Know Your Why Recovery

Know Your Why Recovery

A community for motivation, inspiration, and resources for those finding recovery


What is one “fact” about health or wellness you used to believe but later found out was false?


You may have heard of fight or flight. Did you know there are other responses we exhibit, especially toward trauma?
Original source unknown

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Friday funnies found at

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Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome or PAWS consists of symptoms that occur weeks, months, or even years after cessation of drugs or alcohol. To learn more visit our newest blog entry.

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We all could use a little more self compassion. Thanks

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While we agree that the term gaslighting has been over used in pop psychology, we love this graphic from .

What are some ways you manipulate or lie to yourself?

What problems has these behaviors caused you?

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Wear BLUE Day 2024:
Friday, June 14th

Whether it is your friend, brother, dad, boyfriend, spouse, or boss, show them you care about them and their health by wearing blue. If Friday of Men’s Health Week doesn’t work for you then pick any other day of the year and start a fun Wear BLUE day at work.

Host a Wear BLUE day to raise awareness and money for education about men’s need to seek regular checkups, or testicular cancer education, prostate cancer education, or other health issues that affect men. (Cardiovascular disease, skin cancer, lung cancer, diabetes, gout, and more.)

Men live sicker and die younger. Wear BLUE was created by Men’s Health Network to raise awareness about the importance of male health and to encourage men to live longer and healthier lives.

Men’s health awareness can mean many different things.

It means raising awareness of making healthy lifestyle choices, making regular annual visits to the doctor, getting educated on heart disease or diabetes, starting general health conversations with their male friends, and much more. The information, tools, and resources on this website can help you plan an impactful Wear BLUE event where you live, work, play, and pray.

Read more about Wear BLUE here.

Wear BLUE is sponsored by Men’s Health Network. Men’s Health Network is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to reach men and their families with health awareness messages where they live, work, pray, and play.

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June is Men’s Health Month. June 10-16, 2024 is International Men’s Health Week.

“It is important to discuss the unique issues that men challenge and endure. Its just as important to celebrate the overcoming of those challenges.

International Men’s Health Week tries to encompass both.

International Men’s Health Week is a global initiative intent on increased awareness of men’s health issues, and to encourage institutions to develop health policies and services that cater to men, boys, and their families.

International Men’s Health Week helps break down barriers, open the floor for meaningful conversations, and broaches subjects around mental/physical health which can be taboo or difficult to talk about. “

Visit or for more information

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breaks down passive aggressive and assertive communication styles in this brief graphic. Visit our webpage and YT to learn more about these communication styles, specifically our entries on assertiveness and anger (pt 4)

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When tired doesn’t just mean tired
From .health.with.emma

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We often hear the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression/sadness, acceptance. Because they are presented this way we assume them to occur in a linear fashion, experienced in order and exclusively. The truth is these stages don’t have a proper order and multiple things can be going on at the same time. This graphic is a good representation of this.

Original source unknown (we will credit if anyone knows!)

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Photos from Know Your Why Recovery's post 16/05/2024

Do you need help with your mental health? If you don’t know where to start, this infographic may help guide you. 

¿Necesita ayuda con su salud mental? Si no sabe por dónde comenzar, esta infografía puede servirle de guía. 

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Photos from Know Your Why Recovery's post 13/05/2024

Su***de is complicated and tragic, but it is often preventable. Knowing the warning signs for su***de and how to get help can help save lives. Learn about behaviors that may be a sign that someone is thinking about su***de. For more information, visit 

El suicidio es complicado y trágico, pero a menudo se puede prevenir. Conocer las señales de advertencia sobre el suicidio y cómo obtener ayuda puede contribuir a salvar vidas. Aprenda sobre los comportamientos que pueden ser una señal de que alguien está pensando en suicidarse. Para obtener más información, visite .

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***de ***deprevention #988


A great post from our friends at

How else do you cope with stress?

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🏹✨️💚 Truth!


The last meme on your phone is your energy for the day

Post in the comments


May is Mental Health Month.

“Mental Health Awareness Month was established in 1949 to increase awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness in Americans’ lives and to celebrate recovery from mental illness.”

For information and toolkits visit some of the sites below.

For more resources in general visit our page at


Know how to ask for and use your supports when needed

Pic found on from

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What do you think about these healthy and wounded masculine and feminine energy expressions?

Comment. Let’s start a discussion.

Found on

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April is Poetry Month

Did you know poetry can be therapeutic? If you saw our previous posts you know it certainly can be.

Sharing poetry can help us be more empathetic, connect with others, increase our emotional awareness, build encouragement, and overall heal us learn!

Do you perform or share poetry with others? Let us know.

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April is Poetry Month

Did you know poetry can be therapeutic? If you saw our previous posts you know it certainly can be.

Writing poetry can help us make sense of challenging emotions, foster self empathy, feel empowered, improve our cognitive function and memory, and help us with stress.

Do you write? Share with us!

Coming soon the therapeutic benefits of sharing poetry!

Visit us across our platforms for more information and to learn how you can help


April is Poetry Month

Did you know poetry can be therapeutic?

Listening or reading poetry can help us reduce pain, increase hope, cope with stress, manage our emotions, improve our memory and cognitive function, and feel us feel more supported.

Who is your favorite poet to read?

Do you have a favorite poem?

Tell us in the comments!

Coming soon the therapeutic benefits of writing and sharing poetry!

Visit us across our platforms for more information and to learn how you can help


After a little rest, back to our burnout finds. This one lists seven types of rest. Receiving appropriate rest and rest of the right kind is a great way to prevent or even recovery from burnout.

How do you rest?

Pic from

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You can still be nice but have your voice heard and needs met. The key is assertive communication. Check out our brief video for some info on assertive communication then head over to our webpage for an associated blog.

Imagine found on


April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Alcohol Awareness month was founded in 1987 by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) to help reduce the stigma so often associated with alcohol use disorders by encouraging communities to reach out to the American public each April with information about alcohol, alcohol misuse, and recovery.

For more information visit

Or check out our pages across social media with other resources at


Another one in the burnout series, this one from

Some more possible burnout symptoms for you


#2 of our found burnout series comes from
These are a few symptoms that may be related to burnout. Do you know more?


We are starting a mini series of found graphics about burnout. Our first comes from . Burnout is a term we’ve increasingly heard used over the last few years. One definition we found states “Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.”

Obviously, burnout is a condition you wish to avoid. This graphic illustrates come common warning signs you may be approaching burnout or are already in that state.

What others can you think of?

Videos (show all)

An idiot sandwich…Visit us across our platforms for more information and to learn how you can help                              Therapy is Whatever Heals You 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔
Bump! It! Up! 👊 #knowyourwhyrecovery#knowyourwhy #knowyourwhyrecovery #recovery #mentalhealth #mentalhealthrecovery #men...
Check out this Relapse Prevention Thoughts Cheatsheet we created. For a downloadable pdf or jpg, please visit our websit...
❤️Suicide is not the answer. Talk to someone now❤️ Updated  #suicid...
Anger part 4: Assertive Communication is the fourth and final part in our series on ang...
Anger part 3: ABCD model ABCD Model is a way of exploring anger causing situations to hel...
Is there a secret to forming and maintaining healthy adult relationships? Sure! You need to be constantly working on you...
Anger Part 2: Events & Cues is part 2 in a series on anger inspired by our past blog ent...
Anger part 1: Myths About Anger is part 1 in a multiple part series on anger inspired by...
