Cgmi agudama Epie provincial hqtr

Cgmi agudama Epie provincial hqtr

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# agudama epie
# Be part of Reverend's care kitchen this sunday 11 december 2016. love is not express only in words but in action. remain blessed.






TEXT: PS 107 VS 21 ~ 22, COL 1 VS 17, LUKE 17 VS 11 ~ 17


CGMI Above Only Devotional

# Cgmi agudama Epie
# Church of God Mission International
Above Only Daily Devotional
Monday, November 21
Being Sensitive to the Holy Spirit
John 16:23-24 & 27 (GNB) Revelation 22:17 (KJV & GNB)
And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. *The Spirit and the Bride
say, "Come!" Everyone who hears this must also say, "Come!" Come, whoever is thirsty; accept the water of life as a gift, whoever wants it.
The Bible describes the Church as the Bride of Christ, (Rev.19:7-9 and Eph. 5:23 & 32). Now, as the Bride of Christ we must remain on the same page with the Spirit of God. We must flow in the same direction and frequency as the Spirit at all times. Everything Jesus did was done via the power of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 4:1 reveals that Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted. In Acts 1:2, Jesus gave instructions to His disciples by the power of the Holy Spirit. Hebrews 9:14 confirms that it was by the Spirit that Jesus offered Himself unto God. Jesus knew that the disciples would not be successful without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and that is why He instructed them to wait until they were empowered with the Spirit, Luke 24:49.
In the same way, we too cannot be successful without the help of the Spirit of God. It was via the Holy Spirit that the saving knowledge of Christ was revealed to you, 1Cor.12:3. God has also anointed you with His Spirit in the same way He anointed Jesus. Now, God wants you to develop a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a Person and He has a will,
1Cor.12:11. Continually seek to understand Him and to please Him; not to grieve Him, Eph.4:30. God wants us to believe, depend on and yield more to His Spirit. Prayer is a major place where we can be empowered and yield more to the Spirit of God. One major area that God wants us to follow the leading of the Spirit is in the area of reaching out to the lost. Yearn today that you will flow in the same passion and frequency of the Spirit to reach out and touch lives by the power of God.
PRAYER FOCUS: Dear Father, I receive grace to be more sensitive to your Spirit and to flow in the same passion and frequency with your Spirit.
Empowered to Occupy Till He Comes...


# The latest couple in town


# cgmi agudama epie
# Thanksgiving celebration


# cgmi agudama
# thanks giving celebration


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# from the Rev desk
# In , you have protection. I declare you are protected as you go in and out; your future is secured. God will protect all of His investments in your life for this nation and the coming generation, in Jesus name. Amen


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# Count Down, 8 more days to our Annual Thanks Giving # date 19/11/2016/ # time 7:00 am # VENUE : CHURCH auditorium agudama Epie provincial hqtr yenagoa bayelsa state royal fm street
For more information call # 07033745400


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# wisdom Nugget
# According to Ephesians 6:12, there are four corners of any society as follows:
1.Politics/goverment (principalities)
2.Economy (powers)
3.Culture (rulers of darkness)
4.Spirituality (spiritual wickedness)

For real power to be effective, it must sit on these four corners. For you to effect change, you must leave your corner, your comfort zone, and take centre stage.


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# from the Rev desk
# You are not succeeding until there is a conspiracy against you, because your success will unify your opponents.
Do not take opposition against you as bad, do not focus on your enemies; learn that God prepares a table for you in the presence of your enemies.


CGMI Above Only Devotional

# Cgmi agudama Epie
# Above only
# Above Only Devotional
Above Only Daily Devotional
Tuesday, November 8
Vital Truths about our Trials (2)
Philippians 1:12 & 20 (GNB)
I want you to know, my friends, that the things that have happened to me have really helped the progress of the gospel. *My deep desire and hope is that I shall never fail in my duty, but that at all times, and especially right now, I shall be full of courage, so that with my whole being I shall bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die.
In John 4:3-4, the Good News Bible shows us that Jesus had to go through Samaria on His way to Galilee so that He could come in contact with the woman by the well and minister to her. After he ministered to her, through her a lot of people in Samaria came to know Jesus for themselves, John 4:39-41. You and I will also have to go through certain things and certain places so that in the process of our experience God can touch lives and bless people.
Whatever you are going through will surely work out together for your good so what you should be asking yourself is how you can take advantage of what you are going through to bring glory to God and advance His Kingdom. This kind of attitude and mindset can make us victorious and able to turn even seemingly adversities into advantages for the kingdom of God. Just because of the beating and imprisonment of Paul and Silas in Acts 16:22-34, the jailer and his entire household eventually received the gospel of Christ and got saved.
The mindset Apostle Paul had in our text above is one that we need to increase in every single day. We need to be so full of courage. We need to be so resolute about doing the will of God and preaching the gospel no matter what we are going through. We need to be ready to honour Christ with our whole being whether it will cost us our lives or not. Revelation 12:11 says that they overcame the devil by loving not their lives unto death. This means that not being afraid of what we go through is a key to overcoming the devil in our lives.
PRAYER FOCUS: Ask God for the grace and mindset to always glorify Him and do His will no matter what you are going through.
Empowered to Occupy Till He Comes...


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# from the Rev desk
# God is never intimidated by anything that is happening in your life. Everything God has promised you has nothing to do with what you can do.

After you have watched and prayed, believed to receive, fasted and yet it seems like it's not coming forth; wait to hear God speak concerning you.


# Cgmi agudama Epie


CGMI Above Only Devotional

# Cgmi agudama Epie
# Above only
# Above Only Daily Devotional
Thursday, November 3
Grace Not to Be Devoured
1 Peter 5:7-10 (NIV)
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.
One major area that the enemy repeatedly endeavors to attack is your faith in God. He does this by attacking and devouring the Word of God that is in your heart. In the parable of the sower, Jesus described the Word of God as the seed and the seeds that fell by the way side as those who hear God's Word and don't understand it, Matt.13:19. The devil will try to confuse and distract you from hearing and understanding God's Word, but you must not allow him to. You must be deliberate about allowing the Word of God to take deep root in your heart via strong meditation and prayers. You must also be deliberate about not getting offended and thus, letting go of the Word of God in times of tribulation and persecution, Matt. 13:20-21.
Also, do not allow the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches to choke the Word of God from your life. Instead, use the Word of God to choke life out of that fear that is attempting to disrupt the peace in your heart, Matt. 13:22. Meditate and pray on God's Word, understand it, hold unto it in time of trials, act on the Word of God. The Word of God will progressively produce fruit in your life, Matt.13:23. Your faith and life will not be devoured by the devil. It may be difficult to resist, but if you choose to keep resisting, God will continue to strengthen you. Do not be ignorant of the devil's devices and do not be ignorant of God's mighty weapons that are available to you to have victory over those devices.
PRAYER FOCUS: Declare God's Word and promises over your life right now. Declare in faith that you will never let go of God's Word.
Empowered to Occupy Till He Comes...


# Cgmi agudama agudama Epie
# Bishop Oyedepo will be with us live at the Balm of Gilead City Today and Friday...


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# Theme of the month # November


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# You can inherit a man's wealth but not his worth. A man can give you his heavyweight championship belt. But he cannot give you the skill that He used to get the belt.
-Bishop David Oyedepo.
It's important that you put in the time and work to build you own worth. You must put in the time, because there is a process, there is a path, and there is the reward: greatness. You cannot reverse the order.
Put in the time to build your worth, your worth cannot come from copying. It cannot come from wishing. It must come from the work you put in to build it.


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# from the Rev desk
# You cannot develop in the small cocoon of safety and comfort because some gifts will never be triggered until you are challenged. That’s why if you refuse challenges you’re also refusing gifts, when you refuse gifts there will be no space made for you.

You are gifted for where your destiny is calling you; do not despise your days of little beginnings, you are blessed to make it happen


CGMI Above Only Devotional

# Cgmi agudama Epie
# Above only devotional
# Above Only Daily Devotional
Tuesday, November 1
Thank God For Life!
Matthew 6:25 &26 (AMP)
“Therefore I tell you, stop being worried or anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted) about your life… Is life not more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow [seed] nor reap [the harvest] nor gather [the crops] into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they?
The next time you are tempted to become worried about anything in your life, stop and thank God for the fact that you have life! Do you know that having life is actually more important than having whatever you may be tempted to be worried about? Because you have life, you have hope! Ecclesiastes 9:4 (NIV) says, anyone who is among the living has hope-even a live dog is better off than a dead lion!
Do you realise that the same God that gives you life is beyond able to address that temptation that burdens your heart and mind? Now, if you believe in Jesus, you don't just have life like every other human being does; you actually have the very life of God. He is your Father and you are His very beloved son or daughter just like Christ. In Matthew 7:11 Jesus reminds us
that if earthly fathers can give good gifts to their children, your Heavenly Father will also give you good things when you ask Him.
The God who feeds birds that do not sow or reap and clothes the lilies of the field with more glory than what Solomon was clothed with will feed you and clothe you even more. These plants and animals do not work or maintain a relationship with God; yet God takes care of them. You that can work and maintain a relationship with God will surely experience abundant care and
blessings from God. As you continue to thank God for both your life and for the privilege of having Him as your Father, divine strength and faith would be stirred up in you. God will also continue to bless and preserve your life.
PRAYER FOCUS: Thank God for giving you life and for being your Father. By faith, make your requests known unto Him who is able.
Empowered to Occupy Till He Comes...


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# from the Rev desk
# The comfort zone is not where your hidden skills and gifts are discovered, it is in the daunting challenge that comes with exposure that your gift develops. God is drawing you out, you are moving from lesser to larger, smaller to bigger.


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# from the Rev desk

As this month is coming to an end, let all you sorrow end with it and let the Lord usher you in a new month in Jesus Name.


CGMI Above Only Devotional

# Cgmi agudama Epie
# Church of God Mission International
Above Only Daily Devotional
Monday, October 31
Keep Conforming to God's Will
Matthew 6:32-33 (AMP), Hebrews 10:36
For the [pagan] Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; [but do not worry,] for your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also. *For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
Psalm 138:8 confirms that God will perfect all that concerns you. As you continue to trust in God and align yourself to His will, He will ensure that you experience His perfect will in every
area of your life. Do not be afraid. God has made abundant provision for you to know His will and for you to also be able to do His will. Know that as a child of God, you have the ability to know God's will and to hear God's voice, John 10:27. The will of God is revealed in His Word. As you continually study God's Word and do His will, He will continually reveal more of Himself to you.
Jesus also said that the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth, John 16:13. Rely on the help of the Holy Spirit as you pray and study His Word. Have faith that God will fill you with His wisdom as you seek Him for it, even in your trying times, James 1:2-5. Believe that God is at work in you, granting you the ability to do His good will, Phil.2:13. Patiently yield yourself to God and keep co-operating with Him.
You need to remain patient as you do God's will. Becoming worried will not help you but being patient, joyful and hopeful will produce strength in you to keep conforming yourself to God's will. As you hold on to God in faith, you will keep renew your strength and draw closer and closer to the manifestation of your desires.
PRAYER FOCUS: Ask God to fill you with His abundant wisdom and strength so that you can continue to know and do His will for your life.
Empowered to Occupy Till He Comes...


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# from the Rev desk
# " And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." John 1: 14
" And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ..." Romans 8: 17
" Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High" Psalms 82: 6
Jesus is the Word and we are joint-heirs with Him,
siblings of the Living Word.
In other words, we are the Word of God made flesh.
We don't strive to become His Word but we already are His Word-- we can only strive to show forth the Word which we already are.
We are the Word.
So when the world sees you in our outfits, hears you speak, or listens to you walk and/or work, do you depict the Word you are or do you contradict His own Word (that is you)?
Because, " If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." Mark 3: 25
Don't be decieved--
As His Temple, the carrier of His Word on this earth, you are a house.
Divided against yourself, working or acting against His Word, you will not stand.


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# Tomorrw service is power packed:youth week,marriage blessing and child dedication,be a part of it.Invite someone.
Follow Us LIVE @ facebook @ Cgmi agudama Epie provincial hqtr.


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# Youth week 2016
# CGMi Agudama-Epie Youth Week Commencement 2016. So Refreshing and Glorious!


Youth week 2016


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# from the Youth week 2016


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# from the Rev desk
God never said everything was going to be smooth and perfect... Infact He said you shall pass through rivers; you...


CGMI Above Only Devotional

# Cgmi agudama Epie
# Above only devotional
# Above Only Devotional
Above Only Daily Devotional
Tuesday, October 25
The Heart of a True Servant
Luke 17:7-10 (NIV)
"Suppose one of you had a servant plowing or looking after the sheep. Would he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, 'Come along now and sit down to eat'? Would he not rather say, 'Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink'? Would he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.''
In our text above, Jesus was exemplifying the attitude of true servanthood. True servants take joy in serving willingly and not in the appreciation or special treatment they receive while
serving. Even as a leader, God wants you to maintain the heart of a true servant as you carry out your leadership responsibilities, Matt.20:25-28. You must not allow being appreciated to become the main reason why you serve. Instead, you must take joy in the fact that you have a genuine opportunity to serve and contribute your best to the betterment and progress of the lives and responsibilities that you have been given. Even when you are appreciated, maintain humility because you are a true servant and your joy is that you have an opportunity to serve.
Ephesians 6:5-8 implores us to remain obedient, loyal and sincere, both in the presence and absence of those you are serving. You are to do the will of God from your heart and serve others as if you are serving Christ. You are to be conscious that your real master is in Heaven and that your reward will come from Him. Just as Jesus said, the harvest is plenty but the labourers are few. Today, there are so many opportunities to serve but true servants are few. That is why so many things do not get done the way they are supposed to. Today, God's grace to be a true servant is upon you.
PRAYER FOCUS: Ask God to help you serve whole heartedly as a true servant in every responsibility you have today.
BIBLE IN A YEAR READING PLAN: Luke 10-11; John 10:22-42
Empowered to Occupy Till He Comes...


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# from the Rev desk
# It takes love for faith to work and it takes faith for prayers to produce answers


CGMI Above Only Devotional

# Cgmi agudama Epie

# Above only devotional
# Church of God Mission International
Above Only Daily Devotional
Monday, October 24
You Will Overcome
Mark 10:47-50
And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me. And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me. And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee. And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus.
By virtue of your being born of God, you are a natural overcomer. 1John 5:4 says that whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world and we do this by our faith. Nothing that is against the will of God can overcome you anymore. Actually, in Christ you have overcome already and as you hold on to God by faith, your victory will manifest in the physical. Mark 5:27 - 28 shows us precisely what the woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years did after she heard about Jesus. She confessed the word to herself and despite her condition and the crowd surrounding Jesus, she pressed through and touched the hem of His garment. Many people were touching Jesus but the healing virtue in Jesus responded to her touch of faith, making her whole.
Your faith will make you whole. Your faith would deliver to you the miracles, power and abundance that the grace of God has already made available to you in Christ. Hold on, child of God, and keep pressing into God. Does it not amaze you that the same people who told the blind man to hold his peace eventually told him to cheer up and arise because Jesus was calling him? That is what happens when you overcome. Things fall in place and you see how everything divinely works out for your good. By faith, both Blind Bartimaeus and the woman with the issue of blood rejected and rebelled against their negative situations and frustrations. This is the kind of attitude that you need to have if you want to overcome. Do not give up. The grace of God to be strong and to overcome is upon you today. You will overcome!
Action Point! Remind yourself that you are an overcomer and that the grace of God to overcome is upon you today. Praise God for your victory!
BIBLE IN A YEAR READING PLAN: John 9:1-41; John 10:1-21
Empowered to Occupy Till He Comes...


# Cgmi agudama Epie
# Mens week


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# Cgmi agudama Epie # Thanks Giving of Mr &  Mrs Colins Agu
