Living Stream Church of the Brethren

Living Stream Church of the Brethren

An online church, with weekly worship webcasts Sunday evenings. Welcome to the Living Stream!

Living Stream Church of the Brethren affirms the image of God in all persons – of every age, gender identity and expression, race, ability, ethnicity, nationality, class, and sexual orientation – and celebrates each person’s call to serve the world and the church.


Let Jesus be our example of how to live.




Today's radical agenda:


M R Zigler: Portrait of Peacemaker 11/08/2024

More Brethren history shared by Kristin Flory, long-time staff for Brethren Volunteer Service in Europe:
"This is about Brethren peacemaker M. R. Zigler, interviewed not long before his death. (It's a little odd that Ken Morse's picture comes up on the cover.)

At minute 13:54 you can hear ex-BVS director Chuck Boyer talking about M.R., saying 'he was so good at taking people who maybe had some ability, but weren't in positions of leadership, and giving them leadership. He was always so proud of the fact that Brethren volunteers in Europe were often solid young people, not highly trained, not highly skilled, and they just did miraculous things. M.R. would sometimes laugh and say that they did something because they were too dumb to know they couldn't do it! Those things delighted him, to take a person and stretch and see them grow. That's why he was most loved.'

A few others following that talk about M.R.'s lone-ranger style... And that he once spoke to a gathering of volunteers in Europe, almost berating them that they 'do things and start projects and don't ask permission and travel without permission so much on your own... But that if you weren't those kind of people, we wouldn't want you here!'"

M R Zigler: Portrait of Peacemaker This is a documentary produced in the mid 1980's by David Sollenberger for an M. J. thesis for Temple University. It includes an extensive interview with hi...

Timeline photos 10/08/2024

He drew a circle that shut me out —
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in.
— Edwin Markham


Art | Joaquin Sorolla


Look within. Discern don't judge

Two different attitudes toward life.


History. Celebrate!

On August 6, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into law, which sought to dismantle barriers suppressing Black Americans' right to vote. NCC honors this historic milestone and is dedicated to continuing its urgent advocacy for unfettered voting access.


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We all make choices. How will you choose to do good today?

First comment for link to article



St. John of the Cross


Following these footsteps.

The good news is not about power and money.


All are welcome.

Videos (show all)

Matthew 5:21-37
International Women's Day 2021
Congratulations and blessings to Eric and Rouxia! Our prayers are with you as you begin this new venture and calling to ...
Psalm 51 told by Pastor Liz Bidgood-Enders
Help us spread the word!
DuPage River streaming, October 2012