Military Mortgage Specialists of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation

Military Mortgage Specialists of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation

Military Mortgage Specialists™ of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation (NMLS 2289) Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation is an equal housing lender.

The objective of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation (NMLS 2289) in offering the designation of Military Mortgage Specialist™ is to provide a platform whereby loan professionals can be thoroughly trained, equipped and certified to handle with excellence the mortgage loan needs of our active and former military clients.


/MIA Recognition Day - we must that 83,000 Americans remain missing from WW II through the present and honor the service of those who were prisoners of war & those who have yet to come home to their families ... their sacrifice shall never go unnoticed.


“A great indicator of genuine humility is SELFLESS service to others.

“Serving for the sole purpose of helping others.

“Serving with no regard to personal cost.

”Serving with no expectation of receiving something in return.”


So many opportunities in front of us. We all need the courage to trust our instincts “still small voice” knowing we will ALWAYS face critics - naysayers and people flat against us. So what? Not one person in life was promised no tribulation or adversity. - Steve Jacobson CEO



What are the odds? CW5 Joseph Lemens, a helicopter maintenance test pilot, and his daughter 1LT Jordan Lemens, a route clearance platoon leader, pose together for a family photo at Al Asad Air Base, Iraq. Both are simultaneously deployed to Iraq and despite working in different geographic areas, were able to spend a few hours together. For those of you waiting for your reunion, stay strong.


Please welcome the newest Military Mortgage Specialists of Fredericksburg, Virginia! Justin Exner

Timeline photos 06/08/2016

Five years ago today, we lost 30 brave Americans and their dog, Bart, of Extortion 17. These special operators were lost when their CH-47 Chinook was shot down while on the way to reinforce a group of Army Rangers who were in a fierce battle in Afghanistan. We will never forget the sacrifices that were made for all of us. To the families of these brave men, a grateful nation salutes you. For Our Son - Billy & Karen Vaughn, are two of the parents who lost their son, Aaron Vaughn, - my precious friends, prayers for you and the other family and friends of these heroes today....

SGT Alexander J. Bennett
SPC Spencer Duncan
CWO Bryan J. Nichols
CWO David R. Carter
SSG Patrick D. Hamburger
TSgt John W. Brown
SSgt Andrew W. Harvell
TSgt Daniel L. Zerbe
PO1 (SEAL) Darrick C. Benson
CPO (SEAL) Brian R. Bill
PO1 (SEAL) Christopher G. Campbell
PO1 Jared W. Day
PO1 John Douangdara & Navy SEAL Dog “Bart”
CPO (SEAL) John W. Faas
CPO (SEAL) Kevin A. Houston
Lt. Cmdr. (SEAL) Jonas B. Kelsall
MCPO (SEAL) Louis J. Langlais
CPO (SEAL) Matthew D. Mason
CPO (SEAL) Stephen M. Mills
CPO Nicholas H. Null
PO1 (SEAL) Jesse D. Pittman
SCPO (SEAL) Thomas A. Ratzlaff
CPO (SEAL) Robert J. Reeves
CPO (SEAL) Heath M. Robinson
PO2 (SEAL) Nicholas P. Spehar
PO1 Michael J. Strange
PO1 (SEAL) Jon T. Tumilson
PO1 (SEAL) Aaron C. Vaughn
SCPO Kraig M. Vickers
PO1 (SEAL) Jason R. Workman

Timeline photos 13/04/2016

April is "Month of the Military Child"

From deployments to new schools, military children face unique challenges that ordinary youth their age never experience. Their ability to adapt to present and future changes deserves our respect and admiration. April as the Month of the Military Child (MOMC) - let's honor those today.

MMS Dallas Boot Camp 10/04/2016

This week marked four years since Fairway hosted the very first Military Mortgage Specialist Boot Camp in Dallas, Texas ..... Time flies when you are having fun .....and serving those who serve......

Fairway Military Mortgage Specialist™ Boot Camp

A closer look at the case of Lt. Clint Lorance 01/02/2015


A closer look at the case of Lt. Clint Lorance Army officer convicted for killing two Afghan men in war zone

Not every GI is a Joe! VA works to help growing number of female veterans 30/12/2014

Here's an interesting story about female veterans finding new help in the VA system. Any help is good help, I say.

Not every GI is a Joe! VA works to help growing number of female veterans VA is trying to find ways to better care for women in a system primarily designed to serve male veterans.

2015: A Big Year for Buyers ‹ Zillow Real Estate Research 28/12/2014

Zillow has some interesting predictions for 2015. Thoughts?

2015: A Big Year for Buyers ‹ Zillow Real Estate Research More inventory, rising rents and changing demographics will all contribute to more balance in the market between buyers and sellers next year, after years in which sellers were largely in the driver’s seat. Below are Zillow’s official predictions for real estate in 2015:

Timeline photos 26/12/2014

I hope you had a more wintry Christmas than I did, and that it was everything you hoped it would be. Did you get any good presents worth talking about!?

Official NORAD Santa Tracker 25/12/2014

Time for the Elf on the Shelf to go away, and for Santa to drop off presents!!

Official NORAD Santa Tracker Follow Santa as he makes his magical journey!

Timeline photos 23/12/2014
Give Heroes a Home for the Holidays 19/12/2014

If you're looking to do some good for a veteran this year, here's how you can help!

Give Heroes a Home for the Holidays

Soldier's Christmas 12/12/2014

Christmas is so close I can taste it! (It tastes like Peppermint Mocha)

Soldier's Christmas Click here to help bring our music to those who need it the most: Like us on Facebook at:


Being a military mortgage specialist means more than just being good at real estate; it means you care about the people you're helping, and that you're willing to go the extra mile.

Timeline photos 09/12/2014

We love new employees!!

We’d like to welcome the outstanding and talented folks who joined Fairway last week! We’re thrilled to have you in the Fairway Family!

Greenwood Village, CO – Greg Brown and AJ Gallegos
Plano, TX – Jodie Neal and James Kimani
Lexington, KY – Shannon Weaver and Dana Back-Pack
Kirkwood, MO – Amanda Eilerman and Mike Gool
Denver, CO – Greg Halsall
Fayetteville, NC – Tami Bobbitt
Tacoma, WA – Tony Conway
Palm Desert, CA – Dominique Hoffman
Scottsdale, AZ – Mai Yahn
Clearwater, FL – Laura Lush
Tucson, AZ – Juan Carlos De La Torre
Vacaville, CA – Dianna Mills
Temple, TX – Sherry McGee
Belton, TX – Matt Hemberger
Naperville, IL – Bobbie Rottman
Portsmouth, NH – Rich Sciaudone
Tustin, CA – Ruben Cano
Auburn, MA – Bill Gilbert
Cranstone, RI – Kevin Baez
Southfield, MI – Michelle Montagne
Silverdale, WA – Acaia Mayfield
Newton, MA – Thea Bissell

Timeline photos 05/12/2014

Until they all come home!

It might just be a regular Friday for you, but to someone else it's another day away from a loved one. Remember those deployed.

Timeline photos 04/12/2014

Never forget what it takes to be a service member, and you'll never let them down when they need you.

Timeline photos 02/12/2014

Love these weekly tips from Fairway!

Time for this week’s Fairway tip! The area you choose to buy your home in is hugely important! Before you buy, make sure the neighborhood is one you’ll enjoy living in for years to come. Here are a few tricks to getting the lady of the land:

1. Drive by the house at all hours of the day to see what the neighborhood atmosphere is like.
2. Do your regular commute to work from the house to make sure it’s manageable.
3. Find out the distance to the nearest grocery store, doctor’s office, pharmacy, and other important services.

Timeline photos 01/12/2014

If we're putting veterans first, we're doing it right!

Happy Monday! Lift someone up today!


We couldn't enjoy today without the efforts of our service men and women.

Magician Surprises Vet with Car, Furniture, 1 Year of Rent 24/11/2014

This is one magician that is out there making magic happens for veterans. WOW!

Magician Surprises Vet with Car, Furniture, 1 Year of Rent Grab the tissues and watch the heartwarming video.

Timeline photos 20/11/2014

Bust those mortgage myths!

We love busting mortgage myths!

Boost your GT score, save your career 20/11/2014

Education, in or out of the service, is an important part of success in America today. It's not your "job" to push veterans or service members in this direction, but it wouldn't hurt for you to remind them now and again. - Levi

Boost your GT score, save your career As the Army gets smaller, and the competition to remain on active duty increases, Sergeant Major of the Army Raymond Chandler offers his No. 1 piece of advice for staying in uniform: Improve that GT score. It sounds simple.

Timeline photos 19/11/2014

Veterans generally need a much lower credit score than others (when using a VA loan), but it helps to know where you need to be to land that dream home.

Time for our Monday mortgage tip! You know your FICO score is important for qualifying for a mortgage, but do you know exactly how your score is determined? Your FICO score is broken up as follows:

Payment history: 35%
Total Amounts Owed: 30%
Length of Credit History: 15%
New Credit: 10%
Type of Credit: 10%

If you’re trying to boost your FICO score before your next home purchase, try focusing on the two largest areas first! Pay your bills on time and set a goal of paying revolving credit accounts down to 20% or less of your available credit limit. This will put you in the best position to qualify for a mortgage!

US Veteran Reunites With the Soldier Who Saved His Life 17/11/2014

Battle buddies are what it's all about.

US Veteran Reunites With the Soldier Who Saved His Life The friendship between U.S. Army Master Sgt. Sean Clifton and Sgt. First Class Mark Wanner is one born on the battlefield. The pair, both members of the Gree

Timeline photos 11/11/2014

A thank you is the least we can do on . We should strive for more.

Deployed soldier watches daughter's birth on iPad, then gets surprise from his commander 07/11/2014

What a perfect story for our . Remember our deployed troops not only because of what they do, but because of who they are.

Deployed soldier watches daughter's birth on iPad, then gets surprise from his commander AMES, Iowa – A National Guard Sergeant recently shared a precious moment with his family through the gift of modern technology. Then, he got a chance to surprise them in person. Sgt. John Vorrath w...
