Lindz's Lively Life

Lindz's Lively Life

Lindz's Life: Family, Fitness, and Forever is a space where I can share my adventures and hopefully provide encouragement and laughter for others.

The reason I decided on the name is because these are the three most important aspects of my life. Life is about opportunities and I want this page to be just that - an outlet for encouragement, community, and laughter as we strive for success every day.


Six month update: Josh and I are finally settled into Houston and loving city life. A lot has happened since my last post.

In a nutshell, Josh and I are both working and enjoying our jobs. We have made some good friends even though we miss family and friends back in South Carolina. Beamer, our cockapoo, is adjusting well to his new environment and is looking forward to the "Bark In The Park" event this weekend.

We were back in South Carolina in March for Poppop's funeral. It has been a terrible loss for our family but we continue to live each day believing that God will bring us peace. I enjoy meeting new people and exploring the beautiful state of Texas with the hubby. God is faithful and I can't wait to share with y'all my newest adventure within the next couple of days.

Keep dreaming and remember that each day is an opportunity to hustle for what you want out of life!


A cup of tea...I never thought I would find such calmness and comfort in a cup of tea. My mother-in-law Kimba loves tea and introduced me to the different varieties and brands. One thing I miss about being in South Carolina is visiting with Kimba over a new kind of tea every time. Even though it is still warm in Houston, I recently find myself drinking tea before bed with the Christmas tree lit and snuggling with Beamer. It is a time when I can just relax and take a few minutes to reflect on the day and do nothing. I never thought or understood how a cup of tea could help me mentally and emotionally. Now, I know why Kimba always smiles when she hears the tea kettle whistle.


A year ago today, Josh asked me to marry him. I obviously said "YES!" However, I had no idea how this past year was going to flip our lives upside down. I learned three things from the whole experience.

1. You find out quickly who you can depend on when things change. Never underestimate the value of your friendships and when people disappoint, accept it and move on.
2. It is okay to be different, take risks and if people get upset or angry, that's life. You can only control your actions. 3. Depend on your spouse. Communicate about your feelings and remember that it is now "Team Us".

Thank you to my wonderful husband for putting up with me during the crazy times of planning our wedding, for always looking at the positives and being in my corner through it all. I love you!


I read a quote this morning that I wanted to share because it really hit home with me.

In Rick Warren's book, God's Answers to Life's Difficult Questions, he states "It is a fact of life that there is no gain without pain, no advancement without adversity, no progress without problems."

How powerful! Recognize today how every step we take is preparing us for something bigger and better! Happy Tuesday😊


As I reflect on this week early Saturday morning before headed out to find something red to wear to the UH game this afternoon, I am reminded of the famous quote by Thomas Monson - "Have an attitude of gratitude."

As my dad would say, it is always in how you respond to situations. It is not easy. It is not always fun but today I am thankful for the opportunity to respond. I welcome the obstacles, the defeats and the frustrations as I know they are only making me a stronger woman and a more grateful person.

Your attitude in the tough times really demonstrates your character and although I am guilty of having a bad attitude, it is something I am trying to improve upon. So as we enjoy the weekend and look to next week, I challenge the few who read this to be fearless, thankful and cognizant of your attitude.

Post below how you change your perspective when in negative situations or just feel in a funk! Would love to have some friendly advice from others!


I'm back... I know it has been a few months but a lot has happened so I will give you the abbreviated version. I am now married and living in Houston working for the University of Houston. I just celebrated my 28th birthday and decided it was time to start updating this page again. This year is all about balance for me. Learning a new job, a new city and how to be a good wife can be a little overwhelming but I have never been more excited. We are far away from our family and friends, but thrilled to be in this position. I look forward to celebrating life and am appreciative of the opportunities God has blessed me with this year. Stay tuned...


Happy June! I hope everyone is gearing up for summer vacations and adventures! Just got back from the gym working on preparing for my 5k in July! I have also taken up tennis again and am playing in a round robin doubles match this morning! Has anyone else taken up a new hobby or starting training for something recently? Would love to hear about it!


Hey guys! Sorry I have been MIA recently. I have had a lot going on with my health, the wedding and other issues. However, I'm back!!!! I wanted to share some exciting news with y'all. I am training to run a 5k starting TODAY!

I have never officially trained or ran in a 5k! Any suggestions on a good one to do or training tips???


Day one of 3-Day Refresh is complete (except for continuing to drink water).

I am proud that I was able to get through it. I made an adjustment so that it will actually be 4 days because I have enough from the last time (when I gave up) to do another day.

I am already feeling better. I have a purpose for every meal and although it is tough not eating like normal, I threw away everything in my fridge that didn't fit into my plan.

I don't feel weak. I am a little tired but will be able to get to bed early tonight! So far, so good!

Let me know if you want to learn more about the 3-Day Refresh.

Mobile uploads 03/03/2015

Sometimes my mind just gets cluttered. I may be the only one this happens to, but when it does, it means that my body isn't functioning as it should.

I am ready to cleanse my body of all the bad toxins and jumpstart a healthy body, mind and spirit.

I have my next personal development book and will be doing the 3-Day Refresh and getting plenty of sleep the next couple of nights!

You have to take care of yourself so you can be the best person for those you love!


My Monday is my rest day where I focus on planning for the week and normally work longer than most days. I found this quote and love it.

"At some point you just have to let go of what you thought should happen and live in what is happening"

I struggle with this but am working on taking every opportunity available and making the choice to be happy, no matter the situation or circumstances!

Be brave. Be bold. Be beautiful.


What's up Saturday!!!!! I am still in Florida and will be home tomorrow night but am enjoying my time with my sister!

We were going to go to SeaWorld today, but the weather isn't good 😢.

If you could pick one park in Orlando to visit, where would you go?

Mobile uploads 23/02/2015

Anyone know where I am?

I will give you a hint! I'm headed somewhere much warmer than it is in the Upstate!

So, I will be traveling for work for a week and needed some help packing one checked bag for a whole week including business, work-out and casual clothes. I looked for some help and found a great blog on packing light!

Hope you enjoy it and use it for your next travel (whether business or pleasure)


I wanted to do a video for y'all today, but I have a bacterial infection so instead, I would love to hear how y'all relax and things you do to feel better!

Please comment below as I need some remedies so I can feel better ASAP!

Mobile uploads 19/02/2015

Throwback Thursday - my senior prom with Jamie

Mobile uploads 18/02/2015

Alright...I'm feeling generous today so I am going to give away 10 sample packets of Shakeology for FREE on Saturday, February 28th!!!

Here is how it will work: 1. You must like my FaceBook page and comment below with the names of three people who need to like my page as well. 2. As long as those three people like my page by midnight on Friday, February 27th, you will be entered to win. 3. I will do the drawing on the morning of Saturday, February 28th with all the names of those eligible. This is $50 worth of samples for FREE!

I will be doing a 10 Day Shakeology challenge starting on Monday, March 9th so if you win, you will receive your packets in plenty of time to join our group!

If you are interested in learning more about Shakeology and the 10 Day Challenge, please comment below or send me a message!

Here we go...


Good morning! Today is Ash Wednesday so I wanted to spend a little time focusing on the season of Lent and what we can do during this season to grow closer to The Lord.
I think it is a good time to remember that Jesus Christ has already made the perfect sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins.
During this season, my first priority is to spend more time with God and be consistent in reading His Word everyday. I have also decide to give up soda, sweet tea, and alcohol as well as limit my TV consumption to an hour a day Monday-Thursday. I am looking forward to better utilizing my time in doing what God wants for me. I would love to hear your plans for this season. Please comment below!


In honor of the weather today, I thought I would do a throwback video of when Beamer was a puppy and had his first snow experience! Brrrr!!

Mobile uploads 16/02/2015

One of the best things we can do for ourselves is drink water...

Here are five reasons why we need water:

1. It increases our energy levels.
2. It promotes weight loss.
3. It improves your skin condition.
4. It helps people feel full.
5. It maintains the balance of body fluids.

I have tried really hard recently to drink only water and am giving up soda, sweet tea, and wine for Lent.

I challenge you to try to incorporate more water into your daily routine. I am roughly drinking between 80 to 100 ounces a day.

What about you?


I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. As promised, I would write something about Josh. I know that I am a little late but this does tie into the theme for this week which is taking care of YOU!

But first, Josh is a great guy and I am so blessed to be marrying him. However, as I thought about all of his great qualities, I started looking at the qualities that I bring to the relationship and much to my dismay, I think I may be hard to love sometimes... Let's be honest. I am stuck in my ways, want things done a certain way and expect a lot. In saying that, I am so thankful that Josh is able to put up with me because, truthfully, I can be a handful sometimes.

Upon reflection, I started thinking about how I could be a better person and work on these aspects so the theme for this week is....

Things that we can do to better ourselves!

I will be posting videos, blog entries, and just stuff to help us continue to be the best we can be in 2015. I can't wait to share what I find with you!

Mobile uploads 14/02/2015

Exciting Announcement:
Next Saturday morning, February 21st, I will be hosting a party in Florence for those interested in learning more about Shakeology and my journey to fitness.

It is free. You don't have to buy anything. You can come try samples of the flavors below. It will be a great time to talk about each other's fitness goals for this year.

Please send me a message or comment below if interested!

It's going to be fun!! Hope you can make it!


1 more day until Friday!

2 more days until Valentine's Day!

So only 3 more posts about love (and yes, I will post about my fiance, Josh one of these days) but today I want to talk about loving yourself.

That's right! It is so important to put your health first, but so many of us (I am super guilty of this) do not. That is why I decided to become a Beachbody Coach. I needed the accountability and encouragement to focus on my nutrition and fitness while also helping others do the same. It has been a life changer for me.

Question: Am I at my ideal weight?

Answer: No.

Question: Is it hard for me to make the healthy food choices and find time to exercise?

Answer: Yes.

However, I have committed to myself, to my coaches, and to my challengers that I will do my best and push myself to be fit and healthy in 2015. Let's be honest. It is hard to love yourself when you don't love the way you look in something or you have no energy or you just don't feel great. The most important thing to realize is that you and I have a choice every day to exercise, to fuel our body with what it needs and to be positive people encouraging one another.

If this is something you struggle with, let me help you. Send me a message or comment below.

xoxo, Lindz


So as you can probably tell, I love Beamer, my cockapoo. This past summer, we taught him to swim in my parents' pool just in case he happened to fall in one day. I watched this video and it made me think of three things. 1.) Summer is going to be here before we know it so I need to keep pushing hard with my exercise and nutrition 2.) How much fun it is having a cool dog like Beamer and 3.) We all need encouragement. Some of us need it more than others, but overall, it is so important to be a positive person and lift others up in life. Happy Hump Day! Enjoy the video!

Mobile uploads 11/02/2015

I am so excited to start my new book "Boundaries" recommended by my amazing coach/friend Whitney Meade!

Mobile uploads 10/02/2015

So this week's theme is love so I thought I would give a shout-out to my best friend, Elle! I am staying with her tonight in Charleston and am her maid of honor in her wedding in April. Tonight, we are meeting with the girl who is going to do her hair on her big day! Elle is a hard working, bright and sophisticated girl. She is going to make a great wife and has been my best friend since 7th grade, the days when I wore white keds ( and thought I was cool) and fell all the time. Thanks for always being there and I cherish our friendship!


Let's be honest. It is not always easy to love someone. No matter what kind of relationship you have, it requires effort, patience and forgiveness. When you truly love someone, you make sacrifices. It is someone's actions that demonstrate their love for you. Investing time and energy into someone is an act of love. Remember that love is easy to say, but only actions show true love. I am beyond blessed to have amazing people in my life that truly love me because of their selflessness and investment in my life! Comment below and share who truly loves you.


"It's all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who who appreciates you rather than looking for love to compensate for a self-love deficit" - Eartha Kitt


I am going to be doing a theme each week starting on Sunday for y'all. Here is a hint for this week - "Let all that you do be done in love" 1 Corinthians 16:14 ❤️

Mobile uploads 07/02/2015

Yay!!!!!! Super excited!!!! Can't wait to start on Monday! It looks intense and I can't wait for the challenge

Videos (show all)

In honor of the weather today, I thought I would do a throwback video of when Beamer was a puppy and had his first snow ...
So as you can probably tell, I love Beamer, my cockapoo.  This past summer, we taught him to swim in my parents' pool ju...
Check out my video about style!! P.S. I love Taylor Swift's song "Style" too!
3 Challenges for the week!
Big Announcement on this video about Fitness!
Welcome to my Page!
