

Zenliving invites you to a Holistic Healthy Lifestyle Journey!

We focus on creating simple, fuss free and effective mind-body-soul awareness by the sharing of daily inspirational quotes, promote healthy living/eating and sharing of various meditation techniques to apply in our daily life to bring balance and wellness to living an enjoyable meaningful life.

Inspirational Video - Pay It Forward 26/07/2019

Today, we would like to share this short video with you that shows how a small act of kindness can go a long way. Even though we should not expect any gains from kindness, the more you give, the more you are likely to receive.

In what ways have you been kind today? Share one such moment with us :)

Inspirational Video - Pay It Forward Everyone, can help to make the world a better place!

Mindful Eating: The Sustainable Eating Habit You Need To Try 24/07/2019

Have you heard of the saying “you are what you eat”?

What you eat has bearings on both your mental and physical health. That’s why it is important to fill your body properly and eat all food in moderation.

In our latest article, we share about a sustainable eating habit we think you should try! Check it out :)

Mindful Eating: The Sustainable Eating Habit You Need To Try When it comes to food and nutrition, we often immediately associate healthy eating with diets and counting macronutrients. From keto to low-carb diets to intermittent fasting, we are sure most of you have attempted at least one such diets before. For some, there are remarkable results. Others, maybe...



We know. But this statistic doesn't have to hold true.

Look out for our new article tomorrow to learn about a sustainable eating habit you can incorporate into your lifestyle! :)


The appropriate atmosphere is essential for a night of relaxation and meditation. Daily Zen And Fit's line of aromatherapy products are the perfect complements for unwinding after a long day at work.

Check out our products in the upcoming video and on our website: www.dailyzenandfit.com


Mondays aren’t an excuse to be feeling blue!

How you feel should not be determined by external circumstances, but a state of mind achieved internally. We challenge you to find joy within yourselves this week.

Happy Monday ☺

5 Reasons Why You Should Try Yoga 20/07/2019

Yoga is a journey of your own, at your own pace, without the need to compete against others – and that’s why we love it.

Thinking about trying yoga? Check out our article for five compelling reasons to do so!

5 Reasons Why You Should Try Yoga Yoga, an enduring exercise that has been around for more than 5,000 years, is a combination of both physical and mental disciplines. The best part of yoga is that anyone can do it! There are different variations that focus on different purposes. You just have to find the kind of yoga that suits you....


Want to be one of the 36 million Americans who do yoga?

Check out our health and fitness catalogue on: https://www.dailyzenandfit.com/collections/health-fitness for the right gear to get you started. Yoga tights, yoga mats and foam blocks, sports tops ... you name it, we have it.


Are you part of the 20% or 80%?

If you are in the 80% than we suggest you start moving. Something as simple as choosing to walk or cycle to work or stretching before bed every night can go a long way.

Start making a difference to your health and fitness today!

Check out our health and fitness products here: https://www.dailyzenandfit.com/collections/health-fitness
They could come in handy!


It's finally the weekend - time to kick off your shoes and let your hair down!

We love a good cup of hot tea and a slow walk around the park, after our morning Yoga session.

How many of you have Yoga on the list this weekend? Share your favourite poses :)


Hello all, apologies for taking a hiatus but we are back now!

We hope that everyone has been doing well and always remember to take good care of your mind, body and soul.

For the rest of 2019, do keep an eye out for our inspirational quotes, health and fitness tips, as well as new articles coming up on our website. Like and follow this page for all the latest updates!


What is the difference between "I Like you" and "I Love you"?
Beautifully answered by Buddha:

"when you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily."

One who understands this, understands life.


In a famous wisdom by Buddha, “ We are what we think”, resonates strongly in our daily life. Our thinking influences our actions and perception of the world. It can brighten or dim our outlook in life.

As we learnt to be mindful of our thoughts, we can create happiness in our life and see the world as the horizon we wish to achieve.


Steve Job, the co-founder of Apple was seen as a successful figure in the business world. However, few of us learnt about his downfall that began in 1985.

During that summer, there was an internal power struggle in the company between Sculley and Jobs. Sculley was then the appointed CEO of Apple and the boards sided with him and removed Jobs from the command within the Macintosh group.

In his famous 2005 Stamford commencement speech, he shared his agony of “letting the previous generation of entrepreneurs down”. He was devastated by his removal from Apple and suffered what most conclude as a midlife crisis as he felt betrayed since he was the one who works towards appointing Sculley as the CEO.

In his words, “I even thought about running away from (Silicon) Valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me. I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. And so I decided to start over."

Similar to Jobs, many of us might be limited by our past experience. As we learnt to release ourselves from the negative experience, we can seek our true calling and ambition in life.


Patience is the key that connects efforts to success.

In a fast-paced society, patience is something most of us lack. Yet, it is the one critical element that propels us towards success. By inculcating patience in our everyday life, we can overcome frustration that might cloud our judgment. It allows us to make informed decision, which is usually the core ingredient towards success.


Often time, we take the goodness in our life for granted.. The people who loved us, people who help us along our way, the act of kindness from a stranger or even waking up to a loving morning and the air we breathe. Be thankful, be gratitude for gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.

5 Ways To Run Faster Series 1 31/07/2018

What MOST athletes don't tell you...

Running around in the park or around the track definitely seems to be quite an easy exercise to do. But what many do know is how you can DIFFERENTIATE yourself from MOST casual runners! Click on the link below if you are interested to find out more 😄

CLICK 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/2LFdJ01 to find out MORE!

5 Ways To Run Faster Series 1 Usain Bolt makes sprinting look easy. It’s almost as if he doesn’t have to try. But we’ll let you in on a little secret: Sure, Bolt is more of a natural runner than we are, but he still has to work at it in order to keep himself in top form. Even better news? There are tons of steps you can ta...


The intensity of a problem is derived from our perspective and mindset. Sometimes, what we deem to be a crippling problem may not actually be that severe. A clear and positive mind is required to think of a solution to any problem, which is why practicing Zen is a great addition to your lifestyle. It is never too late to start!


When we give without wanting anything in return, it opens up our heart to an enhanced sense of peace, love and joy.
We have to give lovingly and joyously. Living a life without much expectation is worth living.


Happiness is the New Rich. Inner peace is the New Success. Health is the New Wealth. Kindness is the New Cool.

Your mind, body and soul are in one unified form. Keeping your body in good condition benefits your mind and soul. Maintaining good spirit status also enhances your physical conditions.


Prayer is when you talk to GOD, Meditation is when GOD talks to you.

Meditation has been researched to be able to improve your health and enhance your living quality by thousands of people. It’s not too late to join now! And it is not as difficult as you think!


If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present - Lao Tzu

Living in the present is an important idea of Zen living. With Zen, there is peace of mind and benefits of health.


Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve it.

When you forgive, you let go the hatred in your heart and save yourself from sorrow. Being frustrated at others is actually, bad for your own health, both mentally and physically.


Helping one person might not change the world, but it could change the world for that person.

Give a hand to people in need even if they are strangers. With your mind, body and soul being in unified form, your kind actions bring benefits to your physical health as well.


A friend who understands your tears is much more valuable than many friends who only know your smile.

Tag those friends that you would like to hang out when you are upset and say thank you to them! Our life is so much better with them!


Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.

Which stage are you at now? Share with us in the comment section. We would like to hear from you!


Never push a loyal person to the point where they walk away and no longer care about you.

Zen living is a lifestyle combining your mind, body and soul. Your attitude towards others can influence you too.


The true purpose of Zen is to see things as they are, to observe things as they are, and to let everything go. - Shunryu Suzuki

People ask us what Zen is all about. The answer is that Zen is about everything. Zen living enhances our life quality from body, mind and soul.

Stay tuned for our more sharing of Zen and Zen living. Like our page and repost to share with your friends and family.

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Daily Zen And Fit Aromatherapy Essentials