Ramah Ministries International

Ramah Ministries International

We are an interdenominational worship center in Nhotakota district located along old Agriculture hou


Ministries International


Lero zikuyemdereni bwino konse komwe mulowele in Jesus' name..!!!!


Ministries International

As you leave your home to work, business, where ever you choose to go. Heaven should accompany you.

Simuyenda nokha.


Ministries International

The gates of heaven are open. And there shall be an outpouring of blessings. In abundance.

Kungokhala osamala, osadutsana ndi angelo mosadziwika. Ndi chaka chanu chino.


Ministries International

2 of heaven on earth. Heaven is Here.

Muphunthwe mu mdalitso wanu basi.

Photos from Ramah Ministries International's post 01/01/2024

Ministries International Headquarters in Nkhotakota.

Over Service in pictures.


Over Service


Ofuna kukuononga awone mdima mudzina la Yesu........!!!!!!!

Photos from Ramah Ministries International's post 01/01/2024

Over Service

Ministries International

of Heaven on Earth

Chapter: Isaiah 7v7


Mercy will speak on your behalf in 2024....!!!!!!!

and join the Over night at Ministries International behind southern bottles.

Photos from Ramah Ministries International's post 01/01/2024

Over Service

Ministries International

of Heaven on Earth


Chapter: John 9
: John 5v6-7
: Mark 10

"Chifundo chikabwera pa moyo wako chimafufuta malire aliwonse", Pastor Harawa.

"Kusweka mtima kumaitana chifundo", Pastor Harawa.

"China chirichonse chimatheka ndi chifundo", Pastor Harawa.

"Pamene kumwamba kwatsika pa malo kumakhala chifundo", Pastor Harawa.

"Chozwizwa chimayenera kuti chisokosere", Pastor Harawa.

and join the Over night at Ministries International behind southern bottles.


Over Service

Ministries International

of Heaven on Earth

Chapter: Isaiah 7v7


Zoipa zomwe zakomzedwa pa moyo wanu chaka chino sizitheka mudzina la Yesu.....!!!!!!!

and join the Over night at Ministries International behind southern bottles.


Over Service

Ministries International

now in.


Over Service

Ministries International

of Heaven on Earth

wa Chopereka (10pm - 10:40pm)

Chapter: Genesis 22v7

"Munthu ukakumana ndi chisomo moyo wako umasintha", Pastor Bester.

and join the Over night at Ministries International behind southern bottles.


Over Service

Ministries International

of Heaven on Earth

(8pm - 9pm)

Chapter: Exodus 3v2


Kumwamba kukutsikire tsiku la lero mudzina la Yesu......!!!!!!!

and join the Over night at Ministries International behind southern bottles.


Ministries International


Its your night, you cant afford to miss.

Heaven is ready to overshadow the earth and take over.


's today 🔥🔥🔥🔥




's Sunday


Ministries International

Special Mid-Week Service (4pm - 5:30pm)

Chapter: Luke 17v17

"A miracle must make you follow, so as to see more", Apostle Dan Nthara.

"An excitement to the introduction of a miracle should not make you kill your miracle", Apostle Dan Nthara.

"When you have tasted your God and found him worth trusting, you thank him in advance", Apostle Dan Nthara.

and worship with us during the cross-over on the night of 31/12/2023 at Ministries International behind southern bottles.



In 2024, people will never relate you with your problems in Jesus' name...!!!!!



Your 2024 miracles should have witnesses in Jesus' name...!!!!!



Your 2024 miracles will not be private in Jesus' name...!!!!!



Anything undesirable must leave you in Jesus' name...!!!!!

Photos from Ramah Ministries International's post 26/12/2023

a friend to tell a friend that, a place to be on the night of 31/12/2023 is at Ministries International behind southern bottles.


Ministries International

are all invited.


Ministries International

Giving Sunday

: Psalms 100v1
: John 6v10-11
: Luke 2v7

"Thanks giving is more than a prayer before God", Apostle Dan Nthara.

"A thankful heart is a blessed heart", Apostle Dan Nthara.

"The evidence that God has enlarged your territory must be seen in Church", Apostle Dan Nthara.

"Complaining about the little, finishes it completely", Apostle Dan Nthara.

and worship with us at Ministries International behind southern bottles.



With a small thing, you will be sustained for the entire 2024 in Jesus' name....!!!!!

Photos from Ramah Ministries International's post 24/12/2023

Ministries International

Giving Sunday

chapanikiza Mr Katumbu.

1. Awa ndi Mr Katumbu kuperekera umboni pazakukwezedwa kwawo pa ntchito m'boma.

Izi zikudza patatha sabata zochepa atanenerera za kukwezedwaku komanso patatha masiku ochepa atangowawuza kuti .

2. atauza Mr. Katumbu kuti alembe plan m'buyomu, lero Mr Katumbu akuperekera umboni wa lamya yomwe alandira kuchokera kwa munthu wina kuwawuza kuti apeze yomwe aziyendesa limodzi ndi munthu yemwe adawaimbira lamyayo koma chirichonse chokhudza ndalama za ntchitoyo zichokera kwa munthuyo.

Photos from Ramah Ministries International's post 24/12/2023

Ministries International

Giving Sunday

Awa ndi Mai Zyovu omwe mwana wawo wapeza chisomo cholipiridwa maphunziro ndi Bungwe la Tiveta mwa mwayi wina, patatha miyezi yochepa atanenerera kuti akuona bungweri likumupasa zida zogwiritsira ntchito za luso la ntchito zamanja.

Komanso m'buyomu adanenerera Brian kuti, akumuona akulumikizana ndi Mzungu wina ndipo Brian adayambadi kulumikizana ndi Mzunguyu.

Photos from Ramah Ministries International's post 24/12/2023

Ministries International

Giving Sunday

Testifying is Sister Regina whose boss has unexpectedly increased her salary within 12 Days of Power.


Ministries International

Giving Sunday

First Preaching

: Luke 6v38

"Dzanja lowumira siridalisika", Pastor Bertha.

"Pali madalitso ena amene timalandira nafenso tikampasa Mulungu", Pastor Bertha.

and worship with us at Ministries International behind southern bottles.


Ministries International

Giving Sunday

First Preaching

: Psalms 103v4
: 2 Kings 6


Mulungu akuzindikilitseni pomwe mwalepherera mudzina la Yesu....!!!

and worship with us at Ministries International behind southern bottles.


Ministries International

Giving Sunday

Intercession (10am - 11am)

: Ezra 3v11
: Nehemiah 11v17
12 v27
: Psalms 26v7


Chipambano chomwe Mulungu wachiyika pa moyo wako chikhale chokhazikika mudzina la Yesu.....!!!!!!!!!

and worship with us at Ministries International behind southern bottles.


Come and worship with us.

Photos from Ramah Ministries International's post 21/12/2023

Ministries International

12 of 12 Days of Power.

Mwezi wa December 2024.

Timuyamika Ambuye kamba kotiyendetsa mu zisomo zake.

Chilichonse chomwe tapemphelera chichitike mosalekeza.



Ministries International

11 of 12 Days of Power.

Mwezi wa November.
Tikulengeza kukula komanso kukhazikika kwa mpingo wa Ramah.

Tipempheleraso Cross Over kuti ambuye atetezere maulendo, kuletsa ngozi komanso kusokola anthu pa usiku umenewu.

Mmene za ambuye zikukula ndi kuyenda bwino, zathuso pa miyoyo yathu zikhale zikuyenda bwino.


Ministries International

10 of 12 Days of Power.

Lero tikupemphera kuyambiranso kumbali ya uzimu. Ambuye asatiwelengere mphulupulu zathu, asatilange mopsya mtima, atichotsere mkwiyo wake wa chaka chino kuti tiyambirenso mwa tsopano.

Chisomo chitilankhule kumpando wa chifundo ndipo zifundo zake zatsopano zitenge ulamuliro.


Ministries International

9 of 12 days of power.

Mwezi wa September 2024.

Mwezi wa namba 9 ndi mwezi obeleka zipatso. Tipemphera kuti tikwanitse kuonetsa zotsatira za ntchito zathu, mpingo, komanso kuti pasapezeke mphavu yachilendo yotibera.

Eksodo 23v 26 Palibe mkazi amene adzapite padera kapena kukhala wosabereka mʼdziko mwanu. Ndidzakupatsani moyo wautali.

Chomwe chayamba chizifika kumapeto.

Tilengeze kukhazikika kwa chilichonse chabwino chomwe chayamba pa moyo wathu.

Photos from Ramah Ministries International's post 17/12/2023

Testimony of Triumph:

I stand before you with a heart full of gratitude and an undeniable testimony of the transformative power of faith and perseverance.

My name is Paul Kaulimbo, and I want to share the incredible journey that has led me from a three-year period of unemployment to the promising threshold of a new chapter in my life.

For three long years, I navigated the challenges of unemployment despite being a qualified teacher. My spirit remained unbroken, and I embraced part-time work to make ends meet. In August of this year, a glimmer of hope emerged as I prepared for a walk-in interview organized by the Malawi government. The stakes were high, and the competition fierce.

Recognizing the significance of this opportunity, I sought the spiritual guidance of Apostle Papa. With unwavering faith, I requested his prayers, and he reassured me with words of encouragement: "Go, all is well; it is done." This profound declaration echoed in my heart as I stepped into the interview room, carrying the power of those words with me.

The turning point came during a Sunday with a theme that resonated deeply – the "Sunday of the End of the Matter." It was a divine alignment that set the stage for the forthcoming manifestation of my prayers. During the 12 days of fasting and prayer, I witnessed the God of Apostle Papa answering my pleas. The assurance grew stronger, and a sense of divine favor enveloped me.

On the momentous day of December 1st, the call I had been fervently praying for finally arrived. I was elated to learn that I had been shortlisted to report as a civil servant.

As I embark on this new chapter, I extend my deepest gratitude to Apostle Papa and the entire RAMAH FAMILY for their prayers and support.

May this testimony serve as a beacon of hope for anyone facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. With faith, all matters can find their end, and new beginnings can emerge.

Photos from Ramah Ministries International's post 17/12/2023

Testimony of Transformation and Deliverance:

I stand before you today with a heart filled with gratitude, eager to share the remarkable transformation that has unfolded in my life. My name is Alfred Chimoto Phiri, and I have experienced a profound change, thanks to the power of prayer and the unwavering faith at Ramah. Since 2014, I battled with persistent sleep disturbances, haunted by unsettling dreams that seemed to grip my nights.

These dreams, teeming with visions of animals chasing me and haunting funerals, cast a shadow over my nights, leaving me sleepless and anxious. In the pursuit of solace, I found my way to Ramah, a place where the fervent prayers of Apostle Papa resonate. In October 2023, I was prophesied and presented myself to God, seeking the divine intervention that had eluded me for so many years.

Apostle Papa, in his wisdom and spiritual authority, offered a heartfelt prayer for my deliverance. The power and grace that unfolded in that sacred moment were nothing short of miraculous. From that day forward, my nights have been transformed. The grip of distressing dreams has loosened its hold, allowing me to reclaim the restful and peaceful sleep that had long eluded me.

Today, I stand before you, a testament to the incredible power that resides within the walls of Ministries International. I am free from the chains of sleepless nights, and I owe this newfound peace to the prayers and spiritual guidance received here.

To those who may be facing their own struggles, I urge you to believe in the transformative power of faith, healing and deliverance that is here at Ramah and lets believe in Apostle . My old life is a living testament to the miracles that can unfold when one surrenders their troubles to a higher power.

With a heart overflowing with gratitude, I extend my deepest thanks to Apostle Papa and the entire Ramah community for being vessels of divine intervention. May this testimony inspire hope in the hearts of those facing their own battles, for the power to overcome resides within each and every one of us and God dwells here as today i am a free man.

Photos from Ramah Ministries International's post 17/12/2023

Wiselady Mama Bukar.
from deuteronomy 8 vs 6,7&17.

of Power in progress..

Videos (show all)

#Message from #ApostlePapa
#Message from #ApostlePapa
#AWBministriesSalvation Sunday     :Spiritual Growth
Prayer of Salvation
Sunday of salvation
