Shine Pediatric Occupational Therapy, LLC

Shine Pediatric Occupational Therapy, LLC

Offering outpatient and school-based Occupational Therapy to children and adolescents.


Announcement: I am now a certified BabyNet provider! BabyNet is a comprehensive Birth to Three program in South Carolina, focused on addressing developmental concerns in infants and toddlers. If you suspect any issues with your child's behavior, social skills, emotional skills, feeding, or developmental milestones, please get in touch with BabyNet for professional guidance. Anyone can refer, including a child’s teacher, caregiver, family member or parents! Timely intervention is crucial for optimal outcomes. Feel free to reach out to me for any clarification on the process!

Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood | 🎶Grown Ups Come Back! 🎶| PBS Kids 08/07/2024

Going back to school in the Fall can be tough for everyone. With a few of these suggestions below, your child may have an easier time transitioning to being at school without you there.

1) Read “The Kissing Hand” to your little one. Discuss how Ricky Raccoon is similar to your child and that your love always goes with them wherever they go. The concept is tangible and provides a hands on approach to self regulation. It’s also a form of co-regulating with your child which is the most effective way to instill emotional regulation in your child.

2) watch this awesome Daniel Tiger video about how “Grown Ups Come Back”…catchy little tune that you won’t be able to get out of your head. 😬

3) Quick goodbyes: take time with your kiddo before you get into the car to go to school and give your big school day hugs while still at home. Once you are at school, make the goodbye quick and easy. It will be hard to leave your baby, but I promise you they will have fun and be amazed while you are gone.

4) Model the behavior. Kids feed off what they see from their parents. If parents seem nervous, anxious, etc then the child picks up on that. Be strong for your kiddos and say, “You are going to have a wonderful day and I’ll see you soon!”…Your excitement is surely contagious!

5) Make a social story or homemade book about the school. Drive by and take real photos of what the school looks like, a picture of their classroom, a picture of the lunch room/cafeteria, etc. You may need permission from the Head of school, but most will say yes if you tell them what it’s for!
By taking all the photos and making a book out of them, you’re giving your kiddo a real idea of what it’s going to be like in advance.

PM me any other questions!

Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood | 🎶Grown Ups Come Back! 🎶| PBS Kids Sing along with Daniel and his friends to 🎶Grown Ups Come Back!Watch full episodes and play Daniel Tiger games at games and w...


💕💕There is nothing wrong with shyness in a child. There is something wrong with thinking
they should be comfortable with people they don’t have a relationship with.” 🙌🙌


Photos from Shine Pediatric Occupational Therapy, LLC's post 16/04/2024

When you sponsor the team…you can also pick the mascot! Go Shih Tzus! (That’s my main man Sawyer, my 2nd baby.)

What Does Psychological Assessment for Children Look Like? — Unlocked Potential, PLLC 08/03/2024

My sister is a Pediatrician in WV and she shared this on her company website. Please take a moment and read this. The importance of this type of testing is explained for parents, teachers and therapists and gives helpful insight of the process.

What Does Psychological Assessment for Children Look Like? — Unlocked Potential, PLLC Psychological assessment isn't as mysterious as it sounds. Dr. Jenna Wallace shares insight into what the process looks like and how it can benefit children and their families.


I’m so grateful for all the families, teachers, and children who put their trust in me. The kids I help are so special to me and I remember each one of them, even from 20 years ago! I love you, Shine Families!!! Thank you so much. 🌹🤍


Activity Analysis-OTs have a trained eye for being able to look at a child performing a task and quickly decide a few things:
1) What part of this activity is causing difficulty for this child?
2) Does this activity interest this child and does it incorporate the child’s favorite ways to engage? (Motivating factor?)
3) What muscle groups are involved?
4) How is the child positioned to be successful in this task?
5) Does this task need to be upgraded or downgraded? (Made easier or harder)
6) How does this task encourage strength by addressing a deficit?

It’s science, my friends. 🤓😁 And it takes the gentle, patience and watchful eyes that only an OT is trained to do. We are able to pick appropriate activities for individual children based on their strengths and deficits.

When I was working one day, I had a teacher ask, “So you are just really playing and making crafts.”

Instead of getting upset, I realized that this teacher just needed a better understanding of what we do for a living and all the science behind it. We are making a special connection with each child on our caseloads and saying, “Yes, friend, You CAN do hard things!”


When a child tears a piece of paper, they improve hand strength and endurance in the small muscles in the hand. These intrinsic muscles are important in so many fine motor skills, including those important to handwriting and coloring, managing buttons and zippers, manipulating pegs, and more.


Just in case you can’t hear me…here’s a photo 🤣

Has anyone had experience with these? Headphones often embarass some of my older kiddos on my caseload. If you’ve tried these, please comment. 💪🏼👂🏼💆🏼‍♀️



Extremely Helpful!

Home | ICSL 02/12/2023

I’ve spent the last 2 days in CE for learning for DIR:Floortime and I am so grateful for this course coming to Charleston this weekend.
(D-Developmental; I-Individal differences and R-Relationship based treatment).

I’ve attached the link for any parents, teachers and therapists who are interested in certification.

Relationships with children on your caseload is the foundation for building a successful treatment plan. Treatment becomes more about building a relationship with the child than meeting goals. We aren’t “training” children to complete a task or to stop a negative behavior; we are building a relationship based approach to development, which promotes achieving developmental milestones naturally. For our neurodivergent kiddos (ADHD, Autism, etc) this is the preferred method of treatment for children. The American Academy of Pediatrics supports this over ABA therapies because it is evidence-based.

Please contact me if you’d like to ask some questions.

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✨ If you would like to be kept in the loop on everything Neurochild, please submit your details here:

✨Check out our website:

[ID: a little boy is seen sitting on the ground absorbed into playing with a musical toy. The words "Scientists have recently determined that it takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain - unless it is done with play, in which case, it takes between 10-20 repetitions." —Dr. Karyn Purvis is written on top of the image.]


I wanted to share this picture of a Japanese classroom. From a perspective of attention and focus, the classroom limits the amount of visual distraction by keeping walls free of posters, bright colors, any kind of text or distraction.
The tone is set by the teacher, which in turn allows the child to experience calmness, security, and decreased stimulation when entering the room. In this case, the teacher can control the level of distractions, which in turn can lead to calmer emotions, increased focus and less distractibility.

What the teacher is saying and drawing/writing becomes the main focus. Nice!


Time management and organization are both areas of difficulty for our kiddos with ADHD. I love these checklists. We can help them with regulation by providing visual and tactile cues like these boards.
You can make your own list of activities (make bed, get dressed, brush teeth, eat breakfast, water bottle, shoes on, get backpack, leave for school) on the paper that comes with the set and you can make one for school or at home. Often, kids have a difficult time especially with morning routine at home and then again once they arrive at school. You can help your child by finding out what the classroom expectation is from your child’s teacher for the classroom A. M. routine and write in (or use a graphic for our friends who are still learning to read). This practice not only helps the teacher because your child will need less direction from them and instead use this chart. Once a task is completed, it’s rewarding for them to check off completion of the task! Independence helps build confidence…
Visual schedule boards are a great way to help kids know what to do next!
These ones are my favorite…They are 20% off right now and come with a pack of 4!


Build grasp strength and visual motor skills with these cute and fun alphabet clips! Kids love them! Found these at Target last weekend in $1 bin. :)


We are still looking for the right person to share our space!
$450 per month; available Wed through Saturdays. You will also be responsible for a cut of utilities and internet (split 5 ways).
Great for tutoring, OG, SLP, OT, PT, childhood counseling services, etc. (Space is shared with me, as I am there on Mon and Tuesdays).

Happy to also show you the property to help you decide if it’s right for you.

1173 Southgate Dr.
2nd floor
Suite B

[email protected] for more info and pictures.

Photos from Shine Pediatric Occupational Therapy, LLC's post 26/04/2023

Happy OT Month! I celebrated this month by educating students at Ashley River Creative Arts Elementary School on what is “Occupational Therapy”, who might need our help, settings we work in, and why I love my job so much!

OT is a great profession if you:
Like helping people
Like to be creative
Enjoy working with others
Enjoy educating people
Enjoy science, learning about human anatomy, and inventing things.

Like to solve problems by thinking of creative solutions.

The word “occupation” encompasses every activity you need to perform on a daily basis! …AKA….the things in life that make us feel happy by helping us to have a meaningful life through occupation. OTs help people of all ages with ANY activities they need to be able to do if there is delay or inability to complete those tasks. Being creative is so important because OTs are the people who FIND WAYS to give meaning back to a person’s life and we are responsible for finding and making “tools” to accomplish this!
Self care, school participation, socialization, executive functioning, self regulation and play are some of the activities that children may need help with if they can’t perform a certain skill and OTs make it all possible by being innovative, creative and artistic! We are magic makers for sure!

We are all college graduates with a Masters or Doctorate. We enjoy science, learning about muscles, joints and the brain, and we are good problem solvers. STAY IN SCHOOL!

So grateful to share my profession with our future generation…


Photos from Shine Pediatric Occupational Therapy, LLC's post 10/04/2023

Hi friends! Office space is still available. :) Email me to find out more!
[email protected]


Does this resonate with you?

Photos from Shine Pediatric Occupational Therapy, LLC's post 29/03/2023

Looking for a space for providing services or practicing your profession?
I am a pediatric OT and I have space available to rent. $375 Per month. Available Wed through Sunday. Great for Wellness professionals.

660 sq. ft., 2nd floor with stairs.
Use of the Kitchen, fridge and spacious backyard. Safe neighborhood.
I will also request 3 references.

Please PM me for specific address, but location is Northbridge Terrace area near Locals and Eurofoods.


Love this and so true.

There are many reasons why a child may behave a certain way. Take the time to check in with your children about their feelings!

Photos from Shine Pediatric Occupational Therapy, LLC's post 11/03/2023

Almost there!!!!

Timeline photos 08/03/2023

Valuable tidbit ❤️

Photos from Shine Pediatric Occupational Therapy, LLC's post 06/03/2023

I want to thank all my families, kiddos and supporters who have believed in me, supported and cheered me on for the last 5 years!
I am now offering outpatient services to children and families and I’m looking for a speech therapist to come join me (part time hours) and be included in the Wellness team that we are GROWING.
You will be in a very loving environment with kind, compassionate, hard-working people!

My colleagues who share the space with me specialize in lifespan counseling services, parent coaching, parent/child counseling and interaction, play therapy, mental health concerns and overall well-being. I’d love to add a speech therapist or other “wellness” professional to our amazing team.
Please PM me for details!

1173 Southgate Dr. Suite B


✨ If you would like to be kept in the loop on everything Neurochild please submit your details here:

✨ Support us through crowdfunding here:

[ID: a father and son are seen smiling together near a campfire, having accomplished it getting started. The words "It's great if a kid finds manipulating numbers comes naturally, or starts reading at age three. But it's just as wonderful if a child has a real sense of when things are out-of-place and likes organizing, or loves working with wood, or has a knack for growing things, or a seemingly innate sense of the right thing to say when someone is sad." —Idzie Desmarais is written on top of the image.]

Photos from Shine Pediatric Occupational Therapy, LLC's post 02/03/2023

Interested Wellness professionals please read about open office space available…

Hi friends, It’s official!
I’ll be offering outpatient pediatric OT and move in date is this weekend! Please see the ad below that explains the property. We are looking for one more person to join our Wellness Group.

1173 Southgate Drive
Chas., SC 29407
(Behind Euro Foods & next to T-Bonz)
Rose Cummings 843-509-6186

Come join our wellness crew! We have one licensed counselor & therapist, two occupational therapists and one certified parent/life coach and we have one office space left available. While we would love someone in the healing arts such as another counselor or therapist of sorts (mental health, physical, massage, music therapy etc.), many others could use this space as well such as an esthetician, dietitian, attorney, accountant or a tutor. The space is upstairs and about 160 sq ft, has a window, and hardwood floors. It is housed in a brick building with a lobby, kitchen and 1.5 baths. It’s also only a few minutes to the interstate and 8 minutes from downtown Charleston.

If you are interested at all, please reach out so that I can show it to you.

Rent is $650/month plus a share of the utilities.

Photos from Shine Pediatric Occupational Therapy, LLC's post 27/01/2023

Love is in the air and who doesn’t love a good ‘ole game of TWISTER! Have you ever played FINGER TWISTER? ❤️🫶🏼💘 🫶🏼✌🏻👌🏻🤘🏼👍🏼👎🏻🤟

This activity assists with developing grasp patterns because we are practicing finger isolation. Not only that, we are practicing our dexterity, following directions, taking turns, visual motor skills, and strength! Our tiny intrinsic muscles in our hands are tired after we play this game!

There is so much more than “just playing games.” All of these motor development concepts are happening during this activity. OTs are experts on activity analysis and being able to decide which activities will target certain goals.
We make learning fun and occupation based. Kids need fun and happy people to learn best. :)

Occupational Therapy Scope of Practice | AOTA 11/01/2023

Did you know that Occupational Therapy got its start, in part, during the “Age of Enlightenment” in the 1700’s?

Phillipe Pinell, MD and William Tuke began to CHALLENGE old beliefs that mentally ill people should be chained up and kept in locked asylums. Treatment for the mentally ill thus became based on purposeful daily activities.

I often get asked, “What do OTs do?”
The easier question to answer would be “What do we NOT do?”

Our profession is rooted in concepts from nursing AND mental health.

“Occupational Therapy practioner’s use their knowledge and skills, including therapeutic use of self, to help client’s conduct or resume DAILY LIFE OCCUPATIONS that support function and health throughout the lifespan. Participation in occupations that are MEANINGFUL to the client involves, EMOTIONAL, PSYCHOSOCIAL, COGNITIVE and PHYSICAL aspects of performance.”—the American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Nov/Dec 2021, Vol 75, Suppl. 3

I work in schools, so if your child needs any kind of help socially, emotionally, physically or cognitive, I’m your person. I can address help for your child at any age, but I really enjoy elementary/early middle school aged kiddos!

Our scope of practice is quite varied and is listed on the AOTA website as an official document. If you are unsure of whether or not OT would be good for your child, just take a look at our Position Statement. You will be very surprised at everything we CAN do and ways we can help you and yours.

Occupational Therapy Scope of Practice | AOTA Learn about scope of practice for occupational therapy practitioners, state regulations, and the latest scope of practice advocacy efforts.

Videos (show all)

When you sponsor the team…you can also pick the mascot! Go Shih Tzus! (That’s my main man Sawyer, my 2nd baby.)
When you sponsor the team…you can also pick the mascot! Go Shih Tzus! (That’s my main man Sawyer, my 2nd baby.)
Did you know that drawing/art skills help improve penmanship and also help target spatial awareness, near point copying,...
How to Make a Rain Gauge with Eva Lisi
Wet Try for letter “I”.
