Diabetes Food Awareness

Diabetes Food Awareness

We offer diabetes-friendly bean to bar chocolate to help support & promote Diabetes Food Awareness.


Notes from the Kitchen ~ By focusing on a whole-food, plant-based diet rich in fiber, healthy fats, and lean proteins, and incorporating regular physical activity, stress management, and proper hydration, individuals with type 2 diabetes can potentially improve their condition without relying on aggressive medications like metformin.we

Hiking With Diabetes 18/06/2024

Hiking with Diabetes…

Hiking With Diabetes Hiking with diabetes might sound like a real blood sugar challenge! However, if you are prepared, bring the right things along, and develop blood sugar strat...

Do emulsifiers increase the risk of diabetes? 12/06/2024

Marsatta Chocolate has never used emulsifiers because they prioritize the health and well-being of their customers. Chef Jeffray of Marsatta opts for a healthier alternative, using natural cacao butter, despite its higher cost. He explains that high-percentage cacao needs little to no additional emulsifiers, as cacao nibs naturally contain about 50% cacao butter, ensuring a purer, healthier chocolate.

Do emulsifiers increase the risk of diabetes? Emulsifiers are found in a whole range of foods, including yogurts, ice creams, chocolate bars, margarines and even some breads. But could this common food additive increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes?


How's everyone doing today? If your blood sugar readings are running high (like mine), don’t let it get you down. We’ve got this! Time to regroup: get some exercise, rest up, and eat smart. Let’s use food as our medicine and turn this around. Let’s go, team!

How to Avoid High Blood Sugar at Night 10/04/2024

As I woke up this morning, I decided it was finally time to face the music and test my blood sugar. With a mix of excitement and dread, I pricked my finger and waited for the results. To my surprise, the number staring back at me was higher than I expected – 222! Feeling like I just got a slap shot to the gut, I couldn't help but wish that my emotions could magically lower my blood sugar instead. But alas, no such luck.

And to add insult to injury, my night's sleep seemed to resemble a chaotic hockey game, thanks to two of our kids deciding to camp out in our bed. Dodging flying elbows and knees, I finally managed to catch some semi-restful Z's.

Feeling down about my blood sugar rollercoaster, I decided to distract myself by reading an article about late-night eating habits. Suddenly, it all made sense! Note to self: be more cautious about midnight snacks from now on – unless I want my blood sugar to be the MVP of the night!

Be well!

Chef Jeffray

How to Avoid High Blood Sugar at Night How you as a person with diabetes can avoid overnight high blood sugars and wake up feeling well and refreshed.


Kidney disease is a common complication of type 2 diabetes and can raise heart disease risk. Ask your doctor about an eGFR test, which checks creatinine levels to measure how well your kidneys are working. A reading of 90–120 is ideal. You can do this!


Introducing our exclusive 100% pure chocolate bar, a delectable treat crafted with care and your well-being in mind. Just as a car needs proper fuel and maintenance, your body thrives on movement and nourishment. Our chocolate bar aligns seamlessly with a health-conscious lifestyle, boasting minimal ingredients and reduced sugar content.

Here’s why our chocolate is a must-have:

Pure Indulgence: Savor the richness of 100% one-ingredient chocolate. We age it like fine wine, enhancing the flavor for an indulgent experience that transcends ordinary treats. And…. It’s not bitter!

Versatile Enjoyment: Whether you’re a three-star Michelin chef or restaurant always striving for culinary excellence or simply a home cook passionate about flavor and quality, our chocolate is a must-have in your kitchen. Its versatility knows no bounds, seamlessly elevating your creations with its rich, pure taste. Incorporate it into your finest recipes or use it as a standalone treat — either way, prepare to impress with every bite.
Whether you prefer enjoying it straight, incorporating it into fine baking, or using it as a wholesome ingredient, our chocolate adapts to your culinary creativity.

Healthful Ingredients: With a commitment to your well-being, our chocolate is made with minimal ingredients and lower sugar levels. It aligns perfectly with a balanced and nutritious diet.

Fuel for Your Body: Just as your car needs fuel, your body requires the right sustenance. Our chocolate provides a delicious source of energy, making it an ideal choice for those who prioritize mindful eating.

Pair it with Nature’s Best: Elevate your experience by adding your favorite fruits to create delightful combinations. The versatility of our chocolate allows you to customize your treats according to your taste preferences.
Indulge in a guilt-free, flavorful journey with our 100% pure chocolate bar — a testament to the belief that treating yourself can also mean treating your body right.

Photos from Diabetes Food Awareness's post 17/01/2024
Photos from Diabetes Food Awareness's post 17/01/2024

Discover the irresistible blend of health and indulgence with Marsatta's darkest chocolate bars. Packed with antioxidants and flavonoids, these bars promote improved heart health and reduced oxidative stress. *Indulge guilt-free in our 98% chocolate bar sweetened with Monkfruit – a delectable treat that satisfies cravings while offering a low-calorie, diabetic-friendly option. Elevate your well-being with the perfect balance of deliciousness and health benefits.


Library Gift-set: 5 Bar Assortment 16/12/2023

For the chocolate lover in your life!
Indulge in a world of sweet stories with our 2023 Favorite Chocolate Gift Set – where every bite unwraps a delicious chapter of delight!

Library Gift-set: 5 Bar Assortment Indulge your senses with Marsatta Chocolate's Library Gift Set, a curated collection of our 5 most popular bean-to-bar chocolate bars. Each exquisite bar is crafted with precision, ensuring a rich and decadent experience. With a shelf life of 6 months, this set guarantees freshness. Encased in a cha...

Marsatta Chocolate: Premium Chocolate, Vegan and Sugar-Free, Giftboxes 07/12/2023

Unwrap Sweet Moments of Corporate Bliss! 🎁 We’re ready to craft the most delightful holiday experience for your office staff. Elevate your celebration with exquisite Marsatta Chocolates! Place your order & savor the sweetness during the holiday season.

Marsatta Chocolate: Premium Chocolate, Vegan and Sugar-Free, Giftboxes Marsatta Chocolate is a bean-to-bar chocolate factory located in Torrance, California. Our mission is to provide our friends, neighbors, and fellow chocolate connoisseurs the most delicious chocolate they’ve ever tasted by making a commitment to only use high quality and sustainable products and m...


Chef Jeffray D. Gardner's latest innovation is a groundbreaking creation in the chocolate industry. He has developed a 100% chocolate bar that is not bitter, which is a significant achievement as 100% chocolate is usually known for its bitterness and acidity. The chocolate bar is not only bold, but it is also free of any sweetness or sugar, making it an excellent option for people who have health challenges or want to reduce their sugar intake.

The process of creating this unique chocolate bar takes six months, and it involves meticulous research and development to achieve the desired result. Chef Jeffray and his team worked hard for a year and a half to perfect this chocolate bar, and the outcome is nothing short of remarkable.

The most notable feature of this chocolate bar is that it is made from a single ingredient - pure chocolate. The absence of any other additives, preservatives, or flavors makes it the purest form of chocolate available in the market. This is a significant breakthrough as it is not easy to create a chocolate bar that is 100% pure without any bitterness or acidity.

This innovation by Chef Jeffray D. Gardner is a game-changer for the chocolate industry. It provides an alternative to traditional chocolate bars that are high in sugar and additives, making it an excellent option for people who are health-conscious. With this chocolate bar, they can enjoy the rich, bold flavor of chocolate without any guilt or health concerns.

In conclusion, Chef Jeffray D. Gardner's 100% chocolate bar is a groundbreaking invention that has taken the chocolate industry to new heights. It is an excellent option for people who want to eliminate or reduce their sugar intake and enjoy pure, bold, and flavorful chocolate. This innovation is a testament to the Chef's creativity, dedication, and expertise in the culinary arts.

Bedtime routines for diabetics: Can late-night snacking affect blood sugar levels? 14/03/2023

Do you find yourself eating late at night?
Read on for some thought provoking facts on maintaining safe blood sugar levels.

Bedtime routines for diabetics: Can late-night snacking affect blood sugar levels? Caring for a family member with diabetes comes with a list of dos and don'ts. Should you prepare late-night snacks for diabetics is something that must have come to your mind. Here are some bedtime rituals that diabetics should follow.


When it comes to chocolate, it pays to listen to your wife: The surprising story behind Marsatta Chocolates' best-seller.

~Marsatta Chocolates located in a suburb just outside of Los Angeles, California has been a beloved chocolate maker for years, known for their delectable confections and premium chocolate bars. However, it wasn't until Naomi Gardner, the wife of the company's founder Chef Jeffray D. Gardner, tasted a sample of their 100% chocolate bar that the idea for a unique new product was born.

After trying the bar, Naomi immediately encouraged her husband to add it to their lineup. Although Chef Jeffray was initially skeptical, thinking that a 100% chocolate bar would be too bitter to be popular, he decided to trust Naomi's judgment and began experimenting with different cacao beans and roasting techniques.

Chef Jeffray gathered his team of experts and set to work, determined to create the perfect one ingredient chocolate bar. For months, they experimented with different cacao beans and roasting techniques, trying to find the perfect balance of flavor and health benefits. But every time they thought they had achieved their goal, they found that the chocolate wasn’t quite perfect, or lacked the smoothness they were looking for.

The team worked tirelessly, testing and retesting their recipes, until finally, after a year and a half of effort, they hit upon a breakthrough. They discovered that by using a very specific variety of cacao bean, and by roasting it at a specific temperature and for a specific length of time, they could create a chocolate bar that was both healthy and incredibly delicious. It was bold, but not bitter, with a smooth texture that melted in your mouth.

The couple decided to call it "Bold but Not Bitter," and they introduced it to their customers. To Chef Jeffray’s surprise, the chocolate bar has became an instant hit, quickly becoming the company's best-seller online and across the US. People loved the unique flavor profile and the fact that it was a healthy option for those who couldn't eat traditional chocolate due to health concerns like diabetes and neuropathy. It seemed that Naomi's instincts had been right all along.

Marsatta Chocolates became known as the pioneer of healthy chocolate, and the "Bold but Not Bitter" bar remained the jewel in the company's crown. Chef Jeffray continues to innovate and create new products, but they knew that they had already achieved something truly special. And every time Chef Jeffray looked at the chocolate bar that had started it all, he was reminded of the importance of listening to the people he loved and trusting their instincts. After all, sometimes the best ideas come from the most unexpected sources


Welcome to the world of pure chocolate pleasure!
The Marsatta 100% one ingredient chocolate bar is the perfect choice for anyone looking for an indulgent treat that won't compromise their health. It takes six months to craft this bar and the result is a smooth, delicious chocolate experience with no added sugar or other ingredients to mask the natural taste of the cocoa.

This bar is the perfect choice for diabetics and those with health issues because it doesn't contain any sugar or other unhealthy additives. It also provides a healthier option for those that just love pure unaltered chocolate without the added sweetness.

This pure chocolate bar is a delicious treat that you can enjoy without the guilt. Try it today and experience the indulgent taste of pure chocolate pleasure!



Small Business Saturday. This year, give the gift of originality with fresh finds from locally-loved local shops near you.

Diabetes Diet: Diabetes Patients Can Enjoy These 5 Healthy Snacks Without Fear 02/08/2022

Hello friends!

Dark chocolate is the preferred choice. Read on….


Diabetes Diet: Diabetes Patients Can Enjoy These 5 Healthy Snacks Without Fear Diabetes Diet It becomes very difficult for diabetic patients to find desserts and snacks. Enjoying something sweet without guilt is nothing short of a dream. Today we are telling about 5 such sweet snacks which can be enjoyed by diabetics too.


Thought for the day- Eating too many carbs increases your sugar levels. That's why consistency is key. Be choosy when shopping. Nutrient-dense, high-fiber, complex carbs are a better everyday choice than simple processed carbs. Processed carbs don't occur naturally and tend to be located in the middle of the grocery store.


Before you start adding dark chocolate to your diet, here are some facts you must know about the link between dark chocolate and diabetes…..
Dark chocolate contains polyphenols- naturally occurring compounds that have antioxidant properties, which protect the body from damage by harmful molecules. Polyphenols may enhance insulin sensitivity, or how effectively insulin functions in the body. In turn, this might support blood sugar management. This increased insulin sensitivity can potentially delay or perhaps prevent the onset of diabetes. So pick the right chocolate for you!


Please avoid these hidden added sugars if you can!

7 Outstanding Health Benefits of Apples | Everyday Health 07/10/2021

More great apple news…https://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/impressive-health-benefits-of-apples/?slot=4&eh_uid=86189184&xid=nl_EHNLdiabetes_2021-10-07_25260432&utm_source=Newsletters&nl_key=nl_living_with_diabetes&utm_content=2021-10-07&utm_campaign=Living_with_Diabetes

7 Outstanding Health Benefits of Apples | Everyday Health An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Possibly! Scientific research shows that this common fruit may help prevent cancer, manage type 2 diabetes, and keep heart disease at bay, among other health benefits. Here's why else you should be eating apples.


Did you know apples are a Diabetes-Friendly fruit?



Had something great to eat….thought it was great…..it was just a salad but still my body reacts to it…..together we are on this diabetes journey and my message to you is never quit just keep on keeping on. You can do it!


- Breakfast is credited as the most important meal of the day — and this may be especially true for people with type 2 diabetes. For example, in a small study published in July 2015 in Diabetes Care, researchers tracked the food intake of 22 people with type 2 diabetes as well as their blood sugar levels for two days. The only difference in food intake over the two days was that the participants consumed breakfast one morning and not the next. The study showed that on the day they skipped breakfast, their blood sugar levels were higher for the whole day. According to researchers, forgoing breakfast may inhibit the function of the pancreas’s beta cells, which produce insulin.

But remember, says Lynn Grieger a certified Personal Trainer and Medical Reviewer for Everyday Health, any breakfast won’t suffice when it comes to keeping blood sugar levels steady. “What you eat for breakfast is key,” she says. “I encourage people to think outside the cereal box. Sugary cereal with a big glass of juice isn’t helpful.” She recommends opting for balanced morning meals that pack in nutrients and, for diabetes-friendliness, are low in carbs, such as scrambled eggs with spinach, mushrooms, and tomatoes.
OK- now go take on your day! :)

Strengthening A Nutrition Sensitive Approach In Agriculture In India | Outlook Poshan 28/05/2021

The Importance of a Well Balanced Diet.


Strengthening A Nutrition Sensitive Approach In Agriculture In India | Outlook Poshan The urban and rural population in India still faces nutrition linked health concerns due to a non-balanced diet. Let's take a look at how various public-private initiatives has helped in meeting the nutritional challenges.


To all the beautiful Mothers out there Happy Mother’s Day!

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Had something great to eat….thought it was great…..it was just a salad but still my body reacts to it…..together we are ...
