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American dancers in 1914, jazz dance in a black club with Kid Ory's 'Ballin' the Jack' 12/05/2024

Hard to believe this dance film comes from 1914.

American dancers in 1914, jazz dance in a black club with Kid Ory's 'Ballin' the Jack' Fascinating dance film footage of swing dancers in a black club in the US in 1914. I found a silent version and overdubbed it with "Ballin 'the Jack" by Kid ...


For anybody who prefers to watch videos on YouTube, you'll find our 2014 Japan video here -


Spent a lovely afternoon with Carol, Jo, Kerry ( and Ginny at Savernake Community Hospital. Despite haven suffered a fall last night Carol was in good spirits. There's a possibility she might be discharged and get home at the end of this week or maybe start of next. On the house front, I'm trying to get 26a Long Street slimmed down in preparation for selling up and moving out. Meanwhile, though, Carol will probably move downstairs until we can make a better arrangement. The pic below is Carol and Jo in our former dwelling in Bracewell Road, North Kensington. We still have that dresser.


CAROL BLACK - THIS JUST IN ... went to see Carol in Savernake today with Dave and Jan Watterson. While there we ran into a newly arrived doctor at the hospital, Dr Parvin Farkhani. She answered all of the questions that have been bothering me lately by telling us that Carol's pneumonia is almost completely gone, that she's about to start on a saline nebuliser to improve her breathing, that her physio progress is good, her neurological problems will be addressed by Lindsay Breeson of Chippenham hospital after she leaves Savernake, which could be next week. There's a meeting tomorrow (Friday) at which Carol's progress will be assessed and, if all is good, then next week could see her coming home. Today's pic shows us at a 1980 Record Mirror 50s style fancy dress party.


Latest Carol news ... over the coming weekend (30 Mar - 1 Apr) Carol is likely to be moved from RUH in Bath to Savernake Community Hospital - So anyone thinking of visiting her at RUH should perhaps think again. I'll post up more details as and when I get them. P.S. The pic below was taken at the top of the World Trade Center in New York back in the days when it still existed.