Godsland Gifts

Godsland Gifts

For Funding Godsland. Helping the needy and homeless through action.


Dear mom


Praise the King Of Kings - Jesus


Today, as I do my morning study; I have a several of my brothers and sisters laid upon my heart. As I reflected in the last two days I wanted to see what the Word of God said about a circumstance.
Choices…the greatest power we have in our lives are our choices. As Christians, this should always involve choosing to do the right thing. In any discussion about doing the right thing, we must also bring up the word “love.” This is because God’s love for us and our love for him compels us to want to do good as well. We love and serve others, because he first loved us.
Acts 10:38 “…how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.”
Jesus is our ultimate example of always doing the right thing. He lived his life to obey the father in every way, and he was always doing good everywhere he went. As Christians and his followers, we should likewise × to do the right thing in every circumstance. Sure it is not always comfortable but the right thing is Always right; in. All things done out of Love.
Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
This is mentioned several times in scripture to be an encouragement for each of us to do what is good, allowing the righteousness of Lord Jesus to rule out lives.
Trial, Tribulations, and Persecution will come, however trusting in the Lord and praising His Holy name we know we have victory!

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