Dr Burkett, Semi-retired Faculty

Dr Burkett, Semi-retired Faculty

Dr. Bill Burkett is semi-retired faculty in the BSIT Undergrad Program at Capella Univeristy. www.capella.edu

Using the Grading Rubric to Develop an Assessment II 11/10/2017

My standard Welcome Message is:
Welcome to your FlexPath assessment course. My name is Dr. Bill Burkett and I will be your Instructor for this Assessment session. I will strive to grade your assessments honestly and in the 48 hour turn-around window, except for weekends. I do ask that you watch this YouTube about using the Grading Rubric as an outline for your assessment. Remember that these are assessments of your knowledge and not research papers.
Capella U. requires that I use the grading rubric as the only standard to grade your assessment. With that in mind it is important that you follow the grading rubric in your assessment. It really helps me and you if you will use sub-headings in the assessments based on the grading rubric criterias each time.
I always begin grading by looking at and matching the Basic level criteria. If that is found then I move on to the Proficient level criteria. If that criteria is found I look for the Distinguished level criteria to see if that has been met. Each level must be met before I move on to the next level.
Spelling, grammar, and correct APA citing count. Make sure your verbs are in agreement and your tenses are the same.
Academic references should be used and are expected. It is best to para-phrase them as they raise your TurnItIn score. Wikipedia may only constitute 25% of your references and each must be backed up with a non-Wikipedia reference.
Do not forget that each time you submit an assessment you must run TurnItIn. I require that your TurnItIn report be no higher than 18% with 11 – 15 being a normal score. To lower the score sometimes it helps to submit your assessment to TurnItIn without the Title, Abstract, and Reference pages. Just make sure you add them back before you upload the gradable assessment. You do not need to include the report (PDF File) with your assessment as it is automatically sent to your faculty member. Keep the report for your own records, though.
Should it be necessary for you to redraft and resubmit an assessment – please make sure you highlight each and every change before uploading with MS Word yellow highlighter. You will also need to run TurnItIn again.
Please remember that you have both a Coach and a Tutor to help you. In most instances they will have the answers to your specific questions. Please refer all questions to them first. They are there to help you and work with you. Their generic email is [email protected]
Lastly, I use Dragon Naturally Speaks to interact with the Criteria Scoring guides. Sometimes it puts words other that what I intended. If you find a mis-placed word it is because of the interaction of the AI engine and my Southern drawl. When this causes a question – please feel free to query me about it.
Thanks and best of luck,
Dr. Bill Burkett
[email protected]

Using the Grading Rubric to Develop an Assessment II Using the grading rubric in a FlexPath course to develop the written competency assessment.

Using the Grading Rubric to Develop an Assessment II 17/08/2015

New Learners, please watch this YouTube http://youtu.be/EwfoBiIZZsA

Using the Grading Rubric to Develop an Assessment II Using the grading rubric in a FlexPath course to develop the written competency assessment.


I am enjoying working with ABET as an Evaluator, PEV Mentor, Team Chair, and Commissioner in the IT and CS programs. Lots to learn and keep up with.
