You Got This Shift - Somatic Trauma Therapist

You Got This Shift - Somatic Trauma Therapist

You Got This Shift.

Body-Mind Wellness, Somatic Therapy, Positive Psychology, Holistic Coaching, Stress & Trauma Resolution, Reworking Addictive Patterns, Personal, Relational, Spiritual -


Trauma isn't solely tied to horrific events; it can impact anyone, which is why we should pay it more attention. It might result from experiences causing frustration, stress, or profound pain, leaving individuals feeling completely helpless.

Somatic therapy helps individuals understand how to overcome these frustrating, stressful, and painful experiences.

Eliza Marie | The Somatic Trauma Therapist |


Every individual is not just a passive observer but an active participant in the larger narrative of human existence. To fulfill our role in the world effectively, we must first ensure our well-being. This acknowledgment recognizes that neglecting our physical, mental, and spiritual health can impede our capacity to make meaningful contributions, potentially hindering our well-being and the well-being of others. Striking a balance between self-care and contribution, as exemplified by spiritual leaders and individuals who find wisdom in solitude for personal reflection and communal engagement with their beliefs in a higher power or ideals larger than themselves, is essential.

Eliza Marie | The Somatic Trauma Therapist |


What if we can start over? The good news is that we can!

Every moment, with every breath we take, presents us with the opportunity to break through the cages and shed the shackles of our past, embracing the potential of a fresh beginning.

For the lonely souls who traverse the vast expanse of isolation, there exists the promise of connection and belonging. With each step forward, we can reach out to others, forging bonds built on empathy and understanding. It is through shared experiences that we discover the beauty of human connection, realizing that we are never truly alone in our struggles.

To the ones burdened with shame, weighed down by the mistakes of yesterday, there is solace in the act of forgiveness—both for others and for oneself. By acknowledging our imperfections and taking responsibility for our actions, we pave the way for healing and growth. It is through acceptance and self-love that we find the courage to release the grip of shame and embrace our inherent worthiness.

For those who feel misunderstood, whose voices echo in the chambers of silence, there is liberation in the power of authenticity. It is through vulnerability that we bridge the divide between hearts, forging connections rooted in authenticity and mutual respect.

And to those who bear the weight of blame, burdened by the mistakes of the past—whether their own or unfairly attributed to them—there is redemption in the journey of accountability. By owning our actions, whether they are rightfully ours or not, and seeking to make amends, we pave the way for healing.

It is through humility and integrity that we rise above our shortcomings, embracing the opportunity to learn, to grow, and to become better versions of ourselves.

For in every moment, in every breath, lies the potential for redemption and renewal.

Eliza Marie | The Somatic Trauma Therapist |



As we delve into the depths of our being, recognizing our inherent goodness and connection to a higher purpose, we strive to be "a good one" at our true identity. This journey of self-discovery and alignment with our innate essence leads us to embrace our inherent goodness fully. By embracing our inherent goodness and working to embody it fully, we fulfill our existential responsibility and contribute positively to the world. This wisdom thus becomes a beacon, guiding us toward the realization of our intrinsic potential and the manifestation of goodness in all that we do.

Eliza Marie | The Somatic Trauma Therapist |


Caught in a “Cuddle Puddle” with a giant teddy celebrating this day of love! ❤️ Whether you're celebrating with your significant other, friends, or indulging in some self-love, remember that today is all about spreading love and warmth. Sending bear hugs to everyone! 🐻💖


Today, as we celebrate love in all its forms, I'm reminded of the incredible support and encouragement I just received from a cherished friend. Their thoughtful words resonate deeply, reminding me of the essence of love and connection. They kindly highlighted the heart of my work as a Somatic Trauma Therapist – helping people navigate the intricate pathways of their relationships on personal, relational, and spiritual levels. It's moments like these that reaffirm the profound impact we can have on one another's lives.

It's not just about grand gestures or romantic ideals; it's about the everyday moments of support, encouragement, and genuine care that we offer one another. It's about lifting each other up, cheering each other on, and being there through the highs and lows.

To all those who help illuminate my path and mission, guiding individuals to heal from traumas and cultivate successful relationships with themselves and others, thank you for embodying the true spirit of this day.

Eliza Marie | The Somatic Trauma Therapist |


In a world that frequently tries to dim your light, remember that there's a powerful light within each of us waiting to shine. It's the glow of our souls, the essence of who we truly are. Despite the efforts of the world and those around us that try to keep us in darkness, we must hold onto the truth of our being. We can do this not only through resilience and the power to overcome external negativity but also by harnessing the strength of our internal illumination. While others may continue to choose to spread hate and darkness, we have the power to spread love and illuminate even the darkest corners, including within ourselves.

Eliza Marie | The Somatic Trauma Therapist |


Realigning your heart on a daily basis empowers you to prioritize and keep the first things first in your life. This practice serves as a recalibration, aligning your actions with your deepest desires and values. It's about fostering a dynamic and intentional approach to living, not rigid rules.

A key benefit is the clarity it brings to priorities, preventing you from getting lost in busy schedules and external pressures that may not contribute to your long-term fulfillment. By realigning your heart daily, you gain a clearer understanding of what truly matters to you, allowing you to focus your time and energy on pursuits that align with your authentic self.

Moreover, this practice cultivates mindfulness and presence in your daily life. Instead of operating on autopilot, you become more attuned to the present moment and the choices you make. This heightened awareness fosters a deeper connection to your experiences, relationships, and the world around you.

Daily realignment also plays a crucial role in maintaining emotional well-being. Life is filled with challenges and uncertainties, but by regularly checking in with your heart, you build resilience and a solid foundation for navigating adversity.

Eliza Marie | The Somatic Trauma Therapist |


Somatic therapy acknowledges that trauma is not only stored in the mind but is also imprinted in the body. It understands that the body retains the memory of traumatic experiences, and these physical imprints can manifest as tension, discomfort, or other somatic symptoms.

Eliza Marie | The Somatic Trauma Therapist |

Somatic Trauma Therapy - You Got This Shift 10/01/2024

There is transformative power in individual agency when we break the cycle of perpetuated suffering. By choosing to confront and heal one's wounds, it disrupts the propagation of pain to others.

Proactive healing towards personal well-being can have a ripple effect, positively influencing interpersonal relationships and the broader community. The transformation from pain to resilience becomes a testament to the strength inherent in choosing self-betterment over the perpetuation of suffering.

Eliza Marie | The Somatic Trauma Therapist |

Somatic Trauma Therapy - You Got This Shift Discover body-mind wellness through Somatic Therapy, Somatic Experiencing®, and Positive Psychology. Dive deep into holistic coaching, understand trauma healing, and learn to manage your mind and body for personal growth. Ready for transformation? Book a FREE consultation with Eliza Marie today.


Nurturing a profound connection with our bodies promotes a sense of reverence for one's body and a conscious journey toward self-improvement. This mindful approach fosters not only physical well-being but also a harmonious connection between mind, body, and spirit.

Eliza Marie | The Somatic Trauma Therapist |


Happy New Year!


Merry Christmas!


“If you seek tranquility, do less. Or (more accurately) do what’s essential” — what the logos of a social being requires, and in the requisite way. Which brings a double satisfaction: to do less, better. Because most of what we say and do is not essential. If you can eliminate it, you’ll have more time, and more tranquility. Ask yourself at every moment, “Is this necessary?” But we need to eliminate unnecessary assumptions as well. To eliminate the unnecessary actions that follow.” - Marcus Aurelius

Focus on what's essential by eliminating non-essential actions, thoughts, and assumptions. By concentrating on the core aspects of life, we can achieve more with less effort and experience greater tranquility. Quality over quantity, encouraging us to do fewer things but do them better. This approach reduces stress and enhances our sense of accomplishment. Regular self-inquiry, asking "Is this necessary?", helps us make intentional choices.

Fulfillment comes from the simplicity of prioritizing what truly matters most. What are the two most important things to you? Are you succeeding in them or neglecting them because you are prioritizing non-essentials? As we adapt our understanding of what's essential, we unlock the door to a more tranquil and meaningful life.

Eliza Marie | Somatic Therapy |


In our fast-paced digital world, taking a break from social media might seem like an unusual idea. However, detoxing with social media fasts is a means that enhances our well-being. Constant engagement can sometimes cloud our mental space, causing overwhelm, comparison fatigue, and can become a reflection of a constant quest for validation.

Social Media Fasting is a conscious decision to step back from the constant notifications, updates, and scrolling. This digital detox is about reclaiming time for ourselves. It's a chance to reconnect with the present moment, savor offline experiences, and refresh our perspectives. Just as fasting can rejuvenate the body, a break from social media combined with somatic awareness can cleanse our mental and emotional landscape, making room for clarity, creativity, and genuine connection.

Incorporating principles from Somatic Therapy, we can use this fasting period to deeply connect with our bodily sensations, free from digital distractions. As we withdraw from the virtual world, we provide ourselves an opportunity to listen intently to our body's narratives, allowing space for healing, grounding, and genuine embodiment.

How has taking a break from social media helped you?

Eliza Marie | Somatic Therapy |


Eliza Marie | Somatic Therapy |


Life's trials, though they may scar us, are not badges of defeat but maps of resilience. These scars, both physical and emotional, mark the moments when we faced life's harshest challenges and emerged stronger. They symbolize our ability to endure and adapt, guiding us through the uncharted territory of existence.

Furthermore, these scars grant us wisdom and courage. Each trial teaches us invaluable lessons, enriching our understanding of ourselves, others, and the world. They remind us of our hidden strengths and fuel our empathy for others. With every scar, we find the courage to confront our fears, standing tall in the face of adversity. In essence, our scars are the enduring symbols of our triumphant journey, pointing the way forward to newfound wisdom and courage.

Eliza Marie | Somatic Therapy |


One of the fundamental aspects of a safe and trustworthy partner is the freedom to be vulnerable. When you know that your partner will listen and offer support without hesitation, you are more likely to open up and share your innermost thoughts and feelings knowing they will be kept safe with them. This vulnerability is the fertile soil from which personal growth can spring. It allows for the exploration of past wounds and emotional scars, leading to a better understanding of oneself and the opportunity for healing.

Trust is the cornerstone of safety in any relationship. In a partnership characterized by trustworthiness, individuals can let go of their guard and experience a sense of security that promotes emotional well-being. The absence of fear or suspicion enables individuals to focus on personal growth rather than expending energy on defense mechanisms or doubts about their partner's intentions. Moreover, a safe and trustworthy relationship can serve as a sanctuary for emotional healing. Past traumas and unresolved issues can be addressed with the help of a compassionate partner who understands the importance of the healing process.

Eliza Marie | Somatic Therapy |


An emotionally unavailable person is someone who struggles to establish or maintain and avoids emotional intimacy in their relationships. They commonly have difficulty with their emotions and therefore the emotions of others, connecting with their partner on a deep level, or being present and responsive to their partner's emotional needs.

Emotional availability hinges on the capacity to empathize with another person's emotions and experiences. Emotionally unavailable individuals often struggle with this aspect, as their limited ability to have empathy for another's feelings and experiences impedes their capacity to connect deeply.

Deciding to stop pursuing someone who is emotionally unavailable is an act of self-care because it prioritizes your emotional well-being. It protects you from ongoing emotional distress, preserves your mental health, and opens the door to healthier, more fulfilling relationships that can nourish your emotional needs.

Eliza Marie | Somatic Therapy |


We can be encouraged to accept our past while also recognizing that the present is where our power lies.

Embracing the present, making intentional choices, and nurturing resilience can lead to personal growth and a brighter future. We use our agency to shape our destinies and inspire hope not only for ourselves but for those around us. It reminds us that, despite past mistakes and setbacks, we have the capacity to rewrite our life's story, beginning right now.

Eliza Marie | Somatic Therapy |


In the journey of life, we often find ourselves grappling with wounds that aren't visible to the eye, wounds that cut deep within our hearts and minds. These wounds can stem from various sources – past traumas, abuse, broken relationships, betrayal and broken trust, loss and grief – and they often linger, festering in the corners of our consciousness. What makes these hurts even more overwhelming is the absence of the solace they rightfully need.

When our emotional wounds are met with solace a profound force emerges, having the ability to help mend the broken pieces of our spirit. It is the warmth of a kind word, the understanding we receive, the embrace that says, "You're not alone in this." Yet, too often, we find ourselves carrying these hurts silently, hoping that somehow time alone will heal them. But the truth is, without the solace we need, the healing process can become a slow and arduous journey.

The pain we carry might be invisible to others, but it is no less real. Just because wounds can't be seen doesn't mean they are any less deserving of care and attention. A neglected emotional wound can cast a shadow over every facet of our lives, affecting our overall well-being. It's crucial to recognize that seeking solace isn't a sign of weakness; rather, it's a brave step towards acknowledging our pain and actively working towards healing.


When life gets filled with superficial interactions seeking authentic connections is about finding those who not only listen but also understand the nuances of your thoughts and feelings. These connections provide the nourishment needed for emotional growth.

Authentic connections go beyond surface-level interactions. They delve into the realm of empathy, understanding, and shared experiences. These connections acknowledge the depth of human emotions, the highs, and lows that shape who we are.

Emotions are an integral part of the human experience. They are what make us uniquely human, driving our actions, decisions, and relationships. Seeking connections that honor your emotions means finding individuals who are willing to listen, support, and empathize with what you're feeling. These connections don't dismiss or belittle your emotions but instead provide a safe space for you to express yourself openly without judgment.

Eliza Marie | Somatic Therapy |


It takes courage to admit that there's always room for improvement, that there are lessons waiting to be learned even in areas we feel confident in. Humility acknowledges that none of us have all the answers and that we are all in a constant state of growth and development which means it grants us the space, room, and grace to wrestle in the ring in this lifelong process of refining. Because we are granted this, it’s important to have supportive individuals who create an environment where we don’t have to fear that our struggles and endeavors will be met with having our weaknesses pointed out to others.

True humility involves setting aside our egos, transcending the need to appear flawless, and instead opening ourselves to the vast universe of knowledge that surrounds us. But humility isn't just a passive state—it's an active choice. It's the decision to approach life with curiosity, to seek out opportunities for growth, and to listen with an open heart to the perspectives of others. It's the willingness to ask questions, to admit when we don't know, and to engage in the process of continuous learning.

Eliza Marie | Somatic Therapy |


The power of feeling truly heard, understood, and cared about cannot be underestimated—it's the balm that eases the pain of our hurts. Not everyone has the privilege of relationships that provide genuine empathy, understanding, and care, the significance of such connections cannot be overstated.

For many of us, the absence of deep, empathetic connections during our formative years can continue into our adult lives. You might have started to recognize the moments when you're not truly being heard or understood in your relationships. Perhaps you've noticed a lingering sense of frustration or a longing for deeper connection. The experience of not being heard and understood can be energetically draining, leaving you emotionally fatigued. This awakening is a profound moment of self-discovery, urging you to seek authentic connections that honor your emotions and experiences. It's a pivotal juncture where you decide to rewrite the narrative of your relationships.

In the realm of somatic therapy, creating a safe space for you to express your feelings and experiences is a cornerstone of healing. This is why seeking avenues of safety becomes crucial. It offers a space where you are truly heard, where your experiences are understood, and where your hurts are met with the empathy, they need to become more manageable.

Eliza Marie | Somatic Therapy |


Although the problems that may arise are out of our control, the emphasis on "problems you choose" points to a profound reality that the challenges couples decide to take on significantly impact the overall success and longevity of their marriage. Wisely selecting challenges that both partners can manage and explore how this choice shapes the course of a marriage.

The Wisdom in Selecting Challenges

In the midst of life's complexities, it's essential to be intentional about the challenges you bring into your relationship. The choices you make regarding the issues you tackle together will determine how well you can cope as a team. While no relationship is devoid of problems, the key lies in identifying challenges that align with your collective strengths, values, and capabilities.

Navigating the Balance Between Coping and Acknowledging Limits

The delicate balance between coping with challenges and recognizing your limits plays a pivotal role in sustaining a healthy and fulfilling partnership. While the concept of choosing problems you can cope with holds significance, acknowledging the situations you can't handle is equally crucial for the well-being of both individuals and the relationship itself.

Eliza Marie | Somatic Therapy | Positive Psychology


In a world that often glorifies boundless strength, it's crucial to remember that acknowledging our limits is a profound form of self-awareness and empowerment. We have a better understanding of our own trauma history, time commitments and restraints, energy levels, state of our nervous system and health, and the unique intricacies of our emotional landscape.

With this understanding of ourselves, it’s ok to state that you can’t cope with someone else’s addictions, betrayals, unsafe environments and behaviors, and to state "This is where my limit lies." This isn't a sign of weakness; it's a sign of self-awareness and self-preservation. You're giving yourself permission to protect your safety, energy, your mental and emotional space, and that's an act of self-love. We can find solace in stating our limits, knowing what we can handle, and embracing healing.

In a world that often overlooks the intricate dynamics of trauma history and emotional landscapes, you're rewriting the narrative. You're allowing yourself to heal on your own terms, guided by the wisdom you've gained.

Eliza Marie | Somatic Therapy |

Lets Work Together

My eclectic approach focuses on solutions that advance people on their unique path to healing and growth

It is an amalgam of all the training and education I have received that integrates tracking and attuning to a specific person’s nervous system and what it is calling for in the moment. I have been trained to work with various forms of trauma. Trauma can be caused by highly distressing events or the everyday stressors that we all experience in this modern society. I offer tools and techniques to cope with and to release the bound-up energy from these adverse or stressful events. In addition, I focus on ways to enable post-traumatic growth. I combine this with the scientific study of positive psychology, which offers a rich empirical foundation of evidence-based tools and theories to draw from.

I believe in educating my clients of what is relevant to their unique situations, because knowledge is empowering. Many of my clients are used to hearing or believing that there’s something wrong with them. Instead, I focus on building on what’s right with them, not fixing what’s wrong.

No matter where you are in life, there will always be the desire for a deeper, richer feeling within yourself and with others.

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Questions in mind? Eliza Marie has Somatic Solutions.  Submit your question for the Q&A here:
Trauma isn't solely tied to horrific events; it can impact anyone, which is why we should pay it more attention. It migh...
Somatic therapy acknowledges that trauma is not only stored in the mind but is also imprinted in the body. It understand...
Waterfalls hold profound lessons about life, especially when it comes to personal growth. They serve as powerful metapho...