Occasional Planet

Occasional Planet

Progressive views of current events.

The truth is expendable - Occasional Planet 14/01/2022

In 1949, George Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty-Four to warn of the dangers of totalitarian governments — the sort that he saw cropping up in Spain and Russia during that period. He wrote of a harsh world where truth becomes fungible. The all-powerful, all-seeing Big Brother controls everything. Thought police w**d out dissention. Facts and history are altered to meet the needs of the party in power....


The truth is expendable - Occasional Planet In the Trump world, the truth is whatever the former President says it is. Orwell saw it coming. American democracy is in peril.

When to give a break to a politician - Occasional Planet 12/01/2022

On Tuesday, Jan. 11, there were three examples of a public officials being unfairly reamed or slighted by another official. Dr. Fauci and Centers for Disease Control director Dr. Rochelle Walensky were grilled about ......


When to give a break to a politician - Occasional Planet On Tuesday, Jan. 11, there were three examples of a public officials being unfairly reamed or slighted by another official. Dr. Fauci and Centers for Disease Control director Dr. Rochelle Walensky were grilled about ...

Changing Our Schools is Vital to Our National Healing - Occasional Planet 11/01/2022

What would you rather have in America’s schools; high test scores or students who are empathetic and have strong critical thinking skills? What good is it for an individual, or for American society, if students test well but also think that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election?...


Changing Our Schools is Vital to Our National Healing - Occasional Planet What would you rather have in America’s schools; high test scores or students who are empathetic and have strong critical thinking skills? What good is it for an individual, or for American society, if students test well but also think that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election?

Who loves America most? - Occasional Planet 10/01/2022

Oh boy, were we ready for a change. Biden and Harris came in with stratospherically high expectations. Lady Gaga sang the national anthem at the inauguration, and a new day was about to begin....


Who loves America most? - Occasional Planet Oh boy, were we ready for a change. Biden and Harris came in with stratospherically high expectations. Lady Gaga sang the national anthem at the inauguration, and a new day was about to begin.

Biden deserves more than he’s getting from Mainstream Media - Occasional Planet 03/01/2022

Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. It’s an oft-cited quote, but one that is easily forgotten. They are holding Biden to a standard of perfection, rather than what it is reasonable to expect of a well-intentioned human being....


Biden deserves more than he’s getting from Mainstream Media - Occasional Planet Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. It’s an oft-cited quote, but one that is easily forgotten. They are holding Biden to a standard of perfection, rather than what it is reasonable to expect of a well-intentioned human being.


In the wake of the January 6, 2021 insurrection and other rebellious acts from the right, there is increasing talk of a new American civil war. What shape it might take is open to all kinds of interpretation....



If Elon Musk Really Wanted to Change The World - Occasional Planet 21/12/2021

Imagine if Elon Musk, Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year,” put his mind to minimizing the frequency of and damage from forest fires. Suppose that he also focused on helping the United States and the world deal with mitigating other damage that is already being done to Planet Earth as a result of climate change....


If Elon Musk Really Wanted to Change The World - Occasional Planet Imagine if Elon Musk, Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year,” put his mind to minimizing the frequency of and damage from forest fires. Suppose that he also focused on helping the United States and the world deal with mitigating other damage that is already being done to Planet Earth as a result...

Another Lesson We Can Learn From Jackie Robinson - Occasional Planet 15/12/2021

Recalling that during Jackie Robinson’s era there were some who advised that people focus less on Robinson’s anger and more on the root causes of his anger, it would be wise for all of us now in the body politic to try to bring the same understanding to our political opponents....


Another Lesson We Can Learn From Jackie Robinson - Occasional Planet Recalling that during Jackie Robinson’s era there were some who advised that people focus less on Robinson’s anger and more on the root causes of his anger, it would be wise for all of us now in the body politic to try to bring the same understanding to our political opponents.

Libs: Chris Christie’s New Book May Be Well Worth Checking Out - Occasional Planet 08/12/2021

It provides further insight into one of the greatest mysteries for people who are not Republicans, and even some who are -- “the Republican Brain.” This is a phrase that became the title of Washington Post writer Chris Mooney’s 2012 book by the same name, The Republican Brain....


Libs: Chris Christie’s New Book May Be Well Worth Checking Out - Occasional Planet It provides further insight into one of the greatest mysteries for people who are not Republicans, and even some who are -- “the Republican Brain.” This is a phrase that became the title of Washington Post writer Chris Mooney’s 2012 book by the same name, The Republican Brain.

Pro-Choice Advocates May Benefit from Timing of Supreme Court Decision on Mississippi Law - Occasional Planet 06/12/2021

If the Court overrules Roe, it could be a case where pro-life proponents may want to be careful about that for which they wish. The reason is because the decision would likely be handed down in late June or early July of 2022, and mid-term elections would be just a few months later in November....


Pro-Choice Advocates May Benefit from Timing of Supreme Court Decision on Mississippi Law - Occasional Planet If the Court overrules Roe, it could be a case where pro-life proponents may want to be careful about that for which they wish. The reason is because the decision would likely be handed down in late June or early July of 2022, and mid-term elections would be just a few months later in November.

Another reason why Manchin and Sinema should vote like Dems, at least for now - Occasional Planet 01/12/2021

It’s really hard to be a Democrat these days. All of this contributes to why it is especially important now for Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to join their fellow Democrats and support the Build Back Better Act....


Another reason why Manchin and Sinema should vote like Dems, at least for now - Occasional Planet It’s really hard to be a Democrat these days. All of this contributes to why it is especially important now for Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to join their fellow Democrats and support the Build Back Better Act.

Should Biden Play Hardball or Softball? - Occasional Planet 29/11/2021

According to 538, in early August Biden was up 52 – 42%. It was that month that the president announced that the United States was initiate a thorough and complete withdrawal from Afghanistan, where American troops had been since shortly after Nine-Eleven in 2001....


Should Biden Play Hardball or Softball? - Occasional Planet According to 538, in early August Biden was up 52 – 42%. It was that month that the president announced that the United States was initiate a thorough and complete withdrawal from Afghanistan, where American troops had been since shortly after Nine-Eleven in 2001.

An Honest Preview of the 2022 Midterm Elections - Occasional Planet 20/11/2021

The Senate is probably bad news but there are a couple of ways Democrats can thread the needle here assuming nothing else changes. As was mentioned earlier, candidate quality really does matter although it isn’t everything....


An Honest Preview of the 2022 Midterm Elections - Occasional Planet The Senate is probably bad news but there are a couple of ways Democrats can thread the needle here assuming nothing else changes. As was mentioned earlier, candidate quality really does matter although it isn’t everything.

Finding New Settlement Areas for Refugees - Occasional Planet 05/11/2021

It is interesting how in the United States and most other industrialized countries, increasing emphasis is placed on rebuilding and expanding its built infrastructure. An important question is largely going unasked. Where do these ribbons of concrete take us; do their paths take into consideration how our land is changing due to climate change. Continue reading →...


Finding New Settlement Areas for Refugees - Occasional Planet It is interesting how in the United States and most other industrialized countries, increasing emphasis is placed on rebuilding and expanding its built infrastructure. An important question is largely going unasked. Where do these ribbons of concrete take us; do their paths take into consideration h...

Expand the Court - Occasional Planet 02/11/2021

What it ignores is the fact that we don’t have to wonder what would happen if the right decided to steal a Presidential election in this country. It literally already happened, just over 20 years ago when George W. Bush was selected President....


Expand the Court - Occasional Planet What it ignores is the fact that we don’t have to wonder what would happen if the right decided to steal a Presidential election in this country. It literally already happened, just over 20 years ago when George W. Bush was selected President.

Time for Dems to Take a Step Back in order to Move Forward - Occasional Planet 26/10/2021

Earlier this month, Heather Cox Richardson reported that both the New York Times and the Washington Post ran op-eds penned by Republicans or former Republicans urging members of their party who still value democracy to vote Democratic until the authoritarian faction that has taken their party is bled out of it. Most Democrats would say that if they had a choice between the United States being a well-functioning democratic-republic, or the Democratic Party prevailing in about 50% of elections, they would prefer America to be a democracy....


Time for Dems to Take a Step Back in order to Move Forward - Occasional Planet Earlier this month, Heather Cox Richardson reported that both the New York Times and the Washington Post ran op-eds penned by Republicans or former

How Democrats Can Promote Democracy starting with Iowa - Occasional Planet 19/10/2021

But there is one part of our political process where Democrats can effect meaningful change without constitutional changes. This is the manner in which the party of progressives selects its nominees for president....


How Democrats Can Promote Democracy starting with Iowa - Occasional Planet But there is one part of our political process where Democrats can effect meaningful change without constitutional changes. This is the manner in which the party of progressives selects its nominees for president.

Democrats need to rally behind Biden - Occasional Planet 13/10/2021

Right now, the most effective thing that Democrats can do to optimize passage of the legislative priorities is to make Joe Biden look good. He is doing his part. Others need to rally around him. Let’s put some of these disagreements into the ‘W’ column for the Democratic Party and then further build off that momentum....


Democrats need to rally behind Biden - Occasional Planet Right now, the most effective thing that Democrats can do to optimize passage of the legislative priorities is to make Joe Biden look good. He is doing his part. Others need to rally around him. Let’s put some of these disagreements into the ‘W’ column for the Democratic Party and then further...

Republicans Have A Very Strange Perspective on the Here and Now - Occasional Planet 11/10/2021

In recent years, when America has been in crisis such as the Great Recession of 2008-09, or the recent and current COVID pandemic, Republicans become extremely miserly. They resist providing necessary financial aid to those who are suffering the most....


Republicans Have A Very Strange Perspective on the Here and Now - Occasional Planet In recent years, when America has been in crisis such as the Great Recession of 2008-09, or the recent and current COVID pandemic, Republicans become extremely miserly. They resist providing necessary financial aid to those who are suffering the most.


If there is a single word that best describes what is key to being a good friend, and also being a good Democrat, it is empathy. You care. You care about people who you know, and equally important, you care about those who you may not know, but who are in need of support....



Why the Word ‘Mandate” Is so Tricky in our Political System - Occasional Planet 29/09/2021

Mandates are not all the same. It is helpful to divide them into two categories. The distinction between the two largely defines the differences between the Republicans / Trumpsters and Democrats / Progressives. 1. Those mandates that protect the liberties of individuals. 2. Those mandates that protect the common good for society as a whole....


Why the Word ‘Mandate” Is so Tricky in our Political System - Occasional Planet Mandates are not all the same. It is helpful to divide them into two categories. The distinction between the two largely defines the differences between the Republicans / Trumpsters and Democrats / Progressives. 1. Those mandates that protect the liberties of individuals. 2. Those mandates that prot...

Republicans are destroying our founders’ Federalism - Occasional Planet 13/09/2021

There once was a time when most Americans revered the Constitution. The charter outlined how we mortals structured our government so that reason and fairness were two of the guiding principles. But thanks to Donald Trump and the current generation of Republicans, our governmental structure no longer has clear definition. The rules governing what we can do are suddenly whimsical and chaotic....


Republicans are destroying our founders’ Federalism - Occasional Planet Federalism was a brilliant idea that our founders conceived. It helps us determine publicly beneficial answers to a myriad of questions about “Who Decides.” But it is based on good will among citizens of different political persuasions. We will never recover from the damage of Donald Trump and h...

Limiting guns vs. limiting abortions: The right wing wins again - Occasional Planet 08/09/2021

In 2021, as summer ebbs into fall, Democrats are concerned with a number of issues, but perhaps most importantly, abortion. It has become a wildcard issue because the Supreme Court has rendered a decision regarding it that neither is supreme nor courtly. Bullies and cowards often travel together, and that is precisely how Republicans have acted regarding the latest legislation from the hallowed halls of the capitol of Texas....


Limiting guns vs. limiting abortions: The right wing wins again - Occasional Planet Yes, the absurdity is very clear to progressives; not at all to conservatives. This is why conservatives are winning so many of the battles these days. They get to use fi****ms as their weapon of choice; progressives use a basic right on human reproduction. If you can’t see a power imbalance in th...

Progressives need to move beyond their fear of talking about abortion - Occasional Planet 04/09/2021

Conventional wisdom says that “in polite company,” we don’t talk about s*x, politics, or religion. Of the three, s*x is clearly the least comfortable topic to broach. You see, s*x is a ‘hot’ topic; it’s erotic. Some may regard s*x as joy; others regard it with shame; and still others with no apparent emotion. While nearly everyone has an opinion about it that does not mean that all are willing to engage in open conversation about s*x....


Progressives need to move beyond their fear of talking about abortion - Occasional Planet The alternative is for progressives to discuss abortion and s*x at the same time and describe how abortion policy without a realization that “s*x happens” will never reflect reality, empathy, and respect for basic civil liberties. Come on progressives. News organizations now let us use the ‘F....

When a President Hits a Home Run, don’t criticize him for wearing the wrong color shoelaces. - Occasional Planet 22/08/2021

President Joe Biden did something that his three predecessors failed to do during their nearly twenty years of presiding over America’s longest war. Biden leveled with the American people and told them that the war that they were fighting in Afghanistan was one which they were not going to win. That was Truth to Power, something that rarely comes from the mouth of someone in Power....


When a President Hits a Home Run, don’t criticize him for wearing the wrong color shoelaces. - Occasional Planet When a President Hits a Home Run, don’t criticize him for wearing the wrong color shoelaces.

Bogota breakdown: 10 lessons from an endless COVID lockdown - Occasional Planet 22/07/2021

Lockdown and its close-knit family of dry laws, masking, self-isolation, curfew and quarantine have had extended shelf life here in pandemic Colombia. Throw in some country-specific phenomena such as repeated street demonstrations, roadblocks, food distribution standstills, general unrest and widespread vandalism, and you begin to get a glimmer of present-day life in this Latin American country, just about 1,725 miles south of Miami....


Bogota breakdown: 10 lessons from an endless COVID lockdown - Occasional Planet Lockdown and its close-knit family of dry laws, masking, self-isolation, curfew and quarantine have had extended shelf life here in pandemic Colombia. Throw in

Strange times, reckless behavior, nightmare scenarios - Occasional Planet 22/06/2021

What a bizarre month this has been. We’ve had Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) ask if the National Forest Service might change Earth’s orbit around the sun to alter the effects of climate change. An Ohio doctor pushes the idea that the vaccines can magnetize people and make them susceptible to government monitoring -- an idea readily accepted by Republican legislators there....


Strange times, reckless behavior, nightmare scenarios - Occasional Planet Lot's of bizarre events in June, but Trump's poor handling of the pandemic comes back into play.

What June 1950 can teach us about June 2021 - Occasional Planet 18/06/2021

In June of 1950, Joe DiMaggio got his 2,000th hit. Guam was designated a United States Territory, and its residents were granted US citizenship. Budge Patty won his first of 2 Grand Slam titles at the French Men's Tennis Championships, beating Jaroslav Drobný 6-1, 6-2, 3-6, 5-7, 7-5. Doris Hart was the women’s French Tennis Champion. All through June of 1950, …...


What June 1950 can teach us about June 2021 - Occasional Planet In June of 1950, Joe DiMaggio got his 2,000th hit. Guam was designated a United States Territory, and its residents were granted US citizenship. Budge

The Pandemic's Greatest Hits: Musical Blasts from the Past - Occasional Planet 25/03/2021

As I write, Miley Cyrus’s Party in the U.S.A. is sitting at number 17 on Apple’s iTunes US singles chart. Nothing remarkable, you may think. Except that Party in the U.S.A. was originally released in 2009, some 12 years ago. Suddenly it’s back on the charts. Gwen Stefani’s Hollaback Girl is sitting at number 21 on the same chart. That song was released in 2005....


The Pandemic's Greatest Hits: Musical Blasts from the Past - Occasional Planet As I write, Miley Cyrus’s Party in the U.S.A. is sitting at number 17 on Apple’s iTunes US singles chart. Nothing remarkable, you may