Nancy J. Barling, Business Consultant

Nancy J. Barling, Business Consultant

Business consulting services for small and large businesses. I can help you with all of it!

Do you need help with culture building, administrative services, Human Resources, Business Development, etc?

Business Consulting made easy!

Do you need help with your business? Is your company a start-up or seasoned player in the business world? Do you need help from the ground up or just some additional help without hiring a full-time employee? Well, I might just be able to help you with all of this. I have over 25 years of business acumen in a multitude of areas such as administrative, office management, human resources, corporate trade-show and event planning, marketing, business development and leadership development. I have worked in a wide range of industries that include arts and entertainment, printing, manufacturing, information technology, medical administration, early childhood education and non-profit just to name a few.

I have learned a lot over the past 25+ years and the skills that I have obtained would be of benefit to any organization. I have learned during these years what makes a great company and one that has its challenges. Here are just a few of the services that I can assist you with:

  • Helping you to form your corporation and getting your back-end compontents up and running

  • Grass-roots marketing - assistance with logo design, flyer design, Facebook posts and engagements and presentations, corporate event planning from trade-show management to corporate events and meetings
  • Website