We Are All Librotraficantes: Fighting 21st Century Censorship

We Are All Librotraficantes: Fighting 21st Century Censorship

Fruit Loop in a world full of Cheerios. Bigelow and B. Peterson
• The Latino Condition: A Critical Reading (1998), by R. Delgado and J. C. A. S. Berliner and B. J. E. D.

List of banned Books

High School Texts and Reading List Table 20: American Government/Social Justice Education Project 1, 2 – Text and Reading List
• Rethinking Columbus: The Next 500 Years (1998), by B. Stefancic
• Critical Race Theory: An Introduction (2000), by R. Stefancic
• Pedagogy of the Oppressed: (2000), by P. Freire
• United States Government: Democracy in Action (2007) by R. Remy
• Dic
