Riverdale HS Trap Team

Riverdale HS Trap Team

Dedicated to the fine young men and women who comprise the RIVERDALE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM!!!

Bonfire Awards Banquet 11/04/2016

April 9, 2016
The Trap Team knows how to do an Awards Banquet RIGHT! ;)

Miscellaneous 2015 Pics 09/03/2016
Perfect 25s 09/03/2016

Our Little Own Hall of Fame

Friends of NRA Banquet - 8/22/15 09/03/2016

We LOOOVE the annual Friends of NRA Banquet! Not only are they our #1 sponsor, but they know how to throw a heckuva party, too!

Practice Pics - February 7, 2016 09/03/2016
State Competition - June 2015 09/03/2016
Freshman Orientation 2016 09/03/2016

A few pics of the BEST BOOTH at Orientation!

Timeline photos 05/03/2015

Tanner Wins First Place in C-Class at December Competition

Timeline photos 05/03/2015

The Trap Team booth at Freshman Orientation was a HUGE success!!! We have laid down the gauntlet for the rest of the school with our awesome backdrop and our booming video. What a great-looking bunch!


If only we had that kind of firepower on OUR team!!! XD

Practice 10-19-14 02/11/2014
Cookout and IGG Demo 02/11/2014

What a beautiful day it was! Great food, friends, and good information on how to clean shotguns.

Practice 9-28-14 02/11/2014

Tried to get at least a few pics of every shooter!

Practice 9-14-14 16/09/2014

These pictures were taken at practice at Big Springs on September 14, 2014. These were cropped/modified. If you would like a full resolution or uncropped picture, please ask Ralph Krisher (email Michelle Krisher).

2014 State & Various '13-'14 Practices 13/09/2014
Practice 9-7-14 13/09/2014

Pictures from practice and new shooters' clinic on September 7, 2014.

Competition 9-6-14 13/09/2014

These pics are from the September 6, 2014 Competition.
