Dr. Donna Embree Videos

Videos by Dr. Donna Embree.

Finding our unique purpose:

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Finding our unique purpose:

Mental health is the Neuro endocrine system. When parents put their kids on Adderall and other drugs, like that, they may commit suicide.

 the circadian rhythm is connected to the sun and the moon

Five senses requires a few people opening up their senses from the feet up

 I just stepped out the back door and looked up in the sky and saw these lights. What are they? I don’t use Photoshop and I’ve been taking pictures since I was very young. How do we explain this?

A picture is worth 1000 words and my family taught us this when we were tiny tiny kids. #TrueloveTriage


Getting your information off of social media? Likely you are being sold on fragments of information:

Let’s just pretend people have common sense:

Competition creates division:


Ascension is the Integration of cycles

Blowing leaves around is a very interesting thing. If you do this, make sure you wear ear protection.

The cell membrane is the brain of the cell. What is the block in the flow?  this brief PowerPoint presentation brings simple awareness of integrative medicine that is focused on the individual and tapping their own flow system.  This is part of our introductory seminar, and I will post the link to the rest of the seminar in the comments. We help practitioners and the families they serve to inspire health from the inside out. There are three ways to get started in setting up healing space in your own home and many families go on to become holistic healthcare practitioners. The link to the full website and our virtual learning hub is in this bio or you can click in the comments and go directly to the list of seminars we provide that are on demand. ”Leaving the world better than we found it begins with understanding your unique Vibrational signature.  when we do that, we can see purpose and the root cause of family patterns.”

Cracking your vibrational signature reveals the purpose of your life. Here’s how:

Metabolism flow:

The autonomic nervous system is connected to the 24 hour light cycle, and it circulates through these light pathways

Five senses lead to common sense, so that you can come out of politics and religion:

When you look at the Research, you can rise out of religion

The flow systems of the body penetrate through the skin layers