O's Pub / Connolly's Orioles Softball Team

O's Pub / Connolly's Orioles Softball Team

"Was it over when the Mudsharks bombed Pearl Harbor?" - Chope Blutarsky

Photos from O's Pub / Connolly's Orioles Softball Team's post 24/08/2023

Some pictures from this past Sunday’s big Orioles Playoff Win.



For the first time since their inaugural season in 1995, the Orioles will be playing in the First Place Championship Game for the right to call themselves JBSL Champs!!! This dream became a reality after the O’s beatdown their rivals and showed them what it feels like to be on the opposite end of a losing streak. The Orange & Black have now beaten the Mudsharks four straight games and this may be the final straw that breaks the Guppies back.

The Orioles showed up ready to play game one and as Manager Michael “The Franchise” O’Connell made the lineup, there was a faint sound of a slow clap starting. Around the corner of the abandoned shack emerged Matty “The Final Piece of the Puzzle” Conklin walking towards the field wearing cleats, sporting a new Orioles Jersey and ready to play. The slow clap turned into thunderous applause as he got closer to the field and it very was reminiscent of Willis Reed stepping on the court for Game 7 of the NBA Finals. It truly was a Top Ten Orioles Moment.

Once the game started, there were some pregame jitters as the Sharks scored a run on a rare error my Jimmy “New Shaun” Mangen to take a 1-0 lead. That would be the only lead they would have for the whole day. In the third inning, Brendan “Stingray” Trudden got up in a big spot. Runners at 1st and 3rd with only one out, Brendan hit what seemed to be a routine double play ball but not today. Brendan hustled down the line with the speed of a thousand gazelles (ok it was more like Fred Flintstone running in his car) to beat out the throw and get the RBI that tied the game. Then he beat out the throw to second on the next play to extend the inning. Then two batters later came the Shot Heard Around the Channel as Jack “MVP” Allen hit the Orioles first ever post season Grand Slam to make the score 5-1. The bench and the crowd were going so crazy and were so loud that they had to stop play on Field One where the other playoff game was taking place. The O’s didn’t stop there as Orioles Captain Matt Kearney knowing what was at stake and knew they had to score more runs went 3 for 3 on the day. The Orange & Black never looked back and took Game One by a score of 11-1.

Game Two saw the Orioles take a quick 1-0 lead in the first but the Mudsharks would tie it right back up. That wouldn’t last long because in the third Mangan would crush a two out, two RBI double to take the lead for good. The defense shut the rest of the game down, led by CF Liam “Mial” Malsey who was a human vacuum in the outfield. Christian, I still don’t know who this guy is, had five hits on the day and scored two runs. Joe “Not John” Lynch finally learned to hit the ball as he had two hits, one being a moon shot double in the weeds, and two RBI’s. Maybe he channeled his inner selfie who was in Virginia at the time, maybe he took batting practice before the game or maybe he just took a shot of steroids. Matty gave up no earned runs on the day and pitched a six hitter in Game Two. The Orioles would take Game Two by a score of 5-1 for the sweep and to punch their ticket to the play in the First Place Championship.

After the game, Oriole Founding Father Denis McEneaney showed up to congratulate the Orioles and say that this was huge but it’s not over yet. He reminded the team that after USA beat Russia, they still had to play Finland, that when the Red Sox finally beat the Yankees and Reversed the Curse, they still had to beat the Cardinals. The Orioles still have work to do and the Brew Jays are the last team standing in their way. Some other after game festivities, Bobby “New Snacco” Sacco did his best Mikey “The Bird” Reardon impersonation by crushing off a colostomy bag of Twisted Tea. Bird, not to be outdone crushed a baseball bat of Don Julio Tequila and then ran running races in his orange speedos. The celebration went from the field to Grassy’s to Ruffles, then it gets foggy from there. The congratulations were coming in from as far as Florida as the whole East Coast now has Oriole Fever. Oriole Super Fan Mike Stack said it’s OK for Frank “Mush” Bassetti to come home now as he can’t jinx the team anymore. When Stack was reminded there is still more games to play, he quickly rescinded his statement and said to put Bassetti back in the bathroom.

This Sunday the Orioles will play the BrewJays at 10am in the First Place Championship Game. As always, we have the greatest fan base in the league. We showed it not only this past week but the whole season. The stands are always packed with Orange and let’s not stop now. Shout out to Mike Trudden with his jersey that says Former Shark. So all fans, former players, people who just want to see history finally happen, show up to the Field to cheer on the 2023 Orioles. All season you have been aboard the Oriole Express as it heads towards the First Place Championship and there is one more stop left, so be there!!!!



It was as if it was written in the stars. It’s Good vs Evil, USA vs Russia, Yankees vs Red Sox, the Rebellion vs the Evil Empire, Young vs Old, Skinny vs… well you get the point. This Sunday at 9:30am, the oldest Rivalry in the Jamaica Bay Softball League, Orioles vs Mudsharks, take the field with the ultimate prize on the line. The winner goes onto to play in the First Place Championship. Since 1995, this great rivalry has seen streaks, blowouts, ground balls through legs, near misses, mafia hits, ejections, crying, getting kicked out of college, foul balls that go fair, blown leads and eventually the tides turning to Orange & Black. The 2023 Orioles have swagger, confidence, and a bounce in their step. These young Orioles have been compared to the ’86 Mets. They are fiercely loyal to each other, aggressive on the field, passionate in the dugout and the best damn partiers in the league.

The 2023 Orioles not only play for themselves but for the past. They know that this is the greatest franchise in the JBSL and now they look to take care of business. Manager Michael “The Franchise” O’Connell is channeling his inner Michael Corleone, as he looks to right all the wrongs of Orioles past. Two years ago, these two teams met in the first round of the playoffs, where the Orioles put an end to the horrific streak but ultimately lost the playoffs two games to one. Three weeks ago, the Orange and Black swept the Mudsharks for the first time ever in two tightly contested and emotional games. Now for the second year in a row, the Orioles sit just two more wins away from playing in their first ever First Place Championship. The stakes have never been higher, and a playoff game has never been more anticipated.

As always, the Orioles have the greatest fans in the league. So come on down in your Orange and cheer them on. If you were an Oriole in the past, remember the mantra “Once on Oriole, Always an Oriole!”. So show up and root these guys through what looks to be another great set of games by two storied franchises. Orioles vs Mudsharks… Be There!!!!!

Photos from O's Pub / Connolly's Orioles Softball Team's post 16/08/2023

Orioles from the Past are ready for this Sundays Big Playoff Game.


YOUNG ATHLETIC ORIOLES SWEEP THE (adjectives retracted for legal reasons) MUDSHARKS

For the first time in their very storied, one-sided rivalry, the Orioles did the unthinkable- they swept the Mudsharks. The celebration could be heard from miles away and it seemed like the party would never stop. Apparently the celebration went on so long that Skippy stayed out until Christmas, Gary forgot the meaning of “last beer and then home” and Frank grew a wicked set of Elvis sideburns. It definitely was an amazing moment for all Orioles past & present and all of their fans along the East Coast and beyond.

Don “Pops” Ehret again pitched against Father Time and when the body started to slow down, the defense picked him up. Mikey “The Bird” Reardon continued to show why he is the fire & passion behind the Orange and Black as he not only fired up the troops but he did calisthenics and gymnastics along the way. Jack “JA 2.0” Allen continued his MVP Season by not only scoring 4 runs on the day, making amazing catches in left field but he battled self-imposed dehydration on himself. Apparently he can not handle 24oz Yellow Jackets first thing in the morning. Jim “New Shawn” Mangan got his biggest hit as an Oriole crushing a three run homer that would be the back breaker to the Guppies. The Orioles would take Game One 7-3 and led the whole way.

Game Two started rough and would see the Orioles down 4-0. The 2023 are not the O’s of the past and would not be intimidated by the presence of Mudsharks yesteryear and the fear of an Oriole Inning. The O’s would get further inspiration as Joe “The Hangover” Donlon made an appearance and ended the reverse Cal Ripken Streak. The new conspiracy is no one ever sees CJ & Donlon together and they could be some kind of Shazaam situation, where when you say Hangover, the young CJ turns into the older Donlon. The Orioles would battle back the whole second game, even after trailing 6-3 in the fourth inning. It seemed as if the roles were reversed and the Guppies caught the error bug as they kept letting the O’s back in the game. Then in the fifth inning, after having a rough day at the plate, John Kelly would deliver a two run single to put the Orange & Black up for good. The Orioles would complete history with a 7-6 win and their first ever sweep of the Mudsharks. Michael “The Franchise” O’Connell did what three O’Connells before him could never do and he has now been forgiven for not locking the gate. So now there is a new streak in town and the team’s name is the Orioles!!!!

The Orioles have now clinched the Two Seed in the playoffs and now have two weeks off until the playoffs begin for them. It looks like the Orioles will be playing the Mudsharks again, this time with the winner going on to play in the First Place Championship Game. These two teams continue to find new ways to enhance the rivalry and the stakes have never been higher. Again the Guppies have to win the next two weeks to get there but history has a way of playing out like this. Either way, the Orioles will be playing on August 20th at 9:30am being just two wins from their first ever championship appearance. As always, make sure you are there wearing your Orange and supporting these guys on as the chase for a First Place Championship continues!!!!!



For the third straight season, the Orioles are heading to the post season. After being swept by the Morning Wood two weeks ago, the Orange & Black rebounded big time. There had been rumblings that Oriole Fore Fathers were upset with the two game losing streak and Denny Mac was calling for Michael O’Connell’s job. O’Connell not wanting to be a Billy Martin and removed during a First Place Championship Run found a way to light a fire under the team and got quick results.

In the first inning of both games the O’s batted around eventually winning game one by a score of 21-0 and game two 15-2 against the Inglorious Batters. Don “Pops” Ehret continues to drink from the fountain of youth as he won two games on the day, including throwing a three hit shut-out in game one. CJ would rebound from his dehydrated performance last game by going 5 for 8 on the day, hitting a home run and scoring five runs. Mike “Bird” Reardon would also go 5 for 8 with 8 runs scored. MVP Front Runner Jack Allen Jr went 7 for 8 with 6 runs scored. Tom “No Nickname Yet” Collins would hit four ground rule doubles in a row with four runs scored. John Kelly would become the newest member to the Orioles Grand Slam club as he now the 4th member of this exclusive club. Matt “The Captain” Kearney went 3-3 on the day with two runs scored. Carmine “Hipster Jesus” Scotti broke his two season long RBI-less streak by knocking in two RBIs.

Manager Mike “The Franchise” O’Connell had to do a lot of juggling with his line up and every move he made was a success, not as successful as his inability to close gates or apply sunscreen, but successful none the less. The high light of the day was Bobby “Diaz” Sacco striking out three consecutive batters for his first ever save. We can all hear the trumpet music playing now for his next appearance. Some other high lights were Brendan forgetting which way to run on the bases, CJ making two out in one inning, and Gary having to pinch run for himself. Oriole Legend Steiler mad an appearance this week and as of press time Joe “The Hangover” Donlon did not make it and has extended his reverse Cal Ripken Streak.

The Orioles are now in third with a 10 – 4 record and the big game coming up on Sunday at 11:30am. Orioles vs Mudsharks has always been a big game but the stakes are even higher right now. If the Orioles slay the Mighty Mudguppies then they will clinch the second seed in the playoffs. The stakes are high and the boys are going to need all the fan support you can provide. Kevin “Simba” O’Connell already started the trash talking when he saw Jim Trudden and said, “Enemy Spotted!!!” So as always, come on down wearing your orange and cheer on your favorite softball team as they continue their quest of a First Place Championship!!!!



On Sunday, the Orioles swept The Army to take over sole possession of first place. This team showed up with passion, heart and ready to face the challenge of playing an emotional two games. Jack Allen Jr. led the hitting barrage by hitting two home runs on the day, one of them being a grand slam. This is Jack’s second grand slam and only the fourth in Orioles History. Joseph “Skippy” Nocerino stepped up big time as he took the mound to win two games, pitching a three hitter in the second game. CJ “Mini Hangover” Gallager & Liam “Muck” Malsey also hit home runs on the day. Gary “Big Selfie” Gross also would have hit a home run but had to stop at first because he was out of breath. Everyone in the line-up hit on the day and the fielding was once again stellar. This is the first time in Orioles History that they have had three sweeps in one season, young Michael “The Franchise” O’Connell has got the troops fired up.

The fan turnout was amazing this week as the stands were literally packed. The crowd went exceptionally crazy when Oriole Legend Jack “Jello Shot” Allen Sr. got his first at bat in seven years. The end result was not pretty but at least he did not strike out like another Oriole Legend did in his last at bat. Former Captain Charlie Arnao also donned the Orange & Black as he went in to play third base. As a slow grounder was hit to him, he moved even slower towards the ball and went right past it. As of press time, Joe “the Hangover” Donlon was still a no-show and the Reverse Cal Ripkin Streak is still going.

This Sunday at 9:30am, The Game of the Season (so far) takes place as the second place Morning Wood take on the first place Orioles. This is a rematch of the second round of last year’s playoffs. The Orioles have never beaten the Morning Wood and hopefully this Sunday they can reverse the curse. So as always, all fans should show up and cheer on everyone’s favorite softball team and pack the stands with Orange & Black. Hope to see you all there as the Orioles continue their journey towards a First Place Championship!!!!



The Orioles undefeated season continues as they extend to a 4-0 start after taking two from the Kings on Sunday. The Orange & Black is now in a two-way tie for first with Morning Wood. The O’s bats were popping as four different players had four hits on the day with Liam Malsey having five hits. The Orioles mercied the Kings 12-0 in Game One as Matty “The Final Piece of the Puzzle” Conklin tossed a one-hitter. The defense was stelar as well, with the highlight being John Kelly throwing out one of the Kings at first from right field.

Game Two was a little closer and filled with fireworks. The excitement came as Kings Manager became the first player to be thrown out of a game since Charlie Arnao in 2012. Then things got even more exciting as Sean “Ogilvie” O’Connell showed the league why he is the best score keeper in the league by catching a batting discrepancy in the Kings lineup. It’s a good thing Denny Mac benched Sean years ago, knowing his talents lay elsewhere. The O’s would hold off a late Kings rally and win Game Two by a score of 5-4.

Some other highlights on the day, Little Kearney is still batting 1000 as he went 3 for 3 on the day. He was also a DJ the night before the game, joining a long line of Orioles DJs. Brendan “truddleback” Trudden showed up slightly less hungover this week and at this rate will be showing up sober by Week 6. Michael “The Franchise” O’Connell did his best Roger Dorn impersonation at third as he “ole” the ball and did not get in front of it. Michael said he had his future to think about and refused to do calisthenics after the game. Mike “Bird” Reardon had the quote of the day after turning a double play, “It’s not Father’s Day, it’s my DAY!!!”. The Gary “Big Selfie” and Joe “Not John” Master Blaster Experiment at first continues to be a huge success. Two Men Enter, One Man Leave!! Word on the street is Jack Jr, may have to go back to the Jello Shot Jersey by the end of the season. In other News, the Mudsharks lost to Wasted Talent (the team the Orioles swept last week) in dramatic fashion. Apparently, an Army deserter was pitching instead of the Orioles favorite Mudshark Joe Traegler and made the game losing error. There may be dissention amongst the ranks in Mudsharks World.

It was a great turnout for fans on this past Sunday Father’s Day Funday as former Orioles JW, Tommy Corbett, BK, Mike Trischler and Bobby Sacco all showed up to cheer on their favorite team. As of press time, Joe Donlon was still a “No-Show” and continues his reverse Cal Ripken Steak. With four wins under his belt, Mike O’Connell is now two wins away from tying former manager Frank Bassetti’s wins total of six. Oriole Super Fan Mike Stack was quoted as saying, “See Bassatti needed to be fired years ago.” Next week the Orioles take on the undefeated 2-0 Brew Jays at 9:30am. Come on down in your Orange Jerseys and cheer on everyone’s favorite softball team as the magical season continues.


Orioles are 4-0 and tied for first. Let’s go O’s!!!!!!!



Everyone’s favorite softball team took to the field this Sunday, celebrating the start to their 29th Season. There was a different feel in the air as the echoes of failed seasons past seemed to have faded. There were two big announcements made before the start of the game. The first was Oriole Legend Gary “Big Selfie’ Gross has announced that he will officially be starting his summer long retirement tour, where he expects lots of gifts. The O’s played Wasted Talent (formerly Old Head Money Balls) and Manager Pete Torres already welched on getting Gary a gift.

The other big announcement was that for just the seventh time in Orioles History, there would be a new official manager. Sean “Chanalana” O’Connell handed the book over to his son Michael “The Franchise” O’Connell, hoping he can finally bring the Orange & Black a First Place Championship Trophy. Patrick “Fredo” O’Connell was passed over, Kevin “Sonny” O’Connell is just too hot headed to run the team and Richard “Hagen” Juliano is just too Italian to run the team and will still serve as consigliere. Michael promises to settle all family softball business at the end of the season.

With all the pregame festivities finished, the Orioles took to the field with excitement, focus and determination. Things got off to a fast start as the O’s pounded former Army pitcher Lopo for 6 runs in the first inning. The bats then died but the gloves were there to keep Wasted Talent at bay. Eventually the score was tied 6-6 and the game would go to extra innings. The Orange & Black would score twice in the 8th with the second run coming from Jack Allen Jr., as he scored from second while Liam Malsey distracted the Wasted Talent by playing Running Bases. The Orioles would shut out Wasted Talent in their at bats, as Tomas (formerly of the Mudsharks) didn’t score from third because he felt his run didn’t mean anything. The good guys would take game one, 8-6.

Game two was a pitcher’s duel and would yet again go to extra innings tied 2-2. JBSL reigning MVP Matty Conklin pitched amazing on the mound and continues to live up to his nickname, “The Final Piece of the Puzzle”. The O’s would yet again shut out the Wasted Talent in their at bats with stellar defense. Then the big moment came, some would say a Top Ten Orioles Moment. With the bases loaded and nobody out, Big Selfie slowly walked to the plate. Maybe he walked slow to intimidate the other team or maybe he is just really old. Either way, the tension was in the air and the Orioles Bench was going crazy. Gary swung at the first pitch and crushed it into the outfield for a 3-2 Orioles Walk Off Win. The Orioles are now in a four way tie for first and next up is the Kings, this Sunday at 11:30am

Some other great moments on the day, Brendan “Butta” Trudden almost needed a pinch runner due to an extreme hangover. This has endeared him in the hearts of the Orioles Founding Fathers as they have all felt his pain. Bobby Sacco Jr. inherited his father’s base running skills as he ran past second, into the outfield and walked towards the bench as everyone screamed get back to second. He was quickly tagged out by the other team as he still stared at everyone in utter confusion. Oriole rookie Matt Kearney Jr. had two hits in his first two official bats as an oriole. He has patiently waited 10 years for this and he quickly delivered. At press time Joe Donlan was a no show to the game, extending his reverse Cal Ripkin streak of not showing up. As always, thank you to all the fans who showed up to cheer on the Orange & Black. We truly have the greatest fans in the whole league. See you all Sunday!!!


Orioles Win Two. Report to come tomorrow but this video is the best. 28 years later and this franchise is still going and the new generation loves it as much as the Founding Fathers


Here is the upcoming 2023 JBSL Schedule. The Orioles kick off the 2023 Campaign this Sunday at 11:30am against the team formerly known as Old Head. There will be some big announcements made before the game. come on down and cheer on everyone’s favorite softball team.

Photos from O's Pub / Connolly's Orioles Softball Team's post 19/08/2022

While we came up short of our goal of winning the First Place Championship this year, it was still a record year for the Orioles. Very proud of these guys and until next year… LGO!!!!



The Orioles have done the improbable, something no one ever thought was possible when Denny Mac formed the team back in 1995. That is to advance in the playoffs and make it to the Final Four of the JBSL. The past two playoff appearances for the Orioles saw them eliminated in the first round in three games each time. This past Sunday the Orange & Black took on the Brew Jays for a hard fought first round playoff matchup.

Game One started rough, as everyone’s favorite franchise was down early 1-0. Then Brendan “Mr. Oriole” Trudden hustled down the first base line to break up a routine double play and get the dugout going crazy. Then later in the inning, Jack “2.0” (his GPA btw) Allen took matters into his own hands crushing the third ever grand slam in Orioles history and the first ever in the post season. Now that they had the lead they never looked back, as the gloves took over in the field and Matty was lights out on the mound. The O’s would take Game One 4-2.

Then Game Two, looked like the Orioles were going to strike first when Mike “Bird” Reardon was cruising towards home. Then he did his best impersonation of Willie Mays Hays, as he slid two feet too early. Vinny Brew (former Oriole) made a sick catch but didn’t apply the tag and the umpire who will remain nameless made an even more ridiculous call, when he said Bird was out. Oriole Manager Sean ”Mizer” (not a clever nickname) O’Connell got his money’s worth as he argued the call twice. The bats fell asleep, and the Brew Jays took advantage of a very rare Oriole Inning and went up 3-0. The Orange & Black didn’t want to go down without a fight and Michael “the Franchise” O’Connell knocked in two runs in the sixth to get within one run. They would come up short though and lose Game Two 3-2.

The Orioles were off to another Game Three and this time they were determined to get a different outcome. The O’s struck first by taking a 1-0 lead. Things were tight for awhile, but Tim “Pudge” Vega crushed (a single and two errors) a triple, followed by a legit triple from Matty “the Final Piece of the Puzzle”. The Orioles would take a 5-0 lead and seemed to be cruising to a victory. The Brew Jays would score in the sixth and then in the seventh, things got interesting. With two outs the Brew Jays scored again and had a runner on second. The next batter for the Brew Jays would be safe at first and they sent the runner from second on his way home. Joe “Not John” Lynch made a perfect throw home to Vega and he applied the tag for the game winning out. After that insane play and awesome Orioles Moment, the Orange & Black moved onto the second round.

While the games were being played, Former Orioles Manager Frank “Cranky Frank” Bassetti took on his new role as Beer Manager and got all the beer out of the sun & into the appropriate coolers where they belonged. Oriole Super Fan Mike Stack said that Frank was born to fill this role and he approves the promotion. Lee Harvey is apparently still prowling the ball fields, as Bobby Sacco was this week’s victim as he was taken out by stray bullet from behind the Grassy Knoll. Oriole Legend James Albert made it down for the game, it only took him three days to get here as he lives 72 hours away. After the games, Vinny Brew said, “When did the Orioles get so young? That would explain all of Manager Sean’s recruiting trips to Disney World.”

This Sunday, the Orioles take on the defending First Place Champions Morning Wood at 9:30am. So come on down and wear your Orange. If you get there early enough, Frank will be giving a power point presentation on proper Beer to Cooler Ratio Management. Make every attempt to be there and LGO!!!!!!



This past Sunday, the Orange & Black split with The Kings & locked up the #3 seed in the JBSL Playoffs. I can not give an official account of the games as your faithful narrator was living the highlife in the Sunshine State. Quick summary of my trip – went to Disney, got drunk at Epcot, went to my sister’s wedding, hung out with Oriole Legends Goods, Churchy, Doc & Chope, and went to see exhibits on the Fake Moon Landing.

This Saturday is them JBSL Softball Game at 4pm at the BCAC Field. This year’s Orioles All-Stars are Matty “the Final Piece of the Puzzle” Conklin, Gary “Big Poppi Out” Gross, Mike “Bird” Reardon, Jack “JA 2.0” Allen, Liam “MVP” Malsey and Mike “The Franchise” O’Connell. A perfect representation of the Past, Present & Future. There will be drinks and food sold at the field as this is a BCVFD Mardi Gras Event, so please do not bring any coolers.

The Orioles face off in the playoffs against the Brew Jays this Sunday at 9:30am and look to continue their run towards The First Place Championship. Come on out in your orange and support your favorite softball franchise. LGO!!!!!!!



Sorry for the delay in getting out the Oriole Report over the last few weeks, my computer was on the fritz. It pulled a Morning Wood and just decided to forfeit its ability to work. Anyway, after the Orioles swept Inglorious Bastards on Sunday, they are heading back to the post season for the second season in a row. The O’s took Game One 15-0 and then Game Two 9-0. Over 90% of the team scored a run, over 50% had an RBI and everyone in the line up got a hit. The fielding was stellar, and the confidence was high. More importantly, the Baby Birds were all early for the game. Some say it was because they were fired up to play, some say it was their dedication to the team, others say it’s because we called their parents and begged them to wake them up.

At first the Black & Orange’s bats got off to a slow start. Things looked even glimmer when Orioles Captain Matt Kearney appeared to have been shot in the hamstring by Lee Harvey Oswald sprinting up the baseline. Then Oriole Fanatic Brendan Trudden forgot the meaning of “run on contact” and did his best impersonation of a deer in headlights. Brendan was the first Oriole ever to be out at first, then safe, then out at second, then safe, then safe at third and then out at third in the same at bat when he literally danced around third base base. As always though, the bats woke up at the sound of the first beer cracked and everything came up Orioles.

This past Sunday saw the return of CJ, who decided to finally listen to his alarm clock instead of last call. MVP goes to Reardon, who offered up his chauffer service to personally transport CJ to the field cutting into his precious drinking time. The Orioles also brought up Shortstop James Mangan from the farm system just in time for the playoff run. Mangan wore New Shawn’s Jersey making him the 25th Oriole to wear this actual jersey. He also makes the fifth rookie on the Orioles roster this year, and there are coming up through the farm system. Michael O’Connell continued to show that he has ice in his veins as he continues to draw the most walks in the league. He also continues to lose 2 quarts of blood a game as he continues to bust open the same scab on his knee. Liam Malsey returned to the Outfield to team up with Jack Allen & John Kelly to now have an All Gold Glove Outfield. Steeler went 3 for 3 and now has a six-week hitting streak, he looks to tie the record next week currently held by Jimmy Ferchland. He can also break Jimmy Ferchland’s record of most sweat poured out of the body in one season. Matty “The Final Piece of the Puzzle” Conklin continued to dominate on the mound showing everyone he is by far the best pitcher in the league. Throwing twelve shutout innings, striking out six batters on the day, while crushing 18 Miller Lites.

Next Sunday the Orange & Black take on the Kings (I think that is their name) at 11:30am as they fight for playoff seeding. Come cheer on your favorite team and watch the youngest team in the league show all the old men how it’s done.

Videos (show all)

Orioles Win Two. Report to come tomorrow but this video is the best. 28 years later and this franchise is still going an...
Big Selfie realized parking is going to be tight this season at the fields, so he will be biking it now.
The moment Orioles History was made. We came up short on advancing in the playoffs but that God awful streak is finally ...
In light of a tough opening day loss, Michael Henglien has an important message regarding the future of the Orioles
Orioles 2003 video opening
