EBM Consult

EBM Consult

Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Consult offers free medical information to help clinicians integrate medical knowledge with the best available evidence.

Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Consult was founded by Anthony Busti, MD, PharmD out of a recognition that health care professionals lack access to concise, evidence-based medical information that provides the basis for the practice of medicine while also helping clinicians to integrate that evidence with previously learned knowledge. In addition, Dr. Busti has a vision to make this core medical inf

What are some common medications classified as weak, moderate and strong inhibitors of CYP3A4? 02/10/2018

What are some common medications classified as weak, moderate and strong inhibitors of CYP3A4?


What are some common medications classified as weak, moderate and strong inhibitors of CYP3A4? Of the CYP enzymes, CYP3A4 is not only the most prevalent CYP enzyme in the liver, but is used by more than 50% of medications on the market for their metabolism and elimination from the body.


Reference Tool: Antiarrhythmic Drug Table.
To get a free copy to print click here: https://www.ebmconsult.com/articles/antiarrhythmic-medication-chart


EBM Focused Topic:
The Evidence - The HINTS (Head Impulse) Exam for Bedside Diagnosis of Central Causes of Dizziness by Aaryn K. Hammond, MD and Jeremiah Hinson, MD, PhD of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine. #
Click on the toggles under each reference to see more EBM focused information. Link: https://www.ebmconsult.com/articles/hints-head-impulse-exam-diagnosis-central-causes-dizziness

The HINTS Exam for Bedside Diagnosis of Central Causes of Dizziness The HINTS (Head Impulse, Nystagmus and Test of Skew) exam should only be performed on patients with acute spontaneous vestibular syndrome.

The Mechanism and Drug Interaction - Allopurinol and Azathioprine and Risk of Bone Marrow Suppression 13/04/2017

EBM Focused Topic: Allopurinol and Azathioprine Drug Interaction. This is a potentially life threatening drug interaction if missed or not implemented right. Editor: Anthony Busti, MD, PharmD http://www.ebmconsult.com/articles/allopurinol-azathioprine-interaction-mechanism-wbc

The Mechanism and Drug Interaction - Allopurinol and Azathioprine and Risk of Bone Marrow Suppression The coadministration of allopurinol and azathioprine (especially if doses are not reduced) is known to increase the risk for life-threatening reductions in WBCs.

Anatomy: Eyeball - Sagittal View 03/09/2016

Eye - Sagittal View (click on image to see labels)

Anatomy: Eyeball - Sagittal View This is a review the eyeball anatomy in the sagittal view. There is an image to aid in learning.

Anatomy: Stroke vs Bells Palsy 21/12/2015

Physical Exam:
How to differentiate Bells Palsy from a stroke on physical exam. http://www.ebmconsult.com/articles/anatomy-stroke-vs-bells-palsy

Anatomy: Stroke vs Bells Palsy It is important to be able to identify a patient suffering from an acute stroke vs. Bell's palsy. They can present similarly but the location of the lesion is different. This image helps to show that difference.

Chest Tube (Thoracostomy) Procedure 28/10/2015

How to place a chest tube and clinical considerations (images available).

Chest Tube (Thoracostomy) Procedure The insertion and placement of a chest tube into the pleural cavity for the purpose of removing air, blood, purulent drainage, or other bodily fluid foreign to this space and to restore the mechanical function of the lung. The steps for how to place a chest tube our listed below.

Sedative & Hypnotics Used in Anesthesia and Procedural Sedation 04/10/2015

Reference Tool: Sedative Hypnotics for Procedural Sedation
Print off the handout as a quick reference tool.

Sedative & Hypnotics Used in Anesthesia and Procedural Sedation This reference tool summarizes a number sedative and hypnotic medications that are commonly used in anesthesia and acute care settings where procedural sedation sometimes is needed.


Core Clinical Trial Summary:
This article is a quick summary of the ECASS III trial that evaluated the expanded use of tPA for acute stroke.

ECASS III Trial: Expanded Window for tPA in Stroke This is a summary of the ECASS III trial which evaluated the extended use of tPA for acute ischemic stroke from 3 to 4.5 hours from time of onset of symptoms.


EBM Focused Topic:
The Evidence - Ottawa Ankle Rule in the Evaluation of Fractures in Blunt Ankle Injuries?
Click on the “expand” toggle below each reference to see study details.

The Evidence - Ottawa Ankle Rule in the Evaluation for Fractures in Blunt Ankle Injuries The Ottawa Ankle Rule can be used in the evaluation of ankle injuries to identify patients who have a low likelihood of fracture. This obviates the need for obtaining ankle radiographs in certain patients, reducing cost, resource utilization, radiation exposure, and potentially, emergency department…


EBM Focused Topic:
Nitroglycerin Use in Acute Coronary Syndrome – What is the Data?
To see the details of each study click on the “expand” toggle below each reference.

Nitroglycerin Use in the Initial Management of Ischemic Pain from Acute Myocardial Infarction... Evidence-Based Medicine Consult

Anterior Drawer Test 16/08/2015

Physical Exam:
Anterior Drawer Test.

Anterior Drawer Test Evidence-Based Medicine Consult

Mechanism - How Ibuprofen (Advil; Motrin) Inhibits the Antithrombotic Activity of Aspirin 14/08/2015

How does ibuprofen inhibit the activity of aspirin? See the mechanism here:

Mechanism - How Ibuprofen (Advil; Motrin) Inhibits the Antithrombotic Activity of Aspirin The coadministration of ibuprofen with aspirin can inhibit the antithrombotic activity and efficacy of aspirin.


EBM Focused Topic:
Endovascular Treatment for Acute Stroke
To see the details of each study click on the “expand” toggle below each reference.

Acute Ischemic Stroke: The Role for Endovascular Therapy Endovascular therapy, as an adjunct to standard stroke therapy, may be beneficial for a very select population of patients that present with an acute ischemic stroke and have a proven large, proximal occlusion on imaging.

Neuromuscular Blockers: Reference Tool 10/08/2015

Reference Tool: Neuromuscular Blockers (Paralytics) Medications
Print off the handout as a quick reference tool.

Neuromuscular Blockers: Reference Tool Evidence-Based Medicine Consult


Biostatistics – Quick Reference:
What is a p-value and how should you interpret it?

P-Values: Biostatistics Definition The p-value reported in a study is the level at which statistical significance is determined.

Anatomy Images 04/08/2015

Our images are available for download on the website. You may use them for free for your personal use as long as the logo is visible and you acknowledge EBM Consult.

Bohlers Angle on Xray for Calcaneus Fractures 04/08/2015

Radiographic lines in the evaluation of a calcaneus fracture.

Bohlers Angle on Xray for Calcaneus Fractures The use of Bohler's angle on a lateral x-ray can help determine the presence of a calcaneus fracture.

Pharm: Penicillin and Cephalosporin Cross-Reactivity and Risk for Allergic Reaction 03/08/2015

Cross Reactivity Between Penicillin & Cephalosporin Antibiotics

Pharm: Penicillin and Cephalosporin Cross-Reactivity and Risk for Allergic Reaction Evidence-Based Medicine Consult


EBM Focused Topic:
To see the details of each study click on the “expand” toggle below each reference.

Sublingual Nitroglycerin for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (HF, CHF) Sublingual nitroglycerin can be an effective intermediate intervention in patients with acute decompensated heart failure.


Differential Diagnosis: Drug-Induced Ataxia

Anatomy: Heart (External) 02/08/2015

Anatomy Overview: Heart
If you need the anatomy images for your lectures or presentations, you may download the files for your personal use.

Anatomy: Heart (External) Evidence-Based Medicine Consult

PERC Rule in the Bedside Evaluation for Pulmonary Embolism 02/08/2015

EBM Focused Topic:
To see the details of each study click on the “expand” toggle below each reference.

PERC Rule in the Bedside Evaluation for Pulmonary Embolism PERC Rule is a bedside test for helping to rule out PE.


EBM Consult is a searchable online database developed by Anthony J. Busti, MD, PharmD with the desire to help medical educators as well as students and residents still in their education and/or training to have access to free medical information. The ultimate goal is to help all of us better integrate common medical knowledge with the best available evidence. It is only when do that correctly that we will begin to practice evidence-based medicine as it was intended. There are also other types of content available for those who might find that to be helpful (e.g., anatomy images, drug information, etc). Please recognize this effort is a work in progress and is by no means complete – we need to start somewhere and will continue to add content in daily. For now, we hope you benefit from what is currently available. Feel free to contribute with constructive feedback or submit an article or topic for review, as we will all benefit from it. - Editorial Team