Find Fat Fish

Find Fat Fish

We help wannabe retirees make more by investing as a hobby than they earn in their jobs.


[Unsolicited Mini-Sermon: "Do It For The Process, Not The Prizes, And Your Life Will Be Much Better"]

A couple crucial questions to consider, as you watch this humble mini-sermon that I devoutly delivered to my clients:

- If your investments drop 80% in 1 month then stay down for 2 years, how will you view this with a savvy smile and not with self-destructive terror?
- Is your investing process getting stronger – quarter after quarter, day after day, thought after thought – or is it getting weaker?
- What is your performance goal?
- Do you see why long-term focus investors (who do this as a hobby) often beat the bejesus out of short-term day traders & diversified institutional investors (who do this as a job), both in the long-term *and* the short-term?
- Do you have the audacity to believe that you can win here *and* the humility to accept help to make this happen?

If you've got urgency, solvency, and gender-ambiguous balls and you *know* it's time to take your process from "basically nonexistent" to borderline inevitable, then join my humble Kingdom, quickly watch this then let's talk:


Said another way: "We pay a hefty price for a cheery consensus." -Warren Buffett

Based on the hundreds of collaborations I've shared with amateur investors around the world so far, "I need more time to analyze because that's just how I do things" is the second-most common & costly trap, with a lifetime opportunity cost that most people I've interviewed would estimate to be in seven figures, if not more.

(For the most common & costly trap: can you guess what it is, or do you need more time to think about it?)

Needing "abundant time to analyze" is understandable & profitable, unless & until this academic, anti-entrepreneurial, over-defensive posture produces an autobiography entitled Woulda/Coulda/Shoulda loaded with redundant chapters about life-changing opportunities that, for one rationalization or another, failed to change your life.

Every single person who's ever talked themselves out of an opportunity sounded exceedingly smart to themselves as they were doing it –– so committing to reverse this pattern requires the audacity to believe it can be done *and* the modesty to admit it can't be done alone.

If you're ready to go to war with your own weakness *and* you're ready to accept a burst of targeted assistance to create this pattern interrupt, watch this presentation, then grab an hour & let's talk:



[Frequently Asked Question: "Is there any detriment to a high stock price?"]

Focusing on stock price is myopic & misleading, and ends in tears & losses. There is an overlooked alternative, and much more useful metric, that you can think about instead.

To hear exactly what & why (listening in on a careful conversation I just had with a workshop client), go to The Kingdom of Compound Interest Facebook Group:


[Fish Food for Thought] The people who are winning will do anything for an edge. The people who are losing will do anything for an excuse.

Which are you?


[Unsolicited Mini-Sermon: Falling Off The Fish Wagon]

During each of our coaching sessions, Cole provides an unsolicited mini-sermon on common themes we’ve seen during the past month.

We have shared our latest “Falling off the Fish Wagon” because we are hearing horror stories of when people stop following the long-term plan that they’d crafted with our help.

To hear the Mini-Sermon go to The Kingdom of Compound Interest Facebook Group -


Dan has gone from wondering "Am I going to work at a mine site, one week on & one week off, for the rest of my life?" to estimating "I will pay off my house & retire at 40" because he's learned to Fat Fish.

Don’t bumble you’re way through life wasting time looking for the next get-rich scheme, take charge and turn your dreams into a reality.

Check out Dan’s transformation, along with his advice for people looking to get started, in this interview that we've published in The Kingdom of Compound Interest -


[A Victory Lap with a Diesel Mechanic]

Dan Rainbird is a diesel mechanic and has been since 17 (first in Essex, now in Cairns).

He's gone from wondering "Am I going to work at a mine site, one week on & one week off, for the rest of my life?" to estimating "I will pay off my house & retire at 40" because he's learned to Fat Fish.

When I met Dan in 2018 and answered "So what do you do?", he turned to me with unforgettable intensity and said, "I'm your man. I'm keen as f*ck." He seemed next-level serious, but I was skeptical that he would bring the necessary urgency since he was only 28.

6 years after learning how to pick his own winners & invest his own money, here’s what Dan’s made happen:

- He’s upgraded from “paying financial advisors to lose my money for me, pretty much” to investing independently.
- He's found, bought, held, and sold *focused* investments that cleared a 1200% return over a 3-year period (outperforming his former financial advisors in a fee-free fashion, by, uh, just a smidge).
- He took some profits off the table, buying himself a sabbatical & a house to spend it in (with a manageable mortgage).
- He took a stand & left his job, on good terms but on *his* terms, when his employer made demands that went against Dan’s values.
- He estimates he’ll pay off his house & move to part-time work within 6 years—and that he’s shaved 25 years off having to work full-time to afford his ideal lifestyle in retirement.

**At 28 years old, Dan’s retirement trajectory was “65 or older.” At 34, it is “40 or younger.” He bought himself 25 years of freedom (so far) with 8 weeks of training then 6 years of followthrough.**

We discuss Dan’s transformation, along with his advice for people looking to get started, in this interview that I've just published in The Kingdom of Compound Interest.

One last thing on Mr. Rainbird: he’s achieved all of this from 28-34, without a finance background. He stomped through all complacency (and all “But how can I be omnisciently certain that this will work for ME?!” self-sabotage), *only* because he was willing to acknowledge multiple serious problems, ask for help, and follow through.

There’s more that I could say, but what else do you need to know?

You are free or you are not. You are brave or you are not. You are evolving or you're not. You are removing decades of unnecessary labor from your future or you're not.

Compare your progress to this 34-year-old’s, from 2018 until today, then let me ask you: What, for you, does winning look like? Are you ready to dive in & start celebrating? Or do you “need more time” to "fully analyze" an expensive, painful, primal problem that's been haunting you for life?

To watch Dan’s’ interview go to The Kingdom of Compound Interest -


[Fish Food for Thought] When was the last time you made a really smart-sounding excuse that got you absolutely nowhere? What did this “mistake of omission” cost you?


["My kids shares accounts are both +50% up! Great start towards house deposits."]

One of our best & favorite clients from 2022 (a badass entrepreneur from New Zealand) just sent us this email responding to the interview we recently published with another one of our best & favorite clients from 2022 (a badass ER doctor in New Zealand):

"Hey Cole!
Great interview – Thomas is clearly a very smart guy.
My portfolio has performed exceptionally well over the last 18 months and im planning to lean back into it over the coming months as I work on Investing 2.0.
My kids Sharesies accounts are both +50% up! Great start towards house deposits."

Imagine the satisfaction of knowing you will render your 9-5 unnecessary by investing as a hobby. Imagine the satisfaction of knowing you will "give your kids enough they can do anything but not so much they can do nothing" (wise words from Warren Buffett). Imagine the satisfaction of reflecting on the last 2 years and realizing you changed not just your own life but your family tree's trajectory.

Do you want that satisfaction bad enough to rise above the mediocrity of those who waffle under pressure, who say one thing then do another? ("I would do anything for my kids, and financial education could not be more important, but, uh, how much time will this take?!")

If (and only if) you have real urgency, solvency, and gender-ambiguous balls –– take the first step toward your next level.

Go here to learn more:

Photos from Find Fat Fish's post 01/03/2024

Having fun, supporting great charities by swinging giant rackets 🎾🍻


[Fish Food for Thought] How to slice through bu****it (whether it is coming from a FB ad, TV show, or business school): “What’s your best case study?”


[Fish Food for Thought] Avoid sophistication. Pursue SimpliciWii.


[Fish Food for Thought] Have you seen Squid Game? Most investment options (including options) = ☂️


Professionals have coaches, and investing your financial life’s work (your total professional profit) is even more important than your income, so… might it make sense to have a coach?

Click here to learn more:


[Fish Food for Thought] Is there an area, in your life, today, where you strongly suspect… that you’re right, and they’re wrong? If so, what is the area, and what are the stakes?


"Who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?" -Hunter S. Thompson

And who is the wealthier man, he who has screamed "F**K YES, I'M IN, LET'S FISH" or he who has whispered "Not yet, I'm scared, let's 'research'"?


[Fish Food for Thought] Was there a time you backed yourself, when no one else believed you, or believed in you… and were absolutely right? If so, what was your belief, what was the fact-based faith supporting it, and what can you do to duplicate this victory?


[A Victory Lap with Thomas Carter]

Thomas Carter is a doctor who trains doctors. He’s gone from groaning “Why are my returns so sh*t & my costs so high?!” to chuckling “1 position paid for Cole… today” in 18 months.

1.5 years after learning how to feed his family Fat Fish…

- Thomas fired his financial advisor and is now saving more than $25,000 per year ($250,000 per decade) in fees.
- He has found, bought, and held *focused* positions that are up more than 200% & 500%.
- His wife Stacy is performing even better—because she is more *concentrated*—with an average return above 90% with the Fat Fish that she’s found.
- “Team Carter” has already made a *lot* of money despite the long-term nature of this strategy — and they are crushing the performance of *any* diversified investor, as a hobby, without *any* shortsightedness or recklessness.
- Thomas’ ability to powerfully retire from emergency surgery, on his terms & when he wants to, has upgraded from a haunting “if” to a peaceful “when.”

We discuss his & Stacy’s transformation, fully, in this interview.

One last thing on Dr. Carter: he’s achieved *all* of this in 18 months *while* running an emergency room, and while he & Stacy run a household of 4 kids (who are traveling constantly 🥇🏊‍♀️ 🏊‍♀️ 🏊‍♀️ 🏊‍♀️). They blew through any “But do we have enough bandwidth?!” concerns *only* because they were willing to acknowledge a serious problem, ask for help, and follow through.

There’s more that I could say (do you see the multi-decade implications?!), but what else do you need to know?

You’re serious or you’re not. You’re done with self-deception or you’re not. You’re on an 8-figure trajectory or you’re not.

Compare your progress to Team Carter’s, then let me ask you: What, for you, does winning look like? Are you ready to dive in & start celebrating? Or are you not done fence-sitting & suffering?

To watch Thomas’ interview go to The Kingdom of Compound Interest -


[Fish Food for Thought] When is the last time you took a leap of fact-based faith? Where would you be if you hadn’t summoned the gender-ambiguous balls to jump off that invisible cliff? With the benefit of retrospect, was this leap anywhere near as “risky” as you’d invented in your head?


[Fish Food for Thought] If you can’t look past snap judgments & surface appearances, then you are anti-contrarian, you are Joey Public, and you are a major reason why investing will always be a cakewalk for Find Fat Fish & our Finatics.



[Fish Food for Thought] “Contrarian” is a serious word and I mean it in a serious way: If you tell your friends & family what you are investing in, and they don’t look at you like you’re a lunatic, your investment is not a Fat Fish & it’s probably a catfish.


[Fish Food for Thought] Invest in your addictions.


[Fish Food for Thought] Imagine the world of physical fitness, if nutrition best practices weren’t mainstream and personal training didn’t exist. That is where the world of financial fitness is.

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[Fish Food for Thought] 20% of the people (or less) will always own 80% of the money (or more). But that should be 20 *percent* of the people, not 20 people.

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[Fish Food for Thought] Volatility is not risk for the same reason a mood swing is not a death.

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[Fish Food for Thought] Checking stock prices over and over is the world's most impressive panic attack.

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Charles T. Munger, Much More Than Warren Buffett’s No. 2, Dies at 99 (Gift Article) 29/11/2023

"If you mix raisins with turds, they're still turds." –Charlie Munger (RIP), destroying diversification with peerless precision

Warren Buffett's "second fiddle" remained a razor-sharp, twisted-wit, pomposity-lampooning, complexity-incinerating learning machine until the age of 99, and for these reasons he is someone I will always strive to emulate but will never stoop to envy.

"There is nothing more counterproductive than envy. Someone in the world will always be better than you. Of all the sins, envy is easily the worst because you can't even have any fun with it. It's a total net loss."

Rest in peace, and thank you for doing everything in your power to leave us less stupid than you found us.

Charles T. Munger, Much More Than Warren Buffett’s No. 2, Dies at 99 (Gift Article) A billionaire himself, he was the witty vice chairman of Mr. Buffett’s powerhouse investment firm Berkshire Hathaway. But he had far more influence than his title suggested.


"Should you REALLY be investing with the state you're in?

Already this is shaping up to be the most downloaded episode EVER!"

Should you REALLY be investing with the state you're in?

Already this is shaping up to be the most downloaded episode EVER!

And we're only three days into releasing it.

Find out what the fuss is about...

P.S. If you click on link in the bio, then click on the image, you'll be taken to the episode.


Do you sometimes question if you should be "an investor" in the first place? If I had zero years of amateur investing experience (instead of 17.25 years 🤓), that doubt would dog me daily and it might paralyze me permanently.

A lifetime of ineffective action and/or tortured inaction is expensive––and for most investors, institutional & amateur alike, that is pretty much the menu 💩💩.

So, in Find Fat Fish's 4th collaboration with NZ Everyday Investor, Darcy and I break down the types of people who are best positioned to rip decades off of their retirement trajectory by investing their own money as a hobby, along with the types of people who should almost certainly steer clear.

When I think about the 400+ people that I've interviewed and the 100+ clients that I've worked with, these patterns become obvious.

But give it a watch, then let me know below: are you one of these types, or something else we may have missed? And, more importantly, what will you do about it? 🎣

Videos (show all)

[Unsolicited Mini-Sermon: "Do It For The Process, Not The Prizes, And Your Life Will Be Much Better"]A couple crucial qu...
[Frequently Asked Question: "Is there any detriment to a high stock price?"]Focusing on stock price is myopic & misleadi...
Dan has gone from wondering "Am I going to work at a mine site, one week on & one week off, for the rest of my life?" to...