Allison Field Coaching

Allison Field Coaching

I'm an Energy Coach who supports you to learn about, explore and become aware of how your energy (pe

My passion is to help you develop your own awareness superpower and coach you to harness that energy to create what you want in and for your life!

Allison Field Coaching 01/05/2023

Hi Friends!

Are you yearning for more connection and community with friends but lack the time?

I'm launching my Soul Connection Group online tonight at 5pm PST, 6pm MST, 7pm CST, 8EST!

We begin with a short 5 minute meditation and roll into group coaching, building connections and end with community with each other.

It's a 90 minute weekly call every Monday.....same time same channel!

Once per month we'll have a Community Happy Hour (online) on the 3rd Friday of each month. For May, it'll be May 19th (same times as above). This is all about fun and connection!

Once per quarter, we'll have a 10 day Energy Booster challenge within the group on a topic to be announced. This month it will begin May 13th.

Take a look and see if this resonates for you! We'd LOVE to see you in the group!

Allison Field Coaching Allison Field Coaching specializes in supporting people to learn how their own energy (attitudes, filters and perspectives) affects everything they do and how they show up in the world. We coach people in career transitions and in building powerful work teams.


Day 31: Re-ignite Your Energy - Create Your Best 2022 - Step 5


Day 30: Step 4 of Creating Your Best 2022!


Day 29: Step 3 of Creating Your 2022 Vision


Day 28: Creating our 2022 Vision - Step 2


Day 27: What do you really want to accomplish in 2022?


Day 26: Creating Your Best 2022!


Day 25: How does Christmas Re-Ignite Your Energy?
We can experience Christmas at all seven levels of Energy. The lower levels keep us stuck and the upper levels can Re-Ignite Our Energy.
Level 1: Oh….I’m all alone and I’ll always be alone at Christmas.
Level 2: Comparing your gifts with what everyone else got.
Level 3: Well….my Christmas isn’t going to be anything special, but I’ve got somewhere to go so that’s good.
Level 4: How can I support my family in having a magical Christmas?
Level 5: What are all the possible options of places to go to celebrate the holiday?
Level 6: We are all one and all connected even though we can’t be together. I will relish in our memories of Christmas’ past.
Level 7: I’m going to create, observe and experience the day exactly how it is and exactly how it isn’t and have unbridled love for however it shows up.
Sometimes, we’re feeling one particular way, other times, we feel like a mix of energies. What’s key is our awareness of the energy we’re experiencing and begin practicing choosing to experience the level of energy that fills our hearts with love and joy. It’s a practice.
Wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas and look forward to popping on tomorrow!


Day 24: How can I put more LOVE into this situation?


Day 23: What do I want to RELEASE in 2022?


Day 22: Resistance + Release = ReIgnite


Day 21: What would you do if you remove failure from your vocabulary?


Day 20: Do all the things that move your energy!


Day 19: Having a really hard day? Ask Your Guides!


Day 18: Feel all the feels and unlock your potential!


Day 17: Language is the core of creating your energy!


Day 16: Listen to your body and honor what it tells you!


Day 15: Is YOUR day really YOUR own?


Day 14: Gratitude is quickest way to raise your vibration


Day 13: It's all about the signs! What are your special ways of connecting?


Day 12: Did you know you have your very own Spirit Team?


Day 11: Expectations - can’t access video today!

Today was a tough day. I’m still leaning into rest and not feeling 100%.

I’ve also been holding on to making someone else wrong for saying something I thought was mean (Level 2).

My choices are I could continue staying mad or find a way to release the need to make them wrong for their opinion. It’s interesting how long I stayed mad and how long I justified feeling it. After spending the day processing it, I realized that I can’t change the way they were feeling. All I can change is my response to how they were feeling. Was it benefiting me to stay mad? I certainly felt justified. But, my anger about it didn’t go away. Only when I completely surrendered and allowed that person to be where they were (I didn’t have to make it right or continue making it wrong), was I able to release it. Allowing that person to be right where they were without needing to change it, allowed me to choose to just BE with it. And, in allowing it, was the key to releasing that level 2 energy where I felt stuck. That’s when Level 3 comes in handy. It’s the place where we take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and actions so we can release the block to move to higher levels of energy. I was then able to welcome Level 4 energy of love and compassion for right where I was and what this other person might be experiencing.

We are going to be in so many experiences with others and sometimes that energy feels hard. The key is to view the situation, ourselves and the other person from a higher level of energy and understanding. We can’t get to a solution continuing to view it from the lower levels of energy. So, the lesson today is practice viewing things from all the levels until you find the place that allows the energy that’s bogging you down to become lighter and feel more ease.

We are NOT all one way. We have all the energies available within us. It becomes a powerful place to stand when we can play with the energies vs. just feeling stuck! Some days it just takes longer than others and that’s ok!


-Day 10 - Self-Care is wayyyy underrated!


Day 9: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway


Day 8 - 3 Quick Ways to Reduce Anxiety and make space for more energy!

Our Story

I am a coach, teacher and mentor. My passion is to help you become more conscious & aware so that you can begin living and thriving from a place of choice vs. letting life happen. I have a great toolbox that gives you the structure you need to understand how your energy (attitudes & perspectives) is either contributing to or impeding your progress. Awareness is our superpower! Are you ready?

Videos (show all)

Day 31:  Re-ignite Your Energy - Create Your Best 2022 - Step 5
Day 30: Step 4 of Creating Your Best 2022!
Day 29: Step 2 of Creating Your 2022 Vision
Day 28: Creating our 2022 Vision - Step 2
Day 27: What do you really want to accomplish in 2022?
Day 26: Creating Your Best 2022!
Day 24: How can I put more LOVE into this situation?
Day 23: What do I want to RELEASE in 2022?
Day 22: Resistance + Release = ReIgnite
Day 21: What would you do if you remove failure from your vocabulary?
Day 20: Do all the things that move your energy!
Day 19: Having a really hard day? Ask Your Guides!