The Ministry of Christian Andy

The Ministry of Christian Andy

The to-ing and fro-ing, and the go-ings on of Evangelist Andy Ewing. a.k.a. Christian Andy (Christ i


A classic Evangelism course. Must watch❗️

Way of the Master: Seasons 1-4 Full Episodes Enjoy these full episodes from season 1-4 of our television program, “Way of the Master.”


A friend sent me this clip.
Be Blessed. Shabbat Shalom.


Although Jesus wasn’t
actually born today have a
Merry Christmas everyone.👍🏻🙏🏻😇

'Remember 9/11 survivors who are struggling' 11/09/2021

Let’s us pray for the Grief and Trauma of those and of their families, who Survived the 9/11 Red Flag❗️Terror Attack 10 years ago.

Some of those survivors still suffering are Christian, and some still don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour❗️

This is one of my mother’s good friend/work colleague from when we all use to be FX Money Brokers in The City years ago.
She was the British survivor that was asked by the U.K. Government to present the Bravery Awards to The American Rescuers that flew over to represent their respective services to collect those awards; and she is one of the UK’s media’s prime 9/11 survivors to interview about her first hand account experience of the tragedy.
The night before she was due to fly out she came over for a Bon Voyage dinner to say goodbye to my mother and me. As she went to leave to go, standing in our hallway, the Lord spoke ever so loud to me to pray 🙏🏻 for her!
I knew my mother wouldn’t let me pray for her openly for Janice as my mother is AntiChrist!
The Lord prompted me to go to my room I was staying in, and whilst asking Him what shall I Pray for? He replied “That He should assign two of His Angels to protect her!” as (Janice wasn’t a Christian).
The Prayer 🙏🏻 was in, Mum called up to say that Janice was going now and I went downstairs again.
If my memory recalls Janice had only been working in the NewYork office about 5-7 days before the planes hit.
After the 1st plane hit, it was the traders in the London office that were screaming down the direct lines to the NY office telling them what had happened to the other tower and to evacuate her office, and to get out of their Tower.
It was the security guards telling her and her colleagues at the ground floor entrance to return to their office. They were a few floors below when the 2nd plane hit her office floor!
The article doesn’t mention how part of the group she was in, broke away to try a different route to get back to their floor to see what had just happened; they were never seen again❗️
Janice got back to her new apartment a few streets away from the Twin Tower plaza, not realising her tenement building had been evacuated. She thought it was the End of the World when all dust debris from from the towers filled her street, she was all alone; the only person in her building!

Prayers led by the Holy Spirit work amazing Miracles and Wonders.🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Evg.Andy Ewing.

'Remember 9/11 survivors who are struggling' A woman who escaped the World Trade Center gives talks to schools about what happened 20 years ago.

Kari Jobe - First Love, Embers, Obsession ft. Cody Carnes (Live) 22/04/2021

Kari Jobe - First Love, Embers, Obsession ft. Cody Carnes (Live) “First Love, Embers (Spontaneous), Obsession ft. Cody Carnes (Live) video by Kari Jobe.Recorded live in Nashville, TN at The Belonging Co.Subscribe to Kari J...

Pasterz Duszy - The Soul Shepherd [2013] - Lektor PL 04/03/2021

Here is a soul/Spirit lifting short Christian film to watch.
Be Blessed.
Evg. Andy Ewing.

Pasterz Duszy - The Soul Shepherd [2013] - Lektor PL To naprawdę poruszający i piękny film dokumentalny. Praca nad tłumaczeniem i kompilacją zabrała mi w sumie pond 10 godzin. O ile mi wiadomo, na dzień dzisiej...

Barbie Smith - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego 25/10/2020

Barbie Smith - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Barbie Smith - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego 25/10/2020 Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

Why Don't You Listen - Barbie 25/10/2020

Barbie Smith, an Irish Gypsy Traveller, who's music has touched me for 30 years.

Why Don't You Listen - Barbie Barbie Smith - Why Don't You Listen


I was volunteering, fulfilling one of my Kingdom rolls as a Gatekeeper, for a fellow Evangelist Daniel & Tanya Chand the other month in Langley in between Slough and Heathrow Airport.
The Lord let me see and interact with a massive Gatekeeper Angel twice the size of the houses opposite the Gate to the field we were in.
I would pray before every meeting, that everyone who would be coming through those gates would be Protected, Saved, Healed, Delivered, Filled with the Holy Spirit afresh, Strife and arguments lifted off them, and that their Hearts would be open to receive Jesus afresh!
I also had many opportunities to Evangelize to lots of people during the 10 days at the gate, Witnessing to people with other belief systems. I had one Divine appointment with 2 guys when the Lord told me to walk to the fence on the other side of the field by the road, before the meeting was open one night. Prophetic words for people. Counselling ministering to the broken hearted, and prophetic confirmation to other volunteers.
One witchypoo girl full of demons swirling around inside pulled up at the gate thinking a circus tent had come to town, to which I explained it was a Christian tent revival. She said she was "spiritual!" To which I replied "you can't get more Spiritual than knowing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour!" and directed by the Holy Spirit I let her in. A couple of nights later she came back and again, I could see the demons in her through her eyes and under her skin swirling inside. And I heard the voice of the Lord or His Angel speak behind my eyeballs in my head saying, "I'm going to deliver her tonight!"
During the meeting Tanya Chand and a couple of stewards delivered her in the carpark section; and she got baptized on the last night, testifying how she was going to commit su***de in the next couple of weeks if she hadn't stopped at this big tent! Glory to God!
I also ministered to a Irish Roman Catholic traveller lady, whose husband, a known fighting man had died a couple of months before in a pub; and losing their baby she was carrying the month after that, due to grief; she would turn up at the end of the meeting every other night. Praying every day for her Salvation, I was able to encourage her and stand with her as she surrendered her life to Jesus at the alter call on the last night. And she said her husband had given his life to Jesus two months before he died and told her it was the most wonderful thing to do!
I also asked a young prophet minister that turned up at the end one night what was Word of the Lord for me , as I saw a few people who recognised him, ask him to pray and minister to them as they were leaving. As he started to prophecy he was shocked when the Lord showed him I was a minister who could be up on my own platform or sitting in the front row, but I was humble enough to be serving at the gate during the meeting on the other side of field of the field away from it all; he said to me that the Lord has used me to teach him about true Serving, Humility, Kingdom mindset and attitude. And did also prophesy personal things and one of those that the young Prophet was really excited about was God told him that I was HIS FRIEND‼️ a Friend of God! 😇😇😇
People were coming up to me giving me chicken and chips from the local fast food place, Free Ice-cream from a mobile Vendor, bars of chocolate, hot drinks cold drinks from people popping out to the local shops; I was even invited out for a Curry on the last night by some local Christians who were attending the event. When the other carpark stewards asked me why I was getting all this stuff, I replied "God's Favour❗️ I'm God's Friend‼️
Glory to God.


Nearly all the Pastors of churches I know still haven't grasped the reality of what is happening, they still aren't rallying the cry to preach the Gospel or tell the congregations that if they can't open their mouths, to give out tracts to the lost instead!
I've personally been translated with a fellow Minisiter, from one place to another place, and experienced supernatural accelerated speeds, saving 45 minutes to an hour off car journeys over 30 years.
So I'm ready to be translated from one house to another to lead people to Christ that have woken up to what is going on in the World and are crying out to God in the only way they know how for His help.
Are you ready Saints!


As most people can see by the lack of, and once in a blue moon postings, I don't feel comfortable in sharing activities of what the Lord has done through me on social media platforms, as I never want to give any room to Pride. I don't mind my boastings of experiences in the Lord to be accused of arrogancy, as arrogancy is not but a razor cut away from the edge of Bold Faith!
Also I personally prefer to converse face to face or by talking on the phone in sharing them; it's easier to guage by the Spirit how much faith they have, or are open to the things of the Spirit, and how receptive they are in receiving in impartation and activation.

But a dear retired Minister friend who use to have the biggest church in Edinburgh, Scotland once upon a time; has told me several times over the last 5 years, that in over 50 years of Ministry he hasn't met any other Minister who have had the variety of Glorious experiences as I have; and he has personal testimony of eyewitnessing and experiencing a few of those with me.
So in the next couple of months as the Lord leads I will share some details of accounts of some of my most awesome and intimate supernatural experiences of the Lord, from Divine appointments, Revelations of the Kingdom of God, The Prophetic, Operations of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Healings, Miracles, Signs & Wonders, being Translated from one place to another, and Raising the Dead.

Shalom 👍🏻🙏😇
Evg. Andy.

The Plan Of The Enemy 23/07/2020

After the Boxing Day Tsunami tragedy in 2004, wishy washy religious Christians in churches around London and the South East, who had never prophesied that whole year before, let alone given a Word of Knowledge; were falsely prophesying that the end of the World was upon us and greater and worse tsunamis were soon to be upon us!

I knew it wasn't the Spirit of God operating through them and so I asked the Lord that day what will be one of the true signs of His close return. And as I walked outside of the church at the end of the service, He gave me an open vision of fire balls falling from the sky. Asteroids/Meteors. And He told me to tell the people that their prophesies weren't from God.
Guess who was ignored and dismissed; me the Fireball guy, or those who were saying Tsunamis?

We already know the biggest sign as recorded in Scriptures of the Lord's Second Coming is the rebuilding of the new Jewish Temple in Jerusalem; and also personally for me when the Lord spoke to me through a Glory cloud in my bedroom the evening of the day I gave my life to Jesus. I felt the words bubble up from my belly, where the Spirit of the Lord spoke through my mouth saying, "I won't be an old man before He comes back!" ( I'm a couple of months shy of turning 50 now, I was 21 years old at the time!). And another confirmation that I am hearing from God was when He showed me whilst standing on the observation deck of one of the World Trade Centers in New York; an open vision of a passenger jet flying straight towards me into the WTC, about 3-6 years before it happened in 2011.
And from what the Lord revealed to me the Sunday after that Boxing day, falling fire balls from the heavens.

Now Watch this!

Everything she says is true and has been be out in the public domain for over 15 years!


The Plan Of The Enemy Friends I talked with the fema source personally ( not Celeste Solumn) and this is what the person told me

Song of the Lamb - Harvest Bashta | WorshipMob live + spontaneous worship 21/05/2020


Song of the Lamb - Harvest Bashta | WorshipMob live + spontaneous worship Song of the Lamb - Harvest Bashta - Live WorshipMob live + spontaneous worship Change a child's life with us! Artist/Partner...


What I like about Worship Mob tracks is that, it's not about "Hey! Look at us! We're the worship team and we're important"; like a lot of some of the more well known mega ministries worship bands out there.

There is always the simple humble worship of God in their tracks. All their attention is focused and directed towards Jesus in their personal individual worship and flowing together as one collective worship of God.


Videos (show all)

A friend sent me this clip.Be Blessed. Shabbat Shalom.👍🏻🙏🏻😇
Balance Beam
Anointing That Breaks The Yoke
Abwoon (Our Father)
Soul Cry
O Brother Where Art Thou  Down in the River to Pray
Cancer of the Buttock be healed in the name of Jesus Christ.
Baby comes out of a coma!
Are you Ready?
