OLG Sacred Beads

OLG Sacred Beads

OLG (Our Lady of Guadalupe) hand assembled rosaries made from a variety of beads and metal findings.

Also featuring the Sunu Collection: Hand carved masterpieces made from olive wood found in Jerusalem & Bethlehem.


Please pray for Pope Francis who is hospitalized with a lung infection.

The Glories of Mary, St. Alphonsus de Liguori 09/02/2023

How much our Confidence in Mary should be increased because she is our Mother.

The Church applies to Mary these words of the sacred Canticles: I am the Mother of fair love ("Ego mater pulchrae dilectionis."—Ecclus. xxiv. 24); and a commentator explaining them, says, that the Blessed Virgin's love renders our souls beautiful in the sight of God, and also makes her as a most loving mother receive us as her children, "she being all love towards those whom she has thus adopted" ("Quia tota est amor erga nos, quos in filios receipt."—Paciucch. In Ps. 86, exc. 22). And what mother, exclaims St. Bonaventure, loves her children, and attends to their welfare, as thou lovest us and carest for us, O most sweet Queen! "For dost thou not love us and seek our welfare far more without comparison than any earthly mother?" ("Nonne plus sine comparatione nos diligis, ac bonum nostrum procuras, quam mater carnalis?"—Stim. Div. Am. p. 3, c. 19.)

O blessed are they who live under the protection of so loving and powerful a mother! The prophet David, although she was not yet born, sought salvation from God by dedicating himself as a son of Mary, and thus prayed: Save the son of thy handmaid ("Salvum fac filium ancillae tuae."—Ps. l # # . 16) "Of what handmaid?" asks St. Augustine; and he answers, "Of her who said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord." ("Cujus ancillae? Quae ait: Ecce ancilla Domini"). "And who," says Cardinal Bellarmine, "would ever dare to sn**ch these children from the bosom of Mary, when they have taken refuge there? What power of hell, or what temptation, can overcome them, if they place their confidence in the patronage of this great Mother, the Mother of God, and of them?" ("Quam bene nobis erit sub praesidio tantae Matris? Quis nos detrabere audebit de sinu ejus? Quae nos tentatio, quae tribulation superare poterit, confidentes in patrocinio Matris Dei et nostrae?"—De Sept. Verb. l. i. c. 12). There are some who say that when the whale sees its young in danger, either from tempests or pursuers, it opens its mouth and swallows them. This is precisely what Novarinus asserts of Mary: "When the storms of temptations rage, the most compassionate Mother of the faithful, with maternal tenderness, protects them as it were in her own bosom until she has brought them into the harbor of salvation" ("Fidelium piissima Mater, furente tentationum tempestate, materno affectu eos velut intra viscera propria receptos protegit, donec in beatum portum reponat").

Former Pope Benedict XVI Dies at 95 — Variety 31/12/2022

Former Pope Benedict XVI Dies at 95 — Variety Pope Benedict XVI has died at his residence in the Vatican after an extended illness. He was 95.

Timeline photos 08/10/2022

Did you know that (1915 -1957) and (1867-1951) were two of the earliest in America? In 1942, Beverly was the first licensed to practice in the United States, and she studied and . Her education would reflect her choices of projects. Greene started her career in Chicago and worked on the Ida B. Wells Housing Project and, later, Paris’s Headquarters. Elizabeth graduated from New Bedford High School and was later accepted at Swain Free School of Design, receiving a classical education in architecture and design. Brooks was the first black graduate of New Bedford’s Harrington Normal School for Teachers and taught for 25 years. She became a real estate developer, designed the permanent home of New Bedford Home for the Aged, and planned and supervised the building of the Phillis Wheatly YWCA in Washington, D.C. Learn more at http://ow.ly/HKf250KYUru
