All1breath Healing Resources

All1breath Healing Resources is a place to assist you with products, services, resources and inspiration to keep you in balance as you walk the path of life.

Donna Stagner is the owner of All1breath Healing Resources. A Registered Nurse with an educational background in counseling and communications, Donna has spent the majority of her life focused on improving the lives of others. As such, she has continued her studies and training to include certifications in Structural Bodywork, Massage Therapy, Nutritional Counseling and Kundalini Yoga among other things. She would be proud to be your spiritual and life coach and is prepared to do so.


Love is my religion, every heart, my temple…Rumi 💖 Love is really all that is everlasting comfort, peace, come on folks, we can do this!!! Love more and yourself first 💖 Sat Nam


"Each star is a mirror reflecting the truth inside you." ~ Aberjhani

Art by Shelia L.


Let us begin this practice together, Now❣️

In the Andes and valleys of the Quechua tradition, the health and well-being of a person or an entire community is intimately linked to their feelings, thoughts, and actions in relation to others and to the Earth.

When a person is kind in his heart, in his mind, and in his work, that person is in Ayni with the world, and life recognizes him by bestowing upon him vigor and prosperity. Ayni means reciprocity: just as one gives, one receives. But beware, as there is a very powerful subtlety in the conditions of this reciprocity. A heart that thinks about what it is going to receive in return when it gives, is not pure. The thought and action are not in Ayni.

It is through selfless and unconditional help and devotion that one accumulates health and spiritual solvency. In our materialistic and individualistic culture, we operate in opposition to Ayni. It is always about “me” and what I am going to receive. When I give, I am carefully counting how much I am giving and then waiting to receive back in return.

At the other end of the scale, Ayni is not about becoming a martyr who gives freely from his own blood and for that reason feels holier. When you are in Ayni, you simply offer to help when you know help is needed and you trust that when you are in need, life will pay you back. The image of a flowing river helps us to understand this.

Like a river, we allow our help to flow forward without expecting to be nurtured by those we have helped. We trust that help will come from the direction it needs to flow from, just when we need it. This is how one cultivates unconditional surrender and trust in life.

The Quechua community practice Ayni by making offerings to the Pachamama or Mother Earth, to Inti or to the Father Sun, and to other forces of nature that give us life. They give thanks for the body and for everything that sustains it; everything that allows our soul to enjoy this Earthly experience.

Today, we invite you to begin to practice Ayni; to begin to practice kindness without fear or suspicion and to allow abundance to flow. As we heal, a feeling of prosperity is born from the depths of our selfishness and sooner, rather than later, the Universe offers reciprocity in the form of unconditional love.

Image credit: “Grandmother Spider-The Weaver" © Jo Jayson Artist, Teacher, Author


Yes 🙌🏽

Maya implies that everything is just an interaction with the human mind everything is unreal - just an illusion. It means that the only reality is Death, stillness - a vacuum! Our five senses are nothing but tools to comprehend this illusion, to convince the mind that the unreal is real. For instance, the three states of matter - solid, liquid and gas are an illusion. It is just a complex concept where the atoms are closely or loosely binded together - the Law of Vibration. Solids are a result of atoms binded so closely that light doesn't pass through it, liquids are a result of slightly loosely binded atoms that permit a little light to pass through it while in case of gases, the atoms are so loosely binded that light can easily pass through it. Now the question is, what binds the atoms together? And the answer is Ego, the individuality or identifying property of an animate being or inanimate object. The Ego is always in search of an identity so that it can stand out. Perception is an art taught by the Guru. Nothing that exists is to be taken at face value. Everything has a hidden meaning. And to decode this hidden meaning is nothing but Sadhna. A Sadhak is someone who first masters the senses, each sensory organ standing for each of the five elements. Once a Sadhak masters the senses, the next task begins - to go beyond the senses! Everything we perceive is relative - just an individual truth. The Universal Truth is that there is no Truth. This is the essence of Ta**ra. Expecting someone else to perceive something the way you do is sheer Ego. Different people can have different perceptions. It is a game of multiple interpretations - every interpretation is correct. The Dual world is the biggest Illusion. Male-Female, Good- Bad, Black-White, Positive-Negative is just what the mind conjures. That is the power of thought! Advaita or Non Duality is a constant practice. It requires strict control of the physical and non physical self. The mind is a beautiful slave and a dangerous master. Ego does not desire the Truth. It just desires a constant validation that its perception is the Truth. Do not be a slave to your senses. Reality is beyond the veil of perception !

Pat Tuholske wildcrafter 15/03/2021

Check her out❣️

Pat Tuholske wildcrafter I offer you my skills in herb crafting to tend your body, mind and spirit. The whole process of wildcrafting is my passion ... hunting plants, weaving wreaths.


The answer for everything.....
