Shop, gigs and more informations from here:
This was great experience! Thank you, IFK Helsinki - HIFK & C More Suomi & Liiga
Näin selostaja tulkitsi HIFK:n Petteri Lindbohmin kammolämärin viittomakielellä Räppärinä tunnettu Signmark selostaa C Morella HIFK-KooKoo-ottelua viittomakielellä. Tähän tapaan Petteri Lindbohmin avausmaali tulkittiin käsien kielellä.
My daughter's (Celina) new SKYBALL - music video is now out!
She is very active in volleyball and beach volleyball and loves these sports more than anything.
In May (right after the volleyball season ended and the beach volleyball season started) Celina got some bad news from her doctor: a ban until the end of July. The reason was a fracture in her shoulder.
This news was hard for him. However, he was not discouraged and continued to train all summer with his legs (running, jumping, anything that doesn't require the shoulder) and started to work on finishing the unfinished song. These things kept Celina motivated.
When the song was finished, she was very keen to have a music video made of it. All fathers want to do their best for their children, right? 🙂
The video is own expense. We got support from Taffel and Laitilan Wirvoitusjuomatehdas Oy, so a big thank you to them. Celina wanted the video to show the most important things for her: beach volleyball, summer and friends.
Through my friend I found a director, Daniel Klockenkemper, and he was perfect for this project, as Daniel's strength is documentary video making. The combination of documentary and music video sounded perfect.
Daniel suggested that the video be filmed alongside a bite tournament. I knew that there was an international beach volleyball tournament in Helsinki, so I contacted Hietsu Beach Volley (HBV) and they were happy to help with the production. Especially Jussi Wainio and Maija Wainio were great in supporting this project. ❤ A big thank you!
The video features one of the best beach players in Finland,Jyrki Nurminen. Jyrki has been a support for Celina in her volleyball and beach volleyball hobby and has learned valuable lessons from him. Thank you Jyrki!
The StepUp School Trainees (dancers) pulled off their part in the video incredibly well. The choreography was designed by my good friend Nora Mahmoud, who has also been a dancer at my gigs. Thank you Nora!
A big thank you to all the friends of Celina who came to the shoot and to the friends who came to help me with the video shoot.
Celina doesn't have a record label, so we would be very happy if you could share this warm and joyful video. Thank you. ❤
There is still summer left, so let's enjoy all the little summer moments! SKYBALL! :)
Celina - Skyball Tekstiys / subtitles: Paina "CC", push "CC"Ohjaaja/ director: Daniel KlockenkemperKäsikirjoitus/ scriptwriters: Marko Vuoriheimo & D. KlockenkemperKamera / c...
Škoda asked me at the beginning of the year if I would be interested in going with them to the Saimaa Cycle Tour? Of course! You have to experience all the new sporting events and meet the father of the event: Juho Suikkari 🤩
My fam decided to go along and it was a good idea, cause kids loved the experience. Getting a medal was a big deal for them and anyway the atmosphere was warm and there were a lot of children. 🥰
We watching when the 2000 bike riders left to their journey, 300 km at 19:00. They will go through the night 🚴🏽♀️🌅... Crazy and so cool! Take the Saimaa Cycle Tour as a follow-up and see the wonderful pictures there.
My start was on Saturday morning at 10 am. People said that if you go under 3 hrs, it’s good one! When I had cycled 35km and noticed that under 3h was possible! All I had to do was start the fight and I succeeded in 2:52. 😅
My ass is very sore now (soft boxer didn't help a lot, it was the second time I cycled this summer and the first time with a road bike, i need more experience about this bike and chair 😂), but the experience was wonderful! Big recommendation. You can cycle just 38 km if you can't take a longer run, as long as you experience this event.
Now I really want to experience this 300 km run. Very possibly I will make it happen next year! Who would go along? 🥳
Now I just have to get the winter x-skiing training and competitions out of the way. And get a bike from somewhere! 😅 Recommendations about the brand?
Tänään oli hyvä päivä Kouvolassa! 1,5h tasatyöntöä (25km) ja tasainen rusketus tuli siinä samalla. 😄 Vasaloppet oli mielessäni joka ikisessä työnnössä. 😆 Kesätreenit suunnitteli Ville Nousiainen / Koutsi365. Tästä tulee kiva kesä! Sukset: Marwe Sports ja monot Alpina Sports
Oletko sinä kokeillut rullahiihtoa?
Kyllä! Se on nyt virallista. Tyttäreni Celina julkaisee 30.6 uuden biisin. ”Skyball” on erittäin kesäinen biisi, joka kertoo biitsistä, ystävyydestä ja elämän nauttimisesta. Korvamadot, olkaa valmiina! 🤩 Täältä voit napata biisin itsellesi valmiiksi:
Yes! It's official now. My daughter Celina will release a new song on 30.6. "Skyball" is a very sunmer song and it tells about beachvolley, friendship and enjoying life. 🤩 Here you can get a song ready for yourself:
Skyball Listen to Skyball by Celina
Let’s party tonight @ G Livelab Tampere , 21:00! Cya there
Soon!! 🙌🙌😎😎
Osallistujamäärä kasvaa koko ajan samalla, kun aurinko lämmittää ihanasti ladulla lykkiviä hiihtäjiä! Karvaa vaikka 600 osallistujaa ja viivalla nähdään myös kovia hiihtonimiä kuten nuori Elmeri Helander, Matti Heikkinen, Sini Alusniemi , Juha Alm ja Signmark!
Boom! 💪💯
𝙔𝙀𝙎𝙎 𝙝𝙚𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙯𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧! 𝙃𝙞𝙚𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙟 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙞𝙟 𝙟𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙚 𝙙𝙚 𝙚𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙚 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙣! ✨
Op 25 maart viert Sencity Festival haar 20 jarig jubileum in TivoliVredenburg!
Dove rapper Signmark komt speciaal voor jullie vanuit Finland naar Sencity Festival!🔥Ook KUZKO en Joël Domingos gaan een spetterende liveshow voor jullie neerzetten! Zij ontwikkelen momenteel hun optreden in een experimenteel traject bij Revelland! Wij zijn onwijs benieuwd naar hun nieuwe shows 🤩
Heb jij je ticket al?! Ticketlink:
Wij kunnen niet wachten! 🎉
Hello everyone around the world! Have you dreamed of visiting Lapland and cross-country skiing there? Now would be a wonderful opportunity! See the link and join us and bring your homie! 🤩
Yllas - Levi Ski Event, 15.4.2023 Register and more information, go to:
Oh boy! This is so fun. I thought I couldn't remember dancing anymore, luckily I was wrong. Our next performance is in Pori, 21 January 2023. If you're nearby, come say hello! 🥳 Dance - Katri Mäkinen
Keskiviikkona Katri ja Sirpa kävivät läpi meidän cha cha cha - tanssin koreografiaa. Heitä katsellessani tajusin, että herranjumala, olen hypännyt tuntemattomaan matkaan, kiehtovaan ja jännittävään, jossa saan niin monen huippu ihmisen kanssa mahdollisuuden tuoda iloa niin monelle kanssakulkijalle. Halusin ikuistaa tämän kuvan kun huoneessa on kaksi maailman huippua tanssijaa, sillä katsellessa tunsin iloa että saan olla mukana, tämän kaiken avun ja kokemuksen muilta ja heidän kanssa. TTK kestää 15. viikkoa m***a muistijälki tanssista ja näistä ihmisistä on elämän pituinen matka. Tanssi kuuluu kaikille. Kiitollinen ja onnellinen kaikesta ja kaikista teistä ❤️
Ainiin, yksi juttu vielä: huomenna on SEMIFINAALI! ⭐️😍⭐️
Hei! Kaksi tanssia melkein hallussa. Me ollaan ihan fiiliksessä meidän tansseista. Kolmen päivän päästä tanssitaan finaali paikoista. Taso on erittäin kova, joten teillä on valtaa ratkaista tämän. Tiedätte mitä tehdä? 10!! 🥳🥳🥳🤟🤟🤟
Hi! Two dances almost ready. We are excited about our dances. In three days we will know who will go to the final. The level is very tight, so you can decide who goes to the finals. You know what to do? 10!!
ME OLLAAN SEMIFINAALISSA! Uskomatonta.. teki meille hienon koreografian ja sai samban toiminaan kauhu - teeman alle. 💖
Isoin kiitos kuuluu kaikille kannustajille ja äänestäjille. En olisi tässä tilanteessa ilman teitä. 🙏🏼
Sunnuntaina tanssitaan quicksteppiä ja chachachaa. Ei muuta kuin kovaa työtä kehiin! 💪
📸: Seppo Kärki /
🧵: Team .elmvik
WE ARE IN THE SEMI-FINALS! Unbelievable.. did a great choreography for us and made samba work under the theme of horror. 💖
A big thank you goes to all supporters and voters. I wouldn't be where I am without you. 🙏🏼
On Sunday we dance quickstep and chachacha. Let’s work hard! 💪
📸: Seppo Kärki /
🧵: Team .elmvik
🎥: Live nro 10
💃🏼🕺🏻: Samba
🎼: Guerra Tribal
Teema: ”Kauhu”
Meidän kauhumme on luonnonkatastrofi, jota tapahtuu koko ajan eri puolilla maailmaa. Tornado on yksi tuhoisimmista. Siltä se kyllä tuntui kun jouduin tekemään paljon pyörähdyksiä tänään! 😆 Samba oli yksi vaikeimmista tansseista tähän asti. Onneksi viikon paras veto tapahtui juuri live lähetyksessä! Tuomareiden pisteet olivat mitä olivat, äärimmäisen kiitollisia ollaan teille kaikille äänestäjille. Kiitos! Huomenna jatketaan ja pidetään hauskaa, 😍🤟
🎥: Live no. 10
💃🏼🕺🏻: Samba
🎼: Guerra Tribal
Theme: ”Horror”
Our horror is a natural disaster that happens all the time in the world. A tornado is one of the most destructive. It felt like that when I had to do a lot of spins today! 😆 Samba was one of the most difficult dances so far. Luckily, the best dance of the week just happened on television! The judges’ scores were what they were, we are extremely grateful to all of you voters. Thank you! Tomorrow we will go back to the dance room and have fun, 😍🤟
Viime sunnuntaina tanssimme wieninvalssia ja tanssi oli onnistunut. Se näkyi myös tuomarin pisteissä. Tällä viikolla harjoittelimme erittäin vaativaa tanssia, sambaa. Alkaa keho ja aivot olla väsyneitä, m***a parhaamme teemme päästääkseen semifinaaliin. Te voitte myös vaikuttaa lopputulokseen, että olenko mukana jatkossa vai en? Jos haluatte nähdä meidän mahtavia suunnitelmia sekä semifinaalia että finaalia varten niin äänestämällä pääsette näkemään. 🤗
Tekstiviestillä numeroon: 17225 ja viestikenttään numero: 10
Mobilepaylla ym voi äänestää täältä:
Last Sunday we danced the Viennese waltz and the dance was successful. It was also reflected in the judge's scores. This week we practiced a very demanding dance, samba. The body and brain are starting to get tired, but we will do our best to get to the semi-finals. You can also influence the outcome, whether I will participate in the future or not? If you want to see our great plans for both the semifinals and the finals, you can see them by voting. 🤗
You can vote with Paypal here:
🎥: Live no. 9
💃🏼🕺🏻: Viennese Waltz
🎼: Mick McAuley - ”Little Mona Lisa”
Theme: ”This moment is ours - the meaning of genuine presence in small moments”
Today we dance for an important cause. The Finnish Cancer Foundation ”Pink Ribbon” is doing an incredibly great fundraising campaign. Donation funds are directed to cancer research. In life, you don’t know what will happen, so every little moment can be very precious, with genuine presence. It was at that moment that me and my teacher Katri wanted to be truly present on the dance floor and convey a warm atmosphere to the audience as well. Thank you, Roosa nauha 💖
Ready for live 9 🤍💕
🎥: Live no. 8.2
💃🏼🕺🏻: freestyle
🎼: ”Uuno is number one” (theme)
Theme: ”Tribute to Vesa-Matti Loir”
When I was younger, I watched Uuno Turhapuro with my grandparents. Of course, the movie is not subtitled, and I didn’t understand what those guys were talking about, so I started imitating Uuno. It was an honor to dress up as Uuno today and dance for him. Thank you Vesku for using a lot of facial expressions and body language. 🥰
🎥: Live no. 8.1
💃🏼🕺🏻: Waltz
🎼: Seija Simola - ”A time for us”
Theme: ”A message from the beyond”
Today I got to dance a beautiful waltz with an beautiful choreography made by Anniina. My grandfather was in my mind when I danced this dance.
The judges scored us last, but the voters disagreed. Thank you very much for that. 🙏🏼 Next week we will attack the Viennese waltz again. 🥰
🎥: Live nro 7
🎼: DJ Rojas - ”Can’t get you out of my head”
Theme: Love
Katso | Signmark tanssii Uuno Turhapuro -teemalla TTK:ssa – hahmolla yllättävä merkitys hänelle Katso on television ja elokuvan ystävän ykkössivusto! Tuoreet uutiset, arviot ja suositukset tv-kanavilta, teattereista ja suoratoistopalveluista.
A cover for our new song:
”When I move, you move”
Made by Sjoerd van Rooij
Hi! As you probably remember when I told you that I was looking for a cover for my new song "When I move, you move". I've looked through it with Adam Tensta and the winner was decided. The winner is Sjoerd Van Rooij. I received a lot of pictures, drawings, etc. Thanks to all the senders.
I talked with Sjoerd about the picture and he told an interesting story. He was sitting in a studio with sound equipment and he bring with him some kind of scanner and he did put his hand on it. When the music started playing and the scanner started to draw a picture of his feelings. The body sent impulses through the hand to the scanner and the scanner began to draw an image. The scanner drew all the instruments he felt. You can see from the picture that it’s like two people have danced together (deaf and hearing, man and woman or whatever) and everyone feels the music in different ways, but it's still the same music. This inspired me and that's why I chose this image.
Congratulations, Sjoerd van Rooij
Thanks again to everyone who sent the picture. 🤟
P.S You find Sjoerd’s cover photo in next post, because I didn't get a picture for this same post. 🙏🏼
Fourth place with the judge's points, but the audience's vote made us the best of the night. I’m amazed and happy about this. This evening was somehow difficult for me and I'm glad that I was able to experience this today because now I know how to act in the future. Listen, now I got a lot of energy from you for next week. A big thank you to all of you voters. Anniina Koivuniemi, thank you for making great choreographies and standing by my side. 🤟
Neljäs sija tuomarin pisteillä, m***a yleisön äänestys nosti meidät illan parhaaksi. Olen hämilläni ja onnessaan tästä. Tämä ilta oli minulle jotenkin vaikea ja olen iloinen, että sain kokea tämän juuri tänään sillä nyt tiedän miten toimitaan jatkossa. Kuulkaas, nyt sain teiltä valtavasti virtaa ensi viikkoon. Iso kiitos kuuluu teille kaikille äänestäjille. , kiitos kun teet upeita koreografioita ja seisot vierelläni. 🤟