Debra Rush

Debra Rush

Debra Rush is the Founder and CEO of Breaking the Chains. Debra has a degree in human services, exte


“Ever wonder why some souls light up at a simple ‘thank you’ or ‘I believe in you’? 🌟 Words have this magical power to lift spirits, ignite passions, and mend hearts. For those who thrive on words of affirmation, expressing themselves through language isn’t just a choice, it’s a way of life. Let’s celebrate the beauty of communication and the hearts that find solace in the poetry of spoken love. 💖 ”



This last week I sat in front of a precious 15-year-old girl, who’s frontal lobe has not yet even come close to fully engaging. Looks are deceiving, and looking at this beautiful child’s face that is covered in makeup, and wearing clothes that represent a much older 20 year old on a Friday night brings that into full reality. Listening to her talk - She’s filled with so much bravado, and street sass that it is easy to forget that she is a child victim who has experienced pain on a magnitude most of us could not even imagine. To top it all off she has been abused, neglected, abandoned, and now trafficked, even though she is still clearly in denial about it.
This is part of what I do day in and day out. Not just rescuing children from the terrifying hands of traffickers, but making a desperate attempt to rescue them from themselves and the emotions that truly keep them captive.

We recently moved to a new home so getting up early and unpacking a few boxes is also a part of my new life every day. As I unpack a box of old pictures I see this face staring back at me. A beautiful abandoned 15-year-old girl wearing too much make up, full of bravado and street sass, and filled with more pain and anger than most people could ever truly imagine. Breaking The Chains was not around, there was no intervention, nobody was marching in the streets, and it would be years before someone would come to my rescue. The trail of devastation that would follow was immeasurable and dozens of lives were horribly affected just because this girl had no intervention.
-Debra Rush

What a sobering reminder of why we do what we do at Breaking the Chains. Of what trafficking really looks like here in America. Of countless children waiting for us to reach out and rescue them. Of why your support is so important. From this Survivor to you... Thank you!

The Constitutionalist - Stopping Human Trafficking 21/11/2023

Thank you Eric for taking the time to address these important issues.

The Constitutionalist - Stopping Human Trafficking Eric Rollins Is Joined By Debra Rush Of Breaking The Chains


“Inspired my Peter”
(I pray my truth encourages someone today.)
Over that last four years I have been in only what can be called a,“ VERY humbling season of my life.” I have fought private battles, in what feels like every area of my life that are not for the faint of heart. To add insult to injury during this season I have struggled to feel accepted, to believe that I could be worthy of the places, people, and platforms God has given me. That resulted in misdirected trust, anger, and a lot of apologies,😣That’s hard to admit.
HOWEVER, through all of that God continues to be at work in me, chipping away and sculpting my life into a masterpiece of his making…. As I read through his word this morning I became fixated on Peter and I was once again reminded in his word how God can turn some of the messiest moments into a powerful message. PETER—— Peter was clearly weak in a lot of ways, and he failed often. But Jesus saw something in Peter that he could use. Peter needed to grow, and the ingredients were there. Peter was willing to offer them up, to be corrected and redirected by Jesus when necessary, and to keep his eyes on Jesus. Ultimately Peter was humbled and molded into a mighty vessel for God’s plan to unfold. “Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭16‬:‭18‬ ‭…… Thank you Lord for keeping me close to your word, and for loving me and never leaving me, especially on the days when my mouth and mind moves faster than my heart ❤️🙏


Thriver Thought: “In my past, I believed that if I was going to be loved and accepted, then I needed to stay silent. I needed to accept things that made me feel uncomfortable, and just learn to go with the flow and don’t rock the boat.” Today: I have learned that my voice matters, my opinion matters, and those who truly value me, will always value that.


👋 Hey there! Have you heard about Cry of the Heart? 💔 It's an incredibly powerful story of resilience, strength, and love. This true story follows Debra Rush, a survivor of human trafficking, as she faces her past and fights for her future.

You can find Cry of the Heart on our website. We're proud to offer this inspiring story to our customers. We believe that stories like Debra's can change the world and inspire others to never give up.



📢🗣️Calling all prayer warriors 🙏! Join us tomorrow Saturday September 9th, 8:00am at San Pablo Park on the corner of San Pablo and Belmont for our 3rd of 7 prayer walks. Make no mistake 🔐prayer is the key that unlocks their chains.




Thoughts on movie, Sound Of Freedom.



These are really my favorite three spring Ts!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Spring into style with our trendy tank tops!🌹 Available now at The Foundry Cooperative, Patio Cafe, and our online store!

Photos from Senator Shannon Grove's post 26/04/2023

SB 14 passed through the Public Safety Committee! The resolve of leaders like Senator Shannon Grove is inspiring! The fight is not over, but the gates have been kicked open! Please continue to 🙏🏻 and speak and🗣️ out! The lives that will be saved when this bill is put into action will be immeasurable.


Have you been wanting to get involved and do something? well, here’s your opportunity. It doesn’t take any money and you don’t even have to leave your home. Speak out today and take the time to dial this number!

Did you know human trafficking is not considered a serious felony in CA?

It's time to end this by passing SB 14 & holding traffickers accountable.

Please call tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM to support SB 14.

National Center on Sexual Exploitation NCMEC Operation Underground Railroad Veterans For Child Rescue Sheriff Jim Cooper The Light House Women's Recovery Center WOMAN II WOMEN Kern County Department of Human Services Breaking The Chains


In the early months of 2020 my Dad (My Superman, the fixer of EVERYTHING), was diagnosed with stage-four lung cancer. We were all blindsided by the news. He would pass away less than 60 days later.
I had no idea that a dark, scary, rotten season had only just begun. What would follow would be an attack on my health, my home, my kids, my marriage, and my peace. I am motivator, community leader, and guiding light for so so many, yet I felt my hope and peace ebbing away.
(Enter God.)
Despite everything that I was experiencing I still worked hard to find moments of peace. My heart was feeling heavier with each situation that seemed to arise, my defeat felt imminent, and I struggled to find the words to even pray. The only thing I could really cling to was praise. Rhythmic words pre-written and available in a moment. I cried and cried and cried, and I sang and I praised and I found rest. In that rest, I found peace.

(The following devotion was written by Ginny Owens)
“What does it mean to sing of victory during life’s storms? We all find ourselves in darkness from time to time. In fact, I think there’s always a low-level storm brewing in our souls. Worry, unrest, and fear threaten our sanity and diminish our joy.
Whether it’s a global pandemic, unrest, or rising panic about what the future may hold, the world seems to have a knack for finding ways to throw new fears at us.
So often we are paralyzed by these fears. We don’t move because we don’t know what God wants us to do. I’ve been delighted to learn that we actually do know what He wants us to do—or at least where to begin. And He’s been telling us for years.
For the Israelites, He carefully laid out the ways His people were to live, and Jesus succinctly summarized them later: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.… Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:37, 39).
Deborah, a judge of Israel in the days before they had a king, knew this. She loved God with all her heart, and she trusted and obeyed Him and sought the good of her people. Her trust was contagious. The military leader, Barak, caught on too. Though skittish and fearful at first, he followed Deborah’s example. They influenced ten thousand troops to follow suit in defending their fellow Israelites and trusting that God would give them the battle.
So even when we face the unknown, even when we are surrounded by uncertainty, even in the waiting, we have important things to do. We get to entrust our searching hearts to the Lord and to share them with one another. We love as we have been loved. And we continually practice resting our wearied souls in the arms of the only One who can fight our battles and carry us to victory.”

Reflection: Ask God today how He might be calling you to rest, and where He might be calling you to act. Then ask for help doing that.

Happy Wednesday! 😊 🙏🏻☕️


Everlasting love ❤️ is a priceless gift. Grab your other half and join us Saturday April the 15th!




Some days are heavier than others, yesterday was one of those days. I spent the beginning of my day revisiting my past. Some seasons of my life make that harder than others. This is one of those seasons. Needless to say I pushed through the day almost completely on autopilot. This morning as I made my coffee I smiled at the sweet treat waiting for me. It was a loving reminder that what I do matters, despite the places I have to revisit. When I allow others to walk it out with me, eyes are opened, hearts are ignited, and lives are changed.

Beth Garcia Realtor 😘


OMG, great job Mountain Mover!!!

We know you have been waiting.. We are live online and you can shop ALL of our collections by going to our site and clicking on CATALOG.

Photos from Sybil Kolbert - Coach + Speaker's post 25/02/2023



This judge changed my life; literally! His ability to see beyond what stood in front of him and ascribe justice based on the facts of the case is one of the reasons that Breaking The Chains is here today! Do you want to find out more? Then get my book!!!


One thing I have learned about life is that it is always unpredictable. We all experience various difficulties, traumas, and hardships. What you choose to focus on, will ultimately determine what direction you move in. 😉


Pray we can end human trafficking together! It’s a large mountain, but it’s one that needs to be moved.


UNFILTERED ‼️ (perfectly imperfect)


Unfiltered ‼️


“Leaders Eat Last,” has been a great read. Learning to be a better leader by first knowing how to follow well, and stand shoulder to shoulder with everyone around me, is revealing the true leadership qualities God has given me.


Unfiltered‼️Be authentic, be vulnerable, be YOU!

Videos (show all)

“Inspired my Peter”(I pray my truth encourages someone today.)Over that last four years I have been in only what can be ...
UNFILTERED ‼️ (perfectly imperfect)
Unfiltered ‼️
Unfiltered‼️Be authentic, be vulnerable, be YOU!
Freedom is not the absence of rules and consequences, that is called chaos.