Afriki Lifestyle

Afriki Lifestyle

Healthy Living, AFRIKI Style! African dance routines, food recipes, curly hair tips & healthy lifestyle habits


As a black woman, it’s very likely you’ve heard remarks like ‘don’t stay out in the sun’, ‘you’ll spoil your colour’, or my special fav after a long day under the sun - ‘your skin looks dirty’. This shouldn’t be our (childhood) experiences! We should be able to wear our skin freely with pride and honour 🖤Thank you for creating this vulnerable space to discuss and to and for being so honest with your experiences. Thank you for your monumental documentary on this topic. Everyday we’re learning to love ourselves and love our skin even more 🖤🖤


Sundays are also about taking care of your body too! Try these squat variations to take your workout up a notch 🔥🔥🔥


Sundays are also about taking care of your body too! Try these squat variations to take your workout up a notch 🔥🔥🔥


*** 3 moves that were instrumental in me actually getting my butt to the floor! I’m honestly naturally flexible but like every other talent/ gift you have, you have to work hard to improve on it. I practiced these poses/ stretches for 10 minutes daily over 6 weeks straight before I finally got my butt to the floor (and honestly my splits on the left side are still a bit wonky, but there’s progress still!). Point is you can and you should train your flexibility 💪🏽💪🏽 If you already have a workout routine, try incorporating it once a week and check your progress. You’ll be surprised!


If you’re still stuck at home and trying to learn how to balance fitness with this new COVID lifestyle, I’ll be sharing easy steps to take your workouts up a notch 😅😅 ENJOY

Photos from Afriki Lifestyle's post 11/04/2018

Iron. Deficiency • Over the past few months, I noticed a rather sharp dip in my energy levels that left me feeling fatigued at all times of the day😒😒. I’ve never been a morning person and I’ve always loved sleep a bit too much but this was different - my productivity was seriously affected. I naturally figured it had something to do with my iron levels so I adjusted my diet accordingly. After taking a few blood tests with my doctor, I’m now taking prescribed iron supplements and I can honestly say I already feel 10x better! It feels good to have my energy back! And funny enough, once I started talking about it, I realised my sister and some of my closest friends have iron deficiency but leave it untreated! It’s much more common than one would think so I decided to share some good dietary suggestions incl. dark chocolate that can help you feel normal again 💃🏽💃🏽. If you think this may be something you have, please don’t leave it untreated. You have no idea how much you’re missing daily when you’re not 💯💯
@ Abuja, Nigeria

Timeline photos 07/04/2018

AFRIKI JUICES now available in Abuja for the cheapest prices you’ll ever find for cold pressed juices! Who says being heathy has to be expensive anyway?!😄 Introducing...
1. Afriki LEAN - Designed to speed up your metabolism and aid in the weight loss process (includes apples, cucumber, spinach, lemon, celery and mint). This is fave juice because it’s the first green juice I’ve had that actually tastes GOOD!
2. Afriki BOOST - This is my little energiser bunny 🐰. It’s great during the day when you need something healthy to wake you up! It’s made with oranges, pineapple and banana and it’s rich in calcium too. Also super yummy!
3. Afriki GLOW - This drink is very rich in immune boosting vitamin C, fiber and essential vitamins such as potassium and manganese. It’s also helps provide clear skin and healthy hair! (Contains beets, carrots, ginger, oranges, apples and spinach)
Hurry and preorder this drink a day before delivery!
#500 for 250ml Bottle
#850 for 500ml Bottle
#2500 for a pack of 3 500ml bottles! Enjoy 😉

Timeline photos 04/04/2018

FIRST EVER GIVEAWAY!!🎉 🎉 I call this the “Beginner Introduction Kit”. These are literally the DVDs I used when I first started working out because gyms were just too confusing (and expensive!). Especially because I had no idea what exercises to do to build what and to improve what. Jillian Michaels is particularly awesome because she provides different versions for different levels of fitness so it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or just starting out, you’ll definitely break a sweat! So if you know anyone who would benefit from this, just tag them in the comments below 👇🏽👇🏽 and the person with the most tags wins!
(You also have to be following this page to be eligible). Winner will be announced in exactly one week! Good luck 💋😊

Photos from Afriki Lifestyle's post 18/02/2018

Finally got off my lazy butt and edited this video! (sooo haopy😅) Find out how I keep my curls moisturised and bouncy on my YouTube page. This is for everyone who’s having trouble managing their natural hair (especially beginners) and doesn’t just know where to start. I know a lot of people have been asking so here it is! Please enjoy 💋💋. Link is in Bio


The best type of workouts are the ones that don’t feel like it! Valentine’s Day is literally tomorrow so I’ve gone a little more slow paced (but definitely not less intense!) on this one. Take a few minutes out of your day to groove to this jam by - Sekkle and make sure you work both legs on that third move! Let me know in the comments 👇🏽/dms if you want more sultry moves for tomorrow and I just might post another video this evening 😉😉

Photos from Afriki Lifestyle's post 01/02/2018

FLEXIBILITY. It’s a surprisingly ignored aspect of fitness but has a major impact on our performance of everyday activities, muscular conditioning and aerobic training! Well if you didn’t know, here are a few benefits of flexibility training:
1. It reduces stress in the exercising muscles and releases tension developed during the workout.

2. Improves posture which in turn limited stress and maximizes the strength of all joint movements

3. Reduces the risk of injury during exercise and daily activities because muscles are more pliable.

Just a few minutes every day can make all the difference so make sure you include it in your next workout!
@ Santa Monica Beach

Timeline photos 29/01/2018

Sometimes it’s that BLIND FAITH that takes you 👆🏽to the next level! That Blind Faith that God has your back no matter what. That Blind Faith that He will never let you fall flat on your face. That Blind Faith that you are wonderfully and fearfully made in His Own Image. That’s the kind of faith that will have you breaking doors and any man-made boundaries! Faith It Till You Make It!

Timeline photos 25/01/2018

7 Lifestyle Changes that SHREDS POUNDS (Even in Nigeria!) Head over to the blog to find out the gems that will have you feeling 17 again! Did you know that’s samosas filled with beef, potatoes and peas can contain up to 308 calories?! One samosa! 🙆🏽‍♀️🙆🏽‍♀️ Find our more health secrets at This is my first blog post ever, so please let me know your thoughts, ideas and suggestions for more posts!

Timeline photos 08/01/2018

SECOND Monday of the Year and how far have we really gone with those New Year’s Resolutions?👀 For me, the New Year is not about making grandiose, unattainable goals but about Re-evaluation. Reevaluating the highs and lows of your past year and the hopes for the new year. Reevaluating the difference between where you are now and where you want to be and making small yet concrete steps towards it. It’s not about a 180 degree transformation but about gradually building yourself and possibly your brand also. It’s about being better than you were yesterday, the month before and the year before! Cheers to the new year and everything great that is yet to come! 🥂

Timeline photos 16/12/2017

HANGOVERS ARE LITERALLY THE WORST 🤦🏽‍♀️ If you’re anything like me and had a little too much too drink last night, here are a few tips to get you up & running again!:

1. Drink Water. This should always be number one on your list to help with any hangover. The pounding headache you’re experiencing is caused by alcohol-induced dehydration so the quickest way to start feeling yourself again is to grab a glass of water!

2. Stay Away from Caffeine. I know I put this picture up but a cup of coffee at this point will only worsen your dehydration!I’d suggest a glass of flavoured water, fruit juice or sweetened tea for something different to drink.
3. Eat something. Literally anything. I usually have a nice slice of soft agege bread to help with hangovers😝
4. Take a Walk. A quick walk around your home will do wonders for your body and wake your metabolism. Even if you’re not really up for moving around too much, just sit outside and take in the sunshine and cool breeze and I guarantee you’ll feel much better.
5. Get More Rest. If after this you still feel terrible, then your body probably just needs more time to recover. Take it easy and enjoy the morning in bed. Have a Wonderful Day Today & Stay Blessed!

Behind the Scenes Afriki Dance photoshoot - YouTube 12/10/2017

Behind the Scenes of my favourite photoshoot!❤️❤️❤️

Behind the Scenes Afriki Dance photoshoot - YouTube

Timeline photos 12/10/2017

An orange a day could keep your skin glowing all year! 💫💫

Timeline photos 06/09/2017


Timeline photos 29/08/2017

🎶Being this bad got me feeling so good 🎶
When Life got you feeling a 💯💯

Timeline photos 29/08/2017

Yaaaasssss, I workout! Sometimes I look at this picture and can't believe those are my thighs! This just goes to show that if you work hard at something for long enough, you will get the results you want. I DEFINITELY do not naturally have a toned physique. My body is as soft as butter 😩. But I decided as a dancer and a fitness enthusiast that that was the physique I wanted. So I set up a routine... everyday (30 minutes after I wake up) I do a 30 - 45 minute workout before I officially start my day. Some days I see the difference, other days it feels hopeless... but the fact is I kept doing it regardless 5 DAYS A WEEK. I just kept doing it and looking at this picture, makes me SOOOO HAPPY I DID!

Whatever you want, just go for it. Do it every single day till your dream becomes your reality!

Videos (show all)

As a black woman, it’s very likely you’ve heard remarks like ‘don’t stay out in the sun’, ‘you’ll spoil your colour’, or...
As a black woman, it’s very likely you’ve heard remarks like ‘don’t stay out in the sun’, ‘you’ll spoil your colour’, or...
#Selfcare Sundays are also about taking care of your body too! Try these squat variations to take your workout up a notc...
#Selfcare Sundays are also about taking care of your body too! Try these squat variations to take your workout up a notc...
#Selfcare Sundays are also about taking care of your body too! Try these squat variations to take your workout up a notc...
***FLEXIBILITY *** 3 moves that were instrumental in me actually getting my butt to the floor! I’m honestly naturally fl...
If you’re still stuck at home and trying to learn how to balance fitness with this new COVID lifestyle, I’ll be sharing ...
The best type of workouts are the ones that don’t feel like it! Valentine’s Day is literally tomorrow so I’ve gone a lit...