

Ilze is Bikram Yoga Teacher in Oslo, Norway. Also lover of life, health and helping others to achiev Maybe you will become a part of this journey.

Becoming an appreciated Bikram yoga teacher is the journey of life time, exactly the same as becoming a good manager, or an excellent cook, or fantastic photographer or other. All of us starts by doing the very first step and then it evolves in interesting, colourful and amazing story.


Yesterday was an intensive day. I went to yoga studio with my head spinning full of thoughts and impacts of the day. After a yoga class it was all gone. Relief and pure happiness. It is extremely heard to control your mind and set it always in desired state. But I can choose to do those things which just do it for me.
Do what helps you to be in state of happiness.


Mind is very slippery...
But we use our hearing, our sight and every body part for 90 minutes.
Holding the mind for a few seconds is a result.
Then mind becomes totally free from the rest of the world.


The grip you have in a yoga class, tells a lot about your grip in your life πŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ“


Ready to teach my 100 Bikram Yoga class today πŸ”₯

Another milestone reached 🎯

Always dream and follow your dreams πŸ“


It is RAWESOME to be different πŸ™ƒ

And if one day left becomes right and right becomes left - and so?! It is great to have every day different πŸ˜„


We have born with a few natural PRE-LOADED SOFTWARES.
And over the time, we created our own VIRUS to slow down the system:
* fear
* inhibition
* false pretense
* criticism
We need to push REFRESH button...


Thank you so much ❀️

Photos from Ilze's post 24/02/2018

Bikram Yoga ➑️ is experience that is unmatched!

-) it promises life and it delivers life
-) it promises well being and delivers well being
-) it promises health and it delivers health
-) it promises to connect between mind and body and it connects the mind and body



There is a bit of snake 🐍 in each of us πŸ˜ŽπŸ“


Spine - twisting pose
-) Increase circulation of all spinal nerves, veins and tissues.
-) Relieves lower back pain.
-) Helps prevent slipped disks, rheumatism, kyphosis, scoliosis, cervical spondylitis, artritis.
-) Calms nervous system

Photos from Ilze's post 06/02/2018

Forward bends - my absolute favorites ❀️


The right way is the hard way!
Triangle addresses every system, organ and gland of the body.
A to Z
360 degrees
As a result - it may be the most therapeutic asana of all!


If you do not bend,
You will eventually break β˜€οΈβ€οΈ



β€œHands-palms touching each other like glue, up to the wrist, throughout the entire posture.”

Most common mistake in arm alignment over the head is to keep wrists apart.

The tighter your grip, than better alignment of the posture and with that – correctly performed asana.




Lock the knee!!!

First let’s clear one thing up. What it is NOT. Locking the knee is NOT jamming your knee back as far as you can and trying to balance on it.

Physically, when you β€œlock your knee”, you are contracting your quadriceps muscles in the front of your leg, and therefore releasing the hamstring sending the message via the nervous system for it to stretch.

You know you are locking your knee when you see your kneecap raise and muscles bunched above the knee, this indicates that the quadriceps muscles are being contracted.

You are completely normal if you find locking the knee very hard. It is hard. That is why you must CONCENTRATE to try to do it. This is how concentration improves your physical health!

The struggle in your mind as you try to keep the knee locked instills discipline. Learning discipline in the room helps us apply discipline in our lives. Ultimately, how we apply ourselves to the job of locking the knee is a metaphor to how we apply ourselves to the job of living.


Never too old, never too sick, never too late to start from scratch once again!


Amazing class πŸ“
Powerful energy πŸ’₯
Fire πŸ”₯



Sit up reinforces and strengthens the abdominal muscles, increases flexibility of the spine and provides the body with energy. It also stretches the hamstring muscle and helps abdominal organs by stimulating digestion.

Common mistake – using the inertia of swinging arms to bring upper body off the floor.

You will get 100% benefits of the posture only if you will use your core muscles to do the sit up instead of inertia of your arms.

When you β€œcheat” in postures, only person you fail is - yourself.



You have been given a great opportunity when practicing Bikram – 90 minutes
on not thinking.

With time many students starts to do postures on autopilot and stop listening to instructions, often rushing forward and with that creating disruptions on energy flow in the class.

Give to yourself this privilege – not to think!

Don’t live your life on auto pilot!

Listen, be aware – enjoy the moment!


Where your eyes go, Your body will follow

Use the gaze to guide the spine!!!

With each and every movement the eyes should be engaged and following the flow of the movement. The gaze is so important in performing the movement and achieving optimal performanceβ€”where your eyes go, your body will follow.

So, ensure a strong, aligned spine by β€œusing the gaze to guide the spine.”
Be aware that where your eyes go, your body will follow.

Use this in Backward-bendings, standing forehead to the knee, cobra pose, full locust pose, bow pose etc., by listening to instructions where your gaze should be.

This is as important element of your practice as other alignments.


Bikram Teacher Training

I graduated Bikram Teacher Training Spring 2016 on 2nd of July 2016.
Training took place in India from 1st of May up to 2nd of July 2016.
Certificate is issued by Bikram’s Yoga College of India.
This is only original and certified Bikram Teacher Training in the world.
For 9 weeks I had to practice 95 Bikram yoga classes, study 26 postures
and breathing exercises, basics of human anatomy, lectures by Bikram
Choudhury, doctors, senior Bikram teachers and Bikram ambassadors.





The Exhalation breath:
-) You inhale deeply as you begin the pose and then exhale completely as you achieve the pose.
-) The Exhalation breath is used while practicing the forward bending poses.
-) This breath prevents lower back strain, helps the pelvis to rotate properly, tightens the abdominals to tone the body and exercises the digestive organs to help in digestion.

You may find the breathing difficult to do at first, but soon your body will get used to it and you will realize the energy generating value of
yogic breathing.
Your breathing capacity will also improve.


β€œ80 / 20” BREATHING 🌬

In yoga, correct breathing is of prime importance.
In Bikram yoga, two types of breathing are recommended.
Each of the two breaths is used for different poses.

The β€œ80-20” breath:
-) Inhale, taking a deep breath such that you feel your rib cage rise.
-) Begin the asana and exhale 20% of your breath. Inhale 20%.
-) Continue with this 20% exhalation and inhalation as you hold the pose.
The oxygen is needed to perform the pose.
-) Exhale completely once you finish the pose.

The 80-20 breath is used for balance and energy while doing the standing
poses and the back-bending ones.

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Thank you so much ❀️
