Zochil Jewelry

Zochil Jewelry

Unique one of a kind pieces that celebrate YOU. Each piece is handmade using both natural materials and found vintage jewelry.


Weekly Card for the collective: Sun, find a balance. Balance is not static but fluid. It is. It the same each day or even moment to moment. Look at the warning signs of when you are not feeling in alignment with SELF. Where are you overindulging? Where are you not showing up fully? What does your heart need more of? Consistency is key and small daily@actions will bring you back to your flow.

Balance Spell:
Make two lists. List one write out ways your overindulging. Second list wrote what would you like to have more in your life. Once your done, review lists without judgment. Find the food in the bad and the bad in the good. This is about seeing things from a different perspective. The next day do one thing from your second list and skip something from your first list. See how it feels. Life is about adjusting, making mistakes and growing.


In the literature I’m currently reading it is said that’s it’s common for women to find a new path to rewinding themselves and connecting to their magick as they enter the second half of their lives.

I have found that to be true, hence why I am here, sharing this kind of content. I have found peace and space for my SELF to have permission to shine, connect and release.

I have been able to do this by softening, by stopping the pushing and dragging that society has ingrained in me.

So, I invite you to find moments in your week to soften and connect to the earth and yourself. Take a moment to look up to the sky and bask in the warmth of the sun. Because you are a magical being.


This Milagrito will go to its new home tomorrow. The person receiving it has shown so much love and commitment to making the community better.


Charging Crystals Under A New Moon
The new moon is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. So, if want to use your crystals to help you release old patterns and welcome in new beginnings, harness the energy of the new moon to charge them!

Amethyst are great healers. I like placing them under a bed to help when someone is sick.


The balsamic phase marks the end of the lunar cycle. It is time for surrender and rest. No more action, thinking or planning is required - just relax and trust in the process. Let your mind become still and allow the universe to take over. Use the last of the moon’s waning energy for purification or cleansing, to prepare yourself for the upcoming cycle. De-clutter or do a smoke purification ritual to clear out stale energy and create space for the new. It’s also a good time to review your current evening ritual and adjust it if it is not promoting restful sleep.


Simple ways to have a magical morning:
1. Move your body
2. Meditate, even if it’s just five minutes.
3. Pull a card
4. Prepare your breakfast with love and intention
5. Make hot water with lemon and sprinkle a dash of cinnamon. Both lemon and cinnamon have magical properties to raise the vibrations of love. So start the day with lots of it.


Weekly card for the collective: Surrender
What are you moving against? What keeps coming in the way? You might be moving towards something and. It know that if you turn around and go with the flow will get you to where you want to be. Let go of what’s not working, what’s giving you headaches and allow yourself to go with the flow.


Sharing what my small altar looks like right now. This space hola crystals, one of my atabeys, a photo to remind me of my resilience and books to inspire me. I can set intentions and plant seeds of dreams.

I invite you to set a space in your home, no matter the size, to invite a collaboration with the Universe.


A weekly card for the collective: Turtle/ Grounding
Slow down. Anytime you chase the future you leave the present behind. What happens when you stop rushing? Imagine time is not finite but elastic. Pay attention to what’s in front of you. Stop chasing and trust in a timing greater than you own.


Another Milagrito will find their way to their new home tomorrow.
I am definitely having fun making these and setting my intention on every stitch as a meditative spell. I look forward to creating new designs to hold space for the dreams and wishes other want to manifest through these.


The new moon signifies the start of a new cycle. It’s the time to formulate new intentions and re-evaluate existing ones.
This is a lower energy phase, so get plenty of rest and give yourself the space to connect with your true purpose, passion and mission. Set aside time for meditating or journaling, or head into nature for inspiration. From here you can set intentions which are aligned with your authentic self.
When you feel ready, write down your new intentions and go through your existing list to make sure they are still valid.


Your girl was a guest in a podcast! Thanks it was lots of fun chatting with you about Capricorn season!

Follow link in profile for the YouTube video!


Your week’s anchor card for the collective. Take what resonates and leave the rest: Oueen of Pentacles - An invitation to deeply care for and tend to our body.
This card calls upon us to get our feet on the earth, to drink hot gingered broth, to warm our bodies, and reach for any resource that helps us to feel like our cup is as full as possible.
Journal prompts: where is my body and soul needing me to show up to them? What am I saying yes that’s depleting me? What can I do to fill my cup for this Yule season?


A card for the collective for the week:

Fives in the Tarot always signify change or struggles with other people or within our own layers as individuals. We see the women in the card looking conflicted or angry, and they appear to be challenging the one in the middle who has a position of power. So a conflict is always present, either between a group of people, or within different facets of one person.

This week allow yourself sometime to reflect on the differences that you might have with others and meditate with what stories or history you are bringing in that might affect or frame the situation. The same if it’s an inner conflict: is what your thinking true? What stories or beliefs are you bringing with you that affect how you are viewing it.
Comment below with an emoji or more if this resonates with you.

Photos from Zochil Jewelry's post 23/09/2023

Happy Mabon!!!! It’s a busy day for me with my orgs fundraiser but I will find easy ways to celebrate mabon today:
1. Light a candle
2. Write a gratitude list
3. Put my feet on the cool grass.
4. Sprinkle cinnamon in my coffee.
Comment below and share how you will celebrate Mabon.


Excited to cook this one tomorrow and find a place for it in the house.


Today I was surrounded by other artists in conversations about dreams, what success is and when to let go and shift.
To me, at this stage of my life, success means to allow myself time to play, stay curious, create, dance and share my creative life with my family and community.
*necklace from rope and clay


Here’s a little ritual for you to do today. Today the new moon in Virgo marks the sacred threshold between moon cycles reminding us that endings and beginnings and beginnings are endings.

Today light your favorite candle and write what you would like to call in for the next six months. Then fold it and burry it in your garden or in the soil of a pot in your house.

Photos from Zochil Jewelry's post 10/09/2023

A reading for the collective for the coming week. I do these for myself on Sunday nights to get ready for the week:
3 card spread
1. What I need to think about this week.
2. What I need to do this week.
3. What will challenge me this week.
Here we go… take what resonates leave the rest.
1. Think-Wheel of Fortune reversed: you are feeling stagnant but don’t worry, it won’t be for long. What are you trying to call in and how are you spending your energy towards it. Don’t wait for it to fall in your lap.
2. Do- Four of Discs: you are craving some alone time. This week say no to what is not lighting you up and spend time taking care of filling g your cup.
3. Challenge- Ten of swords: you will still struggle with letting go of the thing/person/situation that is not serving you. You know you have to, you know things can’t continue to go this way. The first step is to acknowledge what needs to go.

If anything resonates with you let me know via commenting below or privately through a DM. It helps me become a better reader.

Photos from Zochil Jewelry's post 08/09/2023

A card for the collective: reflect on your journey, the good and the not so good. Your growth and give yourself credit for what you have done. Done wait for other’s validation.


This past super full moon was the first time I made some moon water. The first night I wrote what I wanted to release and the second night I wrote what I am calling in. I used it for my hot water with tea in the morning and my coffee for the day. It was very powerful. Have questions? DM me

Photos from Zochil Jewelry's post 25/07/2023

A bit late but it’s Leo Season and this is the time to let your light shine.

It is a time to gather, reconnect back to your power and to let yourself bask in your awesomeness.

Gather your favorite flowers, crystals and candles.
Place them in your sacred space and journal:
1. What insecurities are blocking you from shining your light?
2. What might you have to let go of to let your light shine?
3. What are you being called to radiate in the world?


A spread for the waning moon.
Every morning (or most mornings-I have a 2 and 4 yr old) I wake up, meditate, do some movement, pull my card(s) and read my moon app. This spread is from my moon app.

The waning moon is a time to go inward and reflect on what one needs to let go, set boundaries of and keep in one’s life.

Take this time to reflect. Maybe journal and let your emotions and feelings just pour into a page, maybe put on some music and let it shuffle-the universe will send you the song you need to dance to. Sit and be ok with not knowing or being uncomfortable. You can do it.


As the first days of solstice set in we are reminded to continue to take care of our needs. To remember that is not the selfish thing to do but that it is the kind thing to do for ourselves.
Go back to your solstice questions from last week and meditate on how your soul is asking you to show up for themselves this season.


I understand how life can be hectic, one is pulled into different directions and most of the times, one can forget about their own needs. That is why for me having small rituals to ground myself are so important. Some mornings I am able to do them all and others I give myself grace and do just one.
I invite you to find a morning routine that will feel like a gift to yourself and not another thing you have to do.
My 5 tips for morning rituals:
1. Find a time that is realistic. I am ok waking up at 5:20am and have until 6am to get it done. There are times either of my two kids wake up during this time and they will either join me for some of it or they are happy watching a cartoon while they drink milk. Find a time that works for you.
2. Move in a meaningful way to you : I will either do a 15min strengthening routine or a kundalini practice. Find a movement practice that honors your authenticity.
3. Meditate even if it’s just a minute: for me these are from 3-12 min practices. It gives me a chance to ground in gratitude and start my day with a stronger foundation.
4. Get a little witchy: I will pull a card to give me a thought or idea to take with me throughout the day.
5. Nourish your body with something yummy: I start with hot water, lemon and cinnamon. I will place my hands over my favorite cup (a handmade cup I got in Cholula, Mexico a summer I went to teach some movement workshops) and I will ask the water to nourish my mind, body and soul.
My hope is that this inspires you to add some magic to your morning. Tag me as I would love to see what makes your mornings magical.

Photos from Zochil Jewelry's post 19/06/2023

Cancer Season:
Uncover your inner mother
For the first ritual for The Circle we are starting with Cancer Season 🦀 You can do as much or as little that I prompt you below. Take what you want and leave the rest.
Journal prompt:
- How is the universe calling you to care for yourself? How can you put yourself first?
Tarot or oracle card question:
- What does the divine mother want you to know? What do you need to feel supported and alive?
- moonstone crystals, shells, white flowers and jasmine oil. (If you do not have these items, use your intuition and gather things that make you feel at home and cozy.)
- Create a mandala using your flowers, shells and crystals in a place where you can sit and journal or meditate. Anoint the jasmine oil on your third eye to open your awareness to revive how to care for yourself.
Tag as I would love to see your Cancer Season feels.


🌟 Introducing "The Circle" 🌟

🔮 Set your intentions, embrace connection, and awaken your inner power with the magic of the zodiac! 🌌✨

Welcome to The Circle, a sacred space where like-minded individuals come together to live a life of deep connection, heightened awareness, and profound intentionality. 🌙✨

These offering will be free and self-paced. Embark on a transformative journey, guided by the wisdom of the zodiac calendar. 🌠💫

Follow the gentle prompts and indulge in soothing rituals that nourish your soul and elevate your spirit.

The Circle is your sanctuary, where the stars and the hearts unite. ✨💖 Embrace the infinite possibilities that await you as you embrace a life of intentionality, connection, and soulful living. 🌟💫

We will kick off with Cancer season and I will provide the first prompts on Monday, June 19 🌌✨🔮

Are you ready to step into the magic of The Circle? Comment below if your excited!!!!



Did you know that your pineal gland, also known as your third eye, can unlock your full potential and spiritual awareness? By opening your third eye, you can tap into unlimited blessings and enhance your intuition.

When your third eye is open, you'll see the world in a new light. You'll be more in tune with your inner self and have a heightened sense of intuition, leading to better decision-making and increased creativity.

Meditation and mindfulness are powerful tools to open your third eye. Take time each day to focus on your breath and quiet your mind. Visualize your third eye opening and imagine a bright light shining through.

Embrace the power within and watch as your life transforms in amazing ways! ✨💫


Stitch by stitch we make ourselves who we are: imperfect, a work in progress, yet beautiful and what we are meant to be

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