted to be? Now that is out of the picture and there is nowhere to go but the top!

Timeline photos 27/01/2019

Gratefulness. So many things to be grateful for. Life, health, hope, faith, dreams and goals; experiences and challenges; family and love. In the beginning of the year I decided, not as a new year resolution but rather as a commitment to myself, to be more grateful, more intentional, and more present. We all have so much to give because we have all be given so much. Those things we take for granted, those abilities we don’t really consider “a big deal,” were given to us for a reason and can make a difference. Let’s be grateful today for all we have and put our skills to the service of others. Have a blessed day!


Agradecimiento. Tantas cosas por las cuales estar agradecida. Vida, salud, esperanza, fé, sueños y metas; experiencias y retos. Familia y amor. A principio de año decidí, no como meta de año nuevo sino mas bien un compromiso conmigo misma, ser mas agradecida, actuar con mas propósito y estar mas presente. Todos tenemos mucho para dar porque todos hemos recibido mucho. Todas esas cosas que hemos dado por sentadas, esas habilidades que no consideramos “la gran cosa,” fueron dadas por una razón y pueden hacer una gran diferencia. Hoy seamos agradecidos por todo lo que tenemos y pongamos nuestros talentos al servicio de los demás. Ten un día bendecido!


Photos from Nilka Elisa's post 24/01/2019

Happiest of birthdays to my husband, the kindest, most loving soul I have ever met. Loving you is easy, you’re so caring and optimistic, literally the light of my life. When I’m happy you’re the first person I want to talk to and when I’m sad the only one I want to run to. Having you in my life is such a blessing and as I always tell you, you’re my answered prayer, God could not have sent me a better man to be my companion in this crazy journey called life. Thanks for your patience, your faith that strengthens mine, your perseverance and that ability to see the good in every single situation. May God continue blessing your life and allow us to spend the rest of our lives together. I love you deeply baby.


El mas feliz cumpleaños para mi esposo, el ser mas amable y amoroso que he conocido. Amarte es fácil, siempre tan cariñoso y optimista, literalmente la luz de mi vida. Cuando estoy feliz eres la primera persona con quien quiero compartirlo y cuando estoy triste la única donde quiero refugiarme. Tenerte en mi vida es una bendición tan grande y como siempre te digo, eres mi oración contestada, Dios no pudo haberme mandado mejor hombre para compartir este viaje llamado vida. Gracias por tu paciencia, tu fe que fortalece la mía, tu perseverancia y esa habilidad de ver lo bueno en absolutamente todo. Que Dios te siga bendiciendo y nos permita pasar el resto de nuestras vidas juntos. Te amo inmensamente mi amor.


Timeline photos 22/01/2019

We have been misguided, we have been presented with this idea of a “perfect life” projected by what we see in social media... all of it supported by filters, likes, and praising comments. We like presenting the highlights of our lives. Nobody gets to see the natural, the insecurities, the struggles and challenges, the hard times we all go through as human beings. Is there anything wrong with only showing the good side? Not at all. The problem is when we compare our lives to those of others only going by the illusion we are presented with. In those situations it can become a comparison game and we are likely to end up unhappy. We might even end up doing a disservice to ourselves and to others by pretending to be anything other than who we truly are.

As a future mom of a girl, I think of these things, all the expectations and “rules” that apply to us, and I wonder how I’ll teach her to be OK just being herself. Teaching her she does not need validation from anybody other than herself, teaching her to be happy with what she has while she works for what she wants. You see, gratefulness opens doors for miracles to happen in our lives. And most importantly, teaching her she does not need to be “perfect,” there’s no such a thing as a perfect human being. We are all flawed, we all make mistakes and that’s totally OK as long as we learn from them and try to be better every day.

God has a plan for all of us, we are all placed in this earth for a reason, no one is here just to occupy space. So let’s dream new dreams, work on our goals and try to be better every day, with our failures and successes. And let’s pass it on to those we encounter. That’s all we can leave for the ones who are coming after us, that, cannot be taken away.



* Spanish translation in the comments

Timeline photos 31/12/2018

This year was so special, so many things to be grateful for, so many blessings, so many challenges as well; so many things happened and so the year ends. Thank you Lord for this year, I cannot wait for 2019 and all the wonderful things it’ll bring.
Este año fue tan especial, tantas cosas por las cuales estar agradecida, tantas bendiciones, tantos retos también; pasaron tantas cosas y el año termina. Gracias Señor por este año, no puedo esperar por el 2019 y todas las cosas maravillosas que traerá.

Timeline photos 18/12/2018

Keep going, consistency is what is all about. Sigue adelante, todo se trata de consistencia.

Timeline photos 16/12/2018

My best friend, biggest cheerleader and supporter! Where would I be without you? Thanks for joining me in every single thing and giving it all. I love you!
Mi mejor amigo, mi mayor animador y soporte. Donde estaria sin ti? Gracias por siempre acompañarme en todo y solo darme lo mejor. Te amo mi amor ❤️

Timeline photos 15/12/2018

Come and join the Holiday fabulous Bazaar at Pierini Esthetic Center tomorrow December 16th from 11 AM-7PM. It’s going to be a fabulous experience!!!! Great exhibition from local vendors. Wel’ll also have entertainment for the kids. Free parking. Free entrance.
¡Ven y únete al en Pierini Esthetic Center mañana domingo 16 de diciembre de 11 AM-7PM! Va a ser una experiencia fabulosa !!!! Gran exhibición de vendedores locales. Y además tendremos entreteniendo para los niños. Libre estacionamiento. Entrada gratis.

Timeline photos 13/12/2018

Start each day with a grateful heart ❤️ Comienza tus dias con un corazón agradecido.

Timeline photos 10/12/2018

Join us tomorrow, December 11th, for our Meet Monat Event to learn more about our products and business opportunity.
We’ll be meeting at 7 PM in the Aloft Hotel in Doral. Send me a message if interested to save you a spot.
Acompañarnos mañana, 11 de Diciembre, en nuestro evento “Conoce Monat” para aprender mas sobre nuestros productos y oportunidad de negocio. Nos reuniremos a las 7 PM en el Hotel Aloft en Doral. Envíame un mensaje si estás interesad@ para reservarte un lugar.

Videos (show all)

In times of uncertainty like the ones we are facing now, there’s always a lesson to be learned. Check out my video to he...
