Hesperus Hill

Hesperus Hill

My reflections on illness, healing, love and gratitude and some more based on my experiences through the teachings what I've got.

Revolution of the onion 16/09/2021

No one should be left alone- this is the topic of the new article on blog. Check out and be a part of the revolution. šŸ˜‰


Revolution of the onion Poor onion, how exiled, though we all know itā€™s a good friend. Yet it lives there on the periphery of vegetables, unfairly neglected, ashamed, and does not understand why, once it is such a faithfuā€¦

Humility- the real deficit item 06/08/2021

How is your ego, my friend?

Let's check out the new topic on the blog. We deal with the really precious and rare humility.
Join us!

Love & Light


Humility- the real deficit item We break, we destroy, we move forward without looking at who and what we trampled on, we pushed aside just to seemingly move forward. No man, no god, itā€™s just me, you know?! Thatā€™s what you ā€¦

Shamans in healing 28/06/2021

Sorry, dears, for not posting lately, but I'm here with the new blog topic. Is it possible to cure ourselves without help? Who can help? There is a great industry built on cheating because we may be lead by our egos and try to solve our health problems desperately. But the key is in our hands.

Read the post with love šŸ’š
And share your story if you wish šŸ˜Š


Shamans in healing Shamans, gurus, teachers, masters, fortune-tellers, no matter what title we hang around their necks, they are the weirdos. Not by themselves, but by no means can they be squeezed into cubes accordiā€¦

This is why you canā€™t lose weight 10/04/2021

šŸ‘™ā˜€ļøšŸ©± Spring is here and you have to be get ready for the beach season, don't you? With love and patience you can change your bad habits but at first don't forget to love the body you live in. šŸ™


This is why you canā€™t lose weight The warming rays of the sun are finally shining on us, and for the first time, it is already sparkling in front of us the fantasy of posing on the beach in our best form with zero fat and perfect tā€¦

My panic 08/03/2021

ā­Check out the new post on the blog! ā­

My panic When I first heard about this simulation, about this so-called disease, I almost laughed at. Indeed. Well, what do people invite in their comfortable well-being!? And somehow, I saw feedback from eā€¦


Weekly mission:

A new week has come again and a new task awaits you. Again, we will be exploring quite deeply and trying to uncover what lies behind loneliness and rejection. Have you ever felt like an eccentric? Have you ever felt that you somehow think differently than others? Have you ever thought that you may have a mistake that you canā€™t be ā€œnormalā€? If so, this message is for you right now. It often happens that we respect someone for their otherness because they dare to assume that they are out of line, yet somehow we realize that many times it is accompanied by sad loneliness. Ask yourself: would I be happy if I were like others? Do I really want to be one of them? Am I being honest with myself?
Maybe this confinement stems from your frustration because you feel like you are not really needed, that no one wants to see your true face. We have to knock down that wall this week! There is value and talent in everyone. You donā€™t have to be anything other than who you really are. Unhappiness is often caused by this unresolved tension. Turn to others with an acceptance that would be good for you too. You donā€™t have to be average because youā€™re perfectly unique. Youā€™ll find your peace if you believe, if you realize itā€™s not dependent on anyone else. Donā€™t be discouraged when you hit walls when you face rejection. It is not the opinions of others that determine you. Go on, because as long as you can be yourself, as long as your heart is pure, love will come to you, no matter how eccentric you are. šŸ’ž


Weekly mission:

You flow with the weekdays and you are always under pressure, strive to be better and even better while you barely allow yourself to stop and pay attention a little. Do you really need to be perfect in everything? To get all your work done to the maximum while being an excellent spouse, parent, employee, entrepreneur, artist, athlete and everything? Do you feel like youā€™re crashing under the weight of your tasks? Ask yourself the question: Am I judging myself too harshly? Is the standard too high?
Is it possible that you set this for yourself and judge others based on it? Is it possible that sometimes you are too strict with yourself and others? This week, think about how far the constant search for truth, the pursuit of perfection, takes you away from your true path, and how you become a stranger in your own world by always comparing yourself to others. Maybe itā€™s not you who is struggling with this problem, but someone other near you. Either way, work now to accept this. For some, it is reassuring to be able to show the best in everything, although it somehow means hidden problems. It is not possible to break out of this by force. This week, think about who in your life you judged too harshly. Feel free to include yourself among them! Look for the lovable in them, a good quality, anything that brings them out of the box. Every person is precious, you just might not have seen it yet. Difficult task! Especially if you have trapped yourself in perfectionism. But remember, you are not an officer to judge. In fact, we all need love. And love should not only be received, it should be given too. For ourselves too. This should not save you money. You don't have to be anything other than who you are. That's how you're real! šŸ™


Weekly mission:
Letā€™s walk towards ourselves this week too. It wonā€™t be an easy task right now: take these few days to consciously observe yourself and whether youā€™re really who you want to be.
Ask yourself: did I understand the disappointments and traumas I had buried deeply in my childhood that changed my whole life? Your answer to this will surely be yes. And the solution is not easy either, but it is definitely worth the effort! Think about your path now and ask yourself: am I on the path that I really feel is my own? Am I afraid to become who I am deep in my soul? Do I feel obligated to follow this path by others? Can I change that?
It is your job to restore your life, to find your inner balance. It's not too late! Are you ready to heal the pains of your childhood? Do you let your feelings being lived? This week is about finally letting go. You donā€™t have to meet anyone, even if you think so. Find yourself back, win the gift of your own life, and donā€™t punish yourself by forcing yourself into the fate of someone else. This is not selfishness. This is redemption. The road to healing is difficult and long. Take time for it, and if standing in front of the mirror will catch the tear-jerking feeling that whoever you see is not really you, then the time has come for you to step out of the past and live it in your full peace, now, the miracle of the only true moment. Recharge with love and be yourself! šŸ™


šŸ“œ Weekly mission

Are you ready? I hope you found your answers last week too! And in the coming days, let us focus on our prayers. Letā€™s drop the religious shackles and open our hearts. Our strongest thoughts are our true prayers, no matter who we address them to. You should know that even if you get off the road, a call will come in to help you find back. Do nothing but let go of the control. This week, focus on serving. Believe that you will get the best if you are ready to accept it. Your prayers will always be heard and brought you closer to yourself. They will strengthen your faith and lead you back to your present. Ask yourself: Am I ready to accept my destiny? Can I let go of violence, control? Do I believe this should happen? These are very deep and difficult thoughts. Let life flow in its own way. It must have already happened to you that you were frustrated by your failure, your frustration, your loss, and later you got something much better that you didnā€™t even expect. It should float before your eyes. You just see the goal and let the tools to reach it arrive at you. Accept your life with gratitude! Your prayers may not only be about desires, about requests! Try not to ask, but to surrender to a sense of gratitude. Follow your path with service and love šŸ™

The truth is out there 22/01/2021

My dears!

Let's read the new post on the blog about our unnecessary quarrels and the true self behind them


The truth is out there We seek and defend as vehemently as if the truth were indeed the truth, but do we know who he is, why he sends us in full armor into battle, and yet why he hides from us once we have to fight in hiā€¦


šŸ“œ Weekly mission:

This week, letā€™s deal a little bit about the delicate balance between our dreams and reality. Examine if there is an area of ā€‹ā€‹your life where you canā€™t be yourself at all, where you feel like you have to lie your true self every time. You are driven by the desire of creating something but do you follow your own dreams with such passion? Is it possible that the highly wished vision is moving away from you more and more because you are forcing it too much? Look a little inward and ask yourself: Can I balance my life? Am I driven by the results? Am I dealing enough with my true self? Could it be that you actually gave up and haven't done anything differently long ago? Find support, help, the strength in your own soul and in your environment as well. Believe in yourself! And always be aware that balance, golden mean, moderation are real miracle cures! Now is the time to act. Be balanced!