Healing Modalities

Healing Modalities

Vibrational Sound Therapy. Empower yourself. At the most basic level, we are sound and light waves, which is the basis of all matter.

Reiki is the practice of using energetic light forms for healing others and also self-help, and has no distance barriers, making it transmittable to anywhere at anytime. With Vibrational Sound Therapy, I use body tuning forks in the aura, to adjust the energetic highways (meridians) to the proper frequency for health, opening blocked energy which results in proper flow for wellness. I also use Pra

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: God "wanted Donald Trump to become president" 31/01/2019

Considering that he beat an "unbeatable" candidate, who had all of the world leaders (one world government) backing behind her, I'd say this is true!!

My new favorite verse: Luke 18:27 "Jesus replied "what is impossible with man is possible with God."" yep, yep, yep

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: God "wanted Donald Trump to become president"

South Carolina Senate Approves Bill to Ban All Abortions, Declares Unborn Babies People Under Law 31/01/2019

and the south is rising again, thank God...

South Carolina Senate Approves Bill to Ban All Abortions, Declares Unborn Babies People Under Law The South Carolina Senate approved a measure to ban all abortions in the state Wednesday night, barely 24 hours after defeating a similar proposal. The measu


Like Calfornia's no "he" or "she", only "them" or "they", because they now have 15 genders.

This is not diversity... this is brainwashing to perversion.

Virginia Republicans defeat Democratic bill allowing abortions up until birth 31/01/2019

Thank God!!!

Virginia Republicans defeat Democratic bill allowing abortions up until birth Virginia Republicans on Tuesday killed legislation that would have loosened abortion restrictions after the bill’s sponsor admitted it would allow the procedure even after a mother went into labor.

Democrats Plan to Remove ‘So Help Me God’ From Oath at House Committee 31/01/2019

The anti-Christ will win the earth (per Revelation), but some earthlings will be saved.

killing newborns & selling body parts (check),
destroying innocent children's lives who believe in God and show it (check),
protecting child traffickers and s*x slave masters by refusing wall (check)
wiping God's name from this nation (check)...

Gee, anti-Christ, are you feeling proud? I wouldn't. I'll stick with God.

Democrats Plan to Remove ‘So Help Me God’ From Oath at House Committee Democrats on the House Committee on Natural Resources plan to remove a reference to God from an oath, ...

Military Remote Viewing Psychic Training Course - FULL DVD ON YOUTUBE 18/03/2016

Here's a treat :D


Military Remote Viewing Psychic Training Course - FULL DVD ON YOUTUBE From UFOTV®, accept no imitations. Remote Viewing is similar to clairvoyance or ESP, and is a scientifically proven natural ability everyone possesses. Disco...

What You Need To Know About Sound Healing 18/03/2016

Private classes in Vibrational Sound Therapy, using body tuning forks are available. Sound is incredibly powerful. After a very bad fall from about 4 feet above ground, I reversed my own concussion in progress, and well as neurological involvement. Honestly, I was even amazed. Body tuning forks are incredible, and I love to teach about the variety of tuning families, and their applications.

What You Need To Know About Sound Healing

The healing power of reiki 18/03/2016

I am a Holy Fire/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, trained and certified by William Lee Rand. Distant sessions in these two wonderful energies are available. Let me know, thanks

The healing power of reiki Reiki employs the hands to transfer energy with perceived healing qualities into the bodies of the ailing.

The Neurobiology of Grace Under Pressure 18/03/2016


The Neurobiology of Grace Under Pressure 8 habits that stimulate your vagus nerve and keep you calm, cool, and collected.


Akashic Record (the Book of Life = the Mind of God = can be accessed by ALL of humanity) , as channeled by Liz, of Healing Modalites.

Q. May I have the truth of the Trinity? That’s something that’s a big topic, you know.. father, son, and holy ghost?

A. The truth of the trinity is that the trinity was the experience of Creator God manifesting Itself on the earth plane. The concept of the trinity is a deviation of alchemical principles, where Creator God births Itself into the earth realm through the consciousness. Creator God understands the ego manifestations of humanity, and seeks to correct the ego manifestations. The church has subverted consciousness of humanity through taking these concepts, and inserting Jesus in place of humanity.
Jesus was a man who taught alchemical principles, and honored teachings of Creator God. However, he was NOT Creator God. The church subverted humanities consciousness by teaching that Jesus died for your sins. The truth of the matter is that Jesus lived, was married, rebelled against the church, and escaped. The church used the teachings in an unholy scheme, to twist the alchemical principles of Jesus into a method of subverting the consciousness of humanity. The teachings, stolen by the church, are contained within the Vatican.
The alchemical is a process whereby the truth of who you are, is given to you as a communication by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit seeks to deliver the teachings of God in such a way that the truth of Creator is known. The heart opening is an opening of consciousness. The opening of consciousness is a mechanism where the truth of the teachings of God is created in the heartspace. The heartspace is the lamb that is slaughtered of false ideas. The resurrection of the heart is the resurrection referred to by Creator God. Creator God uplifts the heart of all who seek to know Creator. This is the story of the resurrection. And so it is. This is the truth of the matter.
The church stole and hid the teachings from humanity. Jesus withdrew from the church because they wanted to use his principles against Creator God. This is the truth of the matter. Creator God seeks to be known by His Creation. This is the truth of the matter. And so it is. And so it will be. Creator God came to become known. This is the truth of the matter. And so it is. And so it will be. And so it always has been. This is the truth of the matter. Know who you are! Creator God seeks to know It’s Creation. This is the heart of the matter, as stated by the Lords of the Akasha. Know who you honor!!!

Q. What false ideas does humanity have about scripture, please?

A. The main false idea is about Jesus. The truth of the matter is that Jesus was a man. Jesus knew of God, and worked to teach of Creator’s desires for humanity. The church did not want to give up control. This is the truth of the matter. The witnessing, referred to in the bible, is the union of God and man. This is the heart of the matter. Know who God seeks you to be! This is the truth. The perversion of the teachings is Satanic, and this is the truth of the matter, as stated and endorsed by Creator God, through Liz who channels for the Lords of the Akasha. And so it is. And so it will be. This is the truth of the matter. Liz has been chosen to deliver this message from Creator God. And so it is. And so it will be. This is the truth and the heart of the matter.
This serves as the truth delivered in such a way that you may know who you are!!! And so it is. And so it will be. This is the heart of the matter. Know who you are!!! Know Creator God!!! This is the truth, as spoken by the Lords of the Akasha. Know the truth! Know who you are!!! Do not serve false ideas. The church seeks to keep you from the truth of who you are!!!

New research shows Reiki benefits the wellbeing of cancer sufferers 05/03/2015


New research shows Reiki benefits the wellbeing of cancer sufferers As a new study shows that at least half of the population will get cancer at some point in their lives, a University of Huddersfield research project claims that the complementary therapy named R
