Fitness and Diet for Health

Fitness and Diet for Health

A site for your Fitness, Exercise and Diet leading to super Heatlh and excellent Quality of Life

Mediterranean diet for weight loss 08/09/2014

Mediterranean diet for weight loss The continuous increase in the rate of overweight and obese individuals necessitates the finding of an effective solution against obesity and its related problems such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. Constantly new diets appear, that promise fast and impressive results, leadin…

Mediterranean diet : protection against asthma and allergy in children 26/05/2014

Mediterranean diet : protection against asthma and allergy in children The Mediterranean diet is a proven healthy eating pattern, contributing to a balanced diet and simultaneously it strengthens the immune system and health of the body. Τhis also applies to younger ages. The Mediterranean diet is a diet plan that is proposed in childhood, contributing both to better w…