Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci

Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci

Here is a place to stay connected, learn, communicate, express, explore, feel comfortable, no judgement with the beautiful products of Essential Oils.

doTERRA AUNZ Gift Giving Guide 2020 30/10/2020

Here it is oil family!!!! 🎄🎄🎄

Click on the link below ⬇️⬇️ for a full list of the Christmas catalogue including prices and pv value ❤️❤️

On sale Monday 2nd November

doTERRA AUNZ Gift Giving Guide 2020 Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers. Title: doTERRA AUNZ Gift Giving Guide 2020, Author: doterraaunz, Name: doTERR...



I have set up a webinar for those who have already enrolled to teach you about your back office, how to purchase, points, loyalty reward system.

Please check your events.

WEDNESDAY February 6th 2019

I will provide a link for you to jump on and watch and ask questions. Just like a Skype call...but with ZOOM.

You sit on your couch while I sit on mine

Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 09/12/2018

☘️Happiness in a bottle :) why not gift someone or yourself 1 of these beautiful enrolment kits. They will not just get beautiful oils but also become a 25% off customer. Perfect presents for your mum, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, friend, partner (and the list goes on). Get together with whomever and get a gift that will change someone’s life. This years I have gotten together with my sisters to get our grandparents a beautiful gift.

☘️Option 1 - purchase kit and wavers enrolment fee (first 3 photos)
☘️Option 2 - pay $35 enrolment fee and select whatever oils you like (last photo)

☘️Ongoing support and mentoring from myself.
☘️become a 25% off wholesale customer
☘️reach out and I can help you out
☘️let’s not leave to late as Christmas is just around the corner

☘️any 200pv enrolment also receive free frankincense (retail $120)

Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 02/12/2018


🎁Lets buy presents that will benefit our life and well-being or even better help someone’s else’s life. It is an expensive time on year but these invaluable products can change someone’s life – just like it has changed mine.

🎁Get in contact and I can help you out. If you haven’t enrolled yet but like the look of any of these - i can also help you.


🎁I have got my beautiful presents – and I didn’t even have to leave my house! WIN! There is something for all ages; Babies to Grannies 🙌🏻

🎁🎁🎁***December 10 is last day to ensure orders are received before Christmas. Otherwise collection from head office is available***

Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 28/11/2018

People are always asking me – “But what should I get next?”


Made up of 15 mL bottles of Balance, Lavender Peace, Citrus Bliss and Elevation, our Mood Management Kit meets your every mood management needs!

People always say I use so many oils in one day – hell yeah I do. But it is my norm to go to my Essential Oils and grab a beautiful bottle of goodness. These essential oils are not just about the scent but about every other emotional/physical/spiritual benefit it has. These blends are specifically been put together for purpose not just a 'smell'.

Get in contact and I can tell you how to get these bad boys



How to Deep-Clean an Ultrasonic Diffuser (Lumo or Petal diffuser)





MONDAY - LEMON - Elena Rullo
TUESDAY - WILD ORANGE - Claudia Gavillucci

Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 19/11/2018

10 OILS / 10 DAYS

10. Easy Air 💨

During winter/summer/autumn/spring - this is going 24/7. Valentino will sleep with it each night with a drop of lavender. Easy air is your respiratory blend and is like your ‘vicks’ accept no chemicals or yuckies. We apply it to our chests, back and bottoms of our feet with FCO whenever we have a cold, sore throat etc. Always dilute and never ingest. Clears up any congestion and opens up airways.

💨 Aniexty – diffuse and inhale, apply to bottoms of heart and feet with FCO
💨 Congestion/cough – diffuse, apply to feet, rub on chest and back with FCO
💨 Sleep issues - diffuse, apply to feet, rub on chest and back with FCO

💨Who else used this all winter long?



Starting tomorrow morning at 7am 😍

If you're a BOGO Veteran, then you know the go....

BOGO of the day goes live at 7am every day for the next five days, starting tomorrow.

Monday to Friday this week: receive a free product of the day when you purchase the product of the day 🎉 PERFECT TIMING FOR CHRISTMAS 🎄

Each daily BOGO is only available until midnight that day or until SOLD OUT.

There will be a different BOGO each day. So that means different oils. Wooooo!

Order through your back office. Log in and place an order like usual. (Please ask if you need a hand)

Tip: Create LRP order so that you earn reward points on shipping/order 💖
(contact and I can show you how)

Limit is 5 per account!

Must already be a wholesale customer :)

Make sure you check out my Instagram to see the Oil up for grabs. I will educate you on them live each morning.

Important: you cannot use reward points to participate in BOGO week.

Also go in to the draw to win prizes on days you participate in in BOGO. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU DO :)
(attached are prizes)

I'm always here to help with questions, put orders in, LRP etc.

Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 18/11/2018

10 OILS / 10 DAYS

9. Digestzen 🍴

I will not go far without my Digestzen, next time you see me ask to look in my bag and there Digestzen will sit. I suffer from a lot of stomach and digestive discomfort and apply this to my tummy and to water whenever I feel like this. It is a digestive blend so I even use when I have eaten or drank to much. Great for those big nights and waking up nauseous. V will have this applied to his tummy at least once a week whenever he is constipated or has the runs.

🍴Bloating/constipation/ Cramps – apply to stomach and feet with FCO, apply a drop to a large glass of water and slowly drink
🍴Nausea – diffuse, inhale, apply a drop to water
🍴Vomiting/gastro/diarrhea - apply to stomach and feet with FCO, apply a drop to a large glass of water and slowly drink, diffuse

🍴Ask to check out my bag next time you see me?

Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 17/11/2018

10 OILS / 10 DAYS

8. Ice Blue 👟

As you would know, I am soooooo not into my fitness. But caring a 15kg baby counts. I do not and will not use Ice Blue on Valentino as it has some really strong oils in it. It is known as the athletic blend so great for those who are active; for sore muscles, joints etc. I use Ice blue for my sore neck and wrist from sitting at the computer. I also apply to my back when I have period pain. You can use it as a prevention also, applying it to areas you know give you trouble before your activity.

👟 Arthirtis – apply to area of discomfort with FCO
👟 Back pain/muscle pain - apply to area of discomfort with FCO
👟 Bruises/inflammation - apply to area with FCO

👟 Safety tip – a little goes a long way. I would reframe from using on children, always dilute with FCO, do not ingest.

Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 16/11/2018

10 OILS / 10 DAYS

7. On Guard 🐶

They call On Guard the bull dog and it is my protective blend. I diffuse every time Valentino comes home from childcare, as well as applying to bottoms of his feet with FCO before and after to help protect and build his immune system. If I feel unwell I add On Guard with oregano and lemon to water and shot it down. I diffuse whenever we are sick or getting unwell. I also love to clean with On Guard. YASSS!!!

🐶Environmental threats – allow to V hands and feet when he goes to childcare with FCO
🐶Cleansing – apply to my cleaning spray to help fight all yuckies
🐶Cold/flu – Chris and myself ingest with lemon and oregano, diffuse and apply to bottoms of feet
🐶Protection from illness – always apply to allow to V hands and feet when he goes to childcare with FCO, and so do I.

Has anyone cleaned with On Guard before? 🐶

Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 15/11/2018

10 DAYS / 10 OILS

6. Peppermint 🌱

A hell yeah to Peppermint! I find peppermint such an uplifting oil. Whenever I feel flat I put a drop in my hand, put a little In my mouth, rub my hands together and inhale. Then apply to forehead and back of neck. Then PAM….I’m ready for anything. I love using Peppermint whenever I have a sore tummy or headache, apply to temples or stomach with FCO. I use it on the bottom of Valentino’s feet when he has a fever, and it seems to reduce it. Before I go to the Panadol, I go to this.

🌱Alertness – diffuser, inhale, apply to forehead and back of neck
🌱Asthma – diffuse and inhale
🌱Constipation – a drop In warm water and sip on it, also applying to stomach with FCO
🌱Gastro/vomiting - a drop In warm water and sip on it, also applying to stomach with FCO
🌱Bad breathe – apply to mouth, apply to warm water
🌱Headache/Migraine – apply to temples, bottoms of feet and back of neck with FCO

🌱Safety tip – they recommend people with high blood pressure to use peppermint sparingly as it is an uplifting oil. Also keep away from eyes.

🌱Has anyone given peppermint a try when they have had a headache?

Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 14/11/2018

10 DAYS / 10 OILS

5. Lavender 🌸

Lavender is my non-negotiable when Valentino sleeps, acouple of drops in his diffuser and applying to bottoms of his feet. I use Lavender whenever I feel anxious and apply it directly to my heart. Use it with Frank for my skin diluting it with FCO. I even love putting a little bit on the end of my nose when I go to sleep.

🌸Calming – diffuse, apply to heart, apply to bottoms of feet when V is a little crazy.
🌸Sleep issues – diffuse in room, apply to bottoms of feet
🌸Stress/Aniexty – diffuse, apply to heart, put a drop in your hands and inhale, apply to bottoms of feet
Skin imperfections – diluting with FCO and a drop of Frank and applying to my face in the morning and night. Also adding to scratches, burns and blemishes with FCO.

Who else loves Lavender as much as I do? 🌸

Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 13/11/2018

10 OILS / 10 DAYS

4. Tea Tree 🌲

Did you know Tea Tree originated from right here in Australia. How awesome is that? Tea Tree is my go to when I am cleaning. Also adding acouple of drops to my mop water and in the washing machine. I also clean my benches, sinks, toliets with a concoction with TEA TREE in it. I also apply to cuts and grazes for both myself & Valentino with FCO.

🌲Cleansing/guards – add a few drops to my all purpose cleaning spray, add a drop to my mop water, also diffuse while I clean.
🌲Infections – apply to cuts & burns to fight any infection. Dilute with FCO, also use it on Valentino to help heal his knee grazers.
🌲Fungus & Ringworm – dilute Tea tree with FCO and applying to area. Also apply to bottoms of feet.
🌲Mold – add to water to remove mold, clean showers, sinks etc

Do you know what other oil is from Australia?

Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 12/11/2018

10 DAYS / 10 OILS

3. ❤️Frankincense

Whenever in doubt go to “FRANK”, when I first started out with my kit I would always go to Frank if I was ever unsure of what to use. It is known as the KING OF OIL’s. I use frank to help with my mood and emotions (find it is a spiritual oil). But I also use it as my skin care to help with imperfections.

❤️Depression – diffuse and apply to bottoms of feet to help with my emotions and promting overall spiritual and emotional wellness, can also adding a drop to my water and shot it down
❤️Infection – applying to area diluted with FCO, also adding a drop to my water
❤️Skin imperfections – diluting with FCO and applying to my skin day and night (and I also smell amazing – add lavender to it also)

How do you use Frank?

Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 11/11/2018

10 DAYS / 10 OILS

2. 🌿 Oregano

This is my go to Oil whenever I feel like I'm getting runned down or if I need an immune system boost.
1 drop in my water day and night on those sore throat days. I also use on Valentino 3 times a week, highly diluted (1 drop to 10ml FCO in roller bottle) when he seems to be getting unwell and on those days he comes home from childcare, applying to bottoms of his feet to give him an immune boost.

🌿 Immune system - drop in water and shot it down, rub on bottoms on adults/children's feet (highly diluted)
🌿cold and flu - drop in water, rub on bottom of feet (highly diluted)
🌿 fungal infections - highly diluted apply to area.

I have a friend who puts 1 drop in there pasta sauce! Yum!!!

Safety tip - oregano 🌿 is classified as a "hot oil" so recommended always highly dilute oil when applying to skin (always follow dilution chart as different from adults to children). I put a drop in my water as it is to hot for me to ingest directly. I always reframe from children ingesting oils! Applying oils to bottoms of feet instead for both adults and children.

Who has given oregano a try?

Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 10/11/2018

10 DAYS / 10 OIL

1. Lemon

Such a beautiful oil, did you know it takes 50 lemons to create this 15ml bottle? This is a quick run down of how I use lemon in my day to day life.

Lemon can injested, diffused and applied topically. YAS to my lemon!!!!!

🍋Freshing - water, diffuse, inhale
🍋Uplifting - diffuse and in my water (whenever I feel flat)
🍋Cleansing - use for cleaning, add to spray bottle and clean surfaces (great after using fish)
🍋Fevers - apply to bottoms of feet and up spine with FCO
🍋Detoxing - a drop in my water each day
🍋Air pollution - use in my diffuser
🍋Digestion - a drop in my water each day

Would love to know how you use Lemon in your life?


Photos from Essential Oil's with Alessia Gavillucci's post 09/11/2018

It can all be a little overwhelming using your oils, but actually it is really simple! Creating, embracing and just jumping in and using them.
I do not buy cleaning spray anymore from the shops, I create my own. And they work a hell lot better too.
The way these 3 work together cut through grime, kills odours and sterilizes. No chemicals no worries!

Who is giving this a try for there Saturday morning clean?


Naughty or Nice?
Christmas is quickly approaching and why not buy your beautiful family and friends the best gift of all.

These gifts of the earth help me manage and support my families wellness all year round.

Want to get your hand on these! Easy! Just get in contact and I will tell you how :)


All those who decide to make the best investment of their lives and purchase with me at doTERRA workshops also get to take home this Top Ten Essential Oil's Beginners Guide.

A personally illustrated and designed present from me to you to say Thank You


Hi all, Welcome to Essential Oil's with Alessia. This is a space for me to share to all my lovely Oil Friends education, promotions, products, life, DIY and everything and anything to do with oils.

It is amazing that all of you here have got your hands on such a precious and amazing gift, but what now? This is an open and none judgmental space for you to ask any questions or keep up to date.

I am here to support you in every step of the way, thats why I have started this doTERRA journey. Reach out whenever you need!!