Raw food gwada Ital

Raw food gwada Ital

Nourriture vivante holistique sun food ra food blessed food


Il s’agit de la star de cinéma Matrix,
Keanu Reeves. Il a été abandonné par son père à l’âge de 3 ans et a grandi avec 3 beaux-pères différents. Il est dyslexique. Son rêve de devenir joueur de hockey a été brisé par un grave accident. Sa fille est morte à la naissance. Sa femme est morte dans un accident de voiture. Son meilleur ami, River Phoenix, est mort d’une overdose.
Sa sœur a lutté contre la leucémie.

Pas de gardes du corps, pas de maison de luxe. Keanu vit dans un appartement ordinaire et aime se promener en ville et est souvent vu dans le métro à New York.
Alors qu’il tournait le film « The Lake House », il a entendu la conversation de deux assistants costumiers, l’un pleurant car il perdrait sa maison s’il ne payait pas 20 000 $.
Le même jour, Keanu a déposé le montant nécessaire sur son compte bancaire.

Au cours de sa carrière, il a fait don de sommes importantes à des hôpitaux, dont 75 millions de dollars de ses revenus de « Matrix » à des organismes de bienfaisance.

En 2010, le jour de son anniversaire, Keanu est entré dans une boulangerie et a acheté une brioche avec une seule bougie, l’a mangée devant la boulangerie et a offert du café aux personnes qui s’arrêtaient pour lui parler.

En 1997, des paparazzis l’ont trouvé en train de marcher un matin en compagnie d’un sans-abri à Los Angeles, l’écoutant et partageant sa vie pendant quelques heures.

Dans la vie, parfois ceux qui sont les plus brisés de l’intérieur sont ceux qui sont les plus disposés à aider les autres.

Cet homme pourrait tout acheter, et au lieu de cela, chaque jour, et dès qu'il en a l'occasion, il choisit de faire une chose qui ne peut pas être achetée : donner de soi.
C’est aussi cela réussir sa vie ❤


Sing it with a cake 💝

#здравахрана #ЗдравјетоПредСе #путеркикирики #шеќерче


Lenny Kravitz
Age 56

"I’m vegan, and primarily RAW. I’ve done extensive raw diets, where I eat raw for a year…There will be times when I don’t take any
sugar. I’m very careful about what I put into my body.”

Kravitz said he feels his best when he bases his diet on fresh, seasonal fruits, veggies and sautéed greens.

We ARE what we eat. We FEEL how we eat.

Do you treat your body as a sanctuary or as a cemetery?

~ Iwona Roslonek - via Karen Lee


"Only eat fruits with seeds." Dr. Sebi


Here are some interesting facts about the dandelion flower:

The dandelion is the only flower that represents the 3 celestial bodies of the sun, moon and stars. ☀️ 🌙 ⭐️. The yellow flower resembles the sun, the puff ball resembles the moon and the dispersing seeds resemble the stars.

The dandelion flower opens to greet the morning and closes in the evening to go to sleep. 😴

Every part of the dandelion is useful: root, leaves, flower. It can be used for food, medicine and dye for coloring.

Up until the 1800s people would pull grass out of their lawns to make room for dandelions and other useful “weeds” like chickweed, malva, and chamomile.

The name dandelion is taken from the French word “dent de lion” meaning lion’s tooth, referring to the coarsely-toothed leaves. 🦁

Dandelions have one of the longest flowering seasons of any plant.

Dandelion seeds are often transported away by a gust of wind and they travel like tiny parachutes. Seeds are often carried as many as 5 miles from their origin!

Animals such as birds, insects and butterflies consume nectar or seed of dandelion.🐦 🐛 🐜 🦋 🐝.

Dandelion flowers do not need to be pollinated to form seed.

Dandelion can be used in the production of wine and root beer. Root of dandelion can be used as a substitute for coffee. 🍷 🍺

Dandelions have sunk their roots deep into history. They were well known to ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and have been used in Chinese traditional medicine for over a thousand years.

Dandelion is used in folk medicine to treat infections and liver disorders. Tea made of dandelion act as diuretic.

If you mow dandelions, they’ll grow shorter stalks to spite you.

Dandelions are, quite possibly, the most successful plants that exist, masters of survival worldwide. 💪

A not so fun fact: Every year countries spend millions on lawn pesticides to have uniform lawns of non-native grasses, and we use 30% of the country’s water supply to keep them green.

Bee Happy Gardens 🐝


Vetiver Root Water 💙🤎💙
A precious gift from Senegal.
Read about its amazing properties!


Zoodles HITS THE SPOT for a filling raw vegan dinner every time 🍜 🎯​​​​​​​​


Have you noticed that in the testimonies I have been posting that the healing starts to begin in days and not months or years? THAT’S THE POWER OF HIGH WATERY FRUITS. THERE IS NO OTHER FOOD ON THE PLANET MORE POWERFUL. FRUITS ARE A POWERHOUSE WHEN CONSUMED ALONE

Another Testimonial that I posted a few years ago.
Thank you, Lucia Hirvi for sharing your story.
Dear Orvel! Thank you so much for having me in your challenge! It was my first time and it was indeed exciting! My goal was to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. Unfortunately, I ditched the diet after 1.5 weeks cause I thought I was pregnant. So I went back to my cooked vegan diet. I have no idea if one can be fruitarian and pregnant, have too little knowledge to pull that through. After realizing I wasn't, I joined again the past week. So here's my testimony.

When I started the challenge, I weighed stunning 80 kg for being 5ft 8 inches so clearly I was in a bad shape. I was always hooked on sugars, eating chocolate and all kind of sweets after each meal and even in between. Constant cravings. I also have had issues with irregular heart clapping (minor though, doc said it's apparently normal which I still can't believe) and magnesium deficiency in the form of restless leg (I couldn't fall asleep without magnesium spray on every night). Well, these issues disappeared after 2 DAYS!!!! Together with them, even my sweet cravings disappeared which was phenomenal! I had excess energy. I used to be a regular coffee consumer but ditching it didn't leave me tired, quite the contrary. Since Orvel reminded me that exercise is also a crucial part of the diet, I started running. And to my big surprise, I could increase both speed and distance without trouble in just 3 days!! I had no side pains as I ALWAYS had before whenever I run too much. It was quite inexplicable and amazing to me. All in all, I lost 9 kg. I still have 6-7 to go to reach my dream weight. My skin got a thousand times better. My stretch marks after pregnancies are nearly gone and my toenails look like I had a pedicure: I feel much better and healthier and energetic! I love the new me and I'm gonna do my best to continue in this lifestyle. Thank you for showing me that this is in me!


Breakfast total irie

Photos from Raw food gwada Ital's post 13/10/2021

Break fast Gwada. Nos fruits ont des graines dans la caraïbes , c est pas le cas partout...plantezzzz !!!!!


Papaya smoothies to start the day 😊


Menu de jeudis et vendredi envoyé par sms


La nourriture vivante Gwada. Sur commande toujours livraison de 11h a 12h les jeudis et vendredis. Commandez au 0690 52 06 64 commandes prises jusqu a mardi soir. A bientot
