Bea Marshall - Parenting Expert & Energy Therapist Videos

Videos by Bea Marshall - Parenting Expert & Energy Therapist. Energy Therapist and Healer helping you move from struggle to thriving in your parenting, your neurodiversity and your relationships.

P E R I M E N O P A U S E & H R T
Day 1

As I’ve decided to trial HRT as a way of supporting myself through Perimenopause I thought I’d share my journey with you.

In this video I share how perimenopause crept up on me and the symptoms I’ve experienced.

In future videos I’ll share more about the lifestyle choices I’ve made to support myself, the long path to HRT and why I wasn’t sure about it first a long time, and about how the HRT is going for me.

If you have any questions please ask.

So much of this journey has been confusing and lonely for me even though my wonderful friend @kimberley_rose__ has also been walking alongside me in it.

By the way, @kimberley_rose__ is also doing videos each day of her own HRT and perimenopause journey. She is full of wisdom so worth following and listening to.

And if you’re wondering what this has got to do with Yes Parenting… it has everything to do with it! So much of perimenopause has challenged my ability to find a Yes to joy, peace, connection and ease meaning I’ve had to work so much harder to get that sorted!

Love Bea x

Other Bea Marshall - Parenting Expert & Energy Therapist videos

P E R I M E N O P A U S E & H R T Day 1 As I’ve decided to trial HRT as a way of supporting myself through Perimenopause I thought I’d share my journey with you. In this video I share how perimenopause crept up on me and the symptoms I’ve experienced. In future videos I’ll share more about the lifestyle choices I’ve made to support myself, the long path to HRT and why I wasn’t sure about it first a long time, and about how the HRT is going for me. If you have any questions please ask. So much of this journey has been confusing and lonely for me even though my wonderful friend @kimberley_rose__ has also been walking alongside me in it. By the way, @kimberley_rose__ is also doing videos each day of her own HRT and perimenopause journey. She is full of wisdom so worth following and listening to. And if you’re wondering what this has got to do with Yes Parenting… it has everything to do with it! So much of perimenopause has challenged my ability to find a Yes to joy, peace, connection and ease meaning I’ve had to work so much harder to get that sorted! Love Bea x

As we move from 2023 to 2024 I am saying Yes to life. I am alive. That is mega! So many people are no longer living their life and I get to do just that. I am posting from one of my favourite local places where I often walk with Coco. All these people have legacies and stories and many are likely forgotten by now. In my letter today to my list I shared about a new acronym for NYE - New Yeses Everyday. What is a Yes for you today as you transition into 2024? Here’s to finding a Yes to being alive - one that is full of joy, peace, connection and ease. Love Bea x

Hello, I am Bea and I am coming today to share a really common misconception about Yes Parenting. The one that comes up time and time and time again is: “Well, you can't just say yes to everything” ...And in lots of ways it's really true. Like we can't just say yes to everything and yet we can find, in every situation, a yes to joy, peace, connection and ease. So we can start by looking at needs that are going unmet and finding a yes to those needs. We can find a yes to interests and preferences where possible and even desires. Even when those desires are not possible due to money or time or practicalities, we can find a yes to them through play, through creativity, through all sorts of things. So I'm not ever advocating that you move into a permissive place of just saying yes to whatever the heck your children want to do. But I am inviting you to really check in: Is this thing at risk of harm to themselves or others? And is it going to harm or damage property in a significant way? So yeah. Yes parenting on the one hand is not simply saying yes to whatever the heck my child asks for. And yet on the other hand it is taking the time to find out: ⭐️ What is the yes in this situation? Let me know in the comments how that lands for you and if you've got any questions. #ParentingExpert #Neurodivergent #ParentingCoach #YesParenting #BeaMarshall #GentleParenting #ParentingWisdom #ParentingTips

Well, hello there gorgeous beautiful precious and amazing human being. I am here to share with you a little bit about what makes Yes Parenting different, potentially better. What makes it stand out and why I think it's brilliant. So really at its core, Yes Parenting is different and better because rather than the low level control and fear that is used in conventional parenting, Yes Parenting starts from a place of responding with respect, kindness and compassion. So in we're not looking to go, “How can I make my child do what I want?” “How can I fix their behaviour?” What we're doing is looking at how can I find a yes to joy, peace, connection and ease with this other human being that I have the privilege of giving all of these years. Because, let's face it, it is a lot of years that we give. But supporting them to become, you know, successful adults, whatever success looks like for them. And we start by looking at needs because unmet needs are the root cause of unwanted behaviour. No child is naughty. No child is misbehaving. All children are communicating that something isn't right in their world. And as well as finding a yes to unmet needs. We also want to look at interests and preferences. And where possible we want to say yes to desires. We, in Yes Parenting, we're not creating rewards or punishments. So we're not looking at Star Charts or timeouts or naughty step or anything like that. We are looking at being the change that we want to see in our children. We're really embracing parenting as a personal journey of growth and healing and learning where our children are our greatest teachers. If you have questions about Yes Parenting, ask me in the comments because I would love to answer them. Love, Bea x #ParentingExpert #Neurodivergent #ParentingCoach #YesParenting #BeaMarshall #GentleParenting #ParentingWisdom #ParentingTips

I flipping love the “Would you rather…?” game. Depending who I play with I can laugh so hard I cry. Because it’s a fun way to get to know people in a totally frivolous way I’m going to start asking occasional “Would you rather…?” questions here. I’d love you to answer them - explain your reason too! Love Bea x #wouldyourather #parentingexpert #parentingcoach #yesparenting #gentleparenting

Rainy days can feel depressing and hard work or they can feel refreshing and fun. Parenting is the same. In this video I share my reflections on this at the end of a very wet dog walk.

😍 Introducing Rosemary - one of my Dream Team 😍
This is Rosemary. Rosemary has been supporting me as my VA and second brain for a few years. Without her I am totally lost in anxiety and overwhelm and avoidance. She takes care of my inbox and scheduling, is a sounding board for my wild and abundant ideas, keeps me focused on the next steps in front of me and more. I asked Rosemary some questions to help you get to know her so here you go: 🦋 How would you describe yourself in 3 words? I am Supportive, Imaginative and Thoughtful 🌸 What aspect of working with me do you love the most? I love your creativity and caring nature. You always make me think in new and exciting ways and I have learned a lot from you in the time we have worked together. 😎 When you’re not working and you have expansive time and energy what is your ideal thing to do? I love walking on the beach and, when the weather is bad, sitting indoors with a good book. 💞 Living or dead, which well known person would you most want to go for a walk in the woods with and why? The person I would most love to take a walk with is David Bowie. He was so creative and interesting, and his thoughts on the internet in the late 1990s were like he had looked into the future and seen the upside and the downside of what was, at that time, a relatively new phenomena. If I could get over being star-struck (I am a real Bowie fan!) I bet we would have had a fascinating conversation :) 🌿 What is something you’d love to share with people that these questions haven’t given you space to do so? I am a lot more sensitive than many people realise when they first meet me I put out a tough persona so that people can’t get in and hurt me. ---- Image shows me, Bea, a white woman with shaved head wearing a flowery dress, standing in front of a yellow wall. The words "introducing Rosemary" are to my left. Below is Rosemary, a white woman with blonde hair wearing a black top and a pink banner with the words 'Yes Parenting - finding a Yes to joy, peace,

🤩 Introducing Emma - one of my Dream Team 🤩
I am so excited to introduce Emma to you. Emma joined my Dream Team in the autumn on 2022 and was literally the icing on the cake. She takes care of strategy and planning for everything to do with marketing in my business. I asked Emma some questions to help you get to know her so here you go: 🦋 How would you describe yourself in 3 words? Resilient, sensitive, creative 🌸 What aspect of working with me do you love the most? It feels very safe working with you. You open my mind and I often feel like I’m learning so many new things from you about how to honour my boundaries, how to parent in a more respectful and gentle way and how to generally be a kinder human without losing myself. Very grateful to be working with you. 😎 When you’re not working and you have expansive time and energy what is your ideal thing to do? Walking through a woodland, listening to the sounds around me and being more present. If it’s warm, I also love the ocean and taking a moment to breathe in the expansiveness. 💞 Living or dead, which well known person would you most want to go for a walk in the woods with and why? I would love to take a walk with the Dalai Lama. I often feel like I’m racing from thing to thing and my mind is very busy, so I would love to take a moment to listen to his teachings, have an opportunity to expand my mindset and my energy and for just a moment be more grounded. 🌿 What is something you’d love to share with people that these questions haven’t given you space to do so? I’m a relatively new mum, to a wonderfully spirited boy called Thomas, who is 10 months old. I adore my son and there've been so many magical moments (and I wouldn’t change any of it), but I wasn't at all prepared for how much it would shift my whole self on an identity level. It’s the hardest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.🤩 ---- Image shows me, Bea, a white woman with shaved head wearing a flowery dress, standing in front of a yellow wa

An insight into the mega support around me
Hi gorgeous human 😍 I want to share a little bit about how my team are supporting me around my return to social media. Being in alignment with my time, energy, emotional and mental resources etc is essential for my wellbeing and that has been the Yes behind what I’ve asked for. If you don’t want to watch the video, here are the bullet points: 💫 Every single post that you read on my social media is written by me. My team upload them for me but I am creating them. 💫 Two members of my team, Rosemary and Emma, who I’ll introduce over the next couple of days will come in. They will respond to you and make sure every single one of your comments comes back to me. 💫 I want to find a way where I can come in and can comment directly to one or two of the comments but I need to work that out - I’m not sure what that looks like. 💫 In Human Design I am a Manifesting Generator. That means I thrive when I have things to respond to. So when you engage with me in the comments, if you ask me questions about Yes Parenting that gives me an energy surge. I will create a post specifically in response to that question or I will respond to you to you directly in the comments. 😎 Please ask me questions! That is a way I would absolutely love to directly respond to you by creating content that answers your question. 🤩 Please feel free to ask questions about this scaffolding that my team are creating around me and share your thoughts. It’s OK if it feels uncomfortable for you that I’m doing it this way. It’s OK if you’re feeling like you don’t really want to engage with me anymore on social media if I’m not here directly. It’s all OK. But I do ask that you honour and respect the boundaries I’m creating for myself so that I’m in alignment with what I can offer. Love Bea x #GettingToKnowMe #SayingYesToSupport #ParentingExpert #YesParenting #ParentingCoach #BeaMarshall #GentleParenting #Parenting

I'm back!
After a 2 year break (almost!), I'm back on social media and so excited to be able to bring even more YES Parenting insights, wisdom and support your way! ⭐️

Routine and Structure vs. Rhythm and Ritual (video) Parenting tips from a YES Parenting perspectiv
Routine and Structure vs. Rhythm and Ritual (video) Parenting tips from a YES Parenting perspective for ALL families. If you would like any support in your journey to becoming a respectful, compassionate and gentle parent; or if you are just looking to experience more joy, peace, communication and ease in your family, take a look at the Yes Parenting Digital Pack – [Bea is an Energy Therapist and Healer who helps people find more Yes to joy, peace, connection and ease in every area of their lives, so that they can move from struggle to thriving.]

Ho’oponopono The simple and powerful Hawaiian prayer mantra that can have a profound impact on eve
Ho’oponopono The simple and powerful Hawaiian prayer mantra that can have a profound impact on every area of your life, especially parenting.

F O O D My healing journey with food has been ongoing and complex. It has been physical, emotio
F O O D My healing journey with food has been ongoing and complex. It has been physical, emotional, mental and, more recently, energetic. I am worthy of complete food freedom and so are you. Food is fuel. It is also pleasure, regulation, comfort, stimulation, connection, healing and love. What if your ‘issues’ with food were your brain and body’s best attempt to love you? What does healing look like then? I use Energy Healing techniques to support my own healing. On the evening I made this video post, I released the following trapped emotions (quickly and easily) from my system… • Overwhelm • Insecurity • Fear • Abandonment • Longing • Betrayal • Nervousness The healing work I do with myself is what I offer to my clients. Let me know if you want to heal too - or you can book an Initial 30 Minute Consulation here: Love Bea x 💓 I help you to heal your trauma so that you have more joy, peace, connection and ease in your life.💓

M A S K I N G Everyone masks. It isn’t unique to neurodivergent folk. Putting on a brave face is a
M A S K I N G Everyone masks. It isn’t unique to neurodivergent folk. Putting on a brave face is a mask. Keeping a smile on your face is a mask. Pretending to like someone or be interested is a mask. The difference for neurodivergent beings is that masking can be constant, it requires tremendous energy and it literally harms us. Masking in social environments can feel as if it’s killing you. In fact, it can actually be part of a trauma response in your body if the social environment is throwing your system into a state of alert and arousal. (This relates to any masking situation). In my experience, it isn’t easy to drop the masks. Some masks have fallen away as I have stepped more and more into my neurodivergent identity and authentic self. Some masks I want to let go of, but they are insistent on staying put. Other masks fall away without my consent when I am at low capacity, probably moving into burnout or meltdown. The safe places, for me, to remove my masks intentionally are those spaces where the cost of keeping the mask on is greater than the impact of removing the mask. Small talk is a space where I mask less and less with most people. It’s rare now that I will answer the question "Hi, how are you doing?" with "I’m fine". Instead, I’ll say something like, "In this moment, I’m well. I’m also feeling x about y and lately this thing has happened and cost me a lot of energy, so I need to be intentional about how I use my resources today". The Thrive Membership is a safe space for exploring your neurodiversity. It is a membership for women - all women. If you want to find out more, click this link: What’s your relationship with masking? Love Bea x [Bea is an Energy Therapist and Healer who helps people find more Yes to joy, peace, connection and ease in every area of their lives, so that they can move from struggle to thriving.]

E M O T I O N A L It’s OK you feel this way. I first heard that simple phrase from Matt Kahn alth
E M O T I O N A L It’s OK you feel this way. I first heard that simple phrase from Matt Kahn although I’m not sure whether it’s his original quote or not. What I do know is that it’s the truth. It is always OK that you feel the way you feel. Feelings are our experience of emotion - energy in motion. We do not have to understand our feelings or make them go away. We can be present with them and acknowledge them. It’s OK to have a sad day in the same way it’s OK to have a happy day. I used to numb out my uncomfortable feelings with food, Netflix, people. Now I am more able to sit with them. I try to give them space to offer me a gift if there is one to give. Uncomfortable emotions don’t always give an obvious gift. Certainly not a shiny gift! What they always give me is contrast. An invitation to get clear on what I want to experience in my life. How I want to move through my days. Uncomfortable feelings are the equivalent, to me, of the valuable role that darkness plays to light. Without darkness, we wouldn’t appreciate light. Without my uncomfortable feelings, I wouldn’t appreciate the awesome ones on which I soar! Here’s to you feeling whatever you are feeling today. May it be a gentle and supportive experience, whether it feels comfortable or not. Love Bea x [Bea is an Energy Therapist and Healer who helps people find more Yes to joy, peace, connection and ease in every area of their lives, so that they can move from struggle to thriving.]

D I A G N O N S E N S E Self identifying as Autistic is absolutely fine. You know yourself better
D I A G N O N S E N S E Self identifying as Autistic is absolutely fine. You know yourself better than anyone. If you think you’re neurodivergent, you’ve probably spent a lot of time researching it because that’s how your brain works. Pursuing a formal diagnosis can be important for some for various reasons. It was important to me because I didn’t feel confident self-identifying in a professional context and I found it exhausting to respond to people who challenged the possibility of my Neurotype. Formal identification is a privilege. Many neurodivergent individuals cannot access assessment for many reasons, and I hope that we’re moving towards a society that doesn’t require diagnosis to prove needs for accommodation and support. Your autistic experience may appear mild to someone else. And they may perceive you as High Functioning. That’s their business. Being Autistic can be exhausting, confusing, and painful. Masking requires so much energy and it’s not uncommon for people to meltdown or shutdown behind closed doors due to this. The level of capacity Autistic people have for regulated home life is often impacted by how much capacity they need to navigate the outside world. When Autistic people thrive, they don’t become less Autistic. They simply experience less disregulation of their nervous systems. Their Neurotype hasn’t become milder, it’s simply being supported in the way it needs. If you are a woman exploring your neurodiversity, and want to move from struggle to thriving, join my Thrive Membership. Love Bea x [Bea is an Energy Therapist and Healer who helps people find more Yes to joy, peace, connection and ease in every area of their lives, so that they can move from struggle to thriving.] PS. This reel was not my experience of Autism diagnosis. I had a brilliant psychologist who embraced Neurodiversity and never once told me I ‘have’ autism. She always described me as Autistic a

E N E R G Y We are all energy beings and I’ve noticed that, as a neurodivergent being, my first la
E N E R G Y We are all energy beings and I’ve noticed that, as a neurodivergent being, my first language is energy. Energy is the way I understand what is being communicated by another person, in a space or environment, or even on a global level. We are so often conditioned to ignore our first language of energy. It doesn’t fit into the paradigm that works for more neuronormative people. By ignoring it, we lose touch with its wisdom and guidance. We experience anxiety, overwhelm, shutdown, meltdown, and burnout. There are lots of ways we can take care of our energy. This is a selection that I have discovered really works for me: ⭐️ move your body ⭐️ mindfulness & meditation ⭐️ herbal tea ⭐️ be in nature ⭐️ be in water ⭐️ listen to music that supports you ⭐️ use energy practices like EFT These practices support both regulation and stimulation - both important ways to bring our energy into balance. You probably have your own. It would be great to build up a wealth of suggestions for anyone reading this. Would you share your go-to energy support practices in the comments? Love Bea x [Bea is an Energy Therapist and Healer who helps people find more Yes to joy, peace, connection and ease in every area of their lives, so that they can move from struggle to thriving.]

Y O U You are so beautiful. Every part of you is uniquely you. Created perfectly, including that
Y O U You are so beautiful. Every part of you is uniquely you. Created perfectly, including that which you perceive as an imperfection. You are so beautiful. No need to work on yourself. There is nothing to improve. Instead, take the work within and re-mind yourself of your beauty. You are so beautiful. Love Bea x

Part 4: Communicating with responsibility and empathy to avoid rejection Part 4 of 4 - Using NVC (
Part 4: Communicating with responsibility and empathy to avoid rejection Part 4 of 4 - Using NVC (Non-Violent Communication) we can express our feelings and needs in a responsible way while giving our partner power to engage or not. Also using NVC we can explore our partner's feelings and needs in order to offer empathy and identify where they might need reassurance or more security in our relationship.