stART art projects

stART art projects

stART è un collettivo di curatrici operanti nell’ambito dell’arte contemporanea, istruzione e organizzazione eventi.

stART opera nell’ambito dell’arte contemporanea. La nostra missione è avvicinare l’intricato mondo dell’arte contemporanea sia agli artisti, professionisti, curatori sia agli utenti. Con uno staff con esperienza internazionale, organizziamo eventi, mostre e conferenze di approfondimento, offriamo servizi e consulenze e forniamo in modo semplice e comprensibile programmi ad hoc per artisti emergent

Bando selezione performance 2024-2024 06/02/2024

Bando selezione performance 2024-2024 Bando per la selezione di performance e spettacoli per la stagione 2024 TERMINE D'ISCRIZIONE: 12 FEBBRAIO 2024



Testing Grounds - Villa Romana Garden Residency April-June 2024

We are excited to announce the Testing Grounds residency for art-ecology projects in the garden of Villa Romana. The residency programme invites proposals for artists to stay for the realisation of a project within the garden from 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024.

Image credit: Daniela Zambrano Almidón ( )

About the Residency

Villa Romana is home to an abundant ecological community in its 1.5 hectar garden, including almost one hundred olive trees, four beehives, a range of heritage fruit trees and wild flower meadows. Artists participating in the Testing Grounds residencies are invited to work with the garden directly as an outdoor studio and site for ecological learning and artistic research. Participating artists will have the option to present work in the villa’s main exhibition space, or in the garden, at the end of their residency. From 2008-2022 the landscape architecture collective atelier le balto worked with the garden to create a space for artistic practice, integrate sites of activation and establish ways of reusing materials.
Participating artists in the Testing Grounds residencies will stay in the villa’s guest rooms. They will have full access to the communal kitchen and library on the top floor. Artists will be able to use the pavilion in the garden as a space to develop performance work, workshops or other interventions. The residency will cover travel from an EU country (preferably by train), accommodation and per diems.
The residency takes place within Testing Grounds, a programme on cultivation, diasporic belonging and intergenerational and interspecies knowledge sharing in the garden of Villa Romana.

Application details:

🌿Submission deadline: Friday 22nd September 2023
Please submit your application via the submission form, link in bio.
We ask you to submit a 2-page PDF proposal for your project, this can include visual and text materials.

Full details including selection criteria can be found in the link in bio 🍃

Photos from Sincresis's post 30/07/2023
Residenza "Il Terzo Paradiso dell'Energia": aperte le candidature del bando per artisti/fashion designer under 30 - Journal Cittadellarte 30/07/2023

Residenza "Il Terzo Paradiso dell'Energia": aperte le candidature del bando per artisti/fashion designer under 30 - Journal Cittadellarte A2A Life Company, Fondazione Banco dell’energia e Cittadellarte, in collaborazione con Accademia Unidee e The Round Table, hanno aperto un bando per una residenza di produzione di 2 settimane, da svolgersi negli spazi della Fondazione Pistoletto e nel Comune di Monte Isola. Possono candidarsi - en...


OPEN CALL: Exhibitions proposals for Industra ART Gallery 2024 in Brno, Czech Republic.

Read the full open call on our website:

📧 Application deadline: 20 July 2023

The gallery supports interesting original projects by art school students, graduates and established artists, whose exhibition projects can cover the entire space of the industrial gallery, located in the former compressor factory.

INDUSTRA ART Gallery will provide selected exhibition projects with:
- gallery facilities
- promotion and production of the exhibition
- artistic fee within the framework of the awarded grants
- transport of works of art
- travel and accommodation

The call is addressed to the emerging generation of Czech and foreign artists, art groups and curators.

Se cercate lavoro nell’arte meglio dare un’occhiata qui 06/06/2023

Se cercate lavoro nell’arte meglio dare un’occhiata qui Artisti, operatori turistici, curatori, designer, filmmaker, manager del marketing e della comunicazione culturale: tutti i profili richiesti dal settore

Photos from stART art projects's post 07/05/2023

Il viaggio di “Mottainai – Troppo bello per essere sprecato” sta per iniziare. Vuoi conoscere da vicino il progetto?

Sai che esiste un termine in giapponese che indica il rammarico per quello che viene sprecato perché non valorizzato nel modo giusto ed è “mottainai”? La sfida agli sprechi del fast fashion ti sembra impossibile?

Vieni a trovarci sabato 6 e domenica 7 maggio in piazza dei Ciompi alla mostra mercato Artefacendo.

Ti racconteremo tutto il nostro progetto e anche come sostenerlo.
Ti aspettiamo 😉

Perché scartare quando puoi valorizzare?
Scopri tutte le creazioni su eppela


OPEN CALL: Residential Fellowship for a Curator at Schloss Balmoral in Bad Ems, Germany.

Read and apply:

💸 Scholarship of EUR 1,400 per month
🗓 8 months
📧 Application deadline: 5 May 2023

The fellowship will involve organising and putting on three group exhibitions in the exhibition space of the Künstlerhaus in the centre of Bad Ems, in collaboration with the artists in residence. Ideally, the organiser would also like the fellowship holder to develop a programme of events to take place during each exhibition.

The residency will be awarded for a period of eight months and will include a scholarship of EUR 1,400 per month plus a supplement for travel expenses to Schloss Balmoral. The residency begins in April. The fellow will be provided free of charge with a furnished apartment in the Künstlerhaus with living/bed space, shower, toilet and a studio.

Photos from ARTRIBUNE's post 18/03/2023
Apply to Onassis AiR today 18/03/2023

Apply to Onassis AiR today A unique program that fosters artistic research by offering time, resources and a supportive collaborative working environment for the exchange of practices and knowledge.


CALL for APPLICATIONS: Fellowships for Curators and Artists at Salzburg Summer Academy 2023

Now open until 10 April 2023

ERSTE Foundation offers fourteen fellowships for young artists and emerging curators from Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine to take part in a course of their choice at the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg 2023.

You can find more information here:

Image: Open Studios, Klasse Maria Bussmann, Festung Hohensalzburg, 2022


JOB OPPORTUNITY: Curator at Fondazione Prada, Milan.

Read the full description on our website:

📧 Application deadline: 31 March 2023

Fondazione Prada is seeking a new curator for the Research and Publications department of its Milan office.

The curator will work with the Head of Research and Publication and the curatorial team on the development of the Foundation’s cultural program, contributing new ideas and innovative stimuli for the creation of exhibitions, projects, and publications. He or she will coordinate contacts with artists, external curators, lenders, designers, and others by involving them in the various stages of the project.

Fluent Italian and English required.

Riccardo Guarneri, Pittura a lento consumo, Felice Limosani si incontrano in un dialogo spontaneo e intergenerazionale, percorso dell'artista fiorentino. Nato nel 1933, protagonista della pittura analitica italiana. 03/03/2023

Riccardo Guarneri, Pittura a lento consumo, Felice Limosani si incontrano in un dialogo spontaneo e intergenerazionale, percorso dell'artista fiorentino. Nato nel 1933, protagonista della pittura analitica italiana. Riccardo Guarneri, Pittura a lento consumo, Biennale di Venezia nel 1966, per poi tornarvi, nel 2017. Limosani e Guarnieri attraverso la conversazione artistica mettono in luce una “musicalità”

Manchester Museum to recruit a Social Justice Manager ahead of reopening - Museums + Heritage Advisor 28/01/2023

Manchester Museum to recruit a Social Justice Manager ahead of reopening - Museums + Heritage Advisor The role is intended to develop strategic partnerships with organisations, artists and communities to deliver and evaluate new programmes.

Sette podcast che parlano di arte contemporanea da non perdere 22/01/2023

Sette podcast che parlano di arte contemporanea da non perdere I migliori podcast che ci sono in giro per aggiornarsi, trarre ispirazione o per capire di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di arte

The Aesthetic of Silence: Susan Sontag on Art as a Form of Spirituality and the Paradoxical Role of Silence in Creative Culture 17/01/2023

The Aesthetic of Silence: Susan Sontag on Art as a Form of Spirituality and the Paradoxical Role of Silence in Creative Culture “The art of our time is noisy with appeals for silence. A coquettish, even cheerful nihilism. One recognizes the imperative of silence, but goes on speaking anyway.”



Deadline: 15 January 2023

MGLC Švicarija, a creative and residential centre, in collaboration with the Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory invites art critics and cultural journalists from international milieu to apply for a fully funded, one-month residency in Ljubljana during October 2023.Our aim is to host an art critic or cultural journalist active in writing and publishing reviews and/or other forms of art writing in the international context, and who is interested in Ljubljana’s vibrant art scene and will produce at least 1 piece of writing (review, interview, column or essay) on selected artist(s), art exhibition(s) or art event(s) in Ljubljana over the course of the residency. The text should be published in the English language in a relevant periodical (printed or online), radio, television or personal blog. The selection will also take into account whether the applicant already has an agreement or confirmation for the publication in relevant media of the text to be produced during the one-month residency.

We invite to apply art critics and cultural journalist from international milieu (applicants from Slovenia are not eligible).

Deadline for applications: 15 January 2023.
The period of the residency: 1–31 October 2023.

More information:

Photo: Urska Boljkovac. MGLC Archive.


[IRINOX Save the Food Award 2nd Edition]

🇮🇹 Vi ricordiamo che è aperta la call per la II Edizione del Premio Irinox , rivolto alla promozione di artisti che abbiano affrontato il tema del in ogni sua forma, mediante l’uso dell’immagine.
📌 Termine iscrizioni: 31 gennaio 2023

Abbiamo il piacere di comunicare che tra i Premi, grazie alla collaborazione tra MIA Fair e Yeast Photo Festival di Matino sarà possibile essere selezionati per la MOSTRA COLLATERALE A YEAST PHOTO FESTIVAL a ( ).
La mostra verrà realizzata nell’ambito di YEAST PHOTO FESTIVAL] e si terrà da settembre a novembre 2023.

🏆 I premi• MOSTRA COLLETTIVA DEI 10 FINALISTI A MIA FAIR MILANO (in apertura dal 22 al 26 marzo 2023)
•MOSTRA COLLETTIVA DEI 10 FINALISTI A PARMA nell’ambito del , la più importante manifestazione in Italia legata al tema del cibo.
Per scaricare il e conoscere la giuria del Premio

🇬🇧A gentle reminder that the call of the 2nd Edition of the Irinox Award is open, the prize is aimed at promoting artists, with no age or nationality limits, who have a relationship with in all its different forms, through photography.
📌 Registration deadline: 31st January 2023

We are pleased to announce that among the Awards, thanks to the collaboration between MIA Fair and Yeast Photo Festival in Matino (Lecce), will be possible to be selected for
The exhibition will be held as part of YEAST PHOTO FESTIVAL] and will run from September to November 2023.

🏆The awards: •COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION OF THE 10 WINNERS IN MIA FAIR MILANO (opening March 2023 from the 22nd- 26th)
•COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION OF THE 10 WINNERS IN PARMA in conjunction with , the most important fair in related to food thematics.
Please, find the application form and the Award jury 📸 Ziqian Liu, Symbiosis, 2021, Courtesy: Paola Sosio Contemporary Art

Documenta 15 — Una riflessione collettiva. Parte 2 22/12/2022

Documenta 15 — Una riflessione collettiva. Parte 2 In questa seconda parte, ATPdiary ospita le riflessioni di Elvira Vannini, Alice Pedroletti, Aria Spinelli e Marianna Liosi