Simple Ways - Team Page

Simple Ways - Team Page

Simple Ways began as a mom unwilling to accept a not-so-hot health trajectory for her little one. I'm a mom - that's how I started on this journey.

Simple Ways is about generational health and turning the tide for ourselves and our families. I'm a nurse, although most of what I've learned about natural health has been through my own bumpy journey pursuing health through nutrition, herbs, essential oils and natural tools. Glad to see you here!


Containers make all the difference 🥰 The is one of my eat your veggies strategies for the smalls and the bigs. If it’s all cut up, easy to reach and looks fun I leave it out for an hour or so and everyone just grazes on the good stuff.


Leaving the country for dental work! Prepared with alll the things. (Biologic dentist that friends and family have gone to). Creative medical care 😝🙈 Plus our 17th anniversary. See you on the flip side!


In attempt to avoid the “what’s for dinner” question at 4:30 when the people are melting, I have spent an entire week attempting to make a batch of crockpot freezer meals, and I have yet to accomplish getting one finished. This morning the little girls and I were praying “please give us Lord our daily bread” before getting interrupted by baby 💩 in the 🛁 So we came to yet another 4:30 - frustrated at another foiled attempt to have dinner already decided and prepared - when I turned post school chip and guacamole snack into dinner nachos with some ground meat and veggies - it was fully devoured. Our daily bread. Not my plan but inspired just in time 🙏☺️


Last week we were home for break, and I woke up on Friday to a pigsty and a pretty dreary outlook on the day. Kind of like this morning when my four-year-old handed me a black balloon to blow up - a “sign” of a dreary day. The words in my head were, “you have a choice.” So I turned on some worship and focused for a few minutes on the Lord, who loves us so. I should not be surprised that when I put some air into the balloon, and gave breath to remembering the kindness of God, that the black balloon turned brilliant purple, and the day - slowly but so surely - turned beautiful 💕


Why dōTERRA? I almost always talk about the positive. Because that’s how I roll. But sometimes it is worth noting things like this. 27 brands of “birch” oil. Not ONE of them had actual birch oil. Wintergreen is a cheap copy that smells so similar or it can be made in a lab synthetically (with side effects of course). 10 years in (for me) and dōTERRA is still the real deal when you want results.


Taking this nugget to my 7th essential oil convention since 2014. Living it up with aromatherapy 🥳


One last big trip and hurrah for J before school starts. For a while I’ve been telling her, especially when visiting my grandmother, to always make the moments and good byes count. Such a gift she got in another visit!

Photos from Simple Ways - Team Page's post 21/08/2023

Cutest lunch dates and the “best Costco’s (taco’s) in the whole whirrrled” per BoPeep

Photos from Simple Ways - Team Page's post 16/08/2023

Show me your first back to school lunch. I’m gonna knock it on if the park at least once for the year 😜 Of course this is half the amount of food he eats when we stay home all day and snacks are less monitored. Oi. I better show up with snacks in the carline 🤣


I had a friend visit recently and we talked about the intensity of the pace of life right now. She with a full time job, 2 small children and a husband who travels a lot. Me with 4 kids (12, 10, 3 and 1) and one with some very intense needs, working from home and a few weeks without a dishwasher or washing machine, also a husband who works odd hours. Her last comment was that the *pace didn’t show any signs of slowing … anytime soon*. I both resonated with that and was knee kicked realizing that I’ve been kind of holding my breath for a while waiting for a break, a vacation, a reset that might not be soon forthcoming. If my admonition is to “above all else, guard my heart,” I need grace to keep my heart alive and engaged in a life that has often felt like a near constant pressure cooker. This morning I found myself with a few extra minutes just to be STILL and this phrase was forming in my heart. There IS grace for this, joy in this, peace for this storm of activity. Mama let’s lean into *this grace*


First sushi date with this pied piper. When you’ve gone to bat for years to see breakthrough for your kids, this sweet moments are worth a million 🥰🥳


Summer BOGO is on! DM and I’ll make it happen while supplies last 🔥

Photos from Simple Ways - Team Page's post 07/06/2023

Shout out to for a great adoption experience for my girl who 💜💕 the 🐹 life. She’s excited


I’m not sure what kind of stories my kids will tell about me when they are grown but I have a feeling I will get made fun of at some point for taking things out of other peoples bulk pick up items🤣. This perfectly good princess carriage was on the side of the road and I swiped it. This little princess is loving it!


I told someone the other day that in 10 years, I have saved many thousands in medical bills by doing what we can do at home first. As I stopped to double check my math, I realized how often we use essential oils for first line of defense! So yes, my math was right and we’ll keep learning to be healthy from home. Let me know if you’d like to learn more 🥰


Lessons from Isaac. God doesn’t wait for me to “shape up” to open the door for relationship. He doesn’t withhold his love, his voice or offer of connection when I am losing my Koolaid.

When Isaac came home from school a WRECK this week, I felt the invitation to draw near (not from him, let me be clear 🙈) but from a God who draws close to us when we are messy, whose kindness leads us to repentance. so I made good on my long offered promise to take him to build a bear, where his inner five-year-old came out in a frenzy and helped turn the day around.

I’ve cried more tears over this one, but he is also the one opening my heart to the God who sees us and moves with compassion.

Photos from Simple Ways - Team Page's post 16/04/2023

How baby does soccer games. #4. Got to go with the flow. Happy Hannah


Enjoying a visit to my sweet grandmother and Lego Discovery. H enjoying her best life napping in the car seat 😂


Friends it has been a minute! I’ve been doing a lot more text ed these days (let me know if you want to be included!) but I still have lots of love for this group - we have learned a lot together! Tonight it’s back to the basics for me, using some straight up lavender on my 1 and 3 year old’s feet to help turn the 😭😭😭 into 😴😴😴 during a late night road trip. 10 minutes later and thet are out. Life issues are easier with oils. Every.Day. Shout out to the Mother’s Day trio whi h includs my #1 favorite flower - Gardenia followers closely by Jasmine. Not just a personal fragrance, these help calm frazzled emotions and jasmine helps regulate hormones. 💰36 wholesale for all three. How can I help your oils story?


God talks. I love it when God speaks right through your mouth. My 10-year-old has some neurological challenges that make emotions feel really big. The only one of my kids born in Kansas City, my son has an intense affinity for the Chiefs. So tonight was pretty loaded emotionally for him. When they were down by seven, we were already having buckets of tears. I took his head in my hands, and instead of the peptalk that was going to come out of my mouth, I looked him in the eyes, and with no premeditation, said, “ You are a loyal fan. They need all their loyal fans to believe in them right now.” I was almost kicking myself because no way would I have thought to say that and leave more room for potential disappointment. It was enough to turn the tide for him, at least for a while and all said and done he was able to go to sleep before the game was over with peace. What compassion God showed him in those words 💙I can hardly wait to see his face tomorrow 🥳💕


This is my favorite way for the kids to come home from school. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t get to do this every day! But when I do, they are hungry and they will eat whatever is easily accessible. Putting their snacks in one place also forces us all to stay in the same vicinity and my best chance to hear about their day. This is my highest success rate strategy of getting plant points in them during the day🙌🏼


Essential Oils “What do I do with __ Contest!”🤓🥳For January, I’m giving gifts!

Reply with an oil you’d like to learn more about. Maybe an oil you’ve never tried or maybe it’s one you have that you don’t know what to do with. 5 winners will get a personalized educational video and an additional free oil 😎 Alternatively, reply with a health goal you’d like a natural solution for. Check image for this month’s promos! I truly love working in aromatherapy, with dōTERRA and especially with you. Please let me know how I can serve your health needs this year!


One of my strategies for keeping the baby healthy is having the big kids clean their hands as soon as they get in the car. One drop of Wild Orange or Lemon, OnGuard sanitizer gel or mist are a few of several great options


I’m a nut for things with stories. This was my jacket at 3 that my dad bought on a trip to Boston. My Cutest three old 💖


It was tooo quiet!! Sticky goey lip gloss allll over her face and hair. Castile soap and lemon oil to the rescue 🤣 Carefully around her face and diluted with the lemon - that stuff was sticky!!!

Our Story

Simple Ways is about health maintenance, health restoration and generational health. We believe that natural tools can be a big part of that process and we’re here to help!

Videos (show all)

Mom guilt and all that is a real thing. And the list of when we start to feel that way could probably be long. But when ...
Life with the smalls ❤️🤣
I’ve been building a network marketing business for over a decade. I’ve never won a “most of” anything award. I’m not a ...
Like many, I went to school for a bucket‘s job – you know the kind of job where you take your empty bucket (time) to set...
I know you might be gearing up with all the oils that pack a big punch when encountering crud. And that’s great. Diffuse...
I’m volunteering as a camp nurse today.  I’m crazy super thankful to be here and love the chance to do something “with-i...
Thank you Rick and Pam Pulver (and Sam’s Club door buster this weekend only). 4 hours and bigs are going strong. Hopie i...
At our last Ped visit, doc said poisoning is one of the two biggest dangers at this age. She is number 4 and I know how ...
My 12 year old has been asking for a debit card and I’ve been wanting her to gain more house management and responsibili...
The kitchen was relatively clean this morning. 4 kids (one baby), chasing chickens, several play dates, meals, snacks an...
This is why we make non-toxic cleaners! It only takes a second for them to get into something and at this age it goes ri...
Work your strengths and love what you have, naturally. Fight the crud with a FREE OnGuard touch essential oil with every...