ApniBai.Com is a platform for domestic help to meet potential customers who wish to hire their servi Drivers: Have the pleasure of chauffer driven car.
Apnibai.com founded by Arti Singh is rated as one of the most successful start-ups of the century. Catering to the needs of people in search of domestic help, it commercialises the search for every households biggest problem. Apnibai.com provides a platform for domestic help to meet potential customers who wish to hire their services. This web-app based startup has recently got a seed fund of 50 l
akh rupees and it is spread over the cities of New Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Chennai and Bhopal. Rated as #9 under the founder’s grid platform, it is one of the most influential startups of the century. It contains ratings of the domestic helps, along with their qualifications and the services that they provide. It gives one a total insight into the skills possessed by the helpers. Also, with a platform where the previous hirers can rate the helpers, it provides authenticity and first hand information about their work. With a pay as high as 25,000 per month, the startup’s popularity amongst domestic help is spreading like wild fire. This startup has led to the formation of a national domestic helpers union to protect and reserve their rights. Housemaids: Hire a housemaid to take care of the day to day chores at home. She can take the responsibility of sweeping and moping the house, dusting, washing clothes, cooking, and various other activities. Cooks: Instead of cooking your own meals everyday, have someone else to make them for you. Hire a cook, he/she will prepare various cuisines that you wish for, enjoy the food! Hire a driver for a day or two, or more. The driver will be on time, committed to his job and experienced as well. Experience the ride at backseat! Ayahs, caretakers: We offer various services apart from the ones mentioned above, we also provide ayahs, caretakers, etc. They can be of tremendous help to families, taking care of the little ones,etc.