Concerned Citizens of Union County

Concerned Citizens of Union County

Concerned Citizens of Union County is a nonpartisan organization of private citizens who believe in fiscal, constitutional and governmental responsibility


Sorry I haven't been keeping very current with the CCUC FB page. There is just so much going on, as you all know, that it is hard to start. But I'll try to post at least something once a week on each of the many topics we all care about.

Hopefully everyone watches or listens to Levin? I'll try to take his approach and post things of substance as opposed to just griping about what's going on.

Victor Davis Hanson - Biden's border blowup 01/04/2024

Another good article from Victor Davis Hanson.

Victor Davis Hanson - Biden's border blowup    

Grassley Reveals New Details of FBI Efforts to Tamper with Far-Reaching Biden Family Investigations | U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa 26/10/2023

Senator Grassley Releases Stunning Information about Biden Crime Family Cover Up

Grassley Reveals New Details of FBI Efforts to Tamper with Far-Reaching Biden Family Investigations | U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa FBI’s Biden bribery document cleared initial vetting by multiple Justice Department offices--FBI had...
