Kayla Diamond

Kayla Diamond

Helping former athletes lose fat, gain muscle, and perform better. This is achieved through training & nutrition strategy, accountability, and mindset coaching.


Kayla Diamond Helping former athletes lose fat, gain muscle, and perform better. This is achieved through training


30 lessons I've learned in the last 20 years (in chronological order)🎉

1️⃣The idea of getting married when you're 21 isn't a good enough reason to actually hold onto that toxic relationship. Let it go earlier.
2️⃣You don't have to eat ONLY chicken, rice, and broccoli 4 times a day to lose body fat.
3️⃣If you spend enough time with your bestfriend...they end up becoming your soul mate. And everyone will see it first before you two.
4️⃣You'll lose friends that don't align with your life path. It hurts worse than a break up, but it’s better when you let it go.
5️⃣Check your cover letters 20 times when applying to internships for spelling errors and wrong job names. It will cost you opportunities.
6️⃣Study harder. It will cost you hundreds of dollars to retake that test.
7️⃣Open up your mind to being challenged more often- let go of your ego.
8️⃣When someone tells you that you shouldn't be coaching football players as a female strength coach- leave. That's not the environment for you.
9️⃣In powerlifting, the community is everything. You don't skip training because you "don't feel like it". Work harder, don't let your team down.
🔟The word "no" is the most powerful, and freeing word.
1️⃣1️⃣Gaining 30 lbs will happen much quicker than losing 30lbs.
1️⃣2️⃣Don't stress over wedding planning. It's been 4 years and I only remember the fun.
1️⃣3️⃣Getting a puppy changes your life forever.
1️⃣4️⃣Don't buy a house that's out of your location, needs work, and is already at the top of your budget.
1️⃣5️⃣Don't leave your wedding rings in the house alone with contractors.
1️⃣6️⃣Don't get Dysport around your eyes.
1️⃣7️⃣Don't be afraid the tell the athlete, parent, or coach "no, they can't go back in the game". Make decisions based on fact, not emotion, especially when it comes to someone's health. No matter how much they beg you to let them.
1️⃣8️⃣Making new friends in your late twenties is hard. But they are the best friends :)
Cont. in comments!! 👇🏼👇🏼

Photos from Kayla Diamond's post 12/07/2021

Blooooood 🩸🩸🩸
Everything from why, how, and where. Also some important notes and disclaimers.
If you’re symptomatic, and you’re told that your levels are normal and everything’s fine, it’s not “fine”.
This post is to educate, empower, and give you a bit more confidence in advocating for your own health! *not medical advice*
If you’re interested in getting labs done, but don’t know WHAT to get done, shoot me a message and let’s chat about it! 💌
Pics 📸
Brain Gains 🧠


It’s hard not to feel guilty.
It’s hard to just “get back on track”
But year after year, weekend after weekend, here we all our popping up with our public service announcement.
Have you ever told someone “Just stop crying”- and they stopped?
It’s very similar to saying “stop feeling guilty” to someone who was brought up that food is bad, and you most burn what you eat, to look a certain way.
I don’t think one statement on social media can change 30 years of habits.
But what I do think we all need is a little bit of acceptance, perspective, and action steps.
Let’s first accept that it’s not so simple to just “not feel guilty”.
Let’s then accept that getting back on track sounds simple, but it’s not always easy.
I feel you. I’m there with you.
It took me a LONG time to feel comfortable after events. It took me being 80% consistent for 9 years in the weight room. It took several failed attempts at reverse dieting followed by the last few successful bouts that have stuck with me for good.
And it took me a long time to believe that I can make other people feel the same way. No one deserves to feel guilty after indulging. It sucks.
Maybe this post will change your life. Maybe this post with get you start focusing on habit change so that we nip this in the bud before it happens again.
Action Steps:
1️⃣Clean up around your house, do some laundry, so your house can get back to normal and not have the smell of a campfire, booze, or remnants of brownies or dip.
2️⃣Try and get back to your normal daily routine. I know many of you have off. Schedule some things to get done today.
3️⃣Drink a little extra water.
4️⃣Get in some movement. Whether it’s the gym or a walk. Just get your juices flowing.
5️⃣Prioritize protein, veggies, fruit, and eat your normal meals for Atleast half of the day. Even if it’s one meal with veggies: I’m proud of you.
6️⃣ Schedule your week of when you’re going to get your workouts in.
Just know that implementing this action steps, coming to terms that it’s hard, and having perspective won’t typically happen over night.
Practice again and again and I promise you’re going to be a seasoned pro at the holiday comeback.

Photos from Kayla Diamond's post 02/07/2021

Poor Cortisol, so misunderstood! 😪
Everyone is always hating on cortisol, but did you know our bodies actually NEED healthy levels of cortisol?!
There’s no good vs bad.
It’s all in the amount. Not too high, not too low.
However, in this day and age, it’s fair to say that we all, in one from or another, have spiked levels of cortisol that give us some undesirable side effects.
Here’s how we can do our best to modulate those responses, the keep or ranges in a optimal level- whatever that may be for you.
Source: Hormone Blueprint and FNMS
Front photo

Photos from Kayla Diamond's post 24/02/2021