Department of Montana American Legion Auxiliary

Department of Montana American Legion Auxiliary

The American Legion Auxiliary, established in 1919, is the world's largest women's patriotic service organization. One officer, Lt. Col.

In the spirit of service, not self, the mission of the ALA is to support The American Legion... A Legacy of Service Not Self is Born

A group of 20 officers who served in the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I were asked to suggest ideas on how to improve troop morale. Theodore Roosevelt Jr., proposed an organization of veterans, which we know today as The America


I can’t thank everyone for these past 2 years. Being your American Legion Auxiliary Department President and being part of the wonderful American Legion family has been such a wonderful honor. You all will be a part of my family forever. Thank you to the Past Presidents Parley and everyone for my beautiful gifts at Convention.

Photos from Department of Montana American Legion Auxiliary's post 06/09/2023

Our ALA Department of Montana in Charlotte NC for National Convention

Photos from Department of Montana American Legion Auxiliary's post 11/07/2023

ALA Montana Girls State Delegation 2023, top picture- Governor Chloe Unger, ALA Department President Yvonne Kostelecky, Lt. Governor Bridget Menard, bottom picture- Girls Nation Delegates- Chloe Unger and Ella Norby


Today is National Poppy Day
Monday May 29th is Memorial Day
Have you got your poppy yet?


If you’re in the area…

Photos from Department of Montana American Legion Auxiliary's post 12/01/2023
Photos from Department of Montana American Legion Auxiliary's post 12/01/2023

Commander Cummins presenting Wes Stidham his 25 year certificate and to Teresa Teague an appreciation award for she does for our Post.


From ALA Department of Montana President Yvonne Kostelecky:

To my ALA family welcome to 2023

Wow, we all survived and are all ready to make it a banner year
for Montana, RIGHT???

First of all, thank you all for being such an amazing group of ladies and gentlemen!! What an honor it is to serve you as you ALA Department President!!!

Ok it’s January and you all have been getting notices from our Department Secretary, Renee Loehr, showing you all where your Units are sitting with their memberships. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are way behind from last year and we need to get down to business and reach out to those members who have not paid. Start asking the questions, is it their health, did they forget, do they not have the money right now, are they not wanting to belong? These are all very tough questions to ask but you should be worried if they have not paid. We have way too many Units still sitting at 0% and we have way too many that are 50% and less.

If I could be there to help you I would but I am counting on you to show your members, why it is important to keep their memberships. Is your Unit keeping in contact with your members throughout the year to let them know that you think of them often and invite them to come to meetings or asking them how they are doing, not that they are just money and membership, they matter!!!

Also I am hoping that when you are sending out your paid up memberships that you are enclosing the Department Raffle tickets. Also ask your friends, family, Posts and everyone else
to buy the raffle tickets they are what keeps our Department going throughout the year, we do need your help!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen I heard how wonderful you all did with sending items and money to the VA for the Christmas stores, such a wonderful way to help our Veterans.

I am hoping you all are getting in touch with the guidance counselors of your school and trying to get into to talk to them about the different programs that the Auxiliary can offer the students. Please check out for ideas and guidelines.

Plan an Americanism program in February, get into the schools to promote the ALA Poppy Poster, Americanism Essay, ALA Girls State.

Scholarships that are available:
2- $500
2- $500 Children & Youth
1-Aloha Nursing Scholarship

Children of Warriors Presidents-online
Spirit of Youth Scholarship for Juniors
Non-traditional Student Scholarship
Junior Member Loyalty Scholarship

Scholarship applications are due to the Unit by March 1st and due to Department Chairman by April 1st.

Double check the dates because they sometimes do change.

Please always check on your Veterans in your community, it been so bitter cold and icy they may not get out as much. Do they need anything? Ask your Posts if they know of a Veteran or Veteran’s family that needs assistance.

Ladies and Gentlemen I know I have given you a lot of information, but I am trying to make my year the very best it can be and I can’t do it without you!!

God Bless America
God Bless Each and Every one of you


From ALA Department of Montana President Yvonne Kostelecky:

Merry Christmas to everyone,

It is hard to believe that it is December and 2022 is coming to a close. As I write to you today I have noticed it is December 7th, as President Roosevelt once said it is a day that will live in infamy. Let us never forget those who have fought for our country and died and those who continue to fight for our country each and everyday.

Let us pray for those who are suffering with mental and physical pain. Let us pray for the families who are helping those who are suffering with mental and physical pain to give them the strength.
My prayers for all of you is that you can enjoy time with your family and friends, that your home is filled with love, laughter, warmth, and happiness during this holiday season. Remember the reason for the season.

And my final request from all of you is to please take time for yourself, you have all worked so very hard and we don’t always just take a moment to just take care of ourselves. So please go buy yourself a special treat that you haven’t had for awhile, if that would be a sweet treat, a new pair of gloves, a new lipstick, or spend time with someone you have not seen for awhile. Just do it for you.

You all are so very very important to me. You have blessed me with wonderful gifts as we were able to come together for our District meetings and words cannot express how special you all make me feel. It is such a wonderful honor to be your Department President and I look forward to seeing you all in 2023. God has truly blessed me with such a wonderful group of ladies and gentlemen.

So as I conclude my December/Christmas letter to each of you. Please remember to take care of our Veterans and their families, Christmas and the holidays maybe difficult for some of them.

God Bless All of You, may he bless you with a beautiful Christmas.

God Bless America, may He bless our Country with peace and goodwill to all.

With Love & Blessings of Great Joy

Timeline photos 08/12/2022

❗️Don't miss out, apply now ❗️

The application process for 2023-2024 national committee appointments closes Dec. 15❗️

You need not have served as an officer in your district or department to be eligible for an appointment.

Application link ➡️

Timeline photos 08/12/2022

Before the holiday rush, mark something off your to-do list! Renew your ALA membership for 2023! It’s easy – you can renew online at, call (317) 569-4570, or mail in your renewal notice.

Photos from American Legion Auxiliary National President's post 08/12/2022

Upcoming VA Events

Timeline photos 07/12/2022

We will never forget.

Videos (show all)

Our ALA Department of Montana in Charlotte NC for National Convention
