Christ for All C.F.A

Christ for All C.F.A

This page was created with an aim of spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the whole corner of this world till His second coming.


Psalms 34:19-22
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
He guards all his bones; Not one of them is broken.
Evil shall slay the wicked, And those who hate the righteous shall be condemned.
The Lord redeems the soul of His servants, And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned.


Producer Alexis on the beat with Lesley Mutheu


-- Please read to the end and be amazingly blessed if you're single or dating.

A friend of mine Junior started saving for his future wife’s wedding ring from the time he got his first job after our graduation from the university.

He didn’t save much of course, since he was just starting to set up his life with the salary he was earning at the time. He opened a bank account dedicated to saving for his wife's wedding ring, and the interesting thing about what Junior was doing is that the brother was still single at that time, and not searching. He was still in the process of setting up structures and working on his personal growth and readiness, yet he was saving up with his future spouse in mind.

Sometimes he would just throw in a few hundreds and thousands in the account. Understand this guys; the amount he was putting in wasn’t really the point, every time he put money in the account, he prayed for his future wife, he meditates on his seed.

“Lord, keep her heart pure.”
“Lord, help her draw near to you always.”
“Lord, help me become the kind of man she’ll want to marry.”

I remember sharing something similar to this nature some time ago when I revealed that I was tithing for my best Friend Chocolate before I met her, alot of people called me a fraud for encouraging people to give their money to pastors, because the tithing debate today has just got a lot of people deceived.

This was what I meant; I tithed for Choco. I wasn't giving to God because I wanted a wife. I wasn't giving a bribe, no, each time I packaged my seed in that envelope it reminded me that I have to keep working on myself In order to be the right person for the spouse I am praying for.

Each time I put my seed in that offering basket I remind God that I am still patiently waiting on Him to put in my path that whom He has designed for me.

I pray for God to fill me with an honest ability to discern when she comes. Seeding reminded me to always pray, work and to watch.

Each time I seeded I was saying;
"Lord, watch over her for me."
"Lord, if she is not tithing anywhere she is, take this seed as her own tithe. I am tithing for her, let her enjoy the full favours that comes with tithing."
"Lord, disengage her from every wrong entanglement she might be into right now, and put people in her path who will teach her to work on herself and stay focused on you."

Now look how it turned out great. Today we are happily married, and everytime I look at her what I see is more than a wife, I see an expression of my SEED. 😍😍

This was the same thing Junior did, but he was saving up for his future spouse in a dedicated bank account.

One of the many things I like about doing this is that it encourages young men to begin to think and pray about their marriage early, not the fire brigade prayers we are used to doing few weeks before the wedding. It encourages you to start praying for your future wife even before you know who she is, and to takr intentional steps towards your own personal growth.

I absolutely love the seeding idea and the bank account idea. it is not about the amount you are giving to God or saving up in the bank, it’s about the intention, and the prayer, and the thoughtfulness and the personal development. By doing this you’re setting a pattern of looking at a woman as someone you want to prepare for and care for and pray for.

Guys, this is not me putting ideas in your head but this is something you can definitely try.

Aunties you too, you can start saving up for his tux, or his James Bond shoes. Let it be like a reference point to touch him wherever he is. Let the financial cost of saving up for him prepare your heart and mind spiritually, bending it towards marriage, toward responsibility, towards working on yourself, and towards becoming a God-honoring wife.

Start next year. I encourage you to key into this intentional mindset, whether you're ready to settle down or not. It helped me get ready, and I'm sure it will help you too.


Repeat is on air
Lets rumble!!

Kartier's Dance Crew on Arts club with Jeremiah Njalale and Lesley Mutheu 04/09/2020

Kartier's Dance Crew on Arts club with Jeremiah Njalale and Lesley Mutheu Join Jeremiah Njalale and Lesley Mutheu every Friday for young and fresh talents


and the darkness did not conprehend the Light..may this light shine in your life!!

